Attention Conservatives, YOU are still very much a part of the "party of stupid"

Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the KKK are "racist" is killing your brand.

All the left has to do is say is that the KKK is conservative and you idiots stumble all over yourselves before frantically try to bring up a long since outdated past in a pathetic attempt to defend yourselves from an attack that you left yourselves wide open to. Your refusal to understand that this is no longer a 90+% white country where the only racists that matter are white has neutered even the most unapologetically right wing Conservatives in ways that I don't think you comprehend.

The contemporary left fears me more than all of you on here combined because I actually score more points for the right than you do on a daily basis; and that is despite the fact that I am more left wing than even some of the Democrats on here. I actually know how to beat the contemporary left at every game they play because I know why they think the way they do.
To give you an example of how much I understand the modern contemporary left, I can honestly say that I literally knew there would be a transgender lobby in the name of "diversity" before their was even a full fledged gay lobby, at the age of 9, an age that I doubt many of you even understood anything to do with politics.

They frantically try to destroy me on here and elsewhere by labeling me as a klan member or a Neo-Nazi when I have never used racial slurs in my life and have never so much as admired the swastika, all because I am actually successfully hurting them where they thought they were impervious. If I was Trump's chief strategist the contemporary left would be on its death bed already.

It is time to either get wise to the actual fight happening under your noses, or it is time to retire your mantle as "conservatives" once and for all so the actual opposition can finally put down this beast unabated. Your choice.
I never point to the past when racism is brought up. And you claiming you knew shit at 9 years old is fucking hysterical.
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about. You knew at nine that transgender would enter politics?lol

Too fucking funny...
You are just jealous that you didn't understand what was going on then as a middle-aged man.

The problem for me is that I started out WAY ahead of my peers because of my mom's parents' and brother's involvement in politics, and eventually I just stopped researching anything in that realm until my late teens because I knew I was far ahead of my mostly apolitical generation; even though I watched the news constantly with my uncle and grandmother.

If my grandmother were still alive and somehow didn't have Alzheimers upon her revival, she could have told you exactly what I said all those years ago.
At 9?

Not buying it dude.
At 9 I was at the top of my game for many years. I did a crazy amount of research and my brain absorbed absolutely everything, politics included.

I had gone from not knowing how to write a sentence, or solve simple arithmetic problems in 1st grade (because of my terrible teachers in Kindergarten and my working parents not having the time to properly teach me anything), to being one of the best students in my advanced learning 3rd grade class.

At 9 I was able to understand the news and faintly pick up on my uncle's political rhetoric. I also watched The Jerry Springer Show(after tuning in to it on accident one night) to get a gist of what the underground of society at that time was like.

Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the KKK are "racist" is killing your brand.

All the left has to do is say is that the KKK is conservative and you idiots stumble all over yourselves before frantically try to bring up a long since outdated past in a pathetic attempt to defend yourselves from an attack that you left yourselves wide open to. Your refusal to understand that this is no longer a 90+% white country where the only racists that matter are white has neutered even the most unapologetically right wing Conservatives in ways that I don't think you comprehend.

The contemporary left fears me more than all of you on here combined because I actually score more points for the right than you do on a daily basis; and that is despite the fact that I am more left wing than even some of the Democrats on here. I actually know how to beat the contemporary left at every game they play because I know why they think the way they do.
To give you an example of how much I understand the modern contemporary left, I can honestly say that I literally knew there would be a transgender lobby in the name of "diversity" before their was even a full fledged gay lobby, at the age of 9, an age that I doubt many of you even understood anything to do with politics.

They frantically try to destroy me on here and elsewhere by labeling me as a klan member or a Neo-Nazi when I have never used racial slurs in my life and have never so much as admired the swastika, all because I am actually successfully hurting them where they thought they were impervious. If I was Trump's chief strategist the contemporary left would be on its death bed already.

It is time to either get wise to the actual fight happening under your noses, or it is time to retire your mantle as "conservatives" once and for all so the actual opposition can finally put down this beast unabated. Your choice.
I never point to the past when racism is brought up. And you claiming you knew shit at 9 years old is fucking hysterical.
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about. You knew at nine that transgender would enter politics?lol

Too fucking funny...
You are just jealous that you didn't understand what was going on then as a middle-aged man.

