Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education. Now if Atlanta feels no gratitude to the US and her taxpayer then let Atlanta fund their own schools.

There really is no cure for stupid.

Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose. Reciting the pledge every day doesn’t make you a good American. It doesn’t even make you appreciative or grateful for the education you’re receiving because school children don’t understand school funding in the first place.

The federal government only pays about 8% of public school funding. The rest is being paid by state and local governments.
Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education. Now if Atlanta feels no gratitude to the US and her taxpayer then let Atlanta fund their own schools.

There really is no cure for stupid.

Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose. Reciting the pledge every day doesn’t make you a good American. It doesn’t even make you appreciative or grateful for the education you’re receiving because school children don’t understand school funding in the first place.

The federal government only pays about 8% of public school funding. The rest is being paid by state and local governments.
Then you won’t miss the 8%. You can raise it easily on your own. Good solution. Oh that’s right, you are a Canadian meddling in US affairs! Never mind.
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Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education. Now if Atlanta feels no gratitude to the US and her taxpayer then let Atlanta fund their own schools.

There really is no cure for stupid.

Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose. Reciting the pledge every day doesn’t make you a good American. It doesn’t even make you appreciative or grateful for the education you’re receiving because school children don’t understand school funding in the first place.

The federal government only pays about 8% of public school funding. The rest is being paid by state and local governments.
Then you won’t miss the 8%. You can raise it easily on your own. Good solution.

You certainly didn't earn any of the money being spent. Go tend to your home and leave the money discussions to people that actually make money.
I still want to know what country you are from. Not to criticize, just curious. I won't stalk you.
I am curious as to whether my location shows on your page. If not I'll happily give it.
I thought it was made up. It's not a country, right?
I googled it. It's New Zealand.
So if you don't have a Constitution, how does your government know how to structure itself? What does it do about policy arguments? You know, what do you folks look to in settling disputes over what the government should do in a certain case?
I still want to know what country you are from. Not to criticize, just curious. I won't stalk you.
I am curious as to whether my location shows on your page. If not I'll happily give it.
I thought it was made up. It's not a country, right?
I googled it. It's New Zealand.
So if you don't have a Constitution, how does your government know how to structure itself? What does it do about policy arguments? You know, what do you folks look to in settling disputes over what the government should do in a certain case?

Constitution of New Zealand - Wikipedia
Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose.

Oh, there certainly is a purpose! If you want brainwashed patriots you gotta get started when they're young.

That's exactly why military drafts target teenagers. Old enough to handle armaments, not old enough to know better.

They start targeting people years before they can even enlist too. A recruiter convinced me to take the ASVAB when I was 16 and they didn't stop bugging me for 2 solid years until I decided to join. I thought I was being brave, heroic. I was a child with a rifle.
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Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose.

Oh, there certainly is a purpose! If you want brainwashed patriots you gotta get started when they're young.

That's exactly why military drafts target teenagers. Old enough to handle armaments, not old enough to know better.
Teaching young kids a rhyme or a Pledge or a Christmas carol or the Lord's Prayer or WHATEVER does not stop their brains from developing. It's ridiculous to presume it does. As you grow up, your understanding of the words and concepts changes, just like revisiting a favorite book from when you were ten. It will look quite a bit different as an adult.

I don't think the Pledge did ANY of the stuff you allege, but .... I did look into the Pledge a bit, and learned that it's writer was a nasty nativist and xenophobe who was attempting to elucidate an "American" WASP platform to counteract all the foreigners hitting our shores and ruining our culture, etc. There's a good but depressing article by WaPo on it.

The Pledge itself, though, isn't hateful. Maybe we don't need it. Making a big deal out of it sure will only make the issue worse.

I didn't know we were the only country that had such a thing. That's interesting. But it is unfair to say people can't think sensibly about their country or their government or its place in the world because we recited it as kids.
Then federal money should be optional.

Really? You want to pull funding from a public school because they're not pressuring kids into reciting the pledge every morning? Do you really not see how weird it is to do that to small children? Gotta get em' drunk on that nationalism early, huh?
Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education. Now if Atlanta feels no gratitude to the US and her taxpayer then let Atlanta fund their own schools.

There really is no cure for stupid.

Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose. Reciting the pledge every day doesn’t make you a good American. It doesn’t even make you appreciative or grateful for the education you’re receiving because school children don’t understand school funding in the first place.

The federal government only pays about 8% of public school funding. The rest is being paid by state and local governments.
Then you won’t miss the 8%. You can raise it easily on your own. Good solution.

You certainly didn't earn any of the money being spent. Go tend to your home and leave the money discussions to people that actually make money.

Why haven’t you moved your billion in riches golden Rubys and Dubloon’s to Sweden already?
Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose.

Oh, there certainly is a purpose! If you want brainwashed patriots you gotta get started when they're young.

That's exactly why military drafts target teenagers. Old enough to handle armaments, not old enough to know better.
Teaching young kids a rhyme or a Pledge or a Christmas carol or the Lord's Prayer or WHATEVER does not stop their brains from developing. It's ridiculous to presume it does. As you grow up, your understanding of the words and concepts changes, just like revisiting a favorite book from when you were ten. It will look quite a bit different as an adult.

I don't think the Pledge did ANY of the stuff you allege, but .... I did look into the Pledge a bit, and learned that it's writer was a nasty nativist and xenophobe who was attempting to elucidate an "American" WASP platform to counteract all the foreigners hitting our shores and ruining our culture, etc. There's a good but depressing article by WaPo on it.

