Attacks On Jews Around the World

For the fourth week in a row, the Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY, has been subject to an incident of antisemitism.

In the most recent event, on Friday evening, a car drove slowly down a street in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg. On security tape, the vehicle is seen stopping close to a group of Hassidic men as someone tosses something on the ground.

Moments later, an explosion could be heard as fireworks detonated near the Jewish men.

(full article online)

For the fourth week in a row, the Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY, has been subject to an incident of antisemitism.

In the most recent event, on Friday evening, a car drove slowly down a street in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg. On security tape, the vehicle is seen stopping close to a group of Hassidic men as someone tosses something on the ground.

Moments later, an explosion could be heard as fireworks detonated near the Jewish men.

(full article online)

As I keep trying to explain, the evil actions of Zionists in Palestine have painted a bullseye on the back of every Jew in the entire world.
When Judaism allows such evil actions by those Zionists in Palestine, it makes others suspect there is something fundamentally wrong, disloyal, and evil about all Jews.
Being already labeled from all the evil in the Old Testament, this is more than enough to cause normal people to condemn Judaism in general.
If we want to not be attacked, we have to repudiate the Old Testament and modern Zionists both.
A teenager from Maine who was found to be in possession of homemade explosive was allegedly plotting to bomb Chicago area places of worship, including synagogues.

According to ABC7 Chicago, Xavier Pelkey, 18, was arrested by police on February 11 at his home in Waterville, Maine. Police said that he planned to attack synagogues and mosques. He was charged with having unregistered explosive devices after police raided his apartment.

(full article online)

Attacks on the Jewish Community is nothing new. On individuals or their businesses, Synagogues and Schools is also nothing new.

From time to time there is a rise in Judeophobic, Antisemitic, Jew hatred acts, and we seem to be living in one of them.

It clearly started around five years ago. The rise in White Supremacy, Nazi, Christian and Muslim attacks on Jews in too many cities all over the world, simply because of being Jewish.

There are many excuses used to attack any Jew who comes their way.

Free Palestine
Dirty Jew
Israel does not have the right to exist,
Israel is guilty of Apartheid
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing
We don't hate Jews, only Zionists
etc, etc, etc

Be the attacks on the streets, on Campuses, on the subways or anywhere else, they are clearly uncalled for and come from what each of those individuals who decide to attack one individual Jew - who has not done anything to them, or all Jews due to what they have wrongly learned about Israel, Judaism, Jewish history etc

I will be posting each individual case I do find in the news. There have been too many, which is why I decided to start this thread to deal with this more than common phenomenon, which did not look as bad as this since the Nazis took over Germany.

I really still do not understand WHY.

Anybody can come up with a lame ass excuse for anything they do, but this still does not explain WHY.

Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they believe in anything that Israel has done, is doing, or plans to do. I would think that Jews moving to other parts of the world are distancing themselves FROM Israel because of whatever reason they have against the country or the government.

Doesn't make any sense to attack someone that is trying to GET AWAY from stupidity, violence, and/or corruption.
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I really still do not understand WHY.

Anybody can come up with a lame ass excuse for anything they do, but this still does not explain WHY.

Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they believe in anything that Israel has done, is doing, or plans to do. I would think that Jews moving to other parts of the world are distancing themselves FROM Israel because of whatever reason they have against the country or the government.

Doesn't make any sense to attack someone that is trying to GET AWAY from stupidity, violence, and/or corruption.
1) Jew hatred has nothing to do with Israel. It has its roots in the New Testament.

2) Real persecution of Jews, because of what was written in the NT, began after the Roman Empire fell and the Romans embraced Christianity. Persecution of Jews has been non stop since then.

3). Ever heard of the Inquisition? What do you know or think it was about? When did it start?

4) Are you aware how many Pogroms/Massacres of Jews have happened in Europe since the Romans took over Christianity?

5). Are you aware that Islam only came to be because Christianity went to Arabia to spread the word of Jesus? And that it borrowed and follows most, if not all the ideas about Jews and the ones created by Muslims to spread about Jews ?

6) Most Jews, and many Christians and Muslims, including those living in Israel, are PRO Israel.

