Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms says she tested positive for coronavirus

I’m glad you and those around you didn’t get a sever case. Hope good health comes quickly
Thank you. Although...

The originator of it as far as I can trace it died in the hospital. He was already old, heart/lung problems. His son, who is in his 60's somewhere, spent two weeks in the hospital, I think he got out last Friday ( I don't know either of them well ). He isn't in good shape and has health problems before Covid. He was the one that gave it to the woman of the house, my brother, and my nephew. Now, we are all fairly fit adults except for my teenage nephew. So...

Like the flu, it really didn't effect us much other than flu like symptoms. The nephew shook it off in a couple days, the rest of us had to deal with it for a bit over a week. Just... Not at the same time. So I think it's likely the lady gave it to me, and the nephew gave it to my brother.

Point of the story... I do know people who got the "severe" case. I'm not a doctor, but it seems just like the flu to me. If it's going to kill you, it kills you. If it's not going to kill you, the flu still sucks. I haven't been sick from bacteria/virus in well over a decade until this bad boy came along. That's life... It is what it is. Respect it sure, no point in trying to get sick... But don't fear it. It's the flu.
It’s not the flu. It may feel like the flu but it is much more contagious and much more deadly. Not asking anyone to fear it, just act responsibly and stop the spread. It really shouldn’t be that hard except for all the douches acting like tough guy children
We don't really know how deadly it is, given how the COVID-19 death count is so inflated.
The claims in that article are spun up BS. He thinks that CDC admitted to lying about the death numbers which in itself is an out right lie. I searched for the CDC admitting the lie and it does not exist. The author points to the fact that there is not a defined “COVID” cause of death and that deaths caused by a variety of symptoms are counted as COVID deaths.

well golly gee. John, Bill, Rick and Mary all catch Covid and are hospitalized. John succumbs to Pneumonia, Bill to heart failure, Rick went septic and Mary had a stroke. All get marked as COVID deaths. And you think that is lying about numbers??! Well let me ask... do you think these 4 souls would have died of the same causes had they not gotten COVID? Or does it make sense that these fatal symptoms were cause by the fact they had COVID
Funeral Directors Blow the Whistle on Deaths Falsely Attributed to Coronavirus

Horowitz: The coronavirus death rate has been inflated all over the country

Washington Inflates COVID-19 Numbers, Includes Gunshot Victims Among Deaths

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to share your faith in government.
I don’t have faith in government and I’m sure mistakes are being made all over the place as evidenced in your articles. But I’m not going to use those mistakes to push a narrative that it’s all inflated and a hoax Or that it’s a systematic conspiracy. This thing should be taken seriously and we should be spending our energy fighting it... not discredit it while refusing to take recommended safety precautions like so many boneheads are trying to do.
Freedom's a bitch, ain't it?
Freedom is amazing and a big responsibility I hope we can handle it
Freedom is amazing and a big responsibility I hope we can handle it
For the record... I wore mask everywhere but home... At work, yes, I worked while everyone else stayed home because I was "essential" we did the whole six foot rule as biblical. I didn't get sick at work. I didn't get sick at a bar, I didn't get sick anywhere but home. Just pure bad luck.
Freedom is amazing and a big responsibility I hope we can handle it
For the record... I wore mask everywhere but home... At work, yes, I worked while everyone else stayed home because I was "essential" we did the whole six foot rule as biblical. I didn't get sick at work. I didn't get sick at a bar, I didn't get sick anywhere but home. Just pure bad luck.
Good for you I’m glad you were acting responsibly and I’m sorry you got sick. Goes to show how damn contagious this thing is. Too bad the person who infected you wasn’t being as careful as you
I’m reading the same stuff your reading. I’m not studying this thing under a microscope
It's because you aren't 'studying this thing under a microscope', as you so proudly boasted,
This convo has gone way off track and completely lost my interest.
I think it started when I heard a poster trying to downplay the virus and liken it to the flu and another poster saying that it is pneumonia. Neither of those statements are true, it’s a very contagious CoronaVirus that can cause pneumonia and flu like symptoms.
You have the audacity to proclaim, as with authority, what is not true,
yet have spent no time educating yourself while searching for what's true
nor have gained any knowledge, having no real interest in knowing what's true
but ya know, if y’all think it’s productive to try and downplay it and promote not wearing masks and being safe then go right ahead. But there is a reason why most other countries have this under control and we are going the opposite way.
It is your contentment for ignorance that allows you to make such ASSINE statements

But ya know, hey...power to ya
I’m reading the same stuff your reading. I’m not studying this thing under a microscope
It's because you aren't 'studying this thing under a microscope', as you so proudly boasted,
This convo has gone way off track and completely lost my interest.
I think it started when I heard a poster trying to downplay the virus and liken it to the flu and another poster saying that it is pneumonia. Neither of those statements are true, it’s a very contagious CoronaVirus that can cause pneumonia and flu like symptoms.
You have the audacity to proclaim, as with authority, what is not true,
yet have spent no time educating yourself while searching for what's true
nor have gained any knowledge, having no real interest in knowing what's true
but ya know, if y’all think it’s productive to try and downplay it and promote not wearing masks and being safe then go right ahead. But there is a reason why most other countries have this under control and we are going the opposite way.
It is your contentment for ignorance that allows you to make such ASSINE statements

But ya know, hey...power to ya
That’s rich coming from the guy who says that Covid is The same thing as pneumonia. I don’t even know what you’re trying to fight me about. Semantics and word games. Bottom line is you try to minimize something that is killing people for what? So we can lift restrictions? Cause you want to support Trumps dumb ass statements? Because you believe in liberty? Well turn on the lights. Your president has pushed to do open the states and now look. We are right back where we were. That whole shut down and trillions of stimulus down the drain. Hope your happy. Big fat waste cause of asshole deniers
Good for you I’m glad you were acting responsibly and I’m sorry you got sick. Goes to show how damn contagious this thing is. Too bad the person who infected you wasn’t being as careful as you
I... Don't think it's going to matter. I agree with you that it is ... Well.. It's the most contagious thing I've ever seen.