The Pledge itself, though, isn't hateful. Maybe we don't need it. Making a big deal out of it sure will only make the issue worse.

I didn't know we were the only country that had such a thing. That's interesting. But it is unfair to say people can't think sensibly about their country or their government or its place in the world because we recited it as kids.

Whoa. I didn't say it "stops their brains from developing" nor did I say it's "hateful".

What I'm saying is that it's systemic indoctrination, which is why it's injected into those as-young-as-possible minds, because that age is maximum fear factor. That way you cut the emotional knife deeper --- ideally deep enough that they won't dare challenge that "sacred" object. Which brings in the other thing I said, that it's a fetishism prayer. Again, that's indoctrinated at the youngest possible age for the same reason. And that's deliberately undermining critical thought by indoctrinating a Mob Mentality.

Exactly one hundred years ago a citizen in Montana was cornered by a mob of that same mentality who demanded that he bend down and kiss the flag. He refused the mob, and as a result HE --- not the mob but the citizen --- was arrested and sentenced to hard labor in prison. For defying the mob. That is why I have a problem with mob mentality and its teaching lemmings that "don't you dare think for yourself; ve haf vays of making you follow ze script".

But yes we're the only nation that demands a prayer to its own flag, and somebody else already posted the original way it was saluted, which was quietly done away with because Hitler's fascist salute so closely emulated it. That was a bit too close for comfort but close enough we could have learned that the body posture wasn't the only thing it had in common.

It is the height of irony that a nation supposedly founded on religious freedom, then turns around and demands its citizens must murmur a cult prayer to its own flag fetish.
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Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.

It gets worse.

How about very young elementary school age kids kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner, and they don't even know why? And when you ask them why, they can't tell you other than "the football players do it".

Oh, but they have to be allowed to make our classrooms a political statement, these six year olds. Yes indeed. Can't ask them to stand, nope. They have to kneel, prompting all the other six year olds to wonder what they're doing, and there goes your entire lesson.

So guess what? There will just be no SSB until this madness passes. Which at this point, will be never.

America in 2018. Dystopia straight up.
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.

It gets worse.

How about very young elementary school age kids kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner, and they don't even know why? And when you ask them why, they can't tell you other than "the football players do it".

Oh, but they have to be allowed to make our classrooms a political statement, these six year olds. Yes indeed. Can't ask them to stand, nope. They have to kneel, prompting all the other six year olds to wonder what they're doing, and there goes your entire lesson.

So guess what? There will just be no SSB until this madness passes. Which at this point, will be never.

America in 2018. Dystopia straight up.
Cut off the money!
Pointlessly reciting anything serves no purpose.

Oh, there certainly is a purpose! If you want brainwashed patriots you gotta get started when they're young.

That's exactly why military drafts target teenagers. Old enough to handle armaments, not old enough to know better.
Teaching young kids a rhyme or a Pledge or a Christmas carol or the Lord's Prayer or WHATEVER does not stop their brains from developing. It's ridiculous to presume it does. As you grow up, your understanding of the words and concepts changes, just like revisiting a favorite book from when you were ten. It will look quite a bit different as an adult.

I don't think the Pledge did ANY of the stuff you allege, but .... I did look into the Pledge a bit, and learned that it's writer was a nasty nativist and xenophobe who was attempting to elucidate an "American" WASP platform to counteract all the foreigners hitting our shores and ruining our culture, etc. There's a good but depressing article by WaPo on it.

The Pledge itself, though, isn't hateful. Maybe we don't need it. Making a big deal out of it sure will only make the issue worse.

I didn't know we were the only country that had such a thing. That's interesting. But it is unfair to say people can't think sensibly about their country or their government or its place in the world because we recited it as kids.

Whoa. I didn't say it "stops their brains from developing" nor did I say it's "hateful".

What I'm saying is that it's systemic indoctrination, which is why it's injected into those as-young-as-possible minds, because that age is maximum fear factor. That way you cut the emotional knife deeper --- ideally deep enough that they won't dare challenge that "sacred" object. Which brings in the other thing I said, that it's a fetishism prayer. Again, that's indoctrinated at the youngest possible age for the same reason. And that's deliberately undermining critical thought by indoctrinating a Mob Mentality.

Exactly one hundred years ago a citizen in Montana was cornered by a mob of that same mentality who demanded that he bend down and kiss the flag. He refused the mob, and as a result HE --- not the mob but the citizen --- was arrested and sentenced to hard labor in prison. For defying the mob. That is why I have a problem with mob mentality and its teaching lemmings that "don't you dare think for yourself; ve haf vays of making you follow ze script".

But yes we're the only nation that demands a prayer to its own flag, and somebody else already posted the original way it was saluted, which was quietly done away with because Hitler's fascist salute so closely emulated it. That was a bit too close for comfort but close enough we could have learned that the body posture wasn't the only thing it had in common.

It is the height of irony that a nation supposedly founded on religious freedom, then turns around and demands its citizens must murmur a cult prayer to its own flag fetish.
Apparently, you escaped such indoctrination yourself. You have an outsider's view of this which is like mine about holy communion. However, I think most of us escaped the dire fate of turning into an unthinking Nazi mob because we recited the Pledge. Probably at least 3/4's of the posters on this board grew up reciting it in their public school education. There are some Willows, but if it worked for a lot less than most of us, it wasn't the "chanting" that did it. It was the nativist politics underlying their beliefs, which is shared in families and communities, not because of a Pledge.

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