Attacks on Religion: The Liberal Drumbeat


Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
somehow YOU got through school without learning how to format paragraphs. You got "pushed" through no doubt because you were holding-up other students progress.

PoliticalSpice FAIL!!!

Hmm... and you got through not learning about capitalization or punctuation?

Says a lot for our liberal dummycrat education system, doesn't it?

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
somehow YOU got through school without learning how to format paragraphs. You got "pushed" through no doubt because you were holding-up other students progress.

PoliticalSpice FAIL!!!

Hmm... and you got through not learning about capitalization or punctuation?

Says a lot for our liberal dummycrat education system, doesn't it?
Running interference for PoliticalSpice? She needs it.

Government schools????

No one is as dumb as your post appears.....

Government schools are, like you, an abject failure. One need simply look at how American kids do compared to other nation's on international tests.

But, worse....government schools have replaced education with this sort of indoctrination:

".... the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time.

... Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.

Recently, at New Jersey’s B. Bernice Youngs Elementary School, not only were second grade students forced to sing a song of praise to Obama (the parents were not notified that this was occurring) but, Obama’s name was substituted for that of Jesus in the accompanying words and music.

... Could this be the reason that the atheists have fought so hard to get rid of Christianity? Is this secular messiah their planned replacement? Even more important a question to Christians and Messianic Jews is ‘does this portend biblical end times prophecy’?

.... school systems and willing adherents are pushing to corrupt and take over the very souls of our children. ... the now largely Marxist government-run US public schools system is taking advantage of our children’s lack of defenses in order to indoctrinate them into the growing Obama-Marxist secular utopia."
Public Schools’ Praise Song: Next Step Praying To Obama? - Conservative Crusader

Worked like a charm on you, huh?
somehow YOU got through school without learning how to format paragraphs. You got "pushed" through no doubt because you were holding-up other students progress.

PoliticalSpice FAIL!!!

Hmm... and you got through not learning about capitalization or punctuation?

Says a lot for our liberal dummycrat education system, doesn't it?

Hard to imagine Liberals not avoiding mention of the government schools that they have ruined....

...have you seen the latest?

"Students In California School District Now Guaranteed ‘C’ Grades For DOING NOTHING
Officials in a public school district about 50 miles north of San Francisco have found a new and exciting way to coddle kids. Under a new policy, students will be able to earn passing grades with scores of just 20 percent — and a solid C for doing absolutely nothing at all."
The Faux Christian-in-Chief provided a peek into his true beliefs:

7. "Speaking in Ireland this week, President Obama stated that Catholic schools were divisive:

“If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.” On Thursday, the American Catholics for Religious Freedom fired back on President Obama’s words to 2,000 young people at the G8 Summit, stating, “President Obama’s anti-faith, secular agenda was shamefully on full display yesterday when he told the young people of Northern Ireland that Catholic education and other faith-based schools were divisive and an obstacle to peace.

All Americans of faith should be outraged by these comments which clearly telegraph the President’s belief system and are in fact at their core even anti-American.”

American Catholics for Religious Freedom points out that the [Liberal] media has completely ignored the story, and adds, “Secular progressives like President Obama ignore the truth that faith-based education is a component of the Religious Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution.

He can’t bear the thought that Catholic and parochial schools not only teach important values but consistently produce better educational results at lower cost than America’s failing public schools.

The President’s troubling values are showing here in a way that demonstrate just how dangerous this Administration is and how committed it is to eroding the rights of all people of faith.”
Catholics Fire Back at Obama over School Comments: 'Anti-Faith, Secular Agenda Shamelessly on Full Display' - Breitbart

Couldn't have said it better!

What a fool that man is.
  1. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
    “Troublemaker,” by Chester E. Finn, Jr. Former Assistant Secretary of Education under President Reagan.
i. Over 66 percentof the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

ii. The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

iii. The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

iv. 60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations. Why Catholic Schools Spell Success For America's Inner-CityChildren

Liberal government schools.....almost as great a failure as the current President.
"minus the statement about God"


Because, as we saw what happened in Katy, TX, it simply muddied the intended lesson, and it ended up with some not even understanding the point of the lesson. As teachers, we want our lessons to succeed. This lesson was not about God, it was about teaching students to read any magazine article and be able to identify what is fact, what is opinion, and what is common assertion.

