Attacking Bill Clinton

lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ...

ROFLMAO! What? Oh.... you mean "cheat" as in committing adultery, well no she didn't do that, however that's only because she couldn't find a blind man who was drunk enough to be willing to help her do it. :cool:

so Hillary isn't guilty of adultry, just the people running against her ...

my, how typical RW does it get?

I don't know, but I know how bizzare the LW is. An unsolicitaed endorsement from a KKK member, and the left had Trump hanging blacks from tree limbs. And yet:


Do you get why we just don't give a shit about your whinny accusations? YOU WANT to vote for that woman. That tells me the left doesn't really give a shit about Klan support. They're just throwing shit at the wall.
Speaking of walls, Trump 2016 because borders are important issues.
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

Here's a clue: Clinton being disbarred, paying a woman he assaulted $800K, assassinating the character of a subordinate employee whom he sexually exploited, raping Juanita, and Frequent Flyer Status on Epstein the Pedo's Lolita Express TRUMP Trump's dalliances.

heres the real cue .... now all thats left is to put Bill in the 2016 presidential election.

ready set go ..

Bleary eyed on Death's Door Bubba the Rapist is EXACTLY what hiLIARy needs to firmly convince enough people to Vote For Trump for the WIN.

Go for it Bubba!
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

Here's a clue: Clinton being disbarred, paying a woman he assaulted $800K, assassinating the character of a subordinate employee whom he sexually exploited, raping Juanita, and Frequent Flyer Status on Epstein the Pedo's Lolita Express TRUMP Trump's dalliances.

heres the real cue .... now all thats left is to put Bill in the 2016 presidential election.

ready set go ..

Hitlery beat you to it:

“I’ve already told my husband that if I’m so fortunate enough to be president and he will be the first gentleman, I expect him to go to work. He’s gotta get out of retirement!”
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.

How many times did bill fly on the pedo express? You might not want to go any further with this line of "thought".... Just sayin..

how many times did Bill enter the 2016 bid for POTUS ?

None. But SHE is a candidate. and SHE directly helped him to serially abuse women. So....which is worse, the man who abuses women or the woman who makes it possible for him to do so?:eusa_whistle:

anything you fumbducks say, ANYTHING !
Bill Clinton wasn't just a philanderer who cheated on his wife and Hillary wasn't just an innocent babe who decided to "stand by your man". Bill was (is) a sexual sociopath who freaking exposed himself to a co-worker when he was A.G. of Arkansas, abused numerous women, was accused of rape by a credible victim and seduced an intern for sodomy in the Oval Office. Hillary in turn used the power of the State of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten and intimidate the women her husband abused. It doesn't take a psychiatrist to understand that Bill was (is) a deviate sexual predator and Hillary traded her self respect and possibly her sanity for reflected political power.
If I were Trump I'd go full power attacking Bill's past relationships with women ...

Open that door Donnie ...

You cheated on your wife and had a child out of wedlock so by all means, lets remind everyone what a no good sob Bill was.
Bill isn't running for President, but he sure is a helluva lot of baggage for her...especially since his victims are coming out revealing so much information about her - violent, angry coke-snorting lesbian who has had at least one abortion (which coincides with the story of how she declared she only wanted 1 child because polls showed it was politically beneficial...

No, the smart thing is leave Bill alone and focus on hos Hillary enabled and facilitated his sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adultery, and pedophilia, by not only putting up with it and defending him / it but by demonizing, attacking, threatening, intimidating, and silencing his victims. all-out 'War on Women'.

Going after her recorded of history then fits in nicely with pointing out how she has taken millions of dollars from Islamic states that oppress women, that treat them like property, that stone them to death for being raped, and who engage in the mutilation of female genitalia.

too late, tell that to Donnieboi ...

Donald Trump attacks Bill Clinton's past infidelity - CNN Video

From your own link,

Hillary brought the issue up and Trump countered by pointed out her hypocrisy due to her support of BIll.

Hillary's most powerful weapon, the WOman Card, is greatly weakened by her past support of Bill and his abuse of women.

It is aggressive defense like this that could win Trump the WHite HOuse.
bashing the living shit out of Obama worked so well for two elections, I'd make damn sure I crushed Hillary the same way ..

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ... but the simpleton RW's will remain attached to the billionaires asshole, in hopes of getting a dingleberry stuck between their teeth ...

Oh? So Hillary is married to Huma then? If not, 30 years of licking her twat might just be considered infidelity...
bashing the living shit out of Obama worked so well for two elections, I'd make damn sure I crushed Hillary the same way ..


YOu missed the information in your own link.

Hillary played the Woman/Sexist Card, and Trump turned it around on her.

He called her on her bullshit.

She, like all you lefties, are used to having the game fixed in your favor.

She is not going to be prepared to have her lies challenged and thrown back in her face.
One sob sent our jobs overseas, one sob wants to bring jobs back to America. Vote for America this time. Trump 2016
Send that POS back to his casinos to rip off the people who can ill afford it and to his game shows where greed and gluttony run rampant
bashing the living shit out of Obama worked so well for two elections, I'd make damn sure I crushed Hillary the same way ..


YOu missed the information in your own link.

Hillary played the Woman/Sexist Card, and Trump turned it around on her.

He called her on her bullshit.

She, like all you lefties, are used to having the game fixed in your favor.

She is not going to be prepared to have her lies challenged and thrown back in her face.
Yeah women will love that trump will penalize them if they have abortions and you can't be a 10 if you don't have large breasts??? Trump is out of his mind
bashing the living shit out of Obama worked so well for two elections, I'd make damn sure I crushed Hillary the same way ..


YOu missed the information in your own link.

Hillary played the Woman/Sexist Card, and Trump turned it around on her.

He called her on her bullshit.

She, like all you lefties, are used to having the game fixed in your favor.

She is not going to be prepared to have her lies challenged and thrown back in her face.
Yeah women will love that trump will penalize them if they have abortions and you can't be a 10 if you don't have large breasts??? Trump is out of his mind

Excellent lies. Now try them on Trump and see what he does to you.
lets include VP hopeful Newt Gingrich too ... he deserves to be included in the "spouse cheaters" fray ..

I wonder where the family values voters go in Clinton match-up between Trump/Gingrich.

unlike Trump/Gingrich, Hillary didn't cheat on anyone ... but the simpleton RW's will remain attached to the billionaires asshole, in hopes of getting a dingleberry stuck between their teeth ...

My point is that Hillary Clinton sticking with her husband after the Monica Lewinsky episode makes her a stronger family values candidate than a ticket with two habitual divorcers.
One sob sent our jobs overseas, one sob wants to bring jobs back to America. Vote for America this time. Trump 2016

jobs, cheating on your spouse ... same thing if you're a fucking IDIOT

next contestant ..

Except I pointed out the difference. Jobs there, jobs here, are opposites, not the same.

jobs arent the topic you dumbass ... stay on topic or drop out.

Ok. One is more of an sob than the other. Vote for the lesser sob.
Trump 2016

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