Athiest Playbook

The vast majority of human beings are worthless morons. I don't waste my time with them..

How do you manage to avoid humans? That sounds unrealistic. Excuse me if I don't believe you.

What you believe is your business. Avoiding stupid people is easy. They are predictable.

I work for a boss that I seldom see. Maybe twice last year. My almost only contact with the office is handled by the office secretary. I get paid by checks in the mail. For repairs or break ins I just verbally submit estimates and do the work and just tell them what I fixed etc. Then every other week I get my check/s. I am good at what I do and the proof is that I have never had a problem with the property owners in 6 years. I have access to the ground floor units for doing my personal repairs and those for my friends. I am like a guard/manager with benefits for a very large motel surrounding a very popular restaurant. I keep the property safe for the mostly elderly clients and keep it safe in one of the highest crime areas in North Seattle.

I get to decide who is allowed on the property. So far my "rules" have been endorsed by the owners. I have pit bulls to help focus in on bad actors. It's not a prestigious life but it has been useful building my mobile welding and repair service.

My background as a machinist and custom manufacturing experience speaks for it's self. I did all of the custom manufacture in Bill Gates compound's window treatments, computer controlled shade's, blinds, Venetian blinds etc. I was one of the few personnel with complete access to all areas of the construction.

After the Gates project I worked for myself prototyping a few of my inventions.

I know...why do you need to know the above information? This is because I am describing a life with more personal control than most enjoy. I am respected for the excellence of my work and left alone to accomplish the tasks I take on.
I am also a pilot. I rarely need to go through any government security check points if I decide to use an aircraft. If I fly VFR rules I don't ever need to see another human being for authorization to travel.

I rarely involve myself in these religious threads but the title of this one was particularly annoying as a true atheist has no rule book or guidance. HOW to be an atheist is simple...just be honest to one's self and to others. And I would add to avoid contact with people that have built their lives on fairy tales.

This website is a bad place to avoid stupid people. Keep up the bad work.

I am already here for my interest in the Seahawks. You provoked my interest in an old post so I find it odd that you are now passing judgement on today's participation. I take exception in describing this website as overburdened with excesses of stupid people.
I am already here for my interest in the Seahawks. You provoked my interest in an old post so I find it odd that you are now passing judgement on today's participation. I take exception in describing this website as overburdened with excesses of stupid people.

I have lived long enough to notice that the type of person that describes people as "stupid" would eventually describe every single living person as "stupid" if he/she had the chance.

People like you don't pick and choose. You think everyone is stupid. You accuse yourself of being stupid more than you accuse others of being stupid. I have lived long enough to see this type of pattern. I doubt you are a magical exception. People who hate people don't discriminate. They hate everybody.
The Bible teaches us differently.

1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. The one who does not love remains in death.

Calling a single human stupid is unacceptable from a Christian perspective.
The vast majority of human beings are worthless morons. I don't waste my time with them..

How do you manage to avoid humans? That sounds unrealistic. Excuse me if I don't believe you.

What you believe is your business. Avoiding stupid people is easy. They are predictable.

I work for a boss that I seldom see. Maybe twice last year. My almost only contact with the office is handled by the office secretary. I get paid by checks in the mail. For repairs or break ins I just verbally submit estimates and do the work and just tell them what I fixed etc. Then every other week I get my check/s. I am good at what I do and the proof is that I have never had a problem with the property owners in 6 years. I have access to the ground floor units for doing my personal repairs and those for my friends. I am like a guard/manager with benefits for a very large motel surrounding a very popular restaurant. I keep the property safe for the mostly elderly clients and keep it safe in one of the highest crime areas in North Seattle.

I get to decide who is allowed on the property. So far my "rules" have been endorsed by the owners. I have pit bulls to help focus in on bad actors. It's not a prestigious life but it has been useful building my mobile welding and repair service.

My background as a machinist and custom manufacturing experience speaks for it's self. I did all of the custom manufacture in Bill Gates compound's window treatments, computer controlled shade's, blinds, Venetian blinds etc. I was one of the few personnel with complete access to all areas of the construction.

After the Gates project I worked for myself prototyping a few of my inventions.

