Attacks On Jews Around the World

Christianity was founded by Jew hater?

Who taught you that?

Jews are not entirely innocent.

But, I expect you will continue to keep a running tally.
Surada knows nothing about Christianity, and nothing about Islam.

But she does not like Jews.

Go figure.
Racist bigoted rubbish, as usual. Jews are not 'poor oppressed historical victims, they're full participants and players in their own fates and outcomes of their actions, good and bad. Grow up, and forget the silly bigoted rubbish you're taught by racists Hasedics and Orthodox propaganda, and you and Israel will be better off.

And lol at 'Christianity founded by a hater of Judaism'; that's really a laugh, considering 'the Judaism' he hated was itself a product of Babylonian hatred of the original religion and culture, one that now is based on a cult formed some 80 years newer than Christianity, which is nothing more than a reform movement. You will just have to accept the fact that you're just not all that 'special and deserving' compared to to other tribes and cultures who suffered a lot worse, as in becoming totally extinct. You're a conceited asshat, is all.
I was not talking of Jesus.

But thank you for an endless display of ignorance learned at the school of hatred.

Your history of Christianity and Judaism is distorted beyond recognition, which is exactly why some people are so easily incited to commit crimes against Jews and not feel any guilt at all.

Look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are the conceited one, and you have nothing to do on this thread.

You are another perfect example for this thread.

Jews are not allowed to express themselves, tell that they are being attacked that people like yourself come up and tell them that they do not have the right to complain, or call the police, or this and that.

All you have written is learned garbage. See if you can fix that for the rest of you life, that way you will not be as "angry" at Jews.

Maybe, just maybe, you could become part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
A “disgraceful” antisemitic poster put up by Millwall football hooligans has been removed by the club and reported to the British Transport Police.

The south London club took down a sign which had the words ‘Achtung Juden’ [attention Jews, in German], the Tottenham Hotspur symbol, and blood.

The poster included the symbol of hooligan group ‘Millwall Berserkers’, which has previously posted the neo-Nazi odal rune on its Instagram page, a Nazi-style eagle and death threats to the left.

(full article online)

The New York Police Department is offering a reward of up to $3,500 for information concerning an arson attack on a Jewish school in Brooklyn on Thursday night.

The attack occurred just before 7.30 in the evening. Police are searching for a woman who was caught on CCTV setting fire to Yeshiva of Flatbush on Avenue J in the borough and are treating the incident as a hate crime.

Security cameras caught the woman dressed entirely in black and carrying a gasoline can. She was seen dousing the entrance to the school with gasoline before she lit a fire.

(full article online)

Lies and slander are normal for you.
Sure, Arabs and Muslims themselves are lying about what Islam is and what they call Jews and what they want to do to Jews, because they are Jews.

As written in the Koran or Hadiths or any other Islamic writings the Muslims take seriously.

Amazon product ASIN 1597977020

There are many other examples online.

Why do they bother to waste sermons by saying things like that?

Chapter One: Islamic Religious Sources on the Jews - The 'Descendants of Apes and Pigs'​

According to Islam, the ancient Jews were turned into animals for transgressing the word of God.[11] This divine punishment is mentioned in the most important sources of Islamic religious law, in both the Koran's recounting of the divine revelation, and in the extremely reliable Hadiths (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) compiled by the leading ninth-century sages Muslim and Al-Bukhari,[12] which mention also mice, lizards, and other animals in the same context.

The divine punishment of Jews is mentioned in three Koranic verses: "... They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine..." (5:60); "...You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised" (2:65);[13] and "when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised" (7:166).[14]

Arab literature (Adab) also discussed Jews' transformation into animals. In his 9th century treatise The Book of Animals, the greatest of these authors, Al-Jahiz,[15] mentions that it is generally thought that the cheetah, eel, white ant, mouse, and lizard were originally Jews. He mentions the tradition telling how a sage saw a man eating a lizard and said to him: "Know that you have eaten one of the sheikhs of the sons of Israel." He does not mention why they were changed into animals, but does say that proof of this is that "the lizard's foot resembles the human hand."[16]​


You should know Arabic, and should perfectly understand what Muslims say about Jews, and what they want to do with Jews. Go read the original.
Listen to sermons by Imams.

Even if the Judge who taught you about Islam only used some parts of the Koran and other sources, go ahead and read the rest of each one. You will find those parts not to be peaceful to non Muslims and especially to Jews.

And the history of Islam as it has treated Jews is the perfect witness to it.

