"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

I love the book and am now reading it again. I hope the message of the book comes through and is not hijacked by the liberal left that seems to be too prominent in Hollywood. Next to the bible I think this is the best book ever written.

and this is how I know you are an idiot
Yeah.....I'm sure all o' the Dukes O' Hazzard fans will give "Atlas Shurgged" all-three thumbs UP!!

Here's your typical fan of Michael Moore movies

Pure horseshit. If you could produce a quote of her saying anything you claim, you would have posted it. As always, the sleazy lying liberal makes up things he claim the people they hate said.

But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so.[/b] Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.[/i]

Read the whole article here: Michael Ford: Ayn Rand and the VIP-DIPers
this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
How do you feel about worshipping an utter hypocrite?


However, it was revealed in the recent "Oral History of Ayn Rand" by Scott McConnell (founder of the media department at the Ayn Rand Institute) that in the end Ayn was a vip-dipper as well. An interview with Evva Pryror, a social worker and consultant to Miss Rand's law firm of Ernst, Cane, Gitlin and Winick verified that on Miss Rand's behalf she secured Rand's Social Security and Medicare payments which Ayn received under the name of Ann O'Connor (husband Frank O'Connor).

As Pryor said, "Doctors cost a lot more money than books earn and she could be totally wiped out" without the aid of these two government programs. Ayn took the bail out even though Ayn "despised government interference and felt that people should and could live independently... She didn't feel that an individual should take help."

But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so.
Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.

Read the whole article here: Michael Ford: Ayn Rand and the VIP-DIPers

Ayn Randers:

this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
How do you feel about worshipping an utter hypocrite?


However, it was revealed in the recent "Oral History of Ayn Rand" by Scott McConnell (founder of the media department at the Ayn Rand Institute) that in the end Ayn was a vip-dipper as well. An interview with Evva Pryror, a social worker and consultant to Miss Rand's law firm of Ernst, Cane, Gitlin and Winick verified that on Miss Rand's behalf she secured Rand's Social Security and Medicare payments which Ayn received under the name of Ann O'Connor (husband Frank O'Connor).

As Pryor said, "Doctors cost a lot more money than books earn and she could be totally wiped out" without the aid of these two government programs. Ayn took the bail out even though Ayn "despised government interference and felt that people should and could live independently... She didn't feel that an individual should take help."

But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so. Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.

Read the whole article here: Michael Ford: Ayn Rand and the VIP-DIPers

Ayn Randers:

Yeah, and "W" was going to sink the recovering alcoholic in the WH. Right...
Wow! The Unwashed are really coming out to bash this Movie! Maybe People here need to disclose whether or not they either saw it or intend to see it. How does one Review what they truly have no knowledge of? Why not just say the concepts are too complex for you and move on? Individualism V.S. Collectivism. Either you matter or you don't. If you choose not to matter, I encourage you to not be a Hypocrite and find another Forum. ;) Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. ;)
Something is terribly wrong. The Dow has dropped below 4,000, gasoline (when available) costs $37.50 a gallon, the nation's infrastructure is deteriorating, businessmen are wearing sandwich boards asking for work. Government's response to the enervated economy is to impose even more regulations and forced wealth-redistribution on already-highly regulated business and industry. A gray palpable pall hangs over the land. Meanwhile, the nation's most productive citizens begin to disappear voluntarily, one by one. But why? The question is answered by another question as mysterious as the disappearances themselves: "Who is John Galt?"

The movie Atlas Shrugged: Part I, set in the year 2016 and adapted from Ayn Rand’s famous novel published in 1957, accomplishes much of what the author intended in her book: a beautiful, poignant, painful expression of the conflict between egalitarianism and the right to own private property. The story is well known, as the novel was noted recently by the Library of Congress “as the most influential book read in America,” right behind the Bible itself. Dagny Taggart (Taylor Schilling) owns a struggling railroad company that is being sabotaged by her brother; Hank Rearden (Grant Bowler) has developed a metal for railroad rails that is far superior to anything on the market; and their attempt to do business for their mutual benefit is being thwarted by all manner of government agencies and crony capitalists who see the threat to their own businesses if Dagny and Hank succeed.

Although the movie was produced under nearly impossible financial and timing circumstances (a paltry $10 million budget and a deadline to start filming just two days before the producer’s option expired), the actors give more flesh and vitality to their parts than Rand portrayed in her book. Stiff cardboard silhouettes in the novel, the movie's Dagny and Hank take on fullness of character, even when employing many of Rand’s lines that were intended for print. Rand was able to develop her objectivist philosophy by taking time in her book to explore, expand, and preach the stark difference between the freedom of the entrepreneur and the dull, drab weariness of the fascist economy that destroys opportunity, wealth, and freedom while claiming to “equalize opportunity” for everyone. Movie director Paul Johannson did not have the freedom to develop Rand's philosophy on screen, but trappings are there for viewers willing to watch and listen closely — and of course think.
Wow! The Unwashed are really coming out to bash this Movie! Maybe People here need to disclose whether or not they either saw it or intend to see it. How does one Review what they truly have no knowledge of? Why not just say the concepts are too complex for you and move on? Individualism V.S. Collectivism. Either you matter or you don't. If you choose not to matter, I encourage you to not be a Hypocrite and find another Forum. ;) Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. ;)