I know...why do you need to know the above information? This is because I am describing a life with more personal control than most enjoy. I am respected for the excellence of my work and left alone to accomplish the tasks I take on.
I am also a pilot. I rarely need to go through any government security check points if I decide to use an aircraft. If I fly VFR rules I don't ever need to see another human being for authorization to travel.

I rarely involve myself in these religious threads but the title of this one was particularly annoying as a true atheist has no rule book or guidance. HOW to be an atheist is simple...just be honest to one's self and to others. And I would add to avoid contact with people that have built their lives on fairy tales.
Doesn't the bible or Jesus say it all boils down to love thyself as much as you love your neighbor? Well then the bible continues to ramble on for hundreds of more pages.

Our atheist playbook boils down to what you just said. I agree. BUT I want to ramble on and add a few things.

The bible isn't suppose to be edited, even though it is. The atheist playbook can be edited as new facts are learned everyday.

Like I never knew fish goats and humans all share a common ancestor. I'm related to my dog. If you go far back enough my ancestor breeded with my dogs ancestor. Ew!
This is why I like to expose religion for the joke that it is. If I were a 15 year old girl and I got pregnant and I didn't want that mistake to ruin my life I would want abortion to be a legal option.

And I wouldn't want a 2000 year old fairytale getting in my way.

I also have a mom with Alzheimer's and anyone who's anti stem cell is pure ignorant.

Religion has held us back 2000-10,000 years. Imagine how much more advanced Wed be without religions. Jews Muslims and Christians all suck.

We might actually have internet, space travel and cellular telephones if we didn't have those damn Bible thumpers screwing everything up.
Truthfully, I don't care what someone does or doesn't believe until that person wants to make laws based on those beliefs...

Well, I for one would feel a lot better if atheists would sit down, shut up, and stop trying to make laws based on their beliefs. I don't know where you live, but in America, where I live, you are free to get as many people as you can on your side of the ball to vote one way and I'll get as many people as I can to vote the other way. Whoever has the most people on their side wins. Not good enough, you say? Get used to it, there's a new day coming.
Why does it matter to you what I believe? I really don't care WTF you believe as long as you don't fuck with my right to believe I am not the center of the universe.

do you ask the same questions of the theocrats on the board who think their beliefs a) should be everyone's; and b) should be legislated into law?
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

It was a great invention.
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

It was a great invention.
There were/are benefits to religion and the god concept but I don't know how you can look at the final product and say it's a great invention.

ISIS, evangelical preachers, pedophile catholic priests.

But I do agree there were a lot of benefits and if it weren't for religions maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But then again there are good arguments that suggest we'd be much better off if religion went away. No wars over it, no shooting up abortion clinics, no suicide bombers for allah, etc..
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

It was a great invention.

I see that you have abandoned your strong Pastafarian ties? :lol: IIRC, you claimed to be an "ordained Minister" for the pastafarians??? :poke:
There were/are benefits to religion and the god concept but I don't know how you can look at the final product and say it's a great invention.

ISIS, evangelical preachers, pedophile catholic priests.

But I do agree there were a lot of benefits and if it weren't for religions maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But then again there are good arguments that suggest we'd be much better off if religion went away. No wars over it, no shooting up abortion clinics, no suicide bombers for allah, etc..

Two biological siblings with the same mother, the same father, the same economic situation, the same ideology and the same training will fight. I don't think religion or politics can be blamed for violence. I think violence is an element of the human experience. We either create violence, receive violence or strongly fight the urge to punch people in the face. An end to all religion would just create a void and religion would be recreated within 5 minutes.
Why does it matter to you what I believe? I really don't care WTF you believe as long as you don't fuck with my right to believe I am not the center of the universe.

do you ask the same questions of the theocrats on the board who think their beliefs a) should be everyone's; and b) should be legislated into law?
Never. My beliefs are private as yours are. I will not interfere with your right to NOT believe in something, as long as you don't interfere with my right to believe as I choose. The 1st Amendment speaks to freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.
Why does it matter to you what I believe? I really don't care WTF you believe as long as you don't fuck with my right to believe I am not the center of the universe.

Of course you aren't the center of universe. We are just inconsequential little specks in the universe. ;)
Ahh! If we are all but specks, what made all this? Go outside tonight and look at the stars. You'll see God.

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