7). Jews leave Israel the same way other peoples live the place they live. For work, better opportunities, etc.
Israel is there for Jews to have a place to go to when they are persecuted.
Israel is ON its own Jewish homeland. The Homeland of the Jews. And only 20% of it. The rest was given.....given Arabs who did not live there longer than a couple of decades.

There were 4 Mandates after WWI. No Arab complained about 3 of those Mandates as they were being given to Arabs and Muslims.

It is only the one given to the Jewish People, on their ancient homeland, that Muslims and Christians had a problem with, as they saw all conquered Muslim land as forever in the hands of Muslims.

That is what the conflict between Christians and Muslims against Israel has been from the beginning.

1290 England expelled all Jews
1492 Spain expelled all Jews
The same happened in many European countries after 1290.

1920 Jews in Gaza were expelled
1925 Jews from TransJordan were expelled
1929 Jews in Hebron were expelled
1948 Jews in Judea and Samaria (Jewish Homeland) were expelled.

The only reason there is a Palestinian/Israel conflict is because the Arab leaders cannot stand Jews being sovereign of their own destiny on any land once conquered by Islam.

Check any of the above and a clear picture will come out from all of it.
1) Jew hatred has nothing to do with Israel. It has its roots in the New Testament.

2) Real persecution of Jews, because of what was written in the NT, began after the Roman Empire fell and the Romans embraced Christianity. Persecution of Jews has been non stop since then.

3). Ever heard of the Inquisition? What do you know or think it was about? When did it start?

4) Are you aware how many Pogroms/Massacres of Jews have happened in Europe since the Romans took over Christianity?

5). Are you aware that Islam only came to be because Christianity went to Arabia to spread the word of Jesus? And that it borrowed and follows most, if not all the ideas about Jews and the ones created by Muslims to spread about Jews ?

6) Most Jews, and many Christians and Muslims, including those living in Israel, are PRO Israel.

7). Jews leave Israel the same way other peoples live the place they live. For work, better opportunities, etc.
Israel is there for Jews to have a place to go to when they are persecuted.
Israel is ON its own Jewish homeland. The Homeland of the Jews. And only 20% of it. The rest was given.....given Arabs who did not live there longer than a couple of decades.

There were 4 Mandates after WWI. No Arab complained about 3 of those Mandates as they were being given to Arabs and Muslims.

It is only the one given to the Jewish People, on their ancient homeland, that Muslims and Christians had a problem with, as they saw all conquered Muslim land as forever in the hands of Muslims.

That is what the conflict between Christians and Muslims against Israel has been from the beginning.

1290 England expelled all Jews
1492 Spain expelled all Jews
The same happened in many European countries after 1290.

1920 Jews in Gaza were expelled
1925 Jews from TransJordan were expelled
1929 Jews in Hebron were expelled
1948 Jews in Judea and Samaria (Jewish Homeland) were expelled.

The only reason there is a Palestinian/Israel conflict is because the Arab leaders cannot stand Jews being sovereign of their own destiny on any land once conquered by Islam.

Check any of the above and a clear picture will come out from all of it.
I agree with most of what you wrote, but not everything.

I don't think the pagan Roman Empire was crazy abut Jews either.

And as for Muslims, it's not only the land that was originally the state of Israel, but the occupied territories and the treatment of the people there. If that had never happened, we would be closer to peace, I believe.
I agree with most of what you wrote, but not everything.

I don't think the pagan Roman Empire was crazy abut Jews either.

And as for Muslims, it's not only the land that was originally the state of Israel, but the occupied territories and the treatment of the people there. If that had never happened, we would be closer to peace, I believe.
No conquering invaders are crazy about a nation which will fight for independence the way tbe Jews fought to free Judea. No other people fought as many times. But it is different from the fear, and then hatred created by Christianity s founder.

That is what Jews have been dealing with to this day.

Arabs in today s Judea and Samaria, and Gaza are mistreated by their own leaders and taught to hate Jews. That is what Islam has always been like with the Jews for not wanting to convert.

The Arab leaders are making too much money out of this to want peace. Same with UNWRA.
As long as the thinking, free money and the education to hate continues, the leaders will never accept to negotiate for peace
No conquering invaders are crazy about a nation which will fight for independence the way tbe Jews fought to free Judea. No other people fought as many times. But it is different from the fear, and then hatred created by Christianity s founder.

