Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's probably never even left the country you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash. Have fun dying in this shit pile of a country. I refuse to do so.

Why get married? Isn't that a pledge of allegiance? You can also rent.

Excuses, excuses, excuses Libtards have a million of them for their own bad behavior.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
I recited the Pledge before class each day while I was in public school, but I'm not stupid because of it. There is nothing cult like in pledging allegiance to your country. What is wrong with it?
I did also. Plus we had to take civics classes, history classes, American history classes and Western civilization classes!
Good for you. You want a medal or what?

I don't agree with your strong arm position on this and I don't agree that criticizing some of the actions of this country makes you unpatriotic. However, not many people on this thread seem to be anywhere near the sensible, no-harm-done, middle.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.

If you pay so much in taxes you're making good money. On another thread you said you would leave the US but couldn't afford it

You need to keep your lies in order.

I AM leaving the U.S. I said it takes time and money to do so. Have you ever bought a home in another country? I doubt it.

Just be homeless. It would fit your IQ.

I won't call you a moron because I happen to think you're not one, even though I think your perspective is warped. I'd call you an asshole but then I'd be a hypocrite. I guess I'll just say that I think your comment sucks.

Good for you! Now, go find your toy blocks and crawl back into your playpen. The adults are having a discussion.
So why are you insisting others are fed propaganda?
I am not insisting. I said if you do not wish to honor the country which provides your education then forgo the funds! Simple really. Do you understand English?
That is the same as insisting, since no school district can operate without federal funds. You know it, too.

Why not?
Around here they can't afford it. You know of one that can?

Sounds like a personal problem to me.
I repeat, do you know of one that can?
I am not insisting. I said if you do not wish to honor the country which provides your education then forgo the funds! Simple really. Do you understand English?
That is the same as insisting, since no school district can operate without federal funds. You know it, too.

Why not?
Around here they can't afford it. You know of one that can?

Sounds like a personal problem to me.
I repeat, do you know of one that can?

Any one that wants to suck it up and get off the federal teat. Try responsibility sometime. You might actually enjoy it!
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.

The school needs to be brought to court, issue an injunction to make them continue to say it, until the SCOTUS can rule
Seriously? Sieg Heil!

That's not it at all. The idea is to let the courts decide. This is a democracy under the rule of law, and the folks on the Supreme Court might have a different opinion of new Atlanta rule's constitutionality.
Why get married? Isn't that a pledge of allegiance? You can also rent.

Excuses, excuses, excuses Libtards have a million of them for their own bad behavior.

You people are so fucking salty. Your typical "LEAVE THEN!" bullshit gets thrown back in your face because I AM leaving, and then all you can do is say "Oh, well leave now. Go rent a home, blah blah blah." Eat shit. I'll leave according to the plan I have already made.
No, you're not. You're just another big mouth. You'll be here whining 30 years from now.

After I'm living in Sweden I might keep posting here just to piss you off.

You'll probably be killed by a radical Muslim terrorist living there. Make sure you claim you are are from South Africa or somewhere similar and you might not be targeted.
And we DO stand for "liberty and justice for all," even though we are not perfect in it. The Pledge was written in 1892
As though Jim Crow didn't exist right out in the open.
I still want to know what country you are from. Not to criticize, just curious. I won't stalk you.

So it is not right to Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America because of laws that have been illegal for about 70 years. Is that it?
No, you're not. You're just another big mouth. You'll be here whining 30 years from now.

After I'm living in Sweden I might keep posting here just to piss you off.

You'll probably be killed by a radical Muslim terrorist living there. Make sure you claim you are are from South Africa or somewhere similar and you might not be targeted.

Only poor people live near the Muslims in Sweden. :abgg2q.jpg:
Why get married? Isn't that a pledge of allegiance? You can also rent.

Excuses, excuses, excuses Libtards have a million of them for their own bad behavior.

You people are so fucking salty. Your typical "LEAVE THEN!" bullshit gets thrown back in your face because I AM leaving, and then all you can do is say "Oh, well leave now. Go rent a home, blah blah blah." Eat shit. I'll leave according to the plan I have already made.

Then shut up your anti-American bullshit until the screen door hits ya where the good Lord spit ya! Prove to us that you can vote with your feet.
No one has ever explained to me why, if the US is such a shitty country, everyone wants to break in and come here! Why do we have 20 or 30 illegal aliens in this shitty country?
No Pledge of Allegiance? This would never happen in Miss Lander's classroom at Grant Avenue Grammar School in Mayfield.

In our high school they allowed the Radio Club to make the morning announcements over the school's PA system. That only lasted a few months and was promptly put to a halt when students went with this joke one December morning,
Q: "Why was Santa arrested?"
A: "For laying a doll under a tree."

Laughter from each homeroom filled the hallways.
No, you're not. You're just another big mouth. You'll be here whining 30 years from now.

After I'm living in Sweden I might keep posting here just to piss you off.

You'll probably be killed by a radical Muslim terrorist living there. Make sure you claim you are are from South Africa or somewhere similar and you might not be targeted.

Only poor people live near the Muslims in Sweden. :abgg2q.jpg:

That does not mean they can't find you, dumbass!

I swear you lose IQ points by the post. The more you post, it is easier to see that you need adult supervision at all times.
Schools dont receive federal money?
Feds insist on a recitation of the Pledge for their contribution?


Atlanta Public Schools - Funding Per Student
I understand it isnt as much as the locals but they still receive it. Thats what willow was referring to, im sure.
In which case I'm perplexed as to why the students are not obliged to swear allegiance to their local councils in her system of public loyalty.
Why get married? Isn't that a pledge of allegiance? You can also rent.

Excuses, excuses, excuses Libtards have a million of them for their own bad behavior.

You people are so fucking salty. Your typical "LEAVE THEN!" bullshit gets thrown back in your face because I AM leaving, and then all you can do is say "Oh, well leave now. Go rent a home, blah blah blah." Eat shit. I'll leave according to the plan I have already made.

Then shut up your anti-American bullshit until the screen door hits ya where the good Lord spit ya! Prove to us that you can vote with your feet.

I'll run my big fucking mouth until I'm blue in the face if I want to. Whatcha gonna do about it?
Schools dont receive federal money?
Feds insist on a recitation of the Pledge for their contribution?


Atlanta Public Schools - Funding Per Student
I understand it isnt as much as the locals but they still receive it. Thats what willow was referring to, im sure.
In which case I'm perplexed as to why the students are not obliged to swear allegiance to their local councils in her system of public loyalty.
Im against forcing them to do shit like that.

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