Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!

Lobstar. The crustacean satellite.
In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!

You can have my scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobster. But you lay one finger on my bacon and we'll go to blows!

For the record, I am allergic to seafood. It is a good thing I do not like the taste of it. My pastor is allergic to it as well but loves it.

People are religious.....People are the government....their government laws are secular....not necessarily their speech or actions.....

you lefties want to stamp out any expression of religion everywhere except in churches.....George Washington would be stunned...

no i don't. You righties want to make everyone a fucking retard. See i can do stupid as well, even though you are better at it.

Well, the right must have gotten to you, PB, since you are obviously a rare breed of retard.

we are all special
In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!

If you still think Mosaic Law is still being applied in Christianity, you are even more deluded than I realized.

Templar, I am just wondering. is it even POSSIBLE for you to post an opinion without a personal insult? Not that I mind, because it is an accurate reflection of your lack of maturity, but I just wondered, because I, personally, have never seen you do it.
OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.

Seems like an odd goal.
It also sounds counter-intuitive to convincing people that atheism is a good thing.
People like you give us atheists a bad reputation.
OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.

Seems like an odd goal.
It also sounds counter-intuitive to convincing people that atheism is a good thing.
People like you give us atheists a bad reputation.

He's a fraud, Alan. He just hates Christianity.
In the days of the 10 commandments, god was a Jew. He had a whole list of other things that were forbidden, too, and I am not about to give up scallops, oysters, shrimp and lobstar, much less bacon!

If you still think Mosaic Law is still being applied in Christianity, you are even more deluded than I realized.

Templar, I am just wondering. is it even POSSIBLE for you to post an opinion without a personal insult? Not that I mind, because it is an accurate reflection of your lack of maturity, but I just wondered, because I, personally, have never seen you do it.

When you support someone who is willfully degrading me and my faith? Yes, I will return the favor. I only repay in kind what I am given. If you are mature with me, I am mature in return. If you want to act the idiot, I will treat you like one. If you willfully promote egregious lies over pertinent truth, expect my reprisal. But then again, I believe you have been guilty of what you now accuse me of, you are a hypocrite.
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If you still think Mosaic Law is still being applied in Christianity, you are even more deluded than I realized.

Templar, I am just wondering. is it even POSSIBLE for you to post an opinion without a personal insult? Not that I mind, because it is an accurate reflection of your lack of maturity, but I just wondered, because I, personally, have never seen you do it.

When you support someone who is willfully degrading me and my faith? Yes, I will return the favor. I only repay in kind what I am given. If you are mature with me, I am mature in return. If you want to act the idiot, I will treat you like one. If you willfully promote egregious lies over pertinent truth, expect my reprisal. But then again, I believe you have been guilty of what you now accuse me of, you are a hypocrite.

That is an odd interpretation of events, since I was not even posting to you, about you, or in reference to you, but, whatever floats your boat!

Oh, and BTW, I do not insult you personally. Never have, never will. It is not necessary.

Carry on!
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Templar, I am just wondering. is it even POSSIBLE for you to post an opinion without a personal insult? Not that I mind, because it is an accurate reflection of your lack of maturity, but I just wondered, because I, personally, have never seen you do it.

When you support someone who is willfully degrading me and my faith? Yes, I will return the favor. I only repay in kind what I am given. If you are mature with me, I am mature in return. If you want to act the idiot, I will treat you like one. If you willfully promote egregious lies over pertinent truth, expect my reprisal. But then again, I believe you have been guilty of what you now accuse me of, you are a hypocrite.

That is an odd interpretation of events, since I was not even posting to you, about you, or in reference to you, but, whatever floats your boat!

Oh, and BTW, I do not insult you personally. Never have, never will. It is not necessary.

Carry on!

Support implies intent. You are here defending someone who has outrightly displayed a seething hatred of Christianity. If you don't like being lumped in with people like this guy, I suggest you distance yourself from him.
Still no answer about which religion the posting of the 10 Commandments supported.

I find many things in my life offensive to me and I choose to get over it.

Not sure why others can't.
Still no answer about which religion the posting of the 10 Commandments supported.

I find many things in my life offensive to me and I choose to get over it..

You mean, like SEX PANTHER?