That is what you consider my lies and slander.
Sure, Arabs and Muslims themselves are lying about what Islam is and what they call Jews and what they want to do to Jews, because they are Jews.

As written in the Koran or Hadiths or any other Islamic writings the Muslims take seriously.

Amazon product ASIN 1597977020

There are many other examples online.

Why do they bother to waste sermons by saying things like that?

Chapter One: Islamic Religious Sources on the Jews - The 'Descendants of Apes and Pigs'​

According to Islam, the ancient Jews were turned into animals for transgressing the word of God.[11] This divine punishment is mentioned in the most important sources of Islamic religious law, in both the Koran's recounting of the divine revelation, and in the extremely reliable Hadiths (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) compiled by the leading ninth-century sages Muslim and Al-Bukhari,[12] which mention also mice, lizards, and other animals in the same context.

The divine punishment of Jews is mentioned in three Koranic verses: "... They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine..." (5:60); "...You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised" (2:65);[13] and "when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised" (7:166).[14]

Arab literature (Adab) also discussed Jews' transformation into animals. In his 9th century treatise The Book of Animals, the greatest of these authors, Al-Jahiz,[15] mentions that it is generally thought that the cheetah, eel, white ant, mouse, and lizard were originally Jews. He mentions the tradition telling how a sage saw a man eating a lizard and said to him: "Know that you have eaten one of the sheikhs of the sons of Israel." He does not mention why they were changed into animals, but does say that proof of this is that "the lizard's foot resembles the human hand."[16]​


You should know Arabic, and should perfectly understand what Muslims say about Jews, and what they want to do with Jews. Go read the original.
Listen to sermons by Imams.

Even if the Judge who taught you about Islam only used some parts of the Koran and other sources, go ahead and read the rest of each one. You will find those parts not to be peaceful to non Muslims and especially to Jews.

And the history of Islam as it has treated Jews is the perfect witness to it.

That is what you consider my lies and slander.

You can't believe everything you read on the internet especially when it is used to justify zionist treatment of the Palestinians. Most hadiths can't be authenticated because they came out of Persia 250 years after the death of Muhammed.
You can't believe everything you read on the internet especially when it is used to justify zionist treatment of the Palestinians. Most hadiths can't be authenticated because they came out of Persia 250 years after the death of Muhammed.
can you expand on your assertion that the authenticity of Koranic
writings are in question, Surada? I am a jew and HAVE read the
koran and have had extensive discussion with muslims and have
experienced Khutbah Jumaat feces flings. I cannot imagine why some
scholarly discussion of the AUTHENTICITY of the koran which muslims
insist is ABSOLUTELY THE TRUE WORD OF ALLAH (via jibril) has anything
at all to do with islam as defined by KORANIC SCHOLARS. ------one could
also discuss the precise authenticity of Mein Kampf in an attempt to
ameliorate Auschwitz I have, actually, never come across a "ZIONIST"
who cited the koran.
I will assume, but cannot attest, to the factoid that some have read it
You can't believe everything you read on the internet especially when it is used to justify zionist treatment of the Palestinians. Most hadiths can't be authenticated because they came out of Persia 250 years after the death of Muhammed.
Total BS which you learned from those who do not want to take responsibility for their words and actions.

Israeli Arabs have nothing to complain about "Zionist treatment" to them. And neither have the Palestinians from Gaza and the PA who are flocking to work in Israel.

Stop excusing any and all incitements written by Muslims, and all forms made to delegitimize Muslim attacks on Jews since Mohammad's time. He was no saint and murdered and expelled Jews from their rightful homes in Arabia to teach Jews outside Arabia a lesson.

But is the Koran authentic? It is written in the Koran, many more things of how Muslims can and should treat Jews.

You protest way too much about all of these writings you do not have the courage to read, and only talk about here as if you were reading or had been told what to say about them .
can you expand on your assertion that the authenticity of Koranic
writings are in question, Surada? I am a jew and HAVE read the
koran and have had extensive discussion with muslims and have
experienced Khutbah Jumaat feces flings. I cannot imagine why some
scholarly discussion of the AUTHENTICITY of the koran which muslims
insist is ABSOLUTELY THE TRUE WORD OF ALLAH (via jibril) has anything
at all to do with islam as defined by KORANIC SCHOLARS. ------one could
also discuss the precise authenticity of Mein Kampf in an attempt to
ameliorate Auschwitz I have, actually, never come across a "ZIONIST"
who cited the koran.
I will assume, but cannot attest, to the factoid that some have read it
This thread is not to have discussions like that. She does it on every other thread.

