Attacking Bill Clinton

If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

How many times did bill fly on the pedo express? You might not want to go any further with this line of "thought".... Just sayin..

how many times did Bill enter the 2016 bid for POTUS ?
One sob sent our jobs overseas, one sob wants to bring jobs back to America. Vote for America this time. Trump 2016

He wants to bring jobs back but actions are hard. Words are easy
lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ...

ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:
Now that all the other players are off the field, all attention is going to be on Trump, and his popularity is going to suffer.

All the other players are off the field?

Sanders Vows To Fight Until 'The Last Ballot Is Cast'...
DEM FEAR: Revolt could upend Philly convention...

Hillary barely ended her 5 - 6 primary losing streak, she is having a hard time fending off Bernie...and Bill...and Bill's victims...and the FBI...and Putin, the DNC is panicked, Hillary is about to lose her mind....

Hillary is certainly not 'free to focus on Trump'...she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in Ky to try to end her losing streak and ended up winning by .05 in one of the worst turnouts ever....

And polls now have Trump tied or beating Hillary... Hillary is hanging on by her fingernails and Trump just keeps surging.
lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ... but the simpleton RW's will remain attached to the billionaires asshole, in hopes of getting a dingleberry stuck between their teeth ...

No but she wants to bring the sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile back to the people's house, the WH! She didn't cheat, but she facilitated / enabled all of it while viciously attacking his victims.
One sob sent our jobs overseas
You haven't been paying attention. Jobs have been going overseas for decades.

NAFTA beat the shit out of our country, ask the Ohio Valley. Obama is paying companies to move to Mexico. Hillary has just told us that what jobs we have left need to go to Asia. So I don't care who is bedding whom, as long as they don't give more of our jobs away in the process.. We are barely holding on as it is..
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.
Slick willy is a child molester/rapist...
ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:
And according to Bill's latest victim to come out, she says according to Bill Hillary is a coke-snorting lesbian. We should probably ask Huma to confirm it...
Yes by all means, let's cry for the serial sex abuser. He's the victim. And Bill Cosby is too. Clinton Bootlickers should be ashamed of themselves.
If the left is going to try and use the war on women talking point on Trump the Trump crew is more than justified in bringing up how Bill treated women but also how Hillary went after the women who Bill had flings with who came foreword. As both camps are living in a glass house on this I would strongly caution either about throwing stones.
ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:
And according to Bill's latest victim to come out, she says according to Bill Hillary is a coke-snorting lesbian. We should probably ask Huma to confirm it...

What? Hillary a "coke-snorting lesbian"? Hmmm.. if that's the case she might get my vote after all.

"It’s not even the drugs that'll kill you man. What really kills you is looking for drugs." -- Tommy Chong
One sob sent our jobs overseas, one sob wants to bring jobs back to America. Vote for America this time. Trump 2016

jobs, cheating on your spouse ... same thing if you're a fucking IDIOT

next contestant ..

So you get that one has nothing to do with the other, and which this country has decided is the more important of the 2. Good.

Now for those who think hide the penis is more important than the immigration mess going on in this country, let's have a contest. You list all of the women that have accused Trump of sexual harassment, and I'll list all the women that have accused Billery of sexual abuse. Or you can just concede..... and we can move on to more weighty issues. Jobs, borders, Constitutional rights and the like.
lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ...

ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:

so Hillary isn't guilty of adultry, just the people running against her ...

my, how typical RW does it get?
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

Here's a clue: Clinton being disbarred, paying a woman he assaulted $800K, assassinating the character of a subordinate employee whom he sexually exploited, raping Juanita, and Frequent Flyer Status on Epstein the Pedo's Lolita Express TRUMP Trump's dalliances.
lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ...

ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:

so Hillary isn't guilty of adultry, just the people running against her ...

my, how typical RW does it get?
About as "typical" as you hyper-partisan dingbats get ..... :rolleyes:

May all Republicans and Democrats come down with a virulent venereal disease rendering them unable to reproduce, thus giving future generations some hope for a better life.
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

Here's a clue: Clinton being disbarred, paying a woman he assaulted $800K, assassinating the character of a subordinate employee whom he sexually exploited, raping Juanita, and Frequent Flyer Status on Epstein the Pedo's Lolita Express TRUMP Trump's dalliances.

heres the real cue .... now all thats left is to put Bill in the 2016 presidential election.

ready set go ..

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