Atheists want to ban the word "heaven"

It's your job to prove what you said, not say something crazy with zero proof and say "prove me wrong."

I already did that.

If you claim my numbers are wrong, offer evidence of such.

The universe was created by a zebra fart billions of years ago.

RDD hacked your account, huh. (Because this is fucking retarded.)

You're just upset because you can't win a debate against someone who is mentally retarded, is that it?
And you haven't provided proof for a single thing you've claimed thus far. So where does that put us?


Of course retard, no proof at all....
It's your job to prove what you said, not say something crazy with zero proof and say "prove me wrong."

I already did that.

If you claim my numbers are wrong, offer evidence of such.

The universe was created by a zebra fart billions of years ago.

RDD hacked your account, huh. (Because this is fucking retarded.)

Yep it was retarded, I was providing a parallel to what you said. Seems I was spot on.

You provided proof from a 87 year period, without proof of motive, but we'll ignore that for now. You claimed it was over humankinds existence, you've yet to even enter the ballpark in terms of proving one marginal aspect of your claim.
All I need is proof of this "FACT", let me know when you have some.

So what game do you imagine yourself playing? Do you think that you will prevail in claiming that the death toll from the communists is not what I posted?

Do you think that you can dig up more than 250 million, peace time, murders of civilians by Christians?

Or are you just blowing smoke?

Again Drock, I have provided facts - you have only spouted your bigotry. If you have refutation, feel free to post it.
All I need is proof of this "FACT", let me know when you have some.

So what game do you imagine yourself playing? Do you think that you will prevail in claiming that the death toll from the communists is not what I posted?

Do you think that you can dig up more than 250 million, peace time, murders of civilians by Christians?

Or are you just blowing smoke?

Again Drock, I have provided facts - you have only spouted your bigotry. If you have refutation, feel free to post it.

I didn't claim christians killed more or as many, I asked you to back your claim, and you've been unable to do so.

Name one thing I've spouted that's bigotry, everything you're trying to do is, that's obvious, but what about mine is?

I'm not pulling selective stats from a selective time period to attack a religious group, I could, but I'm not a bigot and that wouldn't do any good.
The last Crusade and the Inquisition ended more than 700 years ago. There were small pockets of injustices done in the name of the Church in Spain's conquest of the American southwest more than 400 years ago and in Colonial America some 260 years ago. Since that time there have been no conquests, massacres, or broad based punative measures of any kind advocated by the Christian Church anywhere. Those who have gone to war have not done so in the name of the Church.

Just this past week Egyptians were burning Christian Churches because of rumors that az new church building would be built. Radical Muslims are pledged to destroy all infidels in the name of Allah. In the 20th Century totalitarian leaders banned all religion, most especially Judaism and Christianity, and massacred millions.

The vast majority of the world's orphanages, free hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, schools provided for the world's poorest people, leper colonies, and other ministries of mercy and relief are funded and staffed by Christians.

Those who want to paint Christians as the blood thirsty evil people of the world are not only prejudicial and ignorant, they are bigots.

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