Attacks on Religion: The Liberal Drumbeat

One party controls the indoctrination factories, the government schools.
That political party is one that denies freedom to Americans, indoctrinates American children, and stands for the very antithesis of what the Founders stood for.

And announces same, loudly and clearly:

9. "The Party That Booed God
.... the Democratic Party booed God. No, I’m not kidding. Wednesday began in chaos and disarray for the Democrats. Their radical platform committee had removed all reference to God in the Democratic platform. Yes, I said ALL references to God. As in “all.” As in “God is not welcome in the Democratic Party.” As in “God is persona non grata in these parts.”

As a side note, these same geniuses who either hate God, or are embarrassed by the mere mention of His name, also removed much of the support for Israel that has been in the Democrat platform for about 60 years. They even deleted from the platform the Democrat Party’s longtime support of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel- something that has had bi-partisan support for half a century in America.

....we got a good look at the real hearts and minds of rank and file Democrats when Villaraigosa went to the podium. A sizable portion of Democratic delegates yelled “No” and did not want God or Jerusalem inserted back into the platform when the vote went to floor. By voice vote it was clearly a 50/50 split." The Party That Booed God

I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
The Enlightenment, you mean....which was a breaking away from the superstitions of religion.

I don't mean that at all.

1. The Enlightenment gave birth to the savagery that produced the abattoir called the French Revolution.
It was the result of replacing religion with "reason."

2. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

4. A very solid argument can be made that, while the American Revolution was created by and for ‘classical liberals,’ the French Revolution was by and for what those now called ‘liberals’ or progressives.
  1. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”
  2. The French Revolution is the godless antithesis of the founding of America.
So you don't think the Enlightenment had anything to do with the founding of our fascinating.
"Attacks on Religion: The Liberal Drumbeat"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The lie is contrived that 'liberals' seek to 'attack' religion, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The OP then attempts to attack 'liberals' with the lie contrived.

Following settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence doesn't constitute 'attacking' religion, as such jurisprudence comports with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate, prohibiting codifying religious dogma into secular law.

Indeed, the idiocy of the thread premise is demonstrated by the fact that the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian, and an even larger number persons of faith.
If OP could reason, her head would've just :blowup:
Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
I must have missed any of the bibles being referenced in the Constitution.

Can you point out any of those citations?

Of course I can.

1. "The most quoted source was the Bible.
Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches.

2. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

3. When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women.

4. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”.
The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died."
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

And this..."Montesquieu was the man quoted most often by the founding fathers, with 8.3 percent of the Founders’ quotes being taken from his writings. Sir William Blackstone was the second most-quoted individual with 7.9 percent of the Founder’s quotes, and John Locke was third with 2.9 percent.

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that the founders quoted directly out of the bible 4 times more than they quoted Montesquieu, 4 times more often than they quoted Blackstone, and 12 times more often than they quoted John Locke. Thirty four percent of the Founders’ quotes came directly out of the bible."
David Barton, Original Intent, 1997
Donald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism 1988
“The Relative Influence of European Writers on Late Eighteenth Century American Political Thought” American Political Science Review
So, not a single reference to any of the bibles in the Constitution.

I'm afraid your usual cutting and pasting won't help your continued, failed arguments.... consisting of endless cutting and pasting.


You need more of a thrashing?


Do you know the preamble for all 50 states?
Every one refers to God.
The Fifty States Reference God in their Constitutions-
The Fifty States Reference God in their Constitutions-Truth!

Did that hurt?
Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
The Enlightenment, you mean....which was a breaking away from the superstitions of religion.

I don't mean that at all.

1. The Enlightenment gave birth to the savagery that produced the abattoir called the French Revolution.
It was the result of replacing religion with "reason."

2. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

4. A very solid argument can be made that, while the American Revolution was created by and for ‘classical liberals,’ the French Revolution was by and for what those now called ‘liberals’ or progressives.
  1. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”
  2. The French Revolution is the godless antithesis of the founding of America.
So you don't think the Enlightenment had anything to do with the founding of our fascinating.
That topic must not have been covered on her citizenship test.
Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
The Enlightenment, you mean....which was a breaking away from the superstitions of religion.

I don't mean that at all.

1. The Enlightenment gave birth to the savagery that produced the abattoir called the French Revolution.
It was the result of replacing religion with "reason."

2. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

4. A very solid argument can be made that, while the American Revolution was created by and for ‘classical liberals,’ the French Revolution was by and for what those now called ‘liberals’ or progressives.
  1. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”
  2. The French Revolution is the godless antithesis of the founding of America.
So you don't think the Enlightenment had anything to do with the founding of our fascinating.

So you didn't that the replacing of religion with "reason" has not only been an abject failure....but resulted in over 100 million human beings being slaughtered?

I don't mind educating you....after all, a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....

