Athiest Playbook

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?
Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?

I am sure many unwittingly, but I do not do it deliberately.
There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus died for mankind's sins who do not do sin willingly. Not for those who continue to do so.
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I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?

I am sure many unwittingly, but I do not do it deliberately.
There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus died for mankind's sins who do not do sin willingly. Not for those who continue to do so.
Do you actually hear the shit you are saying? Cut the bullshit. You feel you can sin all you want and still go to heaven. I don't want to hear about unwittingly. Please explain what sins you will accidentally or unwittingly commit throughout your lifetime.

All you think you have to do is say sorry to Jesus when you meet him and he will give you a free pass on all your sins. Now I don't believe any of that for a second, but you sure do. This is why I agree with George Carlin. Religion is the greatest bullshit story ever told.

So what sins are you going to commit unwilling or unwittingly?
N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?

I am sure many unwittingly, but I do not do it deliberately.
There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus died for mankind's sins who do not do sin willingly. Not for those who continue to do so.
Do you actually hear the shit you are saying? Cut the bullshit. You feel you can sin all you want and still go to heaven. I don't want to hear about unwittingly. Please explain what sins you will accidentally or unwittingly commit throughout your lifetime.

All you think you have to do is say sorry to Jesus when you meet him and he will give you a free pass on all your sins. Now I don't believe any of that for a second, but you sure do. This is why I agree with George Carlin. Religion is the greatest bullshit story ever told.

So what sins are you going to commit unwilling or unwittingly?

No I don't.
It's you who refuses to understand it.
You have no concept of how the holy spirit works inside of you that changes you from what you were before.
Learn about it a little more before you condemn.
Saying sorry to Jesus will not get you a free pass.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?

I am sure many unwittingly, but I do not do it deliberately.
There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus died for mankind's sins who do not do sin willingly. Not for those who continue to do so.
Do you actually hear the shit you are saying? Cut the bullshit. You feel you can sin all you want and still go to heaven. I don't want to hear about unwittingly. Please explain what sins you will accidentally or unwittingly commit throughout your lifetime.

All you think you have to do is say sorry to Jesus when you meet him and he will give you a free pass on all your sins. Now I don't believe any of that for a second, but you sure do. This is why I agree with George Carlin. Religion is the greatest bullshit story ever told.

So what sins are you going to commit unwilling or unwittingly?

No I don't.
It's you who refuses to understand it.
You have no concept of how the holy spirit works inside of you that changes you from what you were before.
Learn about it a little more before you condemn.
Saying sorry to Jesus will not get you a free pass.
I notice a lot of born again were really sleepy or shady and they feel guilty about their past and they don't do those things anymore. Like drugs cheating or robbing people.

I guess I'm glad they found Jesus. Did you see the story about radical Islam? A lot of them were really bad before they found Islam.
... Hitler was a Catholic.

But not 1.4 billion Catholics are a Hitler - specially not the polish Catholics. So what do you say really if you say so? I could imagine what you say sounds in the ears of a polish Catholic like: '"To be a racist or not to be" is his question - so he decides to be a racist on his own'

At least the German people he led were.

There was only one free not manipulated election where the Nazis won about 1/3 of all votes. In the catholic areas of Germany and in Berlin Hitler had less voters in percentage of the population than in all other regions of Germany.

u'll find atheism often gets confused with anti religious regimes. Considering the dicks Christians were could you blame them?

If I see it in the right way then you expressed in this last sentence a form of hate against Christians. Who teached you to hate Christians, specially Catholics? ¿Stalin?, ¿Mao? or even ¿Hitler? himselve? Lots of new Nazis for example try to call Jews 'Nazis' because they seem to enjoy it if Jews grow angry in such a case.

Who taught me to dislike Christians? Christians!

This sentence is a short-circuit from a banal knowlegde about Mahatma Gandhi. The Mahatma had to do what he had to do without the help of his christian friends. He needed this distance. I don't see anything in you what I could compare in you with his concrete situation. I have the feeling you are lost in abstracta - you are not real. If you attack the religion of other people then you are only able to expect to be killed from your self created enemies. But you don't live in fear of Christians. So you trust in Christians. You seem to be a brainwashed brainwasher. But who washed your brain? Who teached you to hate Christians? Or do you do so just for fun?

Christians taught me to hate Christians.