When I presented the lesson we began with defining fact, opinion, and common assertion. Next, together we identified some given statements as either fact, opinion, or common assertion. Then each individual student read a short magazine article identifying the statements in it as fact, opinion, or common assertion. They compared answers. Finally, the students were given three more articles to identify which was the best example of fact, which was the best example of opinion, and which mostly contained common assertions.
"Attacks on Religion: The Liberal Drumbeat"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The lie is contrived that 'liberals' seek to 'attack' religion, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The OP then attempts to attack 'liberals' with the lie contrived.

Following settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence doesn't constitute 'attacking' religion, as such jurisprudence comports with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate, prohibiting codifying religious dogma into secular law.

Indeed, the idiocy of the thread premise is demonstrated by the fact that the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian, and an even larger number persons of faith.
...have you seen the latest?

"Students In California School District Now Guaranteed ‘C’ Grades For DOING NOTHING
Officials in a public school district about 50 miles north of San Francisco have found a new and exciting way to coddle kids. Under a new policy, students will be able to earn passing grades with scores of just 20 percent — and a solid C for doing absolutely nothing at all."

I'm not surprised. Common Core is full of moronic lunacy. The examples I have seen are absolutely jaw-dropping. Math problems where the "accurate" answer is wrong... the "correct" answer is the fair answer. Top-to-bottom indoctrination of our children into this sick and twisted liberal ideology. There is NO WAY my child would attend public school today. I would home school.
1. drum·beat
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause:

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom." Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

" crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.
Because they know Jesus is real and fear Him. That's why the left will never attack Islam and even defend Islam.
Again, this is idiocy due to the fact that the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian.

And if an imam in the United States were to advocate that Islamic tenets be codified into secular law, such an effort would be challenged in court as s violation of the First Amendment, just as any Christian seeking to codify Christian tenets into secular law would be challenged.

Consequently, the notion that 'liberals' 'attack' Christianity but 'defend' Islam is a lie.
I'm not surprised. Common Core is full of moronic lunacy. The examples I have seen are absolutely jaw-dropping. Math problems where the "accurate" answer is wrong... the "correct" answer is the fair answer. Top-to-bottom indoctrination of our children into this sick and twisted liberal ideology. There is NO WAY my child would attend public school today. I would home school.

Are you sure this is correct? My understanding is that a "wrong" answer may be called a "fair" answer while the correct answer is identified as "accurate."

In either case, I agree the semantics and political correctness in math class is absurd. All it will accomplish in the end is to change the definition of "fair" to also mean "wrong." Ever hear the tone emphasis kids now give "special" since the politically correct changed the term from remedial education to special education?
Sorry, I don't read long-winded posts. Either say it in a couple of sentences or don't bother.

Yes, please keep in mind Mudda is a mentally handicapped punk who can't comprehend on anything above a third-grade level and she likes to run around being the board dictator, telling others when to move on.

PoliticalChic is making excellent points as usual... don't let this gadfly bother you. We actually all need to start reporting him every time he post something in violation of board rules. He's running around being a troll in every thread, not contributing anything more than antagonism. People like this are too stupid to argue their points and seek to shut down the debate instead.

Socialists, backed by little useful idiots like Mudda, have been destroying our education system for decades. They want to strip God from our lives because that's the first objective when you're trying to establish communism. You can't properly worship State until you get rid of your pesky God.
Actually, sweetie, the vision of the Founding Fathers was genius in that they knew to keep you bible thumpers out of matters of the State, including public schools.

Thump all you wish in Sunday school, just not in the public schools.

Thanks for understanding.

LMFAO... Yes, I guess that explains why every school of that time was operated by the Church?

Here's a hint, sweetie. Have you read any of the court decisions resulting from the attempts of fundie Christians to impose their dogma as part of the public school syllabus? LMFAO.

What I know is, ever since we stripped God from schools we've had major problems.

