Attacker at Capitol who actually murdered police officer? Supporter of obama friend louis farrakhan. Story disappears in 3...2...1...

They didn`t scream that trump`s Capitol terrorists were White either.
Dont compare it to just one selected event

Whenever a white guy shoots several strangers the news media makes a fuss about race

and if the victims are black all fines double

Can you tell me the last time someone black killed 8 or 10 white folks just because they were white.
I concede that white mass murderers are more common

whites compose 70% of the population and blacks 13%

but it does happen both ways

Can you give me an example or not.
They didn`t scream that trump`s Capitol terrorists were White either.
Dont compare it to just one selected event

Whenever a white guy shoots several strangers the news media makes a fuss about race

and if the victims are black all fines double

Can you tell me the last time someone black killed 8 or 10 white folks just because they were white.

Black gun violence is focused on criminal activity, not mass public shootings......they routinely shoot up parties, nightclubs, and locations where they find their gang rivals..........for whites, you have random mass public shooters.....less than 8 a year if that.....
They didn`t scream that trump`s Capitol terrorists were White either.
Dont compare it to just one selected event

Whenever a white guy shoots several strangers the news media makes a fuss about race

and if the victims are black all fines double

Can you tell me the last time someone black killed 8 or 10 white folks just because they were white.

Blacks are 12% of the population but they are responsible for over 50% of all murder.........they focus on killing criminal rivals versus random acts of gun violence...

And you would have to tell us how many white mass public shooters based their attacks on race over other considerations......

You have the South Carolina Church shooter, but he didn't do that solely because they were black...he wanted to shoot up a local college but they had way too much armed security.........the church was a gun free zone...

So you can't even define him as a completely racially motivated shooter....

Roof reportedly told friends and neighbors he intended to kill people, including a plot to attack the College of Charleston, but his claims were not taken seriously.[62][63]

A friend who briefly hid Roof's gun from him said, "I don't think the church was his primary target because he told us he was going for the school. But I think he couldn't get into the school because of the security ... so I think he just settled for the church."[69][70]

Can you give me an example or not.
This link doesent name specific examples but at the same time it does not seen to be politically biased

not am I trying to compare how specifically horrible one race is compared to another

my point is that both sides do it thanks to the insane liberal culture that we have in America

They didn`t scream that trump`s Capitol terrorists were White either.
Dont compare it to just one selected event

Whenever a white guy shoots several strangers the news media makes a fuss about race

and if the victims are black all fines double

Can you tell me the last time someone black killed 8 or 10 white folks just because they were white.
I concede that white mass murderers are more common

whites compose 70% of the population and blacks 13%

but it does happen both ways

Actually, if you look at the statistics......blacks and minorities have higher rates of mass public shootings based on percentages of the population...

Whites are 70% of the population but about 40% of mass public shootings....while blacks are 12% of the population but about 15% of mass public shootings...

Here...actual research....

The claim that these killers are so overwhelmingly white is also misleading. While whites (excluding those from Middle Eastern descent) make up most mass public shooters, that is 6.4% below their share of the population. Hispanics are even lower than their percentage of the U.S. population. By contrast, those of Middle Eastern descent, Asians, Blacks, and American Indians are all above their population shares. If you combine all Christian groups together, you get 16.3% being Christian so that exceeds the number of Muslims, though Muslims and other non-Christian religions are overrepresented relative to their share of the population and Christians and Jews are underrepresented.

These killers are also overwhelmingly non-political (73%). The next most prominent group are Islamic extremists (8%), but you won’t see any of the television shows having Islamic extremists making these attacks. Few of these involve hate crimes against blacks: Dylann Storm Roof (Charleston, SC 6/17/2015); Robert Bowers (Pittsburgh, PA 10/27/2018); Patrick Wood Crusius (El Paso, TX 8/3/2019). Just 5 percent of all attacks fall into this category. On the other hand, the Dallas, Texas attack by Micah Xavier Johnson on July 7, 2016 involved an attack that specifically targeted white police officers.

However, mass public shooters are overwhelmingly male, with 96% of shooters being male.



A Capitol police officer was actually murdered a supporter of barak obama's good friend and ally louis farakhan....

Or are we not going to take this guys word for why he did what he did.......? Just like the Atlanta guy who says he murdered because of a sex addiction and not racism?

Farrakhan is NOT a friend of Obama's. Malcom X came out against racism after he made the pilgrimage to Mecca. That may have been why he was killed. NOI is a made up religion that subsumed Islam to black panther militancy and racist theology.
Prove Farrakhan is not a friend of Obama's. When did Obama denounce him?
They didn`t scream that trump`s Capitol terrorists were White either.
Dont compare it to just one selected event

Whenever a white guy shoots several strangers the news media makes a fuss about race

and if the victims are black all fines double

Can you tell me the last time someone black killed 8 or 10 white folks just because they were white.

Blacks are 12% of the population but they are responsible for over 50% of all murder.........they focus on killing criminal rivals versus random acts of gun violence...

And you would have to tell us how many white mass public shooters based their attacks on race over other considerations......

You have the South Carolina Church shooter, but he didn't do that solely because they were black...he wanted to shoot up a local college but they had way too much armed security.........the church was a gun free zone...

So you can't even define him as a completely racially motivated shooter....

Roof reportedly told friends and neighbors he intended to kill people, including a plot to attack the College of Charleston, but his claims were not taken seriously.[62][63]

A friend who briefly hid Roof's gun from him said, "I don't think the church was his primary target because he told us he was going for the school. But I think he couldn't get into the school because of the security ... so I think he just settled for the church."[69][70]

How about Long? Was he really thinking about shooting up a white whore house.
The last I checked the Bunny Ranch is mainly white or are you saying they are serving tea there.
I will defer to your personal knowledge about that

How far is it from Atlanta to Las Vegas?

you are impressing no one but yourself with this argument

the guy is a nut who was driven insane by the popular liberal culture
The last I checked the Bunny Ranch is mainly white or are you saying they are serving tea there.
I will defer to your personal knowledge about that

How far is it from Atlanta to Las Vegas?

you are impressing no one but yourself with this argument

the guy is a nut who was driven insane by the popular liberal culture

So the ONE man who attacked the Capitol alone is also being classified as a nut or does mental illness only affect white folks.

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