Attention, gun control supporters:

Moving the goal posts? I'm pretty sure I specified the entire nation in my original question. You decided to focus on three specific areas.

I'll say it again, why isn't our nation the safest on the planet with all the guns we have. Not one of you selfish gun lovers can answer that.

300+ million people will dictate that there will always be some gun violence, RD....even if guns were outlawed. The places where guns are outlawed there is a spike in gun violence. (weird, huh?)
One thing that is not talked about or reported by the media is the numbers of times that a gun does save a life. I will leave you to do your own research on that. I hope you can process what I've stated in a nonpartisan way.....thank you for your time.

We have more guns than anywhere else in the world, Why aren't we the safest nation in the world?
I think I've already answered that with my first sentence. But....are you talking about per capita? If so, please site your source so we can talk about the specifics and not just your opinion. Because my opinion is that we are far from being the least safe on the planet.
So the rest of the country outside of those areas are free of gun violence and are safer than any other place on the planet? Is that your claim?

LOL. Hack.

Uh-oh, after receiving an answer that she *thought* there wasn't a legitimate answer to, it looks like the libtard is moving the goal post yet again.

Free from gun violence? No. Experience exponentially less gun violence? Abso-fucking-lutely you libtard hack.

Moving the goal posts? I'm pretty sure I specified the entire nation in my original question. You decided to focus on three specific areas.

I'll say it again, why isn't our nation the safest on the planet with all the guns we have. Not one of you selfish gun lovers can answer that.

I just did... are you an idiot? Never mind, we all know the answer to that :lol:

What good does "owning a gun" do if you're not allowed to have it on you when you are shot at?!?

I answered the question - you know it - so you moved the goal post to "ok, yeah, well then why isn't the rest of the country completely free of gun violence". Guns are banned in England and Australia and they are NOT "completely free from gun violence" you fucking buffoon.

The fact is, the most gun violence occurs where guns are restricted and the least amount of gun violence occurs where guns are permitted to be carried both open and concealed.
300+ million people will dictate that there will always be some gun violence, RD....even if guns were outlawed. The places where guns are outlawed there is a spike in gun violence. (weird, huh?)
One thing that is not talked about or reported by the media is the numbers of times that a gun does save a life. I will leave you to do your own research on that. I hope you can process what I've stated in a nonpartisan way.....thank you for your time.

We have more guns than anywhere else in the world, Why aren't we the safest nation in the world?
I think I've already answered that with my first sentence.
You did.
Like most trolls, he isn't capable of, or interested in, an honest discussion, so you can safely ignore him.
Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries
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I'll say it again, why isn't our nation the safest on the planet with all the guns we have. Not one of you selfish gun lovers can answer that.

Because Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. are part of the "nation" you libtard hack - and the slaughter going on in those cities which have BANNED guns are driving up the nations numbers.

Aren't you getting tired of being humiliated yet? I've made you look really stupid in your weak argument (and that's why you're getting so mad instead of re-examining your absurd anti-gun position).
I tried to find something in the MSM that had any articles, but I had to give up because they do have an agenda, so I went here and found.

Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict

Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day. 1 This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. 2
* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.3
* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.4
* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of "Guns in America" -- a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.5

Yup, we just don't hear about the good that comes from owning a gun.
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300+ million people will dictate that there will always be some gun violence, RD....even if guns were outlawed. The places where guns are outlawed there is a spike in gun violence. (weird, huh?)
One thing that is not talked about or reported by the media is the numbers of times that a gun does save a life. I will leave you to do your own research on that. I hope you can process what I've stated in a nonpartisan way.....thank you for your time.

We have more guns than anywhere else in the world, Why aren't we the safest nation in the world?
I think I've already answered that with my first sentence. But....are you talking about per capita? If so, please site your source so we can talk about the specifics and not just your opinion. Because my opinion is that we are far from being the least safe on the planet.