The Christians you never spoke with had taught you to love yourselve and to love other people the same way.

But not just Christians. Muslims, Mormons, Jews.

I don't know Mormons but Jews? How that? And in case of the "Muslims" you hate (Muslim means by the way only something like "orthodox believer") you should perhaps think about that the words "alahu akbar" mean "god is great[er]". The background to say so is: god is greater than only greatest. It's another expression for the allmighty god - almighty is a little more mighty than only endless mighty. So if one day a "Muslim" will shoot me down, I will maybe die on the paroxysm of laughter that will cause this "religious behavior" in me, if I see with my breaking eyes an idiot with a weapon in his hand, trying to help the allmighty god by murdering human beings. Such brainless extremists are without any fundament in god. Laughable to take them serios. Weapons are their god.

And I don't hate the people.

I understand everyone who kills someone because he hates him. But you are much more worse: You are hating people which you don't know and you try to increase a hate level of others against the people you don't know. You are a propagandist of hate.

I feel sorry for them

Please. No one is an idiot except he makes himselve to an idiot.

for being so stupid and for being sheep. It is why I believe religion is holding us back.

Back from what?

Religion isn't all bad but neither is cocaine.

Karl Marx "Religion is the opium of the people". I don't have any idea why I seem to be the only man in the world who understands the very poetic words of Karl Marx about drugs and religion. What he said had nothing to do with hate. No need for the Chinese to murder and genocide about 100 million people during the so called culture revolution. In this case the traditional religions were indeed not able to hold them back to follow their progressive and agressive atheistic pseudoreligion of hate and murder.

For 10 minutes the rush is great but then you have the other 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day to deal with.

You are using clichees like others are using tattoos. But where you are on your own under your tattoos? Lost in a dark formless agressive nowhere? To deal with drugs is not compatible with the christian religion. No one is able to build up the own happiness on the desaster of others. And you know this.

Whatever. I heard from some wise men on their way to a child in a manger. They say his name is "Immanuel". Hmm ... hope they will find him.

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If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now
Did you ever hear of an event called murder?
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now
Did you ever hear of an event called murder?
Yes, two Muslims murdered a lot of people yesterday.
Jesus died for our sins for all of us because we all sin.
That is different than believing in Jesus and continuing to do willfully what you know is wrong.
This is what I am talking about.
An example would be a drug addict who accepts Jesus and continues to use drugs. They do not let the gift of the holy spirit guide them to not want to take drugs ever again.
What sins will you commit before you die?

I am sure many unwittingly, but I do not do it deliberately.
There is a big difference between the two.
Jesus died for mankind's sins who do not do sin willingly. Not for those who continue to do so.
Do you actually hear the shit you are saying? Cut the bullshit. You feel you can sin all you want and still go to heaven. I don't want to hear about unwittingly. Please explain what sins you will accidentally or unwittingly commit throughout your lifetime.

All you think you have to do is say sorry to Jesus when you meet him and he will give you a free pass on all your sins. Now I don't believe any of that for a second, but you sure do. This is why I agree with George Carlin. Religion is the greatest bullshit story ever told.

So what sins are you going to commit unwilling or unwittingly?

No I don't.
It's you who refuses to understand it.
You have no concept of how the holy spirit works inside of you that changes you from what you were before.
Learn about it a little more before you condemn.
Saying sorry to Jesus will not get you a free pass.
I notice a lot of born again were really sleepy or shady and they feel guilty about their past and they don't do those things anymore. Like drugs cheating or robbing people.

I guess I'm glad they found Jesus. Did you see the story about radical Islam? A lot of them were really bad before they found Islam.

zealots, over compensating, fanatics for the "letter" and missing the spirit of the bible books
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now
Did you ever hear of an event called murder?
Yes, two Muslims murdered a lot of people yesterday.

As far as I can see this was only one of the completly normal american shootings. The american society is unbelievable violent. Such things happen since decades meanwhile everywhere in the USA. The reason for such shootings is sometimes only because someone hates Mondays. Do you know the reason why this married couple murdered so many people?

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If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now
Did you ever hear of an event called murder?
Yes, two Muslims murdered a lot of people yesterday.

As far as I can see this was only one of the completly normal american shootings. The american society is unbelievable violent. Such things happen since decades meanwhile everywhere in the USA. The reason for such shootings is sometimes only because someone hates Mondays. Do you know the reason why this married couple murdered so many people?

