Attacks on Religion: The Liberal Drumbeat

"... we are doing our children a horrible disservice by not having schools reinforcing and validating morals taught by parents."

Couldn't agree more.
You're the one who desperately needs your whacky views to be validated. :lol:

I can see that the solitary thing you've learned in school is to ignore the shame of being a dunce.
Says the guy who believes in invisible superbeings. :lol:

Aren't you the one who started the aliens thread? Where you professed your belief in the conspiracy theories about Roswell? Said you thought we are not only being watched but our population is infiltrated with aliens? You had seen some YouTube videos that had been taken down... *gasp* we all know what that means, huh? :dunno:

So you believe in the little green men but that's not irrational belief. We believe in a self-evident spiritual force greater than ourselves and you think that is irrational. :cuckoo:
Teaching facts over fiction is what a school is all about.

Well, then......consider the USMB your school, and I'll teach your the facts you never learned in school:

The context that explains the antipathy to religion by the Left, is the following:

For an historical perspective....two eras of American history stand out.

This nation was founded by religious individuals, based on a religious foundation, ....

4. First:
"The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

a. Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.” Coulter

b. "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were... the general principles of Christianity. ...I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." - Letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813

John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, June 28th, 1813, from Quincy. The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams, edited by Lester J. Cappon, 1988, the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, pp. 338-340.

5. Then, the explanation for the great sea change in America:

All of that changed during the Roosevelt Administration, when a widely popular President embraced communist Joseph Stalin, and provided a home for communism in this nation.

a. "There is no God:
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor. The Schwarz Report | Essays

And this view infected the public schools......and in your limited intellect
Sorry, I don't read long-winded posts. Either say it in a couple of sentences or don't bother.

And here we have the usual explanation for Liberal/Leftist beliefs?

"... I don't read..."
We don't cut and paste, but we do read.

Are the facts presented via the cut and paste too difficult for you to either read or to understand?


Then....what's your gripe with it?
Your posts are too long and boring. You should be able to articulate your ideas and opinions.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
I must have missed any of the bibles being referenced in the Constitution.

Can you point out any of those citations?

Of course I can.

1. "The most quoted source was the Bible.
Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

2. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

3. When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women.

4. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”.
The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died."
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

And this..."Montesquieu was the man quoted most often by the founding fathers, with 8.3 percent of the Founders’ quotes being taken from his writings. Sir William Blackstone was the second most-quoted individual with 7.9 percent of the Founder’s quotes, and John Locke was third with 2.9 percent.

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that the founders quoted directly out of the bible 4 times more than they quoted Montesquieu, 4 times more often than they quoted Blackstone, and 12 times more often than they quoted John Locke. Thirty four percent of the Founders’ quotes came directly out of the bible."
David Barton, Original Intent, 1997
Donald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism 1988
“The Relative Influence of European Writers on Late Eighteenth Century American Political Thought” American Political Science Review
So, not a single reference to any of the bibles in the Constitution.

I'm afraid your usual cutting and pasting won't help your continued, failed arguments.... consisting of endless cutting and pasting.


You need more of a thrashing?


Do you know the preamble for all 50 states?
Every one refers to God.
The Fifty States Reference God in their Constitutions-
The Fifty States Reference God in their Constitutions-Truth!

Did that hurt?
So then. Where in the Constitution is there any reference to bibles, gawd, gawd Jr., or any other deity?

I've asked before that you support your obviously specious claim and you typically resort to your usual tactic of spamming the thread with endless cutting and pasting.

Where is there a reference to gawds in the Constitution?
"... we are doing our children a horrible disservice by not having schools reinforcing and validating morals taught by parents."

Couldn't agree more.
You're the one who desperately needs your whacky views to be validated. :lol:

I can see that the solitary thing you've learned in school is to ignore the shame of being a dunce.
Says the guy who believes in invisible superbeings. :lol:

Aren't you the one who started the aliens thread? Where you professed your belief in the conspiracy theories about Roswell? Said you thought we are not only being watched but our population is infiltrated with aliens? You had seen some YouTube videos that had been taken down... *gasp* we all know what that means, huh? :dunno:

So you believe in the little green men but that's not irrational belief. We believe in a self-evident spiritual force greater than ourselves and you think that is irrational. :cuckoo:
Not my aliens thread, you lose again.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
I must have missed any of the bibles being referenced in the Constitution.

Can you point out any of those citations?

Of course I can.

1. "The most quoted source was the Bible.
Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

2. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

3. When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women.

4. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”.
The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died."
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

And this..."Montesquieu was the man quoted most often by the founding fathers, with 8.3 percent of the Founders’ quotes being taken from his writings. Sir William Blackstone was the second most-quoted individual with 7.9 percent of the Founder’s quotes, and John Locke was third with 2.9 percent.

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that the founders quoted directly out of the bible 4 times more than they quoted Montesquieu, 4 times more often than they quoted Blackstone, and 12 times more often than they quoted John Locke. Thirty four percent of the Founders’ quotes came directly out of the bible."
David Barton, Original Intent, 1997
Donald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism 1988
“The Relative Influence of European Writers on Late Eighteenth Century American Political Thought” American Political Science Review
Oh gawd. You're cutting and pasting the same nonsense you have been cutting and pasting in prior threads.

Not your silly David Barton "quote" again.