Discussing the Koran and other Islamic sources requires a whole other thread
calm yourselves, Fan and Surada. SLANDER is the traditional galvanizer
of violence. Try to settle your dispute-----out of court

I am calm, silly. Demonizing the neighbors for 3,000 years has not been a winning strategy.
Total BS which you learned from those who do not want to take responsibility for their words and actions.

Israeli Arabs have nothing to complain about "Zionist treatment" to them. And neither have the Palestinians from Gaza and the PA who are flocking to work in Israel.

Stop excusing any and all incitements written by Muslims, and all forms made to delegitimize Muslim attacks on Jews since Mohammad's time. He was no saint and murdered and expelled Jews from their rightful homes in Arabia to teach Jews outside Arabia a lesson.

But is the Koran authentic? It is written in the Koran, many more things of how Muslims can and should treat Jews.

You protest way too much about all of these writings you do not have the courage to read, and only talk about here as if you were reading or had been told what to say about them .

Rightful homes in Arabia? LOLOL..
Rightful homes in Arabia? LOLOL..
You clearly know only what you want to know.

People move to a place, live there for decades if not centuries, and those places are not their rightful homes? Only because it is in Arabia, or now, a Muslim conquered land?

The three Jewish tribes living in the area in the 7th century did not have the right to live on those places and call them their homes?
Did you know that Saudi Arabia once hosted a thriving Jewish community? For almost a thousand years (three times longer than the Jews have been in America), Jews lived in the oases of Teyma, Khaybar, and Yathrib (later known as Medina), in the northern Arabian Peninsula. According to Dr. Hagai Mazuz, an Orientalist specializing in Arabic language, Islam, and Islamic culture, “The Jewish community of northern Arabia was one of the largest ancient Jewish communities in the history of the Jewish people.”1

They were powerful and wealthy. They were respected by the local Arabian tribes for their religion, culture, erudition, and literacy. They built castles on mountaintops and developed productive plantations. They had military prowess, horses, and advanced weaponry. And they were almost totally annihilated in the short span of a few years.

Their story should make every Jew shudder.

The Jews of Medina were divided into three groups: The Banu Qaynuqa were blacksmiths, weapon wrights, and goldsmiths. The Banu Nadir had date plantations. The Banu QurayUa were wine merchants. These groups often quarreled. Sometimes the hostility among them broke out into actual fighting.

When Mohammed fled from Mecca in 622, he went to Medina. At first, he entered into an alliance with the Jews. He studied in their study halls and adopted many of their customs into his incipient religion (e.g. not eating pork). But when, after two years, Mohammed could not convince the Jews to accept him as a prophet and convert to his religion, his attitude turned toward open hostility. He instructed his friends to murder and decapitate Ka’b Ibn al-Ashraf, a renowned Jewish poet and chief of the Banu Nadir (date farmers tribe), and ordered his followers, “Kill every Jew you can.” 2

I am calm, silly. Demonizing the neighbors for 3,000 years has not been a winning strategy.
oh gee-----direct from the first, second and third reichs and the all time fave
minions of filth as manefested by the Khutbah feces flings
oh gee-----direct from the first, second and third reichs and the all time fave
minions of filth as manefested by the Khutbah feces flings

Canaanite Phoenician Origin of the God of the Israelites
Specifically, the Canaanite religion impacted Israelite religion with influential elements from Babylonian and Egyptian religions. The Canaanite God El. The Israelite religion began as a henotheistic offshoot of the Canaanite worship of El, along with his secondary epithet Yahweh which refers to El Yahweh Sabaoth often translated as Lord of hosts.
Canaanite Phoenician Origin of the God of the Israelites
Specifically, the Canaanite religion impacted Israelite religion with influential elements from Babylonian and Egyptian religions. The Canaanite God El. The Israelite religion began as a henotheistic offshoot of the Canaanite worship of El, along with his secondary epithet Yahweh which refers to El Yahweh Sabaoth often translated as Lord of hosts.
Wrong thread, as always.
You will not be hijacking this thread to tell the non history of the Land of Canaan as learned from your Islamic sources.

And no answer about the history of early Islam, as always.
Wrong thread, as always.
You will not be hijacking this thread to tell the non history of the Land of Canaan as learned from your Islamic sources.

And no answer about the history of early Islam, as always.
you do not enjoy the attack of the WIKKI QUEEN and its parroting of defiled WIKKI?

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