Athiest Playbook

... Hitler was a Catholic.

But not 1.4 billion Catholics are a Hitler - specially not the polish Catholics. So what do you say really if you say so? I could imagine what you say sounds in the ears of a polish Catholic like: '"To be a racist or not to be" is his question - so he decides to be a racist on his own'

At least the German people he led were.

There was only one free not manipulated election where the Nazis won about 1/3 of all votes. In the catholic areas of Germany and in Berlin Hitler had less voters in percentage of the population than in all other regions of Germany.

u'll find atheism often gets confused with anti religious regimes. Considering the dicks Christians were could you blame them?

If I see it in the right way then you expressed in this last sentence a form of hate against Christians. Who teached you to hate Christians, specially Catholics? ¿Stalin?, ¿Mao? or even ¿Hitler? himselve? Lots of new Nazis for example try to call Jews 'Nazis' because they seem to enjoy it if Jews grow angry in such a case.

Who taught me to dislike Christians? Christians!

This sentence is a short-circuit from a banal knowlegde about Mahatma Gandhi. The Mahatma had to do what he had to do without the help of his christian friends. He needed this distance. I don't see anything in you what I could compare in you with his concrete situation. I have the feeling you are lost in abstracta - you are not real. If you attack the religion of other people then you are only able to expect to be killed from your self created enemies. But you don't live in fear of Christians. So you trust in Christians. You seem to be a brainwashed brainwasher. But who washed your brain? Who teached you to hate Christians? Or do you do so just for fun?

Last edited:
... Hitler was a Catholic.

But not 1.4 billion Catholics are a Hitler - specially not the polish Catholics. So what do you say really if you say so? I could imagine what you say sounds in the ears of a polish Catholic like: '"To be a racist or not to be" is his question - so he decides to be a racist on his own'

At least the German people he led were.

There was only one free not manipulated election where the Nazis won about 1/3 of all votes. In the catholic areas of Germany and in Berlin Hitler had less voters in percentage of the population than in all other regions of Germany.

u'll find atheism often gets confused with anti religious regimes. Considering the dicks Christians were could you blame them?

If I see it in the right way then you expressed in this last sentence a form of hate against Christians. Who teached you to hate Christians, specially Catholics? ¿Stalin?, ¿Mao? or even ¿Hitler? himselve? Lots of new Nazis for example try to call Jews 'Nazis' because they seem to enjoy it if Jews grow angry in such a case.

Who taught me to dislike Christians? Christians!

your parents taught you to dislike Christians?......I thought it was the friends you went out and got drunk with......
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
... Hitler was a Catholic.

But not 1.4 billion Catholics are a Hitler - specially not the polish Catholics. So what do you say really if you say so? I could imagine what you say sounds in the ears of a polish Catholic like: '"To be a racist or not to be" is his question - so he decides to be a racist on his own'

At least the German people he led were.

There was only one free not manipulated election where the Nazis won about 1/3 of all votes. In the catholic areas of Germany and in Berlin Hitler had less voters in percentage of the population than in all other regions of Germany.

u'll find atheism often gets confused with anti religious regimes. Considering the dicks Christians were could you blame them?

If I see it in the right way then you expressed in this last sentence a form of hate against Christians. Who teached you to hate Christians, specially Catholics? ¿Stalin?, ¿Mao? or even ¿Hitler? himselve? Lots of new Nazis for example try to call Jews 'Nazis' because they seem to enjoy it if Jews grow angry in such a case.

Who taught me to dislike Christians? Christians!

This sentence is a short-circuit from a banal knowlegde about Mahatma Gandhi. The Mahatma had to do what he had to do without the help of his christian friends. He needed this distance. I don't see anything in you what I could compare in you with his concrete situation. I have the feeling you are lost in abstracta - you are not real. If you attack the religion of other people then you are only able to expect to be killed from your self created enemies. But you don't live in fear of Christians. So you trust in Christians. You seem to be a brainwashed brainwasher. But who washed your brain? Who teached you to hate Christians? Or do you do so just for fun?

Christians taught me to hate Christians. But not just Christians. Muslims, Mormons, Jews.

And I don't hate the people. I feel sorry for them for being so stupid and for being sheep. It is why I believe religion is holding us back.

Religion isn't all bad but neither is cocaine. For 10 minutes the rush is great but then you have the other 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day to deal with.
silly Catholics.....every protestant knows they've already been forgiven if they've asked for it.....
See what I mean when I say Christians get to murder and get away with it? Anybody is sad/sorry after they get an abortion. Its natural. So Protestants get a free pass to murder their fetus'.

