Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

When we pledge allegiance, what are we doing? According to Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, allegiance is defined as: "Obligation of fidelity and obedience to government in consideration for protection that government gives." Although the flag represents the embodiment of our national conscience and is easily the most recognized symbol of our nation, one that I proudly support and defend daily as a member of our nation's Armed Forces, I find it curious that a "religious" Pledge of Allegiance to our flag rather than a Pledge of Allegiance to our secular Constitution has become the institutionalized form of patriotism in our country.

Members of the military are required to swear or affirm their support and defense of the Constitution of the United States. I have gladly "pledged my allegiance" by making this affirmation, and I, like many other atheists in foxholes, would give my life if necessary to defend our Constitution and our great democratic way of life.

Ken Lynn is an active duty Air Force officer currently stationed in Alabama. He and his wife Monica are Foundation members.

The Origin and Meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance - Freedom From Religion Foundation

WE CANT WAIT UNTIL YOUR OWN PAY THE PRICE............ to bad we have to save your stupid fks while we're at it. I'd rather round up american hating k....ts and send you loser to Europe. HOP a boat now and leave.
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.
Go to the Head of the Class and Get Beheaded

Better they wail in unison to the human-sacrifice cult of Aztlán, because without patriotism, that's what the Millennials are being prepared for by our xenophile educationists anyway.
.... I AM leaving, .......

No one is going to believe you until you're gone.

A moron such as yourself won't believe me even then. It's alright though. Despite what you might think your belief does not rank highly on the list of things I care about.

Everyone knows you're full of it.

Damn, busted. You know, you should get a job as a detective somewhere, since you're so good at it. Maybe you'd make enough money to actually contribute to the country you love so much. As it stands, I, a good for nothing flag hater, have contributed far more than you, Mr. Patriot. You should fix that.
.... I AM leaving, .......

No one is going to believe you until you're gone.

A moron such as yourself won't believe me even then. It's alright though. Despite what you might think your belief does not rank highly on the list of things I care about.

Everyone knows you're full of it.

Damn, busted. You know, you should get a job as a detective somewhere, since you're so good at it. Maybe you'd make enough money to actually contribute to the country you love so much. As it stands, I, a good for nothing flag hater, have contributed far more than you, Mr. Patriot. You should fix that.

Contributed what? Lies on the internet? I think there are plenty.
.... I AM leaving, .......

No one is going to believe you until you're gone.

A moron such as yourself won't believe me even then. It's alright though. Despite what you might think your belief does not rank highly on the list of things I care about.

Everyone knows you're full of it.

Damn, busted. You know, you should get a job as a detective somewhere, since you're so good at it. Maybe you'd make enough money to actually contribute to the country you love so much. As it stands, I, a good for nothing flag hater, have contributed far more than you, Mr. Patriot. You should fix that.

Contributed what? Lies on the internet? I think there are plenty.

There is NO WAY somebody as stupid as you pays anything meaningful into the federal income tax. You most likely pay nothing. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you're on food stamps. How about this, peasant? You get the fuck out of my country.
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I am personally getting sick of all this I hate America bullshit!
Absolutely. Got to get the propaganda in early.

If you think it is propaganda you are in the wrong country!

LOL, irony.
Bury Marbury's Flagburning Gavel-Pounders

As if SCROTUS's definition of freedom is the one we have to follow.
When we pledge allegiance, what are we doing? According to Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, allegiance is defined as: "Obligation of fidelity and obedience to government in consideration for protection that government gives." Although the flag represents the embodiment of our national conscience and is easily the most recognized symbol of our nation, one that I proudly support and defend daily as a member of our nation's Armed Forces, I find it curious that a "religious" Pledge of Allegiance to our flag rather than a Pledge of Allegiance to our secular Constitution has become the institutionalized form of patriotism in our country.

Members of the military are required to swear or affirm their support and defense of the Constitution of the United States. I have gladly "pledged my allegiance" by making this affirmation, and I, like many other atheists in foxholes, would give my life if necessary to defend our Constitution and our great democratic way of life.

Ken Lynn is an active duty Air Force officer currently stationed in Alabama. He and his wife Monica are Foundation members.

The Origin and Meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance - Freedom From Religion Foundation

WE CANT WAIT UNTIL YOUR OWN PAY THE PRICE............ to bad we have to save your stupid fks while we're at it. I'd rather round up american hating k....ts and send you loser to Europe. HOP a boat now and leave.
My son stopped by for a visit! He was once a young school child. I asked him if the said the pledge while he was a student, he didn’t even hesitate he said Yes and I was proud to do it!.
On things like this, (like religion in school) i am neutral.
It shouldnt be forced either way.
If a kid wants to pray or recite the PoA, let them. If they dont, dont force them.

Actually the PoA *IS* religion in school. The Statist one.

And it's elucidating that in the whole world we and our former colony the Philippines are the only countries that even have such a Statism prayer. Let alone force-indoctrinate children with it.
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education.