I also know you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Founding Fathers. They certainly did not think schools should be devoid of God since every school in the country was being sponsored by a church, classes conducted in the church and taught by church people. This Godless Schools thing is relatively new, and what we see as a result is a generation or two of absolute morons devoid of spirituality, returning to shoot up the schools and kill people because they have no moral regard for life.

You see... YOU are our problem.
This fails as a post hoc fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and a lie.

Religion hasn't been 'stripped from schools' – teachers and students are at liberty to practice their faith as they see fit in accordance with settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence, as is the case in any other government venue.
Sorry, I don't read long-winded posts. Either say it in a couple of sentences or don't bother.

Yes, please keep in mind Mudda is a mentally handicapped punk who can't comprehend on anything above a third-grade level and she likes to run around being the board dictator, telling others when to move on.

PoliticalChic is making excellent points as usual... don't let this gadfly bother you. We actually all need to start reporting him every time he post something in violation of board rules. He's running around being a troll in every thread, not contributing anything more than antagonism. People like this are too stupid to argue their points and seek to shut down the debate instead.

Socialists, backed by little useful idiots like Mudda, have been destroying our education system for decades. They want to strip God from our lives because that's the first objective when you're trying to establish communism. You can't properly worship State until you get rid of your pesky God.
Actually, sweetie, the vision of the Founding Fathers was genius in that they knew to keep you bible thumpers out of matters of the State, including public schools.

Thump all you wish in Sunday school, just not in the public schools.

Thanks for understanding.

LMFAO... Yes, I guess that explains why every school of that time was operated by the Church?

Here's a hint, sweetie. Have you read any of the court decisions resulting from the attempts of fundie Christians to impose their dogma as part of the public school syllabus? LMFAO.

What I know is, ever since we stripped God from schools we've had major problems.

I also know you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Founding Fathers. They certainly did not think schools should be devoid of God since every school in the country was being sponsored by a church, classes conducted in the church and taught by church people. This Godless Schools thing is relatively new, and what we see as a result is a generation or two of absolute morons devoid of spirituality, returning to shoot up the schools and kill people because they have no moral regard for life.

You see... YOU are our problem.
God made the school shooters sick in the head.
Yes, please keep in mind Mudda is a mentally handicapped punk who can't comprehend on anything above a third-grade level and she likes to run around being the board dictator, telling others when to move on.

PoliticalChic is making excellent points as usual... don't let this gadfly bother you. We actually all need to start reporting him every time he post something in violation of board rules. He's running around being a troll in every thread, not contributing anything more than antagonism. People like this are too stupid to argue their points and seek to shut down the debate instead.

Socialists, backed by little useful idiots like Mudda, have been destroying our education system for decades. They want to strip God from our lives because that's the first objective when you're trying to establish communism. You can't properly worship State until you get rid of your pesky God.
Actually, sweetie, the vision of the Founding Fathers was genius in that they knew to keep you bible thumpers out of matters of the State, including public schools.

Thump all you wish in Sunday school, just not in the public schools.

Thanks for understanding.

LMFAO... Yes, I guess that explains why every school of that time was operated by the Church?

Here's a hint, sweetie. Have you read any of the court decisions resulting from the attempts of fundie Christians to impose their dogma as part of the public school syllabus? LMFAO.

What I know is, ever since we stripped God from schools we've had major problems.

I also know you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Founding Fathers. They certainly did not think schools should be devoid of God since every school in the country was being sponsored by a church, classes conducted in the church and taught by church people. This Godless Schools thing is relatively new, and what we see as a result is a generation or two of absolute morons devoid of spirituality, returning to shoot up the schools and kill people because they have no moral regard for life.

You see... YOU are our problem.
This fails as a post hoc fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and a lie.

Religion hasn't been 'stripped from schools' – teachers and students are at liberty to practice their faith as they see fit in accordance with settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence, as is the case in any other government venue.

You fail the post hoc of a lugie from a severe sinus infection.
Yes, please keep in mind Mudda is a mentally handicapped punk who can't comprehend on anything above a third-grade level and she likes to run around being the board dictator, telling others when to move on.

