Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Writing Christian Book

The guy wrote the book on his own time. He was fired because he doesn't support gays. While I would disagree with him, he still has that right.

Is it going to become commonplace for people to get fired from government jobs because of their religious beliefs? It's one thing if people push their religion on co-workers. What a person does on their time off is their own business. He didn't break any laws. He merely holds views that are not politically correct.

Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Expressing Christian Beliefs

That's not why he was fired.

Get a real news source that doesn't put a spin on it.

He was a homophobe who made people sick.

Is Jesus Christ a homophobe too? Do you want that on your resume' when you face him one day? I do not think so. This is America. Sodomy used to be against the law. What happened to that?!

Listen up. I am thankful to Clementine for posting this thread. Once again we see that USMB delivers news where the mainstream media fails to deliver. So on that note, I'll have to look up this fire Chief and let him know that he has a few people in his corner. At least a few.
Did Jesus say anything about gays? The truth now....don't bear false witness.
Yes he did.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:22

Jesus IS the God of the Old Testament; triune and in pluperfect unity from everlasting to everlasting.
Leviticus? That's way before your Jesus was born......sorry, liar.
You didn't understand the post. No surprise.

What do you think Jesus meant when he said, "Before Abraham was, I am."?

Time to fire up another brain cell.
Is Jesus Christ a homophobe too? Do you want that on your resume' when you face him one day? I do not think so. This is America. Sodomy used to be against the law. What happened to that?!
respect for Constitutional rights.

Funny you would bring up constitutional rights when this man's are being denied.
Oh? What constitutional right has been denied?

Are you kidding me, Bodie? Give it up.

As soon as he used his supervisory position to endorse a Christian doctrine, he was done.

No portion of government may favor the establishment of any religion over any other: Establishment Clause of the US Constitution.

Including any and all government functionaries.

Ignorance means job loss.

He would make a good kiddy party clown, however.

Regards from Rosie

Yep. The goal is to involve government so thoroughly in our culture that Christianity is forbidden.
The guy wrote the book on his own time. He was fired because he doesn't support gays. While I would disagree with him, he still has that right.

Is it going to become commonplace for people to get fired from government jobs because of their religious beliefs? It's one thing if people push their religion on co-workers. What a person does on their time off is their own business. He didn't break any laws. He merely holds views that are not politically correct.

Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Expressing Christian Beliefs
He needs to take their ass to court. We have a right to our beliefs.

Not in a government funded workplace you don't.

Regards from Rosie

The government has limitations. His constitutional rights.
Oh? What constitutional right has been denied?

Are you kidding me, Bodie? Give it up.

As soon as he used his supervisory position to endorse a Christian doctrine, he was done.

No portion of government may favor the establishment of any religion over any other: Establishment Clause of the US Constitution.

Including any and all government functionaries.

Ignorance means job loss.

He would make a good kiddy party clown, however.

Regards from Rosie

Police and Fire chiefs have been praying with their officers and firemen for decades. What part of "or prohibit the free exercise thereof" don't you understand? There's no such thing as a separation of church and states.

There is no free exercise where the government is the employer.

Free exercise just means we Americans must put up with $cientology among other "religions".

But never ever where the government cuts the checks. Our government must never take any religion's side.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.
Wrong, fella. The second part of the religion part of the First Amendment forbids Congress from passing any laws that interfere with the free exercise of religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
You almost gotta laugh. The jihadists killed a magazine owner in France for ridiculing Mohammed and nobody seems concerned that American politicians take away a man's livelyhood for writing a book that promotes his religious values.
I'm thinking that book "Who Told You You Were Naked?" will make the New York times best seller list.
I hope so. Chik Film A and Duck Dynasty sure did well when the queer mafia tried to hurt them.
As soon as he used his supervisory position to endorse a Christian doctrine, he was done.

No portion of government may favor the establishment of any religion over any other: Establishment Clause of the US Constitution.

Including any and all government functionaries.

Ignorance means job loss.

He would make a good kiddy party clown, however.

Regards from Rosie

Police and Fire chiefs have been praying with their officers and firemen for decades. What part of "or prohibit the free exercise thereof" don't you understand? There's no such thing as a separation of church and states.

There is no free exercise where the government is the employer.