I never said we were the least safe. I am questioning the logic that more guns equals more safety. We are not the least safe, but we are certainly not the safest and we have more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world.

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is that? Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety.
Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries

I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.
I'll say it again, why isn't our nation the safest on the planet with all the guns we have. Not one of you selfish gun lovers can answer that.

Because Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. are part of the "nation" you libtard hack - and the slaughter going on in those cities which have BANNED guns are driving up the nations numbers.

Aren't you getting tired of being humiliated yet? I've made you look really stupid in your weak argument (and that's why you're getting so mad instead of re-examining your absurd anti-gun position).

Do you write with a crayon? Then why do you feel the need to type like you do?

So the rest of the nation outside of those three areas are safer than anywhere else in the world? Is that your claim?
We have more guns than anywhere else in the world, Why aren't we the safest nation in the world?
I think I've already answered that with my first sentence. But....are you talking about per capita? If so, please site your source so we can talk about the specifics and not just your opinion. Because my opinion is that we are far from being the least safe on the planet.

I never said we were the least safe. I am questioning the logic that more guns equals more safety. We are not the least safe, but we are certainly not the safest and we have more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world.

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is that? Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety.

Why is that? It's called free will, RDD. We all could have a tank in our yard and there still would be violence....that will never change.

Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety?
Please look at the link I provided in the post right above yours. That article should put some perspective into your statement.
Uh-oh, after receiving an answer that she *thought* there wasn't a legitimate answer to, it looks like the libtard is moving the goal post yet again.

Free from gun violence? No. Experience exponentially less gun violence? Abso-fucking-lutely you libtard hack.

Moving the goal posts? I'm pretty sure I specified the entire nation in my original question. You decided to focus on three specific areas.

I'll say it again, why isn't our nation the safest on the planet with all the guns we have. Not one of you selfish gun lovers can answer that.

The fact is, the most gun violence occurs where guns are restricted and the least amount of gun violence occurs where guns are permitted to be carried both open and concealed.

Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries

I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.

We aren't the safest because we have a very big drug problem in America, and illegal guns are a big part of that problem.
Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries

I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.

It's hard to compete with a country that has.....8 million people, and ours that has 300+ million people. That's why I used a per capita source to give some perspective.
I think I've already answered that with my first sentence. But....are you talking about per capita? If so, please site your source so we can talk about the specifics and not just your opinion. Because my opinion is that we are far from being the least safe on the planet.

I never said we were the least safe. I am questioning the logic that more guns equals more safety. We are not the least safe, but we are certainly not the safest and we have more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world.

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is that? Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety.

Why is that? It's called free will, RDD. We all could have a tank in our yard and there still would be violence....that will never change.

Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety?
Please look at the link I provided in the post right above yours. That article should put some perspective into your statement.

Then why don't other first world nations have the level of gun violence that we have? They don't have free will?

Yes, there will always be violence no matter where you go, but to claim that increasing the prevalence of guns increases the level of safety has been shown to be false. There is no relationship between increased gun ownership and increased safety.
Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries

I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.

It's hard to compete with a country that has.....8 million people, and ours that has 300+ million people. That's why I used a per capita source to give some perspective.

I'm also talking per capita, as per my link. We have FAR more gun ownership per capita than any other nation on the planet. Why are we not FAR safer?

Because increased gun ownership does not equal increased safety.
Here's a question I have never heard a pro-gun nut be able to answer.

If more guns is the solution here, and we have more guns in this nation than any other country, why aren't we the safest country in the world at this point?

Because people are being slaughtered in areas where libtards have banned having a gun on you when you need it (Chicago, New York, Washington D.C.).

Now you can't say you've "never had a pro-gun" person answer this question (and how sad that you needed someone to explain it to you).

So the rest of the country outside of those areas are free of gun violence and are safer than any other place on the planet? Is that your claim?

LOL. Hack.