This is what I meant when someone said God laws are clear. I disagree. He says thou shall not lie, steal, screw your neighbors wife or murder but none of these things will stop you from entering the pearly gates.

It's the easiest club to get into and there are no real hard and fast rules. Just believe, dunk, pay your dues and you are IN!

The Bible says no such thing.
If you believe in Jesus but continue to sin you will never receive the right to eat from the tree of life.
Revelation 22:14 & 15
14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

The Narrow Gate
(Luke 13:22-30)
13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.

Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (KJV)

Job 38:13
13 That it might take hold of the ENDS OF THE EARTH, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? (KJV)
silly Catholics.....every protestant knows they've already been forgiven if they've asked for it.....
See what I mean when I say Christians get to murder and get away with it? Anybody is sad/sorry after they get an abortion. Its natural. So Protestants get a free pass to murder their fetus'.

This is what I meant when someone said God laws are clear. I disagree. He says thou shall not lie, steal, screw your neighbors wife or murder but none of these things will stop you from entering the pearly gates.

It's the easiest club to get into and there are no real hard and fast rules. Just believe, dunk, pay your dues and you are IN!

The Bible says no such thing.
If you believe in Jesus but continue to sin you will never receive the right to eat from the tree of life.
Revelation 22:14 & 15
14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

The Narrow Gate
(Luke 13:22-30)
13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The earth is pretty well understood today. We know it's spherical and we know it rotates on it's axis as it revolves around the sun. When the Bible was written and compiled, things were different. People believed that we were in a geocentric universe (the earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it), they thought the earth was flat, and other basic scientific phenomenon were unknown to these people.

The Bible doesn't always reflect that we live on a spinning, revolving, sphere... which I would think that God would have known and would have inspired the authors to tell, but he didn't. That is why the Bible reflects that we live on a flat earth.

The term "ends of the earth" is used quite a bit in the Bible. I have received hundreds of e-mails saying "the term 'ends of the earth' is a saying, it's not literal", but they forget that it is a figurative saying today. When the Bible was written it wasn't a figure of speech... it was a fact. Even as late as 1492, people were convinced that silly old Columbus was going to fall off of the earth. But as we know today, the earth is a sphere, and there are no ends on a sphere. Just pick up a ball and find its ends.

Even if one was to accept that God was foreseeing enough to put futuristic lingo which matched the beliefs of the day in. ButJob 38:13 speaks of the earth being taken by the physical ends with "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?"

Other mentions of the ends of the earth can be found in the following places. Deuteronomy 13:7, 28:49, 28:64, 33:17. Job 2:8, 19:4, 22:27, 33:13, 48:10, 59:13, 61:2, 65:5, 72:8.

The ends of the earth isn't the only signs of the flat earth in the Bible. In Job 11:9 it says that heaven and hell's measurements are "Their measure is longer than the earth And broader than the sea". How long is a sphere? There is no length in a sphere. Now a flat two dimensional object would have a length.

Now we get to something that many people have said is proof of the Bible knowing the true shape of the earth. The following verses have been sent to me with notes like "See, the Bible says the earth isn't flat":

Proverbs 8:27- When he prepared the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep

Isaiah 40:22- It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

But anyone with a basic grasp of geometry knows what a circle is. It's a flat, two dimensional object. According to these scriptures, the earth is shaped like a CD. Again, as much as many people want to believe this proves that the world is a sphere, they are only proving the Bible talks of a flat earth. There are many who say "it says circle, it got the shape right". But this was also a common mistake of the day. People thought the earth was shaped like a plate. They got this belief because if they pointed at the horizon and they spin while tracing the horizon, it appears that they live on a flat circle. And they could travel 1000 miles and do the same thing and they got the same result. It made sense.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.
sealybobo is so desperate to justify his hatred of religious folk he dismisses arguments he doesn't even comprehend:

The New Atheism and Five Arguments for God | Reasonable Faith

Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God by Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli

What is the "fine-tuning" of the universe, and how does it serve as a "pointer to God"?

sealybobo has shown no ability to understand much less refute these various arguments. Usually he just links to some amateurish hate site and runs away.

Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.
Actually atheism has held us back.

Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by atheist imperialists like Jules Ferry or atheist fascists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist - Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.
Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says.
You know the materialist worldview is older than Christianity.