I hear Muslims saying they condemn the attack but they aren't very convincing.
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.

You will not be able to name one human being that behaves based upon logic. Everyone of us has behaved in a way that defied logic. Humans aren't logical beings. Asking humans to avoid nonsense is completely unrealistic. The reason a stupid book has lasted 2,000 years isn't because it contains a logical formula to make life better.

A book written 2,000 years ago still has appeal because it is relatable to humans. Humans can't relate to logic no matter how hard they try. Some of them actually do try to live their life by logic. It's cute.

A knowledge of human nature is a lot more valuable than a knowledge of logic. You can master logic but you have to use that logic while interacting with humans. Hint: It won't help you.
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.

You will not be able to name one human being that behaves based upon logic. Everyone of us has behaved in a way that defied logic. Humans aren't logical beings. Asking humans to avoid nonsense is completely unrealistic. The reason a stupid book has lasted 2,000 years isn't because it contains a logical formula to make life better.

A book written 2,000 years ago still has appeal because it is relatable to humans. Humans can't relate to logic no matter how hard they try. Some of them actually do try to live their life by logic. It's cute.

A knowledge of human nature is a lot more valuable than a knowledge of logic. You can master logic but you have to use that logic while interacting with humans. Hint: It won't help you.
That's what they said back in the Greek God days. Then a guy named Hippocrates is often called the father of medicine

He came along and instead of praying to Zeus to get better, he told people to rest, eat better, exercise and take herbal teas. And damn it if his logical way didn't work. Praying did nothing.
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.

You will not be able to name one human being that behaves based upon logic. Everyone of us has behaved in a way that defied logic. Humans aren't logical beings. Asking humans to avoid nonsense is completely unrealistic. The reason a stupid book has lasted 2,000 years isn't because it contains a logical formula to make life better.

A book written 2,000 years ago still has appeal because it is relatable to humans. Humans can't relate to logic no matter how hard they try. Some of them actually do try to live their life by logic. It's cute.

A knowledge of human nature is a lot more valuable than a knowledge of logic. You can master logic but you have to use that logic while interacting with humans. Hint: It won't help you.

The vast majority of human beings are worthless morons. I don't waste my time with them. By the time they are adults they are damaged goods. They have lived 20 plus years learning to believe in foolish gibberish.

A responsible person must think for themselves at a very early age. This is rare as the social pressure to go along to get along is enormous. In many cultures denying the fantasies of goat herders is a death sentence.

I do not need any "hints" on what to believe. Going against the will of one's family and so-called friends isn't at all "cute". It is tedious and disappointing.

Being true to the truth is not a comfortable life. I've made my peace with the price of reason. Still,...I can at least look in the mirror without conflict.

So run along and play your silly games you idiot whores. I just wish there was some epiffany moment as life slips away at the end where the religious must face the reality and their personal wasted lives. Sadly no one has ever come back to explain the difference between nonsense and truth.
He came along and instead of praying to Zeus to get better, he told people to rest, eat better, exercise and take herbal teas. And damn it if his logical way didn't work. Praying did nothing.

Did he rest, eat better, exercise and take herbal teas? Ever seen a fat doctor? Ever seen a doctor that smokes? Ever seen a doctor that didn't get enough rest? Everybody knows that these things work but people rarely do them. The knowledge and logic alone is worthless. Human behavior has to be manipulated. Religion is more efficient at manipulating human behavior than knowledge or logic.

Emotions are way stronger than thoughts even in the most intellectual human.
That's what they said back in the Greek God days. Then a guy named Hippocrates is often called the father of medicine

He came along and instead of praying to Zeus to get better, he told people to rest, eat better, exercise and take herbal teas. And damn it if his logical way didn't work. Praying did nothing.

Just to strengthen my point. Does the term hypocrite originate from the name of Hippocrates? He preached one thing but did another? Logic is useful when manipulating nature. Logic is worthless when used on humans. Using logic and science you can determine that resting, eating better, exercising and taking herbal teas will help you get better. Convincing humans to utilize this logic is way more complicated than that. It is an entirely different art altogether. Sociological elements are way more powerful at manipulating human behavior than knowledge. Religion can create these sociological elements. There are people that would starve to death if pork was the only nutrition available. There are people that would die if the lifesaving cure contained alcohol. The powerful elements that generates this much dedication to a principle isn't based on logic at all. A logical Muslim would eat that pig after 20+ days without food. A logical teetotaler would take that life saving elixir eventually as their situation worsened. An emotional high if high enough will dominate anything that good thinking could offer. People get an emotional high when dying for a cause that probably isn't matched by any other.