Everybody is going to get it. Everybody. The only reason we are jumping through hoops to to make sure we all don't get it at the same time, and hopefully there are drugs for people later.

For the record as well... For something so deadly you know what they prescribed me and my family? Nothing. Stay home.
Good for you I’m glad you were acting responsibly and I’m sorry you got sick. Goes to show how damn contagious this thing is. Too bad the person who infected you wasn’t being as careful as you
I... Don't think it's going to matter. I agree with you that it is ... Well.. It's the most contagious thing I've ever seen.

Everybody is going to get it. Everybody. The only reason we are jumping through hoops to to make sure we all don't get it at the same time, and hopefully there are drugs for people later.

For the record as well... For something so deadly you know what they prescribed me and my family? Nothing. Stay home.
It’s not that deadly to everybody but you know what happens to many, they need to go to the hospital and what are we seeing now? Hospitals reaching capacity in places like Florida And Texas. What happens if we run out of beds? But fuck it right? let’s all just go nuts... I mean we are all gonna get it at some point right?
She is asymptomatic and her husband has minor allergy like symptoms

To bad she'll be like most....almost no affect.

In her case, a high fever and intense pain would be justice.
She is asymptomatic and her husband has minor allergy like symptoms

To bad she'll be like most....almost no affect.

In her case, a high fever and intense pain would be justice.
Why would it be justice for her to be in pain?
She is asymptomatic and her husband has minor allergy like symptoms

To bad she'll be like most....almost no affect.

In her case, a high fever and intense pain would be justice.
Why would it be justice for her to be in pain?

Think about it for a minute.

I am sure it will come to you.
She is asymptomatic and her husband has minor allergy like symptoms

To bad she'll be like most....almost no affect.

In her case, a high fever and intense pain would be justice.
Why would it be justice for her to be in pain?

Think about it for a minute.

I am sure it will come to you.
Oh, because she is a democrat. So her political party affiliation makes you want to wish harm on her. You sound like a real winner!
It’s not that deadly to everybody but you know what happens to many, they need to go to the hospital and what are we seeing now? Hospitals reaching capacity in places like Florida And Texas. What happens if we run out of beds? But fuck it right? let’s all just go nuts... I mean we are all gonna get it at some point right?
It's almost like you didn't read my post. Why are you making this point that AFTER QUOTING WHAT I WROTE. Let me say it again, I'll bold it this time:

The only reason we are jumping through hoops to to make sure we all don't get it at the same time, and hopefully there are drugs for people later.
Oh, because she is a democrat. So her political party affiliation makes you want to wish harm on her. You sound like a real winner!
Did she support large gatherings of people?

You can be a lot of things... But don't be a hypocrite.
It’s not that deadly to everybody but you know what happens to many, they need to go to the hospital and what are we seeing now? Hospitals reaching capacity in places like Florida And Texas. What happens if we run out of beds? But fuck it right? let’s all just go nuts... I mean we are all gonna get it at some point right?
It's almost like you didn't read my post. Why are you making this point that AFTER QUOTING WHAT I WROTE. Let me say it again, I'll bold it this time:

The only reason we are jumping through hoops to to make sure we all don't get it at the same time, and hopefully there are drugs for people later.
Oh, because she is a democrat. So her political party affiliation makes you want to wish harm on her. You sound like a real winner!
Did she support large gatherings of people?

You can be a lot of things... But don't be a hypocrite.
They are all hypocrites and they should all be called out for it. I don’t know How she responded to the protests but regardless I don’t see how that would justify wishing pain and suffering upon her
She’s very lucky to have been lanced bottom And top by a guy who will get married and live in the home with children
Happens about 15% of the time

Liberals-froth foam and spray because facts are your enemy to emotions
She’s very lucky to have been lanced bottom And top by a guy who will get married and live in the home with children
Happens about 15% of the time

Liberals-froth foam and spray because facts are your enemy to emotions
Are you trying to sound smart? Because it’s not working
They are all hypocrites and they should all be called out for it. I don’t know How she responded to the protests but regardless I don’t see how that would justify wishing pain and suffering upon her
It's about consequences for their actions. If she supported it, and was actually there... Like you told me before... It's too bad she wasn't more careful.
Well turn on the lights.
Which is're sick of sitting in the dark or you can't find the switch
clap clap...Lights on
That’s rich coming from the guy who says that Covid is The same thing as pneumonia. I don’t even know what you’re trying to fight me about. Semantics and word games.
I'm not a guy...let's get that straight

In January 2020, a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was identified as the cause of an outbreak of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The disease, later named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), subsequently spread globally. In the first three months after COVID-19 emerged nearly 1 million people were infected and 50,000 died.

Well turn on the lights.
Which is're sick of sitting in the dark or you can't find the switch
clap clap...Lights on
That’s rich coming from the guy who says that Covid is The same thing as pneumonia. I don’t even know what you’re trying to fight me about. Semantics and word games.
I'm not a guy...let's get that straight

In January 2020, a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was identified as the cause of an outbreak of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The disease, later named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), subsequently spread globally. In the first three months after COVID-19 emerged nearly 1 million people were infected and 50,000 died.

This conversation is so damn boring, I can’t stand it any longer. COVID is repository disease which can cause pneumonia in severe cases and cause death. It is not the same as pneumonia, it is much more novel and contagious. Spread whatever you want at this point, I really don't care

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