[ame=]Anchorman - Sex panther - YouTube[/ame]
I am on a forum its not harassment here it is in the real world when I don't want you bothering me...its like those fuckers that come to my door talking about jesus and shit...shotgun makes them run fast.

Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, tough guy? You couldn't shotgun a beer, much less ANYONE who came to your door, poseur.
Such a angry child aren't you....still mad over something I said...I can't quite remember negged me for really pissed ya off should really get over it.

Every Christian parent should take their children to see that monument containing the quotes of good Christian men. Then explain how Madeline Murray O'Hare was an atheist whose beliefs drove her so insane she committed suicide. But even that story has a happy ending because both of her sons became Christian pastors.

It is a teachable moment.

Every Christian parent should take their children to see that monument containing the quotes of good Christian men. Then explain how Madeline Murray O'Hare was an atheist whose beliefs drove her so insane she committed suicide. But even that story has a happy ending because both of her sons became Christian pastors.

It is a teachable moment.

(My bold)

She was kidnapped & murdered, along with one of her sons & an adopted grandchild. Her surviving son, William J. Murray, did become a minister. See William J. Murray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not like his kind are bound to telling the truth...I mean it must have been so hard to look her up and realize she was murdered.

I am on a forum its not harassment here it is in the real world when I don't want you bothering me...its like those fuckers that come to my door talking about jesus and shit...shotgun makes them run fast.
what say you forum moderators?

A week off from the forum to give this primate a taste of what it advocates? After all, if it wishes to silence people, then it should have an understanding of what it asks for. do realize that you have twice advocated for an illegal act.

Defacing money and killing shooting people at your doorstep.

I'll bet your a gun grabber too.

Lol's. Guess you don't know the difference between defending your property by answering the door with a shotgun in your hand and murdering people...such a fucking idiot. Kiss my ass boy. Oh and
"Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."
United States Code
333. Mutilation of national bank obligations

Hm I said write on it...seeing how that's not covered KISS MY ASS! :razz:
ROFL...Unfortunately you Christians think simply because we have freedom of religion that gives you the right to assault everyone with yours by pushing it in their face,trying to interject it into schools,courthouses,pretty much are the enemy.

We are the enemy? Who keeps suing to take our faith out of everything we know and love? Who? Do we repress you for being an Atheist? Have you encountered any Christians personally who tried to force their faith down your throat? I mean honestly, you guys are trying to limit the free exercise of religion because its merely offensive to you.

Do you understand how offensive it is when someone like you comes along and refers to me and people of my faith as "the enemy"?
It is an eye opener isn't it, especially since Christianity has been around now for forever and a day in America, but all of a sudden it is offensive to these whack jobs whose numbers are just a few in which are among us now ?

Kidding me right ?
LOL..all of a sudden? Man do you have your head buried in the sand? Shit...all of a sudden...oft. Oh and we are gaining speed and momentum...I guess you missed or skipped those links several of us have posted showing the country is becoming less and less religious and more people are openly claiming to be Atheists...I am a militant Atheist but according to some "atheist experts" xtians I am just a christian hater lol...
LOL..all of a sudden? Man do you have your head buried in the sand? Shit...all of a sudden...oft. Oh and we are gaining speed and momentum...I guess you missed or skipped those links several of us have posted showing the country is becoming less and less religious and more people are openly claiming to be Atheists...I am a militant Atheist but according to some "atheist experts" xtians I am just a christian hater lol...

your words,
OK...we shall see...I see it ending...I am very happy for it as well.My goal for each day is to piss of a xtian around town...sure works well seeing how its so full of the bastards.
Sure sounds hateful to me.
Pissing someone off is hateful? Its just revenge...their goal is to "convert" me...fuck em. xtians run this town...its disgusting...the local politicians beg for the endorsement to win makes me want to vomit.I could piss some xtian off by just saying god damn don't know don't care.
i am truly proud to be your enemy.., GOD sees me as his child and emissary to promote goodness throughout the world. :up:

please join me in a prayer today to help those who are suffering from this disasterous heat wave in our area.., thank you sir !! :clap2:[/quote] you see yourself as a warrior for god eh? :cuckoo:

welllll, yes.., i do.., i believe all us CHRISTians are GOD's emissaries to help save you heathens when the time comes, THAT time will be when you and your kind are screaming and faced with your fate, which as mentioned, swimming in a lake of eternal hell fire and total damnation.
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