The problem for me is that I started out WAY ahead of my peers because of my mom's parents' and brother's involvement in politics, and eventually I just stopped researching anything in that realm until my late teens because I knew I was far ahead of my mostly apolitical generation; even though I watched the news constantly with my uncle and grandmother.

If my grandmother were still alive and somehow didn't have Alzheimers upon her revival, she could have told you exactly what I said all those years ago.
At 9?

Not buying it dude.
At 9 I was at the top of my game for many years. I did a crazy amount of research and my brain absorbed absolutely everything, politics included.

I had gone from not knowing how to write a sentence, or solve simple arithmetic problems in 1st grade (because of my terrible teachers in Kindergarten and my working parents not having the time to properly teach me anything), to being one of the best students in my advanced learning 3rd grade class.

At 9 I was able to understand the news and faintly pick up on my uncle's political rhetoric. I also watched The Jerry Springer Show(after tuning in to it on accident one night) to get a gist of what the underground of society at that time was like.

We all know you did nothing but suck your thumb when you were 9.

Don't worry.
I never point to the past when racism is brought up. And you claiming you knew shit at 9 years old is fucking hysterical.
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about. You knew at nine that transgender would enter politics?lol

Too fucking funny...
You are just jealous that you didn't understand what was going on then as a middle-aged man.

The problem for me is that I started out WAY ahead of my peers because of my mom's parents' and brother's involvement in politics, and eventually I just stopped researching anything in that realm until my late teens because I knew I was far ahead of my mostly apolitical generation; even though I watched the news constantly with my uncle and grandmother.

If my grandmother were still alive and somehow didn't have Alzheimers upon her revival, she could have told you exactly what I said all those years ago.
At 9?

Not buying it dude.
At 9 I was at the top of my game for many years. I did a crazy amount of research and my brain absorbed absolutely everything, politics included.

I had gone from not knowing how to write a sentence, or solve simple arithmetic problems in 1st grade (because of my terrible teachers in Kindergarten and my working parents not having the time to properly teach me anything), to being one of the best students in my advanced learning 3rd grade class.

At 9 I was able to understand the news and faintly pick up on my uncle's political rhetoric. I also watched The Jerry Springer Show(after tuning in to it on accident one night) to get a gist of what the underground of society at that time was like.

We all know you did nothing but suck your thumb when you were 9.

Don't worry.

Everyone believes you thiiiiiiiis much, boy wonder! (holy shit what a pathetic fucking clown :rolleyes: )
I never point to the past when racism is brought up. And you claiming you knew shit at 9 years old is fucking hysterical.
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about. You knew at nine that transgender would enter politics?lol

Too fucking funny...
You are just jealous that you didn't understand what was going on then as a middle-aged man.

The problem for me is that I started out WAY ahead of my peers because of my mom's parents' and brother's involvement in politics, and eventually I just stopped researching anything in that realm until my late teens because I knew I was far ahead of my mostly apolitical generation; even though I watched the news constantly with my uncle and grandmother.

If my grandmother were still alive and somehow didn't have Alzheimers upon her revival, she could have told you exactly what I said all those years ago.
At 9?

Not buying it dude.
At 9 I was at the top of my game for many years. I did a crazy amount of research and my brain absorbed absolutely everything, politics included.

I had gone from not knowing how to write a sentence, or solve simple arithmetic problems in 1st grade (because of my terrible teachers in Kindergarten and my working parents not having the time to properly teach me anything), to being one of the best students in my advanced learning 3rd grade class.

At 9 I was able to understand the news and faintly pick up on my uncle's political rhetoric. I also watched The Jerry Springer Show(after tuning in to it on accident one night) to get a gist of what the underground of society at that time was like.

We all know you did nothing but suck your thumb when you were 9.

Don't worry.

No one is worried about your little inferiority-complex overcompensation story, boy wonder.

Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the KKK are "racist" is killing your brand.

All the left has to do is say is that the KKK is conservative and you idiots stumble all over yourselves before frantically try to bring up a long since outdated past in a pathetic attempt to defend yourselves from an attack that you left yourselves wide open to. Your refusal to understand that this is no longer a 90+% white country where the only racists that matter are white has neutered even the most unapologetically right wing Conservatives in ways that I don't think you comprehend.

The contemporary left fears me more than all of you on here combined because I actually score more points for the right than you do on a daily basis; and that is despite the fact that I am more left wing than even some of the Democrats on here. I actually know how to beat the contemporary left at every game they play because I know why they think the way they do.
To give you an example of how much I understand the modern contemporary left, I can honestly say that I literally knew there would be a transgender lobby in the name of "diversity" before their was even a full fledged gay lobby, at the age of 9, an age that I doubt many of you even understood anything to do with politics.