PoliticalChic is making excellent points as usual... don't let this gadfly bother you. We actually all need to start reporting him every time he post something in violation of board rules. He's running around being a troll in every thread, not contributing anything more than antagonism. People like this are too stupid to argue their points and seek to shut down the debate instead.

Socialists, backed by little useful idiots like Mudda, have been destroying our education system for decades. They want to strip God from our lives because that's the first objective when you're trying to establish communism. You can't properly worship State until you get rid of your pesky God.
Actually, sweetie, the vision of the Founding Fathers was genius in that they knew to keep you bible thumpers out of matters of the State, including public schools.

Thump all you wish in Sunday school, just not in the public schools.

Thanks for understanding.

LMFAO... Yes, I guess that explains why every school of that time was operated by the Church?

Here's a hint, sweetie. Have you read any of the court decisions resulting from the attempts of fundie Christians to impose their dogma as part of the public school syllabus? LMFAO.

What I know is, ever since we stripped God from schools we've had major problems.

I also know you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the Founding Fathers. They certainly did not think schools should be devoid of God since every school in the country was being sponsored by a church, classes conducted in the church and taught by church people. This Godless Schools thing is relatively new, and what we see as a result is a generation or two of absolute morons devoid of spirituality, returning to shoot up the schools and kill people because they have no moral regard for life.

You see... YOU are our problem.
God made the school shooters sick in the head.

Well He certainly made you sick in the head, that's for sure.
1. drum·beat
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause:

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom." Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

" crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.
Ah...the real problem is that Christians don't automatically rule the roost with everyone and everything anymore.
1. drum·beat
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause:

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom." Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

" crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.
Actually that was a great critical thinking assignment. The only thing I would have changed was put the question like this. Try to deny that God exists. That way there would not be a right or wrong answer and would just be a lesson on critical thinking, the students would be graded on essay style and research.

I served in the military for 20 years, now I am taking college classes, and every time I meet a religious person, I always find out they know nothing about religion. In my college class I wrote a critical literacy essay against religion. Everyone in the class was upset about it, they all believed, so I spoke with them giving them my research and talking about christianity. They knew nothing, only a couple stories in the bible but understanding of what the stories implied. So I spoke about books they had read as a child or were reading now, all of them could clearly state what the whole story what it was about the premise everything, and most of the stories they only read once. Yet they believed in the bible which was only one book but they could not even answer easy questions about a book they held in high esteem.

What I showed them is that they believed in a book that none of them had actually read, so why did they believe it? Nobody could answer it besides it was tradition in their family.

That teacher probably had the kids do more reading of the bible then any sermon in church did. And you think it is bad that they have to research something they say they believe without understanding what the book is.

You are a woman, which is even more shocking to hear you speak like this. If it was up to your bible, you would still not be able to vote, teach or speak in public. It took man to write that book and it took man to water down christianity so you could enjoy The freedoms that your predasesors could only dream about.

Read the bible please, forget what you think you know about it and just read to understand. I think you would be horrified by it.

I always found that atheist know more about the bible then christians.
Ah...the real problem is that Christians don't automatically rule the roost with everyone and everything anymore.

Nah, the real problems is people settling for "Good enough" rather than an ideal. It was idealists and moralists of all faith and no faith that used to "rule the roost" or provide leadership. With idealists and moralists (of all faiths and no faith) devolving into pragmatists some simply miss seeing human beings aiming high rather than settling.
"minus the statement about God"


Because, as we saw what happened in Katy, TX, it simply muddied the intended lesson, and it ended up with some not even understanding the point of the lesson. As teachers, we want our lessons to succeed. This lesson was not about God, it was about teaching students to read any magazine article and be able to identify what is fact, what is opinion, and what is common assertion.

When I presented the lesson we began with defining fact, opinion, and common assertion. Next, together we identified some given statements as either fact, opinion, or common assertion. Then each individual student read a short magazine article identifying the statements in it as fact, opinion, or common assertion. They compared answers. Finally, the students were given three more articles to identify which was the best example of fact, which was the best example of opinion, and which mostly contained common assertions.