Logic doesn't go far at all. Logic needs lots of help in order to be valuable when relating to human nature.
The vast majority of human beings are worthless morons. I don't waste my time with them..

How do you manage to avoid humans? That sounds unrealistic. Excuse me if I don't believe you.

What you believe is your business. Avoiding stupid people is easy. They are predictable.

I work for a boss that I seldom see. Maybe twice last year. My almost only contact with the office is handled by the office secretary. I get paid by checks in the mail. For repairs or break ins I just verbally submit estimates and do the work and just tell them what I fixed etc. Then every other week I get my check/s. I am good at what I do and the proof is that I have never had a problem with the property owners in 6 years. I have access to the ground floor units for doing my personal repairs and those for my friends. I am like a guard/manager with benefits for a very large motel surrounding a very popular restaurant. I keep the property safe for the mostly elderly clients and keep it safe in one of the highest crime areas in North Seattle.

I get to decide who is allowed on the property. So far my "rules" have been endorsed by the owners. I have pit bulls to help focus in on bad actors. It's not a prestigious life but it has been useful building my mobile welding and repair service.

My background as a machinist and custom manufacturing experience speaks for it's self. I did all of the custom manufacture in Bill Gates compound's window treatments, computer controlled shade's, blinds, Venetian blinds etc. I was one of the few personnel with complete access to all areas of the construction.

After the Gates project I worked for myself prototyping a few of my inventions.

I know...why do you need to know the above information? This is because I am describing a life with more personal control than most enjoy. I am respected for the excellence of my work and left alone to accomplish the tasks I take on.
I am also a pilot. I rarely need to go through any government security check points if I decide to use an aircraft. If I fly VFR rules I don't ever need to see another human being for authorization to travel.

I rarely involve myself in these religious threads but the title of this one was particularly annoying as a true atheist has no rule book or guidance. HOW to be an atheist is simple...just be honest to one's self and to others. And I would add to avoid contact with people that have built their lives on fairy tales.
The vast majority of human beings are worthless morons. I don't waste my time with them..

How do you manage to avoid humans? That sounds unrealistic. Excuse me if I don't believe you.

What you believe is your business. Avoiding stupid people is easy. They are predictable.

I work for a boss that I seldom see. Maybe twice last year. My almost only contact with the office is handled by the office secretary. I get paid by checks in the mail. For repairs or break ins I just verbally submit estimates and do the work and just tell them what I fixed etc. Then every other week I get my check/s. I am good at what I do and the proof is that I have never had a problem with the property owners in 6 years. I have access to the ground floor units for doing my personal repairs and those for my friends. I am like a guard/manager with benefits for a very large motel surrounding a very popular restaurant. I keep the property safe for the mostly elderly clients and keep it safe in one of the highest crime areas in North Seattle.

I get to decide who is allowed on the property. So far my "rules" have been endorsed by the owners. I have pit bulls to help focus in on bad actors. It's not a prestigious life but it has been useful building my mobile welding and repair service.

My background as a machinist and custom manufacturing experience speaks for it's self. I did all of the custom manufacture in Bill Gates compound's window treatments, computer controlled shade's, blinds, Venetian blinds etc. I was one of the few personnel with complete access to all areas of the construction.

After the Gates project I worked for myself prototyping a few of my inventions.

I know...why do you need to know the above information? This is because I am describing a life with more personal control than most enjoy. I am respected for the excellence of my work and left alone to accomplish the tasks I take on.
I am also a pilot. I rarely need to go through any government security check points if I decide to use an aircraft. If I fly VFR rules I don't ever need to see another human being for authorization to travel.

I rarely involve myself in these religious threads but the title of this one was particularly annoying as a true atheist has no rule book or guidance. HOW to be an atheist is simple...just be honest to one's self and to others. And I would add to avoid contact with people that have built their lives on fairy tales.

This website is a bad place to avoid stupid people. Keep up the bad work.

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