Athiest Playbook

I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

Atheism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on the planet.

The Jehovah's Witnesses turn the sprinklers on when they see those whiny pukes start up the walk..

Classic Theist Response fool. LOL.

Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death,incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they areflawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

See also: The Ethics of Belief (a must read), Richard Dawkins on Militant Atheism,Christian Terrorism, Islamic Terrorism, Atheist Terrorism (no link found).

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous

Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago.

You surely have not proved it in your latest speech.

Here is your problem. You reject ALL eye witnesses if they do not coincide with your own beliefs. How convenient.
What eye witnesses? The 5000 that saw Jesus turn 5 fish and 3 loaves of bread into a feast? That must have been real weak soup.
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

Atheism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on the planet.

The Jehovah's Witnesses turn the sprinklers on when they see those whiny pukes start up the walk..
Why can’t atheists just leave theists alone?
  • Because religion has been, and continues to be, responsible for countless horrorsthroughout human history. See also: Religiously motivated animosity, violence andoppression and discrimination.
  • For all the problems we face as a society, many theists choose not only to do nothing to help, but actually engage in sabotage by actively preventing solutions from being instigated, usually by supporting irrational political positions e.g. stem-cell research, contraception, women’s rights, sexual equality and even global warming.
  • Because belief in a god taps into mankind’s natural tendency to defer moral decision making to authority figures (including priests, prophets, holy books, popes, ayatollahs and imams). Acting out ‘God’s plan’ or ‘God’s will’ is a sure-fire way to absolve one’s-self of responsibility for one’s actions. See also: Cituke.
  • Because as a functional member of society it benefits everyone if your decision making process is founded on evidence and reason, not on superstition. Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.
  • Because religious superstition erects an absolute monarchy in a person’s mind. It teaches them to be satisfied with with not understanding the world and represents a surrendering to ignorance under the pretension of ‘devine knowledge’. Many of the greatest thinkers in human history have been repressed, sometimes forcefully, by those with faith. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. See also: Hypatia, Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno,The relationship between science and religion.
Note: The common theist response “Those people aren’t really [insert religion]” is an example of the No True Scotsman fallacy. If all the Christians who have called other Christians ‘not really a Christian’ were to vanish, there’d be no Christians left.

See also: The Ethics of Belief (a must read).

“Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions.” – Blaise Pascal

“No belief held by one man, however seemingly trivial the belief, and however obscure the believer, is ever actually insignificant or without its effect on the fate of mankind” – William Clifford
Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago.

You surely have not proved it in your latest speech.

Here is your problem. You reject ALL eye witnesses if they do not coincide with your own beliefs. How convenient.
What eye witnesses? The 5000 that saw Jesus turn 5 fish and 3 loaves of bread into a feast? That must have been real weak soup.

ALL OF THEM sealybobo.

All 200 miracles in this century --- you doubt every single one of them because you think --- or want to believe ---everybody lies.
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.


there's a reason they are not hurting others presently and it has nothing to do with you.

So I took a look out of my window at the world, and sure enough, you were right! An inquisitor was right outside my house! After flogging me for hours I confessed my sins...and then I woke up and realized that the inquisition has been gone since well before any of us were born. I take it though that this is some kind of revenge thing for you, huh?

If it weren't for the religious folks living in secular cultures, they would still be forcing their beliefs upon us any way they could. That's the only difference between Christians and Muslims.
So in return you feel a need to push your ideas on others then? Clever atheists, so mature and so intellectual and yet you can not overcome the vice that is childish vindictiveness.
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.
I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.


there's a reason they are not hurting others presently and it has nothing to do with you.

So I took a look out of my window at the world, and sure enough, you were right! An inquisitor was right outside my house! After flogging me for hours I confessed my sins...and then I woke up and realized that the inquisition has been gone since well before any of us were born. I take it though that this is some kind of revenge thing for you, huh?

If it weren't for the religious folks living in secular cultures, they would still be forcing their beliefs upon us any way they could. That's the only difference between Christians and Muslims.
So in return you feel a need to push your ideas on others then? Clever atheists, so mature and so intellectual and yet you can not overcome the vice that is childish vindictiveness.