That is what Jews have been dealing with to this day.

Arabs in today s Judea and Samaria, and Gaza are mistreated by their own leaders and taught to hate Jews. That is what Islam has always been like with the Jews for not wanting to convert.

The Arab leaders are making too much money out of this to want peace. Same with UNWRA.
As long as the thinking, free money and the education to hate continues, the leaders will never accept to negotiate for peace
The Saudi regime is not terribly anti-Israeli, but they are horrible people.
The Saudi regime is not terribly anti-Israeli, but they are horrible people.
I was talking about Hamasaki and P A leaders in Gaza and P A. Saudis are warming up to Israel as other Arab and muslim countries have in the past year
My main interest is educating ignoramuses like yourself who swallowed whole horror stories about the Jews and fairytales about the Arabs and Muslims.

It will lead to saving lives of Jews, Muslims and Christians.

Truth is very powerful and many do learn to see it.

You?????? Who knows.
Why would I believe horror stories about the Jews?
1) Jew hatred has nothing to do with Israel. It has its roots in the New Testament.

2) Real persecution of Jews, because of what was written in the NT, began after the Roman Empire fell and the Romans embraced Christianity. Persecution of Jews has been non stop since then.

3). Ever heard of the Inquisition? What do you know or think it was about? When did it start?

4) Are you aware how many Pogroms/Massacres of Jews have happened in Europe since the Romans took over Christianity?

5). Are you aware that Islam only came to be because Christianity went to Arabia to spread the word of Jesus? And that it borrowed and follows most, if not all the ideas about Jews and the ones created by Muslims to spread about Jews ?

6) Most Jews, and many Christians and Muslims, including those living in Israel, are PRO Israel.

7). Jews leave Israel the same way other peoples live the place they live. For work, better opportunities, etc.
Israel is there for Jews to have a place to go to when they are persecuted.
Israel is ON its own Jewish homeland. The Homeland of the Jews. And only 20% of it. The rest was given.....given Arabs who did not live there longer than a couple of decades.

There were 4 Mandates after WWI. No Arab complained about 3 of those Mandates as they were being given to Arabs and Muslims.

It is only the one given to the Jewish People, on their ancient homeland, that Muslims and Christians had a problem with, as they saw all conquered Muslim land as forever in the hands of Muslims.

That is what the conflict between Christians and Muslims against Israel has been from the beginning.

1290 England expelled all Jews
1492 Spain expelled all Jews
The same happened in many European countries after 1290.

1920 Jews in Gaza were expelled
1925 Jews from TransJordan were expelled
1929 Jews in Hebron were expelled
1948 Jews in Judea and Samaria (Jewish Homeland) were expelled.

The only reason there is a Palestinian/Israel conflict is because the Arab leaders cannot stand Jews being sovereign of their own destiny on any land once conquered by Islam.

Check any of the above and a clear picture will come out from all of it.
As I keep trying to explain, the evil actions of Zionists in Palestine have painted a bullseye on the back of every Jew in the entire world.
When Judaism allows such evil actions by those Zionists in Palestine, it makes others suspect there is something fundamentally wrong, disloyal, and evil about all Jews.
Being already labeled from all the evil in the Old Testament, this is more than enough to cause normal people to condemn Judaism in general.
If we want to not be attacked, we have to repudiate the Old Testament and modern Zionists both.
There wasn’t a Jewish State before 1948. Try to explain all the Hate. You can’t; Nice try
An Israeli tourist was attacked on Monday in Berlin, Germany, in what she described as an incident of antisemitic violence.

The victim, named only as “Osnat,” was with her husband in a heavily-trafficked area near the Berlin Zoological Garden on the final day of their trip to the German capital, Israeli news site Walla reported.

The assailant “watched us and apparently heard us speaking Hebrew, and waited until my husband distanced himself [from me].”

“I felt that,” she said. “Otherwise, there was no reason. I had an expensive iPhone 13 in my hand and he didn’t snatch it. He just hit me, examined the result in cold blood, and left. It wasn’t a robbery.”

The attacker, she added, “didn’t say a word. I remember him standing looking at me on the ground, a white man with a coronavirus mask. He looked around 25-30 [years old].”

(full article online)


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