I love it how Christians can't even comprehend they are the thing that turns us off to Christianity. If they were better people, do they honestly think we would pick on them? Your problem is you suck and don't know it.
The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.
If you're going to attempt pathetic insults, at least be accurate. By the time Columbus sailed, the earth was understood to be a sphere. They didn't think he would sail off the end. In fact, he was trying to get to India, which is EAST of where he started, by going WEST. The only way that works is if you're sailing on a sphere. Please don't try to rewrite history to make it fit your particular fit of pique.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.
sealybobo is so desperate to justify his hatred of religious folk he dismisses arguments he doesn't even comprehend:

The New Atheism and Five Arguments for God | Reasonable Faith

Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God by Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli

What is the "fine-tuning" of the universe, and how does it serve as a "pointer to God"?

sealybobo has shown no ability to understand much less refute these various arguments. Usually he just links to some amateurish hate site and runs away.

Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.
Actually atheism has held us back.

Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by atheist imperialists like Jules Ferry or atheist fascists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist - Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.
Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says.
You know the materialist worldview is older than Christianity.

I love it how Christians can't even comprehend they are the thing that turns us off to Christianity. If they were better people, do they honestly think we would pick on them? Your problem is you suck and don't know it.
Absolutely you would pick on them. In fact, even more. Jesus was the best there ever was, and the world hated Him. Why would we expect the world to do any better to us? The reality is, the holier a person is, the more they remind everyone else of their own shortcomings. Hatred follows. "Christians" are tolerated as long as they don't really mean it.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

I am an atheist.

But I don't get this shit. Why the fuck do you care if others aren't?
I'm an atheist. I certainly can't speak for anyone other than myself, but while I don't care what anyone believes or doesn't believe, the problem comes when those beliefs become a basis for government policies and laws and science classes.
The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..
That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

No - Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin they will not be saved.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

I am an atheist.

But I don't get this shit. Why the fuck do you care if others aren't?
Better question would be why do they care that we are atheists?

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

I vote for Christians all the time. I must hot hate them that much. So why wouldn't they vote for one of us?

How can you see they don't like you but you don't care they have this attitude about you?
Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

No - Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin they will not be saved.
Bullshit. They all say, "hey, no one is perfect, we all sin, the only one who didn't was Jesus and he died for our sins".

I don't want to hear your spin on it. I get it. But bottom line is that 100% of American Christians think they are going to heaven just because they believe in Jesus. None of them thinks the aren't doing enough to get there. They were told, "you just gotta believe in Jesus"

And you know it.
That was the whole point of what I was saying.
They did not know that the Earth was round, suspended in space and there were mountains and valleys in the deep ocean. The Bible tells us that.
It means God guided the men who wrote the Bible because ancient man knew nothing about the above.
Man made religion had different things holding up the Earth - turtle, atlas(human), the bible says it is suspending in space.

Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Stonehenge man and others knew the earth was round by studying the sun, moon and stars.

Was there any writings that prove that?
Ancient Man definitely knew about the sun, moon and stars, but not about Earth being suspended in space by it's self like the Bible says.
The authors of the bible thought the world was round like a pancake.

Best Answer:It's describes it as a "circle". Not a "sphere"...a circle. Meaning flat and a pancake.

Theists like to point to Isaiah 40:22, which says: "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth".

In Job, the shape of the Earth is a little more specific, when it says that the "Earth takes shape like clay under a seal."
Have you seen what clay seals look like? Flat, and a circle, like a pancake.

I love Christians who try to re-write history. I took another 1492 years for you dumb mother fuckers to believe the earth was round. Don't be so stupid.

Says the one who thinks everybody who believes in Jesus is saved.

I'm not the one who believes that. Christians do.

  • If Humans did not invent Gods then there must be something other than man-made evidence for Gods.
  • No divinely crafted evidence exists that can prove or disprove any God or multiple Gods existence.
There is just as much evidence for Jesus, Jehova, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, Gukumatz, Shangdi, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Garl Glittergold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Cthulhu and almost any other past or present God. When evidence is presented by followers it takes the form of personal accountings of events or experiences, books and historical documents and no other observable, objective, rational and reasonable evidence. Therefore we must assume that all of these religions and Gods are on equal footing and man made as there is not a single shred of physical, observable evidence that can be confirmed to have been crafted by divine action and no single religion can provide proof that invalidates the other religions..

N0- Christians do not believe that.
They know if they continue to sin, they will not be saved. The Bible is very clear about that.
Show me one Christian walking the earth today that will never sin again for the rest of their lives.

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