Safer than those "gun-free" zones you see everywhere.
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I never said we were the least safe. I am questioning the logic that more guns equals more safety. We are not the least safe, but we are certainly not the safest and we have more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world.

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is that? Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety.

Why is that? It's called free will, RDD. We all could have a tank in our yard and there still would be violence....that will never change.

Perhaps more guns does not equal more safety?
Please look at the link I provided in the post right above yours. That article should put some perspective into your statement.

Then why don't other first world nations have the level of gun violence that we have? They don't have free will?

Yes, there will always be violence no matter where you go, but to claim that increasing the prevalence of guns increases the level of safety has been shown to be false. There is no relationship between increased gun ownership and increased safety.
Because other first world countries don't have large populations of inner city Negroes, who are responsible for the bulk of crime in this country.
Let's check out these figure, RD.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries
25. Cameroon 3,700 homicides (19.7 per 100,000)
24. Bangladesh 3,988 homicides (2.7 per 100,000)
23. El Salvador 4,308 homicides (69.2 per 100,000)
22. Myanmar (Burma) 4,800 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
21. Philippines 4,947 homicides (5.4 per 100,000)

20. Guatemala 5,681 homicides (38.5 per 100,000)
19. Honduras 7,104 homicides (91.6 per 100,000)
18. Kenya 7,733 homicides (20.1 per 100,000)
17. Sudan 10,028 homicides (24.2 per 100,000) NB: Two armed conflicts in Sudan.
16. Tanzania 10,357 homicides (24.5 per 100,000)

15. Ivory Coast 10,801 homicides (56.9 per 100,000)
14. Venezuela 13,080 homicides (45.1 per 100,000)
13. China 13,410 homicides (1.0 per 100,000)
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,558 homicides (21.7 per 100,000)
11. Pakistan 13,860 homicides (7.8 per 100,000) NB: War in North-West Pakistan.

10. Russia 14,574 homicides (10.2 per 100,000)
9. Colombia 14,670 homicides (31.0 per 100,000) NB: Civil war in Colombia.
8. United States 14,748 homicides (4.8 per 100,000)
7. South Africa 15,940 homicides (31.8 per 100,000)
6. Nigeria 18,422 homicides (12.2 per 100,000)

5. Indonesia 18,963 homicides (8.1 per 100,000)
4. Ethiopia 20,239 homicides (22.5 per 100,000)
3. Mexico 25,757 homicides (22.7 per 100,000) NB: War on drugs in Mexico.
2. India 40,752 homicides (3.4 per 100,000) NB: Insurgency in eastern parts.
1. Brazil 40,974 homicides (21.0 per 100,000)

Gunnar Garfors*on Media and Travel: The World's Most Dangerous Countries

I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.

We aren't the safest because we have a very big drug problem in America, and illegal guns are a big part of that problem.

So making access to guns easy won't help our society become safer until we fix our nations drug addiction?
I never said we were the most dangerous. I just asked why we aren't the safest. Big difference. Please frame your response around what I asked.

It's hard to compete with a country that has.....8 million people, and ours that has 300+ million people. That's why I used a per capita source to give some perspective.

I'm also talking per capita, as per my link. We have FAR more gun ownership per capita than any other nation on the planet. Why are we not FAR safer?

Because increased gun ownership does not equal increased safety.

You're right. There is no one to one correspondence. Was that some kind of point you are trying to make? Because if so it backfired as the converse is also true: fewer guns does not correspond to less crime.
Because people are being slaughtered in areas where libtards have banned having a gun on you when you need it (Chicago, New York, Washington D.C.).

Now you can't say you've "never had a pro-gun" person answer this question (and how sad that you needed someone to explain it to you).

So the rest of the country outside of those areas are free of gun violence and are safer than any other place on the planet? Is that your claim?

LOL. Hack.

Safer than those "gun-free" zones you see everywhere.

Gun Free Zones are a joke. Just like smoking sections in an airplane.

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