Athiest Playbook

Why does it matter to you what I believe? I really don't care WTF you believe as long as you don't fuck with my right to believe I am not the center of the universe.

do you ask the same questions of the theocrats on the board who think their beliefs a) should be everyone's; and b) should be legislated into law?
Never. My beliefs are private as yours are. I will not interfere with your right to NOT believe in something, as long as you don't interfere with my right to believe as I choose. The 1st Amendment speaks to freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

Fortunately, I don't need a constitutional amendment to exercise freedom from religion. I simply won't tolerate anyone trying to parade it into my life. A few Mormons found that out when my motion detector water cannon was activated by their walking to my front door.
It's a shame they didn't call the police.

So, you believe that there should be a law that people have a right to disturb me in my home, in order to preach to me, in spite of my "no soliciting" sign?

Yep. The Supreme Court 's interpretation of freedom of religion also protects me FROM religion, which is why there are no prayers in schools, anymore.

Of course, even if it did not, I still will baptise Mormons ringing my doorbell, in the name of atheists everywhere.
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

No one person came up with the idea of a god. Every culture in the world has some notion of a supreme being, and they always have.
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

No one person came up with the idea of a god. Every culture in the world has some notion of a supreme being, and they always have.
And you know that how?

Simple fact. Someone had to come up with the idea first. If no one ever told you about God it would take you years before you invented a God.

At one time humans didn't even talk. When they started it was "ug, sex, eat, cold, mad, happy". It wasn't till later that humans imagined a creator.

You aren't born religious silly
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

No one person came up with the idea of a god. Every culture in the world has some notion of a supreme being, and they always have.
And you know that how?

Simple fact. Someone had to come up with the idea first. If no one ever told you about God it would take you years before you invented a God.

At one time humans didn't even talk. When they started it was "ug, sex, eat, cold, mad, happy". It wasn't till later that humans imagined a creator.

You aren't born religious silly
and... you... know... that... how?
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

No one person came up with the idea of a god. Every culture in the world has some notion of a supreme being, and they always have.
Also, keep in mind that it was our very uneducated and primitive ancestors that came up with God because they couldn't imagine all this happened without a creator. That's no argument for God. That's just the only hypothesis they could come up with. From what they could tell we were the center of it all and we were special.

No caveman was smart enough to come up with the multiverse theory. Doesn't mean it's not true.

Throw out what our ancient ignorant ancestors believed especially when they had no evidence
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

No one came up the concept of god, god came up with the concept of you.
Simple fact. Someone had to come up with the idea first. If no one ever told you about God it would take you years before you invented a God.

At one time humans didn't even talk. When they started it was "ug, sex, eat, cold, mad, happy". It wasn't till later that humans imagined a creator.

You aren't born religious silly

It has nothing to do with inventing or imagining. It has to do with awareness. The true question is, Why are some of us aware and some of us oblivious?
Simple fact. Someone had to come up with the idea first. If no one ever told you about God it would take you years before you invented a God.

At one time humans didn't even talk. When they started it was "ug, sex, eat, cold, mad, happy". It wasn't till later that humans imagined a creator.

You aren't born religious silly

It has nothing to do with inventing or imagining. It has to do with awareness. The true question is, Why are some of us aware and some of us oblivious?
Aware? Think about it. You don't have a clue how we got here. You didn't back then and you don't now. The same questions you didn't have the answers for back then, you still don't have.

But then there are the questions like, "what is thunder?". They used to think that was god. So over time the god concept or hypothesis has actually gotten smaller.

And then consider around 10,000 years ago men made up that God visited them. They had to because people weren't buying into the god concept. Maybe there is and maybe there isn't one. It was hard to get people to join their religions so they had to lie and say god visited. And we've been believing that ever since.

It's not like humans are that much smarter than we were 10,000 years ago. Maybe some of us are but not the masses. The masses don't know how to make a car, turn oil into gas, rub two sticks together, put a space ship on the moon. We like to think we are smarter than our ancestors but only about 5% of us are actually intelligent. The rest of us are sheep. Same sheep that bought into organized religions thousands of years ago.

People used to think the sun was a god to be worshipped. This makes more sense to me than a god made in our image. They prayed for it to return every night it went away. The night was scary. So they prayed to the SUN. Today we pray to the SON.
You are completely missing or ignoring the point. The point is that humans existed for a very long time before "religion" existed. They had no idea about a God.

How do you know that?
Because someone had to be the first one to come up with the concept of God. If no one told you about God what age do you think you would have come up with the God hypothesis?

There was a time when primitive man came up with the God concept, we just don't know when because it happened before recorded history

It was a great invention.
There were/are benefits to religion and the god concept but I don't know how you can look at the final product and say it's a great invention.

ISIS, evangelical preachers, pedophile catholic priests.

But I do agree there were a lot of benefits and if it weren't for religions maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But then again there are good arguments that suggest we'd be much better off if religion went away. No wars over it, no shooting up abortion clinics, no suicide bombers for allah, etc..
Those things would still happen, just for a different reason. The bottom line is, man has the propensity to commit atrocities, and will do so.
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
Simple fact. Someone had to come up with the idea first. If no one ever told you about God it would take you years before you invented a God.

At one time humans didn't even talk. When they started it was "ug, sex, eat, cold, mad, happy". It wasn't till later that humans imagined a creator.

You aren't born religious silly

It has nothing to do with inventing or imagining. It has to do with awareness. The true question is, Why are some of us aware and some of us oblivious?
Yea, he taught himself this

And Muslim kids don't need to be taught their religion either, right? That shit just comes naturally to them. LOL

Talk about brainwashing

This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.


there's a reason they are not hurting others presently and it has nothing to do with you.

This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
So true

It's a shame they didn't call the police.

So, you believe that there should be a law that people have a right to disturb me in my home, in order to preach to me, in spite of my "no soliciting" sign?

Yep. The Supreme Court 's interpretation of freedom of religion also protects me FROM religion, which is why there are no prayers in schools, anymore.

Of course, even if it did not, I still will baptise Mormons ringing my doorbell, in the name of atheists everywhere.
No one has a right to disturb you in your home. You have the right to simply not answer the door, or ask them to leave your property. Unless they pose a threat (is challenging your belief that YOU are the center of the universe a threat) you have no right to assault them with a water cannon.
If they enter your home without permission, by all means, use any means at your disposal to stop them, but until they pose a threat, stop being an asshole.

(bibles are not weapons)
It's a shame they didn't call the police.

So, you believe that there should be a law that people have a right to disturb me in my home, in order to preach to me, in spite of my "no soliciting" sign?

Yep. The Supreme Court 's interpretation of freedom of religion also protects me FROM religion, which is why there are no prayers in schools, anymore.

Of course, even if it did not, I still will baptise Mormons ringing my doorbell, in the name of atheists everywhere.
No one has a right to disturb you in your home. You have the right to simply not answer the door, or ask them to leave your property. Unless they pose a threat (is challenging your belief that YOU are the center of the universe a threat) you have no right to assault them with a water cannon.
If they enter your home without permission, by all means, use any means at your disposal to stop them, but until they pose a threat, stop being an asshole.

(bibles are not weapons)

Feel free to come over to my place anytime, Ernie, and meet my friend: (but, you might want to keep your Bible in a plastic bag)
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This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.


there's a reason they are not hurting others presently and it has nothing to do with you.

So I took a look out of my window at the world, and sure enough, you were right! An inquisitor was right outside my house! After flogging me for hours I confessed my sins...and then I woke up and realized that the inquisition has been gone since well before any of us were born. I take it though that this is some kind of revenge thing for you, huh?

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