I'm putting in my 2 cents like everyone here, buddy boy. What childish vindictiveness?
This OP is literally the reason I refer to myself as non-religious instead of atheist. Because atheist always seems to entail some smarter than thou condescending mentality. Just let theists practice and talk about their religions in peace. I may think it's silly but they're not hurting me and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by bothering them.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.
It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't constantly trying to indoctrinate (or brainwash) people into joining their respective cults.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

So . . . what about the man-made religions has you convinced? Do you believe all those stories or what? Lol.
Because then they're less likely to join yours?

Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
Short attention span? I'm saying that modern atheism is cultish in that much like religions it has preachers, a clergy of sorts, and unfortunately modern atheism has little to do with rejection of a supreme being rather than it does a kind of signaling of "look how smart I am, I watch the Big Bang theory." It has been hijacked by juveniles who seem to forget that all we are are individuals who reject the idea of a supreme being. Atheism does not and has never had any inherent ties to science nor logic. Those are separate and distinct, and yet, modern atheism has managed to develop an almost dogmatic relationship with those entities.
Thankfully, I'm not in any cults. I think for myself and logic rules the day!
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
Short attention span? I'm saying that modern atheism is cultish in that much like religions it has preachers, a clergy of sorts, and unfortunately modern atheism has little to do with rejection of a supreme being rather than it does a kind of signaling of "look how smart I am, I watch the Big Bang theory." It has been hijacked by juveniles who seem to forget that all we are are individuals who reject the idea of a supreme being. Atheism does not and has never had any inherent ties to science nor logic. Those are separate and distinct, and yet, modern atheism has managed to develop an almost dogmatic relationship with those entities.

It does not! Lie much? Typical Christian. Lol. :eusa_hand:
I'm agnostic (more atheist because I don't believe in ridiculous stories), and I am not "affiliated" with any group. I made my own decisions about these things. No group think going on here! ;)
If you think that today's atheism isn't a cult then I have news for you.

It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
Short attention span? I'm saying that modern atheism is cultish in that much like religions it has preachers, a clergy of sorts, and unfortunately modern atheism has little to do with rejection of a supreme being rather than it does a kind of signaling of "look how smart I am, I watch the Big Bang theory." It has been hijacked by juveniles who seem to forget that all we are are individuals who reject the idea of a supreme being. Atheism does not and has never had any inherent ties to science nor logic. Those are separate and distinct, and yet, modern atheism has managed to develop an almost dogmatic relationship with those entities.

It does not! Lie much? Typical Christian. Lol. :eusa_hand:
Who is a typical christian? Maybe I was years ago but I've been non-religious for a long long time now. The only lie is the one you tell yourself.
It's not. Lol. Man-made religions on the other hand are cultish.
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
Short attention span? I'm saying that modern atheism is cultish in that much like religions it has preachers, a clergy of sorts, and unfortunately modern atheism has little to do with rejection of a supreme being rather than it does a kind of signaling of "look how smart I am, I watch the Big Bang theory." It has been hijacked by juveniles who seem to forget that all we are are individuals who reject the idea of a supreme being. Atheism does not and has never had any inherent ties to science nor logic. Those are separate and distinct, and yet, modern atheism has managed to develop an almost dogmatic relationship with those entities.

It does not! Lie much? Typical Christian. Lol. :eusa_hand:
Who is a typical christian? Maybe I was years ago but I've been non-religious for a long long time now. The only lie is the one you tell yourself.

Yeah sure you are. Lol. Too funny. :p
Only in a more overt manner.

What are you talking about? Lol.
Short attention span? I'm saying that modern atheism is cultish in that much like religions it has preachers, a clergy of sorts, and unfortunately modern atheism has little to do with rejection of a supreme being rather than it does a kind of signaling of "look how smart I am, I watch the Big Bang theory." It has been hijacked by juveniles who seem to forget that all we are are individuals who reject the idea of a supreme being. Atheism does not and has never had any inherent ties to science nor logic. Those are separate and distinct, and yet, modern atheism has managed to develop an almost dogmatic relationship with those entities.

It does not! Lie much? Typical Christian. Lol. :eusa_hand:
Who is a typical christian? Maybe I was years ago but I've been non-religious for a long long time now. The only lie is the one you tell yourself.

I can't respond to what you have said so I'll make a snarky comment.


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