Most Don't. MOST are brainless rubes that FAIL in life.
Wow! The Unwashed are really coming out to bash this Movie! Maybe People here need to disclose whether or not they either saw it or intend to see it. How does one Review what they truly have no knowledge of? Why not just say the concepts are too complex for you and move on? Individualism V.S. Collectivism. Either you matter or you don't. If you choose not to matter, I encourage you to not be a Hypocrite and find another Forum. ;) Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. ;)

Most Don't. MOST are brainless rubes that FAIL in life.

another movie could be

"the transparet president that lies about his past"

first african born president fools the world...
Gee, whatta surprise......all-of-a-sudden, Porky Limbaugh is an Ayn Rander as well!!


"Rush Limbaugh has pulled out the shovel to heap abuse on supporters of President Barack Obama. Using language a bit harsh even for Rush, he called backers "savages" and "walking human debris." Obama's base "is made up of people even more vile than he is," Limbaugh barked. "You've got a lot of walking human debris on the Democrat base side. But even lefty debris, apparently, can get angry, and the garbage is sick and tired of their man in the White House", snorts Rush."

Gee, whatta surprise......all-of-a-sudden, Porky Limbaugh is an Ayn Rander as well!!


"Rush Limbaugh has pulled out the shovel to heap abuse on supporters of President Barack Obama. Using language a bit harsh even for Rush, he called backers "savages" and "walking human debris." Obama's base "is made up of people even more vile than he is," Limbaugh barked. "You've got a lot of walking human debris on the Democrat base side. But even lefty debris, apparently, can get angry, and the garbage is sick and tired of their man in the White House", snorts Rush."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErR7i2onW0&feature=related]YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes[/ame]
It's refreshing that Atheism is being saluted by the right

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTmac2fs5HQ]YouTube - Ayn Rand on Religion[/ame]
this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
i remember thinking, someday, once the internet is invented, this will be my political philosohpy and i will take it to the people..

life imitates art. we are dagney taggert and hank rearden (the protagonists) and the democratic party (led by one barrak obama... if that is your real name), is the government, and "mr. thompson".

you are going to be seeing and hearing and feeling atlas shrugged a lot in the coming time until the 2012 election.

as wonderfual as the original novel is, no, magnificient... the movie will better present to the masses, that big government is not only wrong, in this country, according to our constitution, it is immoral.

i further suggest that this hollywood production will play a large roll in unseating the president of obama, how ultimately and deliciously ironic. how do you like us now.

it looks good, no, great.

How do I like us now??

A poorly produced movie that nobody but libertarians go to see is going to "Change the face of American politics"???

Should have gone direct to video with it
It's refreshing that Atheism is being saluted by the right

YouTube - Ayn Rand on Religion

An Atheist that Recognizes Unalienable Rights, Conscience, Principle, and Virtue, is welcome around me anytime. The translation to me is Her understanding of God or the Forces of Creation was a personal and private matter to her, I respect that. Whether her issue was what God Is, or whether the issue was not giving a rats ass about what others decreed God is, is between her, her conscience, and God. What is your motive??? What is driving you to dishonor her???
Gee, whatta surprise......all-of-a-sudden, Porky Limbaugh is an Ayn Rander as well!!


"Rush Limbaugh has pulled out the shovel to heap abuse on supporters of President Barack Obama. Using language a bit harsh even for Rush, he called backers "savages" and "walking human debris." Obama's base "is made up of people even more vile than he is," Limbaugh barked. "You've got a lot of walking human debris on the Democrat base side. But even lefty debris, apparently, can get angry, and the garbage is sick and tired of their man in the White House", snorts Rush."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErR7i2onW0&feature=related]YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes[/ame]

its always an intelligent conversation when shaman and intense are trading youtube videos
this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
i remember thinking, someday, once the internet is invented, this will be my political philosohpy and i will take it to the people..

life imitates art. we are dagney taggert and hank rearden (the protagonists) and the democratic party (led by one barrak obama... if that is your real name), is the government, and "mr. thompson".

you are going to be seeing and hearing and feeling atlas shrugged a lot in the coming time until the 2012 election.

as wonderfual as the original novel is, no, magnificient... the movie will better present to the masses, that big government is not only wrong, in this country, according to our constitution, it is immoral.

i further suggest that this hollywood production will play a large roll in unseating the president of obama, how ultimately and deliciously ironic. how do you like us now.

it looks good, no, great.

How do I like us now??

A poorly produced movie that nobody but libertarians go to see is going to "Change the face of American politics"???

Should have gone direct to video with it

I just hope they follow through with the rest of the Trilogy. I don't think it was poorly produced. Though I think certain mind sets are going to have a big problem with it. That is both expected and understandable. For those in that mindset, don't torture yourself, skip it. ;)

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