1. Of course, inadvertently, you are agreeing with the point I was making in the OP.

2. "This lesson was not about God, it was about teaching students to read any magazine article and be able to identify what is fact, what is opinion, and what is common assertion."


3. I relate this issue to this NYTimes piece by a secular philosopher, called"Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts."

Most children who weren't brought up in a religious household, with a clear recognition of God, fail to recognize the difference between moral facts, and opinions.

While the author of the article bemoans, as do most of us, that "the overwhelming majority of college freshmen in their classrooms view moral claims as mere opinions that are not true or are true only relative to a culture" he fails to grasp the reason for this situation..

".... if you found out that our public schools were teaching children that it is not true that it’s wrong to kill people for fun or cheat on tests? Would you be surprised?....many college-aged students don’t believe in moral facts."

While raising an excellent point, our philosopher misses the brass ring, here: "What I didn’t know was where this attitude came from. Given the presence of moral relativism in some academic circles, some people might naturally assume that philosophers themselves are to blame."

Our philosopher seems shocked to find that the Enlightenment ideas, those of David Hume, have been accepted, wholesale, in society.
" When I went to visit my son’s second grade open house, I found a troubling pair of signs hanging over the bulletin board. They read:

Fact:Something that is true about a subject and can be tested or proven.

Opinion: What someone thinks, feels, or believes."

You can see where this leaves 'God' or 'religion.'

First, the definition of a fact waffles between truth and proof — two obviously different features. Things can be true even if no one can prove them. ... it could be true that there is life elsewhere in the universe even though no one can prove it.

... students are taught that claims areeitherfacts or opinions. They are given quizzes in which they must sort claims into one camp or the other but not both.But if a fact is something that is true and an opinion is something that is believed, then many claims will obviously be both. "
1. drum·beat
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause:

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom." Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

" crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

Oh! The irony, PC! The teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught!

How typical. You know, it never ceases to amaze me how weak liberal bullies - using the classroom for their personal agenda's - truly are! She had no problem bullying her students about their faith in God but the moment she is confronted about it? She is reported to be distraught!

You just can't make it up. I'm telling you!
1. drum·beat
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause:

2. Just as our government has no business funding the slaughter of the unborn....public schools should not be funded either based that drumbeat of attacks on religion:

"Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'
A Katy [Texas] seventh grader ...says her teacher asked the class to deny God exists.

... it all happened during a class assignment and now the school is apologizing.

...the teacher that came up with the assignment is distraught, and on Tuesday the principal determined the assignment wasn't something that was necessary for students.

[Jordan] Wooley originally answered the question 'there is no God' in two ways. "I said it was fact or opinion," said Wooley, adding she answered that way because "based on my religion and based on what I think and believe, I do not think it was a common place assertion."

Wooley says her seventh grade reading teacher at West Memorial Junior High School said both her answers were wrong and that she had to admit God wasn't real.
"It was really confusing to me at first because I didn't really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom," Wooley said.

Her mom Chantel couldn't believe it.
“That a kid was literally graded against her faith in [G]od in a classroom ....

"So the kids were caught in a Catch-22," said Chantel. "If they argued their faith, they were being told they were arguing against their faith and that happened in the classroom." Student says teacher taught 'God is not real'

Recently one of our Liberal pals posted this:

" crazies coming out weekly talking on campus.." Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When asked to explain that reference..........he ran off and hid.
Now....where would he have learned that?

“A Lewis-Palmer High School student who was told she must apologize for mentioning Jesus in a valedictorian speech or not receive a diploma…” Monument teen appeals over Jesus graduation speech

Liberal bigotry and bias openly on public display.
Ah...the real problem is that Christians don't automatically rule the roost with everyone and everything anymore.

If you can put your bias aside for a moment...consider this query from Dennis Prager:

"If you were stranded at the midnight hour in a desolate Los Angeles street and if, as you stepped out of your car with fear and trembling, you were suddenly to hear the weight of pounding footsteps behind you, and you saw ten burly young men who had just stepped out of a dwelling coming toward you, would it or would it not make a difference to you to know that they were coming from a Bible study?"

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