Do you need another reminder of the damage you do to your cut and paste spam with "quotes" from such fundie hacks?

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #14: David Barton
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

And just where they might be?
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Interesting, what I get out of this passage is that there are other gods. That either God is a hermaphadite or that their are male and female gods with him. He cannot be talking about Angels, since in the Torah the Angels are described with such detail and have no resemblance to God or man.

Also this shows that God created all the animals first. And it means that he was familiar with male and female. The animals had to breed. Yet in the second chapter he seems to forget this and makes animals after he makes man and tries to make him a companion with animals. Lol. So much inconsistency. So much bestiality.

But I agree with you, the second chapter of genisis was an edit that some disgruntled herder put in to show women as inferior.
Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Interesting, what I get out of this passage is that there are other gods. That either God is a hermaphadite or that their are male and female gods with him. He cannot be talking about Angels, since in the Torah the Angels are described with such detail and have no resemblance to God or man.

Also this shows that God created all the animals first. And it means that he was familiar with male and female. The animals had to breed. Yet in the second chapter he seems to forget this and makes animals after he makes man and tries to make him a companion with animals. Lol. So much inconsistency. So much bestiality.

But I agree with you, the second chapter of genisis was an edit that some disgruntled herder put in to show women as inferior.

Since your post is in no way a response to the post to which it is which you were ostensibly replying....

1. you must be suffering from A.D.D.

2.or you were simply using it as an opportunity to display your biases

3. and...clearly.....I win.

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
I want Islam or Mormon facts taught to my kids.
Let me tell you the tales of your life of
your love and the cut of the knife
the tireless oppression
the wisdom instilled
the desire to kill or be killed.
Let me sing of the losers who lie in the street as the last bus goes by.
The pavements ar empty: the gutters run red -- while the fool
toasts his god in the sky.
I am for Religion in school only if we can have animal sacrifices ...Santeria Rules........

Let me help you pick up your dead as the sins of the father are fed
the blood of the fools and
the thoughts of the wise and
from the pan under your bed.

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
I want Islam or Mormon facts taught to my kids.
The truth comes out, you're a muslim mole, no wonder you defend sharia so vigorously.

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
I want Islam or Mormon facts taught to my kids.
The truth comes out, you're a muslim mole, no wonder you defend sharia so vigorously.
Or a Mormon.

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
I want Islam or Mormon facts taught to my kids.
The truth comes out, you're a muslim mole, no wonder you defend sharia so vigorously.
Or a Mormon.
Here's how we tell: do you like the smell of camels, yes or no?
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Interesting, what I get out of this passage is that there are other gods. That either God is a hermaphadite or that their are male and female gods with him. He cannot be talking about Angels, since in the Torah the Angels are described with such detail and have no resemblance to God or man.

Also this shows that God created all the animals first. And it means that he was familiar with male and female. The animals had to breed. Yet in the second chapter he seems to forget this and makes animals after he makes man and tries to make him a companion with animals. Lol. So much inconsistency. So much bestiality.

But I agree with you, the second chapter of genisis was an edit that some disgruntled herder put in to show women as inferior.

Since your post is in no way a response to the post to which it is which you were ostensibly replying....

1. you must be suffering from A.D.D.

2.or you were simply using it as an opportunity to display your biases

3. and...clearly.....I win.
Huh? You clearly said genisis 1:26 1:27. I put both of those passages in my response. And it doesn't say that man is created equal, it just says he created man. Now if you go to genisis chapter 2 that's where it gets strange. And this is the only time in the Old Testament that they use a prequel to explain things. And you can see in just the 2 chapters that God is not all knowing. He is not omniscient. And if you believe in a religion that puts women down, that makes them subservient to man. That because of eve's sin that you are punished. More power to you. It doesn't make sense to promote a religion that tells you to be quiet and let man do your thinking. In which case you are not a very good Christian.
And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Interesting, what I get out of this passage is that there are other gods. That either God is a hermaphadite or that their are male and female gods with him. He cannot be talking about Angels, since in the Torah the Angels are described with such detail and have no resemblance to God or man.

Also this shows that God created all the animals first. And it means that he was familiar with male and female. The animals had to breed. Yet in the second chapter he seems to forget this and makes animals after he makes man and tries to make him a companion with animals. Lol. So much inconsistency. So much bestiality.

But I agree with you, the second chapter of genisis was an edit that some disgruntled herder put in to show women as inferior.

Since your post is in no way a response to the post to which it is which you were ostensibly replying....

1. you must be suffering from A.D.D.

2.or you were simply using it as an opportunity to display your biases

3. and...clearly.....I win.
Huh? You clearly said genisis 1:26 1:27. I put both of those passages in my response. And it doesn't say that man is created equal, it just says he created man. Now if you go to genisis chapter 2 that's where it gets strange. And this is the only time in the Old Testament that they use a prequel to explain things. And you can see in just the 2 chapters that God is not all knowing. He is not omniscient. And if you believe in a religion that puts women down, that makes them subservient to man. That because of eve's sin that you are punished. More power to you. It doesn't make sense to promote a religion that tells you to be quiet and let man do your thinking. In which case you are not a very good Christian.

"So God created mankind in his own image,"

  1. 1.
    human beings considered collectively; the human race. Google

Even a simpleton should be able to correctly answer this question" does the quote from Genesis say "So God created SOME OF mankind in his own image,"

QED....all humans are created equal.

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