The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America: Are they complementary? — The Mandate

I hope you're taking notes.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
And the US has been at war for nearly its whole existence. Bravo. Great book you have there.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
And the US has been at war for nearly its whole existence. Bravo. Great book you have there.

Folks like you are the reason this nation has to put directions on shampoo.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
The Enlightenment, you mean....which was a breaking away from the superstitions of religion.

I don't mean that at all.

1. The Enlightenment gave birth to the savagery that produced the abattoir called the French Revolution.
It was the result of replacing religion with "reason."

2. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

4. A very solid argument can be made that, while the American Revolution was created by and for ‘classical liberals,’ the French Revolution was by and for what those now called ‘liberals’ or progressives.
  1. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”
  2. The French Revolution is the godless antithesis of the founding of America.
So you don't think the Enlightenment had anything to do with the founding of our fascinating.

So you didn't that the replacing of religion with "reason" has not only been an abject failure....but resulted in over 100 million human beings being slaughtered?

I don't mind educating you....after all, a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....

The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America: Are they complementary? — The Mandate

I hope you're taking notes.
Thank you for But I am totally capable of knowing that the Enlightenment played a huge if not total part in the creation of our country....John Locke, an Enlightenment philosopher was heavily borrowed from when Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independent...and Madison relied not only on Locke but Montesqueue (sp) in structuring our government in the Constitution. They purposely cut out religion/government partnership with the First Amendment.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
And the US has been at war for nearly its whole existence. Bravo. Great book you have there.

Folks like you are the reason this nation has to put directions on shampoo.
The US is constantly at war because of the lack of social skills nation wide.
Rather than the ignorant, ridiculous partisan nonsense propagated by the OP, let's instead review what the Constitution actually says concerning the issue of religion in public schools:

'The principle that government may accommodate the free exercise of religion does not supersede the fundamental limitations imposed by the Establishment Clause. It is beyond dispute that, at a minimum, the Constitution guarantees that government may not coerce anyone to support or participate in religion or its exercise, or otherwise act in a way which "establishes a [state] religion or religious faith, or tends to do so." Lynch, supra, at 678; see also Allegheny County, supra, at 591 quoting Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1, 15-16 (1947). The State's involvement in the school prayers challenged today violates these central principles.

That involvement is as troubling as it is undenied. A school official, the principal, decided that an invocation and a benediction should be given; this is a choice attributable to the State, and from a constitutional perspective it is as if a state statute decreed that the prayers must occur. The principal chose the religious participant, here a rabbi, and that choice is also attributable to the State. The reason for the choice of a rabbi is not disclosed by the record, but the potential for divisiveness over the choice of a particular member of the clergy to conduct the ceremony is apparent.'

Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 (1992).

Again, to acknowledge and follow this settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence in no way manifests as an 'attack' on religion, nor does it 'interfere' with religious expression.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.
And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.
The Enlightenment, you mean....which was a breaking away from the superstitions of religion.

I don't mean that at all.

1. The Enlightenment gave birth to the savagery that produced the abattoir called the French Revolution.
It was the result of replacing religion with "reason."

2. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years." Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

4. A very solid argument can be made that, while the American Revolution was created by and for ‘classical liberals,’ the French Revolution was by and for what those now called ‘liberals’ or progressives.
  1. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.”
  2. The French Revolution is the godless antithesis of the founding of America.
So you don't think the Enlightenment had anything to do with the founding of our fascinating.

So you didn't that the replacing of religion with "reason" has not only been an abject failure....but resulted in over 100 million human beings being slaughtered?

I don't mind educating you....after all, a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....

The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America: Are they complementary? — The Mandate

I hope you're taking notes.
Thank you for But I am totally capable of knowing that the Enlightenment played a huge if not total part in the creation of our country....John Locke, an Enlightenment philosopher was heavily borrowed from when Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independent...and Madison relied not only on Locke but Montesqueue (sp) in structuring our government in the Constitution. They purposely cut out religion/government partnership with the First Amendment.

"They purposely cut out religion/government partnership with the First Amendment."

They did the very opposite.

They wedded religion to the nation.....exactly where it belonged.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

This article makes certain that the government cannot determine a specific religion for the people
Of course, Progressives did just that: they made government their god.

More remedial education for you:

Progressivism/Liberalism is the illegitimate child of Hegel and John Dewey, born outside of America.
Dewey’s thought, like that of his fellow progressives generally, was decidedly Hegelian. Even after turning away from Hegelian metaphysics, Dewey retained a significant Hegelian residue.
The Refounding of America | National Review Online

The German model:
a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, "Society and Democracy in Germany").

