Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.
On things like this, (like religion in school) i am neutral.
It shouldnt be forced either way.
If a kid wants to pray or recite the PoA, let them. If they dont, dont force them.
Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
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Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education. Now if Atlanta feels no gratitude to the US and her taxpayer then let Atlanta fund their own schools.
I am personally getting sick of all this I hate America bullshit!
Absolutely. Got to get the propaganda in early.

If you think it is propaganda you are in the wrong country!
If you don't think it's propaganda you've been fed it since birth and can't recognise it.

Btw, as a matter of curiosity, can you see my location?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education.

It's cult-like bullshit that doesn't need to be in an elementary school. Sorry nut job, no funds are going to be pulled from schools that do this.
Elementary -- usually in a large district like that it would go up to Grade 5?
Pre-K to Gr 5?
These kids are "refusing" to stand for the Pledge? Nuh uh. The parents are teaching them not to or the administration finds it politically distasteful--either for themselves or their "customers" to ask this of the children any longer.
I find it equally interesting that the students are still required to stand for the Wolf Pack Chant.
Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?

Absolutely. They should also have Gun safety classes and civic classes as well.
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education.

It's cult-like bullshit that doesn't need to be in an elementary school. Sorry nut job, no funds are going to be pulled from schools that do this.
You are wrong asshole! There is nothing cult like about it! Cult is just the newest of your libtarded buzzwords.
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education.

It's cult-like bullshit that doesn't need to be in an elementary school. Sorry nut job, no funds are going to be pulled from schools that do this.
You are wrong asshole! There is nothing cult like about it! Cult is just the newest of your libtarded buzzwords.

You really don't think a daily ritual pledging allegiance to a flag is propaganda?

  1. information used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

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