It's cult-like bullshit that doesn't need to be in an elementary school. Sorry nut job, no funds are going to be pulled from schools that do this.
You are wrong asshole! There is nothing cult like about it! Cult is just the newest of your libtarded buzzwords.
Oh, we've been "brainwashed" alright, but in a pretty innocent sense. What is the harm in pledging loyalty to your country and the positive ideals for which is stands?
Sure, I'm part of a generation that was fed that propaganda since Kindergarten, heard the Anthem at the opening of every sports game, etc. When I hear those opening strains, I still get a little bit of a shiver.
But I grew up and learned to step back and look at the bigger picture and see the flaws, not just the good, in our system and how it is operating. That is not a bad thing. That is just a grown up view of things.
So I don't see the problem with reciting the Pledge or performing the Anthem, but it appears the generations that do that unquestioningly are dying out. It is not worth fighting over. That only makes it more of an "issue" to "free" oneself from.
I am sick of the gimme people with their hands out disrespecting the people and the gov. That provide that money and their freedom to be assholes.

6 year old Johnny, that who can barely locate his own dick, should be denied an education because his parents don't want him participating in cult behavior?
Pedagogic Pedophilia

Your kind of education should be denied to everybody.
I am personally getting sick of all this I hate America bullshit!
That makes us even. I am getting sick of all this, "I love America because of symbolic gestures bullshit!"

If one thinks he/she loves America more than somebody else because he stands for the anthem or recites a pledge, then his/her fucktardation has reached absolute epic levels.
There is no shame in loving one’s country.
Agreed 100%. And there is no shame in not standing for the anthem or reciting the pledge or any of the other symbolic rituals. For example: I have no problems with President Trump refusing to stand at attention while outdoors at a military base during the lowering of the flag and playing of 'retreat'. I DO have a problem with him expressing indignant outrage at NFL players for not standing during the anthem, while he chooses to not stand.
Then don’t take the dollar!
One has nothing to do with the other, try as you might to draw some sort of obligation between the symbol and the funding.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
I recited the Pledge before class each day while I was in public school, but I'm not stupid because of it. There is nothing cult like in pledging allegiance to your country. What is wrong with it?
I did also. Plus we had to take civics classes, history classes, American history classes and Western civilization classes!
Good for you. You want a medal or what?

I don't agree with your strong arm position on this and I don't agree that criticizing some of the actions of this country makes you unpatriotic. However, not many people on this thread seem to be anywhere near the sensible, no-harm-done, middle.
Did I ask for a medal?
When we pledge allegiance, what are we doing? According to Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, allegiance is defined as: "Obligation of fidelity and obedience to government in consideration for protection that government gives." Although the flag represents the embodiment of our national conscience and is easily the most recognized symbol of our nation, one that I proudly support and defend daily as a member of our nation's Armed Forces, I find it curious that a "religious" Pledge of Allegiance to our flag rather than a Pledge of Allegiance to our secular Constitution has become the institutionalized form of patriotism in our country.

Members of the military are required to swear or affirm their support and defense of the Constitution of the United States. I have gladly "pledged my allegiance" by making this affirmation, and I, like many other atheists in foxholes, would give my life if necessary to defend our Constitution and our great democratic way of life.

Ken Lynn is an active duty Air Force officer currently stationed in Alabama. He and his wife Monica are Foundation members.

The Origin and Meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance - Freedom From Religion Foundation

WE CANT WAIT UNTIL YOUR OWN PAY THE PRICE............ to bad we have to save your stupid fks while we're at it. I'd rather round up american hating k....ts and send you loser to Europe. HOP a boat now and leave.
My son stopped by for a visit! He was once a young school child. I asked him if the said the pledge while he was a student, he didn’t even hesitate he said Yes and I was proud to do it!.

That's what this kid said too.

Time to wake up now.
I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's probably never even left the country you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash. Have fun dying in this shit pile of a country. I refuse to do so.

India, England, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Canada, Aruba....

Now sit down and shut up

Congratulations, as somebody that's apparently not unfamiliar with travel, you should understand what I said. ;)

I've been all over the globe and come home to the greatest nation on Earth.
I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's probably never even left the country you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash. Have fun dying in this shit pile of a country. I refuse to do so.

India, England, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Canada, Aruba....

Now sit down and shut up

Congratulations, as somebody that's apparently not unfamiliar with travel, you should understand what I said. ;)

I've been all over the globe and come home to the greatest nation on Earth.

You missed the point, but whatever. I'm not interested in going back and forth with you anymore.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
And, I do not give a flying fuck how much you pay in taxes! This is America, we do have a constitution and a flag we do spend federal money to educate people and if they are too goddamn sorry to say the pledge of allegiance to the country then they should give up the money! Isn’t that flag on every capital building? Flies at half staff? I am entitled to speak my mind and I do not give a shit how much you don’t like it.
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia

Maybe the teachers are preparing the kids to play pro football:

Q. What's the difference between oatmeal and the Atlanta Falcons?
A. Oatmeal belongs in a bowl.
I pointed out you obviously lied to seek attention

I assure you you're just an idiot, but whatever.

If you hate tbis country get the fuck out. Simple concept and you won't be missed.

That is exactly what I'm doing. As somebody that's probably never even left the country you might not understand that gaining citizenship, paying for a marriage and buying a new home on the other side of the world isn't quick or cheap. You know what though? After all that I'll still be better off than you, fucking worthless white trash. Have fun dying in this shit pile of a country. I refuse to do so.

India, England, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Canada, Aruba....

Now sit down and shut up

Congratulations, as somebody that's apparently not unfamiliar with travel, you should understand what I said. ;)

I've been all over the globe and come home to the greatest nation on Earth.

You missed the point, but whatever. I'm not interested in going back and forth with you anymore.

Your point, and intent is hating on this nation.

Just won't be missed.'re simply irrelevant

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