Free exercise just means we Americans must put up with $cientology among other "religions".

But never ever where the government cuts the checks. Our government must never take any religion's side.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.

In a taxpayer funded agency, the "practice" of religion is forbidden due to the government being prohibited from establishing any religion. The government must favor no religion.

That means no prayer in schools, no holiday time for Christians but not Jews or Muslims, etc.
The government must not assist any religion at all.

If you deem that profane, YOU have the problem; not our local, state and Federal governments.

Regards from Rosie

That's your interpretation. The 1st Amendment says government cannot prohibit the free practice of religion. When you have government doing just that, you profane the U.S. Constitution.

No, that is your ignorance.

The government is prohibited from doing anything that in any way could be construed as an endorsement of any religion over any other.

This includes all government functionaries being prohibited from same.

This is basic Civics.

Let me guess - Christian schools for Social Studies eh?

Regards from Rosie
The world is insane. I can't wait till the second coming.
To hear the Libs talk, he's already back.

Funny how it's only the RWrs here who go on that way.
It's not right wingers that have been publishing pictures like the above.
Is Jesus Christ a homophobe too? Do you want that on your resume' when you face him one day? I do not think so. This is America. Sodomy used to be against the law. What happened to that?!
respect for Constitutional rights.

So glad you brought that up. This is a clear violation of the constitutional rights of the fire chief.
What constitutional rights?

Let's start with free speech.
The guy wrote the book on his own time. He was fired because he doesn't support gays. While I would disagree with him, he still has that right.

Is it going to become commonplace for people to get fired from government jobs because of their religious beliefs? It's one thing if people push their religion on co-workers. What a person does on their time off is their own business. He didn't break any laws. He merely holds views that are not politically correct.

Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Expressing Christian Beliefs

Apparently the book conflicts with the city's nondiscrimination policies. Looks like they suspended him before firing him, so they could investigate the situation.

Atlanta Fire Rescue Department Chief Kelvin Cochran started a month-long suspension without pay this week after some of his employees complained about the content of his self-published religious book. Among other things, the book calls “homosexuality” and “lesbianism” a “sexual perversion” morally equivalent to “pederasty” and “bestiality.”

That book, city spokeswoman Anne Torres toldChannel 2 in Atlanta, was distributed to some of Cochran’s employees. “We understand that he was distributing the book to other employees. We are still not sure what the circumstances surrounding them are,” Torres said. “The bottom line is that the [Mayor Kasim] Reed administration does not tolerate discrimination of any kind.”

In a later e-mailed statement to The Washington Post, Torres said the administration was “not sure about how many employees received the book.”

GA Voice reviewed a copy of the book and highlighted a couple of passages.

In one, Cochran wrote: “Uncleanness — whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.”

In another section, Cochran wrote that “naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body-temple and dishonor God.”

Atlanta fire chief suspended after distributing his religious book to employees - The Washington Post
Are you kidding me, Bodie? Give it up.

As soon as he used his supervisory position to endorse a Christian doctrine, he was done.

No portion of government may favor the establishment of any religion over any other: Establishment Clause of the US Constitution.

Including any and all government functionaries.

Ignorance means job loss.

He would make a good kiddy party clown, however.

Regards from Rosie

Police and Fire chiefs have been praying with their officers and firemen for decades. What part of "or prohibit the free exercise thereof" don't you understand? There's no such thing as a separation of church and states.

There is no free exercise where the government is the employer.

Free exercise just means we Americans must put up with $cientology among other "religions".

But never ever where the government cuts the checks. Our government must never take any religion's side.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.
Wrong, fella. The second part of the religion part of the First Amendment forbids Congress from passing any laws that interfere with the free exercise of religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Um...that was my precise argument. Thanks for restating it in red.
Police and Fire chiefs have been praying with their officers and firemen for decades. What part of "or prohibit the free exercise thereof" don't you understand? There's no such thing as a separation of church and states.

There is no free exercise where the government is the employer.

Free exercise just means we Americans must put up with $cientology among other "religions".

But never ever where the government cuts the checks. Our government must never take any religion's side.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.

In a taxpayer funded agency, the "practice" of religion is forbidden due to the government being prohibited from establishing any religion. The government must favor no religion.