Now for the conservative view, that of the Founders, one based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

Perhaps this is the doctrine you were looking for, from Mamet:

"The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed- systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.” It is these rules and laws which form a framework which allows the individual foreknowledge of that which is permitted and that which is forbidden."
David Mamet,
"The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture."
Poor Poor Persecuted whining christians
Is anyone else tired of all the B.S. from those poor "persecuted" whining, cross groveling christians who think they are being discriminated against because non-christians oppose their placing religious displays on public property or saying "Happy Holidays" (to be inclusive of everyone celebrating a religious holiday and/or the New Year) rather than "Merry Christmas." ?

Any religious person in this country can place a religious display or a dozen of them on his/her own private property. No one stopping anyone from wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" ---we just want you to know that you are being snobbish by not including those who do not believe as you do. Your children can pray silently as much or as often as they wish in school. No one is stopping them. You can teach creationism or intelligent [sic] design to your heart's content at home or in church or Sunday school, but please leave it out of science classes because it has nothing to do with science. I don't want to hear any more nonsense about secular humanism "taking over" our government ---a government whose Constitution disallows any religious preference, and therefore is supposed to be secular.
I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.

Knowing the Bible and understanding it from the view point/intent of the authors is quite different.
How can you understand from the view of the authors intent over 3k years removed? THe only intent i could see was to cause fear and coerce to the view point of that religion through threats of death according to the Old Testament. How can anyone really understand what the authors were going through as you sit in your air conditioning car driving 20 miles down the road to best buy to buy computer to talk with people on the other side of the world. You would be a god to those people.

Knowing the bible and understanding it from the viewpoint/ intent of the authors....what the heck does that even mean?

And yet our culture, and our very Constitution are based on the doctrines you've been taught to disparage.

Name them. Name the doctrines please.

I was not taught anything my understanding of the bible comes from the bible.

All men are created equal, the bible does not signify this, it only implies that in front of the God you will be judged on your deeds, you all start from scratch.

Had it said that we are all equal, their would have been other countries like the United states way before the USA was founded. And if it said this then their would be no references about how to treat your slave, or how women should be silent and not teach.

Created equal is man created concept, and they got more doctrines from paganism of the Greeks then the bible.

1. Answered in post #79

2. There are four distinct references to God in the Declaration of Independence, and

3. One reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

3. Created equal is from Genesis....Genesis 1:26-27

It is the reason that the death penalty is prescribed five times in the Old Testament.
Since the found fathers by and large were deists the word lord to them doesn't mean the same thing christers think it is, the same thing as when as Jew says lord they don't mean the goyim man god on two sticks, you are totally ignorant of American history , No surprise

Deism is a natural religion. Deists believe in the existence of God, on purely rational grounds, without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority, or holy text. Because of this, Deism is quite different from religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The latter are largely based on revelations that Jews, Christians and Muslims believe mostly came from God to prophet(s) who then taught it to humans. We like to call natural religions by the title "bottom-up" faiths and revealed religions as "top-down."

Deism: Its history, beliefs and practices


Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814, responding to the claim that Chritianity was part of the Common Law of England, as the United States Constitution defaults to the Common Law regarding matters that it does not address. This argument is still used today by "Christian Nation" revisionists who do not admit to having read Thomas Jefferson's thorough research of this matter.
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One of the many attacks on our country from the Religious Right is the claim that our country is a Christian Nation...not just that the majority of people are Christians, but that the country itself was founded by Christians, for Christians. However, a little research into American history will show that this statement is a lie. Those people who spread this lie are known as Christian Revisionists. They are attempting to rewrite history, in much the same way as holocaust deniers are. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. They were Deists who did not believe the bible was true. They were Freethinkers who relied on their reason, not their faith.

If the U.S. was founded on the Christian religion, the Constitution would clearly say so--but it does not. Nowhere does the Constitution say: "The United States is a Christian Nation", or anything even close to that. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution-- not even once.Nowhere in the Constitution is religion mentioned, except in exclusionary terms. When the Founders wrote the nation's Constitution, they specified that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." (Article 6, section 3) This provision was radical in its day-- giving equal citizenship to believers and non-believers alike. They wanted to ensure that no religion could make the claim of being the official, national religion, such as England had.

Our Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians
The mentioning of God in the Declaration does not describe the personal God of Christianity. Thomas Jefferson who held deist beliefs, wrote the majority of the Declaration. The Declaration describes "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." This nature's view of God agrees with deist philosophy and might even appeal to those of pantheistical beliefs, but any attempt to use the Declaration as a support for Christianity will fail for this reason alone.
The American Founding Fathers set up a government divorced from any religion. Their establishment of a secular government did not require a reflection to themselves of its origin; they knew this as a ubiquitous unspoken given. However, as the United States delved into international affairs, few foreign nations knew about the intentions of the U.S. For this reason, an insight from at a little known but legal document written in the late 1700s explicitly reveals the secular nature of the U.S. goverenment to a foreign nation. Officially called the "Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli, of Barbary," most refer to it as simply the Treaty of Tripoli. In Article 11, it states:

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

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