Atlanta Nurses all fired over video

1) there are a number of other ways to be a POS, then being racist.
Agreed. Do you think anything they said rises to that level?
2) If I was their employer...absolutely they'd be fired for this.
Understandable and if I were their employer I'd be upset at them for doing it on work hours and getting my business involved in their extracurricular activities but I probably wouldn't of fired them over it.
3) there is nothing wrong with complaining about your job, but there is something wrong with mocking and being disrespectful to the customers/patients.
To their faces? Agreed. Nurses complain about difficult patients all the time. It's a tough job and not every patient is easy to deal with but you should always be respectful when dealing directly with patients and their families. Outside of that? At home? On your own time? Have at it.
Curry has something going with mods.

Best ignore him
They have a problem when I pet trolls for some reason. They should thank me for helping them point them out is what they should do. Maybe with mod powers if this is going to continue to be a thing.
Maybe. But, people are addicted to Tik Tok. These nurses should have been offered a chance of a rehabilitation program to get rid of their addiction. I have no sympathy for anyone who thinks Tik Tok is important. I'm looking forward to Tik Tok being gone.
I have counseled both my kid, and his GF, how Tik Tok, scientifically, has been proven, to be, both addictive, and causes changes in Neurochemistry. Not quite the scourge of crack or fentanyl, but it does destroy lives, IMO.

I have told them both, if they have not taken it off their devices, to do so immediately.

The algorithm that Tik Tok uses in Chinese society, is very different than the one it uses in our society. This is a cyber-weapon, and IMO, our ruling elites have given this one away as a bargaining chip in international negotiations. It should have been banned a long time ago. They don't give a crap about our lower classes or our nation, only their profits.

IMO, It is a threat to society and national security.

Too many fucking people sit around and whine and complain and bitch about the dumbest shit anymore. If you don't like your job then shut up and take it or quit. Way too many people go online and complain about their job and act like working is tough and horrible.

Bunch of shitty ass complainy pants bitches.

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