They frantically try to destroy me on here and elsewhere by labeling me as a klan member or a Neo-Nazi when I have never used racial slurs in my life and have never so much as admired the swastika, all because I am actually successfully hurting them where they thought they were impervious. If I was Trump's chief strategist the contemporary left would be on its death bed already.

It is time to either get wise to the actual fight happening under your noses, or it is time to retire your mantle as "conservatives" once and for all so the actual opposition can finally put down this beast unabated. Your choice.

We get it, you're a legend in your own mind.
Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the KKK are "racist" is killing your brand.

All the left has to do is say is that the KKK is conservative and you idiots stumble all over yourselves before frantically try to bring up a long since outdated past in a pathetic attempt to defend yourselves from an attack that you left yourselves wide open to. Your refusal to understand that this is no longer a 90+% white country where the only racists that matter are white has neutered even the most unapologetically right wing Conservatives in ways that I don't think you comprehend.

The contemporary left fears me more than all of you on here combined because I actually score more points for the right than you do on a daily basis; and that is despite the fact that I am more left wing than even some of the Democrats on here. I actually know how to beat the contemporary left at every game they play because I know why they think the way they do.
To give you an example of how much I understand the modern contemporary left, I can honestly say that I literally knew there would be a transgender lobby in the name of "diversity" before their was even a full fledged gay lobby, at the age of 9, an age that I doubt many of you even understood anything to do with politics.

They frantically try to destroy me on here and elsewhere by labeling me as a klan member or a Neo-Nazi when I have never used racial slurs in my life and have never so much as admired the swastika, all because I am actually successfully hurting them where they thought they were impervious. If I was Trump's chief strategist the contemporary left would be on its death bed already.

It is time to either get wise to the actual fight happening under your noses, or it is time to retire your mantle as "conservatives" once and for all so the actual opposition can finally put down this beast unabated. Your choice.

We get it, you're a legend in your own mind.
You are actually just a loser who can't comprehend high self esteem.

That is why you are in awe of what used to be mediocrity.
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How come the OP is projecting, beginning with thread title?
What am I projecting, nimrod?

You morons fall for the Democrat's trap because you are incapable of fully analyzing what is being said and incapable of reacting appropriately and effectively. You are every bit as dumb as the average millenial drone when it comes to analyzing race and racism.

"Democrats are the party of the KKK" is not only a stupid statement on its face(with the Democrats openly supporting Antifa shutting down the KKK from even speaking and all), but it is also a self neutering statement to make when your party is accused of being the "racist party", because that response destroys any party that relies on overwhelmingly white supporters and voters.
Your refusal to call out anti-white racism without pressure, and your adherence to the bullshit philosophy that ultimately only the likes of the KKK are "racist" is killing your brand.

All the left has to do is say is that the KKK is conservative and you idiots stumble all over yourselves before frantically try to bring up a long since outdated past in a pathetic attempt to defend yourselves from an attack that you left yourselves wide open to. Your refusal to understand that this is no longer a 90+% white country where the only racists that matter are white has neutered even the most unapologetically right wing Conservatives in ways that I don't think you comprehend.

The contemporary left fears me more than all of you on here combined because I actually score more points for the right than you do on a daily basis; and that is despite the fact that I am more left wing than even some of the Democrats on here. I actually know how to beat the contemporary left at every game they play because I know why they think the way they do.
To give you an example of how much I understand the modern contemporary left, I can honestly say that I literally knew there would be a transgender lobby in the name of "diversity" before their was even a full fledged gay lobby, at the age of 9, an age that I doubt many of you even understood anything to do with politics.

They frantically try to destroy me on here and elsewhere by labeling me as a klan member or a Neo-Nazi when I have never used racial slurs in my life and have never so much as admired the swastika, all because I am actually successfully hurting them where they thought they were impervious. If I was Trump's chief strategist the contemporary left would be on its death bed already.

It is time to either get wise to the actual fight happening under your noses, or it is time to retire your mantle as "conservatives" once and for all so the actual opposition can finally put down this beast unabated. Your choice.
Looking through the threads you've started you are an alt right racist cock sucker so I don't care what you think. What do you think about that?

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