"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

It's refreshing that Atheism is being saluted by the right

YouTube - Ayn Rand on Religion

An Atheist that Recognizes Unalienable Rights, Conscience, Principle, and Virtue, is welcome around me anytime. The translation to me is Her understanding of God or the Forces of Creation was a personal and private matter to her, I respect that. Whether her issue was what God Is, or whether the issue was not giving a rats ass about what others decreed God is, is between her, her conscience, and God. What is your motive??? What is driving you to dishonor her???

That's fine. Just noting that her idea of "virtue" is diametrically opposite that of Jesus

just sayin :eusa_whistle:
Where's the buzz??

For the most earth shattering movie in history.....nobody cares
I love the book and am now reading it again. I hope the message of the book comes through and is not hijacked by the liberal left that seems to be too prominent in Hollywood. Next to the bible I think this is the best book ever written.

I'm reading it for the first time. I'm about a third of the way through it. I am enjoying it although I had expected to read the first fifty pages and then to put it down in boredom never to be picked up again.

As for the thought of a liberal slant to the movie... I expect it. I expect Wesley Mouch to be made out to be the hero Dagny Taggart to be made out to be an evil bitch.

In California, right now, Atlas Shrugged is playing out as one company after another moves to anywhere else they can find.

The reason this book has been a best seller for 50 years is that it hits a resonant tone for millions of people every year.

Illinois will be next on the hit parade. Their solution to their fiscal woes is not to re-examine their big spending but is rather to increase the tax rates. That sucking sound you hear is all of their jobs going elsewhere.

You're right. Atlas Shrugs today.
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This may have been covered somewhere in the preceding 55 pages, but for the record it's not a Hollywood movie.

This wasn't produced or distributed by any Hollywood studio. It was financed by John Aglialoro, a fitness equipment mogul and investor based out of Massachusetts, written and directed by people known for independently produced straight-to-DVD horror movies, and aside from minor roles for character actors Jon Polito and Michael Lerner who haven't had a major role in a Hollywood film in 15 years is filled with a cast and crew of relative unknowns.

The rights to the novel were optioned almost 2 decades ago and Aglialoro rushed the film intro production mere days before they expired and after failing to attract Hollywood talent for years. It's being distributed by Rocky Mountain Pictures, a small Utah-based company that describes itself as "distributors for hire" and is best known for releasing Christian-themed films Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and The End of The Spear and marketing directly to Evangelical churches.

Not making any judgments, just setting the record straight for those referring to this as a Hollywood film or production or release; it isn't.
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Weekend box-office numbers have been released by the way.

The film opened in 14th place, bringing in 1.6 million dollars. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed opened in three-times as many theaters with roughly the same marketing and made about double that money, going on to take in 7.7 million total. This film seems set to make around that much or perhaps do more like Left Behind's business on the order of 4.2 million due to screening in only a few hundred theaters. Most box office analysts predict it will not make back its $10 million production cost, at least not in domestic theatrical release.

For comparison, the top movie of the weekend played in 10 times as many theaters, made double the per-screen average, and took in 40 million dollars domestic added to its $168 million worldwide gross. That's not even considered an especially impressive opening weekend and certainly that film, Rio, will not be changing the face of anything. Shrugged is not currently scheduled to be released in theaters internationally.
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Rand and her business is fun stuff... good conservative jumping-off point, actually, for "cool kids" who shy away from the Moral Majority and what-not. A lot of racially conscious whites started their political thinking that way. But ultimately, it's a dead end. You can't have libertarianism and 50 million Mexicans. Won't work.
Atlas yawned

Are the needs or miseries of one human being a mortgage on the freedom of another? The misery caused by your Marxist ideology is increasing. This is not a DEM-GOP debate. There are socialist in both parties. You do not value individual liberty. These tea party people you complain about---You created them.
Atlas yawned

Are the needs or miseries of one human being a mortgage on the freedom of another? The misery caused by your Marxist ideology is increasing. This is not a DEM-GOP debate. There are socialist in both parties. You do not value individual liberty. These tea party people you complain about---You created them.

What individual liberty do you not have?
What is Atlas shrugging about? Income studies have shown that the top earners have been gaining ground, while the middle has stayed the same or fallen back.
What is Atlas shrugging about? Income studies have shown that the top earners have been gaining ground, while the middle has stayed the same or fallen back.