That means no prayer in schools, no holiday time for Christians but not Jews or Muslims, etc.
The government must not assist any religion at all.

If you deem that profane, YOU have the problem; not our local, state and Federal governments.

Regards from Rosie

That's your interpretation. The 1st Amendment says government cannot prohibit the free practice of religion. When you have government doing just that, you profane the U.S. Constitution.

No, that is your ignorance.

The government is prohibited from doing anything that in any way could be construed as an endorsement of any religion over any other.

This includes all government functionaries being prohibited from same.

This is basic Civics.

Let me guess - Christian schools for Social Studies eh?

Regards from Rosie

You've got it backwards. The government cannot prohibit free speech and religious belief. The Chief didn't endorse anything. He wrote a book. Get over it.
There is no free exercise where the government is the employer.

Free exercise just means we Americans must put up with $cientology among other "religions".

But never ever where the government cuts the checks. Our government must never take any religion's side.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.

In a taxpayer funded agency, the "practice" of religion is forbidden due to the government being prohibited from establishing any religion. The government must favor no religion.

That means no prayer in schools, no holiday time for Christians but not Jews or Muslims, etc.
The government must not assist any religion at all.

If you deem that profane, YOU have the problem; not our local, state and Federal governments.

Regards from Rosie

That's your interpretation. The 1st Amendment says government cannot prohibit the free practice of religion. When you have government doing just that, you profane the U.S. Constitution.

No, that is your ignorance.

The government is prohibited from doing anything that in any way could be construed as an endorsement of any religion over any other.

This includes all government functionaries being prohibited from same.

This is basic Civics.

Let me guess - Christian schools for Social Studies eh?

Regards from Rosie

You've got it backwards. The government cannot prohibit free speech and religious belief. The Chief didn't endorse anything. He wrote a book. Get over it.

Read my link and weep.

Get it straight.

Regards from Rosie
Wrong. Congress may not establish an official state religion. That's all the 1st Amendment means. When you interpret it to mean that nobody can PRACTICE their personal faith, then you profane the Constitution.

In a taxpayer funded agency, the "practice" of religion is forbidden due to the government being prohibited from establishing any religion. The government must favor no religion.

That means no prayer in schools, no holiday time for Christians but not Jews or Muslims, etc.
The government must not assist any religion at all.

If you deem that profane, YOU have the problem; not our local, state and Federal governments.

Regards from Rosie

That's your interpretation. The 1st Amendment says government cannot prohibit the free practice of religion. When you have government doing just that, you profane the U.S. Constitution.

No, that is your ignorance.

The government is prohibited from doing anything that in any way could be construed as an endorsement of any religion over any other.

This includes all government functionaries being prohibited from same.

This is basic Civics.

Let me guess - Christian schools for Social Studies eh?

Regards from Rosie

You've got it backwards. The government cannot prohibit free speech and religious belief. The Chief didn't endorse anything. He wrote a book. Get over it.

Read my link and weep.

Get it straight.

Regards from Rosie

Kiss my ass and grin.

Regards from Neil N. Blow me.
These ignorant leftists will always defend big oppressive government over the Constitution and the individual.
In a taxpayer funded agency, the "practice" of religion is forbidden due to the government being prohibited from establishing any religion. The government must favor no religion.

That means no prayer in schools, no holiday time for Christians but not Jews or Muslims, etc.
The government must not assist any religion at all.

If you deem that profane, YOU have the problem; not our local, state and Federal governments.

Regards from Rosie

That's your interpretation. The 1st Amendment says government cannot prohibit the free practice of religion. When you have government doing just that, you profane the U.S. Constitution.

No, that is your ignorance.

The government is prohibited from doing anything that in any way could be construed as an endorsement of any religion over any other.

This includes all government functionaries being prohibited from same.

This is basic Civics.

Let me guess - Christian schools for Social Studies eh?

Regards from Rosie

You've got it backwards. The government cannot prohibit free speech and religious belief. The Chief didn't endorse anything. He wrote a book. Get over it.

Read my link and weep.

Get it straight.

Regards from Rosie

Kiss my ass and grin.

Regards from Neil N. Blow me.

Interesting way to show you are a complete failure.


Regards from Rosie

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