Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

I am on a forum its not harassment here it is in the real world when I don't want you bothering me...its like those fuckers that come to my door talking about jesus and shit...shotgun makes them run fast.

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, tough guy? You couldn't shotgun a beer, much less ANYONE who came to your door, poseur.
So we must all be forced to abide by an outdated racist,bigoted religion because a minority of the population wants it.

NO, that's why racist, bigoted, militant atheists like you and the tiny few that comprise your minority will remain irrelevant at best and the object of pity and/or scorn at worst.
I can't wait to see one of these in every state capital or every courthouse where the 10 commandments are shown.

Just as long as you don't expect me to pay for them, go for it.

Sounds good to me...wonder who paid for the 10 commandments ones to be put there?

The same people who pay to make sure big mouth idiots like you don't get beaten down in the street everyday as you deserve. You should be more grateful. A peaceful, orderly society benefits even unworthy shits like you.
It strikes me odd, how such a privileged few can so easily override the will of the majority. When do majority opinions matter? When do their rights matter? Obviously to certain people on this board, never.

When they are constitutional.

When they are in line with your worldview. You deem it constitutional when they see things your way, at no point other in time is that the case.
Every Christian parent should take their children to see that monument containing the quotes of good Christian men. Then explain how Madeline Murray O'Hare was an atheist whose beliefs drove her so insane she committed suicide. But even that story has a happy ending because both of her sons became Christian pastors.

It is a teachable moment.
Every Christian parent should take their children to see that monument containing the quotes of good Christian men. Then explain how Madeline Murray O'Hare was an atheist whose beliefs drove her so insane she committed suicide. But even that story has a happy ending because both of her sons became Christian pastors.

It is a teachable moment.

(My bold)

She was kidnapped & murdered, along with one of her sons & an adopted grandchild. Her surviving son, William J. Murray, did become a minister. See William J. Murray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You keep believing that but like gay marriage opponents,proponents of religion invading every aspect of our lives is quickly coming to an end.

That just shows how stupid you are.

Your answer shows how stupid you are.

More Young People Are Moving Away From Religion, But Why? : NPR

One-fifth of Americans are religiously unaffiliated — higher than at any time in recent U.S. history — and those younger than 30 especially seem to be drifting from organized religion. A third of young Americans say they don't belong to any religion.

I'm sorry to hear that you think that's a good thing.

But it's obvious to even Stevie Wonder that our society is deteriorating.
Morality predates the Bible - long before the Ten Commandments were someone...

Morality predates the Bible | Cooley?

Morality predates the Christian faith. | Cooley?

Christian Bible is Poor Basis of Morality | Atheist Revolution

The idea that our basic laws and values come from the Bible is common among Christians in America and might even be the norm. It's also an idea that is manifestly false: there's nothing in our laws that doesn't have parallels or even demonstrable origins in pre-Christian and non-Christian societies. Christians know this and few would try to deny it, but immediately after acknowledging that this is true they can turn around and assert the opposite when defending their religious faith.

More: Comment of the Week: Faith is Believing What You Know Ain't So

Modern scholarship has found likely influences in Hittite and Mesopotamian laws and treaties, but is divided over exactly when the Ten Commandments were written and who wrote them.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you fear that they will throw a magic spell on you or something ?

Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

no i don't. You righties want to make everyone a fucking retard. See i can do stupid as well, even though you are better at it.
I am on a forum its not harassment here it is in the real world when I don't want you bothering me...its like those fuckers that come to my door talking about jesus and shit...shotgun makes them run fast.
what say you forum moderators?

A week off from the forum to give this primate a taste of what it advocates? After all, if it wishes to silence people, then it should have an understanding of what it asks for. do realize that you have twice advocated for an illegal act.

Defacing money and killing shooting people at your doorstep.

I'll bet your a gun grabber too.
In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!
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In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!

If you still think Mosaic Law is still being applied in Christianity, you are even more deluded than I realized.
Government is secular stupid. Regardless of your religious voodoo.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

no i don't. You righties want to make everyone a fucking retard. See i can do stupid as well, even though you are better at it.

Well, the right must have gotten to you, PB, since you are obviously a rare breed of retard.
Morality predates the Bible - long before the Ten Commandments were someone...

Morality predates the Bible | Cooley?

Morality predates the Christian faith. | Cooley?

Christian Bible is Poor Basis of Morality | Atheist Revolution

The idea that our basic laws and values come from the Bible is common among Christians in America and might even be the norm. It's also an idea that is manifestly false: there's nothing in our laws that doesn't have parallels or even demonstrable origins in pre-Christian and non-Christian societies. Christians know this and few would try to deny it, but immediately after acknowledging that this is true they can turn around and assert the opposite when defending their religious faith.

More: Comment of the Week: Faith is Believing What You Know Ain't So

Modern scholarship has found likely influences in Hittite and Mesopotamian laws and treaties, but is divided over exactly when the Ten Commandments were written and who wrote them.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ban it---I dont' want any moralistic assholes messing with my compass

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