What it is about is that if we do not allow the wealthy to monopolize the wealth we will turn into an "Atlas Shrugged" society

Its in a low budget movie so it must be true....John Galt says so
There is no Atlas. The movie based on the book is a work of fiction. Lefties love it because they can use emotion to judge political events. The Country is going down hill because we have a socialist leader who thinks the future is in windmills while 10% of citizens are unemployed and we are giving our treasure to oil producing countries.
Enough reviews are now in that the film has also been ranked by movie review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.

It currently stands at 8% positive, with 1 positive review, 1 mixed, and 22 negative including some from those who identify as fans of the book. That makes it the worst reviewed film released so far in 2011 and puts it on a par with many of the films in Rotten Tomatoes "Worst Movies of the Decade" list.

User ratings on the site have been flooded with an unusual influx of first-time visitors (perhaps due to a Twitter and Objectivist network online campaign) and the film stands at 85% fresh according to them. IMDb has seen a similar phenomenon with the majority of user reviews so far coming from first-time commenters and a strikingly bizarre vote distribution. Females ages 18-29 for instance give the film an average rating of 3.2 while users registered as females under 18 have an average perfect score of 10. With 245 ratings of 10 and 85 of 1, the film currently holds a 6.7.

Film critic and box-office guru Scott Tobias humorously reports that "the numbers don’t bode well for Part II and Part III, unless its financiers are feeling altruistic—which we know they most definitely are not." Given the film's meager box-office, it seems unlikely the second or third installments will ever see production or if they do, will likely be lower-budget and released direct-to-DVD like the Left Behind sequels.

Is this disappointing for those who have seen the film or hoped it would be more of a phenomenon?
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Yeah, the reviews are terrible. Ain't It Cool News panned the sucker, and they're usually pretty kind to small budget films.

It sounds like from the reviews that the biggest issue is that they've taken a book with a strong plot and tried to make it a trilogy. Unfortunately, to make a trilogy work, each film has to work on it's own. Especially the first one. It sounds like that didn't happen here.

I'll probably watch it when it gets to TV. I'm not going to see it in the theaters as with 2 very young kids at home, getting to the movies is a pretty big deal. Captain America and Harry Potter are much higher up on my to do list.
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Enough reviews are now in that the film has also been ranked by movie review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.

It currently stands at 8% positive, with 1 positive review, 1 mixed, and 22 negative including some from those who identify as fans of the book. That makes it the worst reviewed film released so far in 2011 and puts it on a par with many of the films in Rotten Tomatoes "Worst Movies of the Decade" list.

User ratings on the site have been flooded with an unusual influx of first-time visitors (perhaps due to a Twitter and Objectivist network online campaign) and the film stands at 85% fresh according to them. IMDb has seen a similar phenomenon with the majority of user reviews so far coming from first-time commenters and a strikingly bizarre vote distribution. Females ages 18-29 for instance give the film an average rating of 3.2 while users registered as females under 18 have an average perfect score of 10. With 245 ratings of 10 and 85 of 1, the film currently holds a 6.7.

Film critic and box-office guru Scott Tobias humorously reports that "the numbers don’t bode well for Part II and Part III, unless its financiers are feeling altruistic—which we know they most definitely are not." Given the film's meager box-office, it seems unlikely the second or third installments will ever see production or if they do, will likely be lower-budget and released direct-to-DVD like the Left Behind sequels.

Is this disappointing for those who have seen the film or hoped it would be more of a phenomenon?
I'll say this much. There is going to be a lot of false data about how bad this film regardless of it's worth and actual quality because the left has a vested interest on destroying anything by Ayn Rand lest her ideas catch on with the populace at large. If the military has plans and programs to manipulate online memes... it's not far off to think that there are similar tactics being used by leftist radicals seeking to harm anything conservative.
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I thought it was very well done. Not the depth of the book, but it did capture the Spirit.

The production values were good, the acting was good. The material was a bit dry for the big screen.

I liked it, but I loved the book. I suspect this will really come into it's own on Netflix.
Hey kids, who wants to see a 70-page monologue translated onto the big screen?

I will say one thing about Atlas Shrugged though, makes a great paperweight.

Those who are literate have a better use for it.

You really wouldn't understand.

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