Attention, gun control supporters:

People in the UK get mugged without guns being involved.
Shops get robbed without guns being involved.

Violent behaviour, and rough city streets do not have to have guns all over the place, as you have (incorrectly) assumed.

Well, there ya go. American gun owners have been saying for years that guns don't kill people; people kill people.
You don't have many guns, but you have murders and rapes and roberies, in other words, human nature.
There are people who have no respect for human life, personal property, a woman's right to nor be forced to have sex.... These things will happen whether there are guns available or not.
Making guns illegal will have no more effect on the number of violent crimes than making robbery, rape and murder illegal did.
The one effect making guns illegal WILL have, is it will make it harder for law abiding people to defend themselves from the criminals who will still be armed.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.
Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

In the case of your country guns are not the weapon of choice. So why do you have all those murders ?
Well, there ya go. American gun owners have been saying for years that guns don't kill people; people kill people.
You don't have many guns, but you have murders and rapes and roberies, in other words, human nature.
There are people who have no respect for human life, personal property, a woman's right to nor be forced to have sex.... These things will happen whether there are guns available or not.
Making guns illegal will have no more effect on the number of violent crimes than making robbery, rape and murder illegal did.
The one effect making guns illegal WILL have, is it will make it harder for law abiding people to defend themselves from the criminals who will still be armed.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

I'm all for getting guns out of the hands of criminals. There are dozens of laws on the book now restricting who can and who can not possess firearms in the US and the several states. If these laws effectively kept guns from being used by criminals, you might have a point. Until you figure that one out, I'll continue to carry a weapon to improve my odds.
Then, there is that pesky 2nd Amendment. Too bad you guys over there don't have that....

Let me offer a suggestion. Until British society figures out how to end murder and violent crime, why don't you devote all of your time to that and leave my guns alone?
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Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

In the case of your country guns are not the weapon of choice. So why do you have all those murders ?

Last year, the most common method of killing was by sharp instrument 36% (200 cases). Gun or Firearm related murders / homicides were approximately 7% (39 cases)

As to WHY they were killed.
Female victims were more likely to be killed by someone they knew. In most of these cases, female victims were killed by a current or ex-partner while male victims were most likely to be killed by a friend or acquaintance.

Victims aged under 16 years were most likely to be killed by a parent or step-parent.
OK I've gotta ask you how many guns ARE in GB and Wales.

The estimate is around a million. But that includes all military weapons, police weapons, and air rifles (I think you call these BB guns), as well as historical weapons sitting in display cases, etc.

In private hands, idiot. We know police and military have guns. I would imagine those weapons aren't used in crimes.
OK I've gotta ask you how many guns ARE in GB and Wales.

The estimate is around a million. But that includes all military weapons, police weapons, and air rifles (I think you call these BB guns), as well as historical weapons sitting in display cases, etc.

In private hands, idiot. We know police and military have guns. I would imagine those weapons aren't used in crimes.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

In the case of your country guns are not the weapon of choice. So why do you have all those murders ?

Last year, the most common method of killing was by sharp instrument 36% (200 cases). Gun or Firearm related murders / homicides were approximately 7% (39 cases)

As to WHY they were killed.
Female victims were more likely to be killed by someone they knew. In most of these cases, female victims were killed by a current or ex-partner while male victims were most likely to be killed by a friend or acquaintance.

Victims aged under 16 years were most likely to be killed by a parent or step-parent.

OH so now we're getting some where. Women are the victims in your country You said in a post in this thread, and I quote
Oh, I care, believe me. But if someone tries to murder me with a candlestick or a rope or a piece of lead piping, I have a pretty good chance of surviving the encounter!

The good news for people in the UK is that over 90% potential murderers don't carry guns.

Which is why we have less murder than in the US.

Can you answer a question? Why, in your opinion, is the murder rate in the USA so high?

You may have a better chance but it seems women don't. Why must they be defenseless?>

Here's an old American quote

"God created man, Sam Colt made them equal."
Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

Rape, murder and robbery will carry on in a society without guns. Of course it will. This is human nature, and one which no government on the planet - at any time in history - has been able to resolve.

Guns don't create crime.

guns make any crime much more likely to result in a maiming or a death (for both criminal and for victim)

A mugging in the UK might involve somone being pushed to the ground and a wallet or handbag snatched.

Some money gets lost. Some bruising and grazing. Maybe a punch being thrown. In extreme circumstances a knife wound. And the perpetrator gets arrested by the cops (who don't carry guns) and brought to trial.

A mugging in the USA is far more likely to involve a gunshot - resulting in a death, or someone (perhaps the arresting officer) spending the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

Yes, you are right. It's people who kill people. Guns are only the weapons of choice.

In the case of your country guns are not the weapon of choice. So why do you have all those murders ?

Last year, the most common method of killing was by sharp instrument 36% (200 cases). Gun or Firearm related murders / homicides were approximately 7% (39 cases)

As to WHY they were killed.
Female victims were more likely to be killed by someone they knew. In most of these cases, female victims were killed by a current or ex-partner while male victims were most likely to be killed by a friend or acquaintance.

Victims aged under 16 years were most likely to be killed by a parent or step-parent.

someone they knew - current or ex-partner - friend or acquaintance - parent or step-parent

All we need to do is ban them.

Problem solved.
The answer to the question is that criminals will not obey the law. They will continue not to obey the current gun laws and step out to illegally acquire fire arms. This means that only law-abiding citizens will be punished by not being allowed to purchase guns.

The extreme gun control position needs to realize that punishing lawful gun owners or would-be gun owners is not going to solve the problem. When one is motivated to shoot up a campus, a military base, a movie theatre or a kindergarten class, chances are extrmely probable that one will be acquiring his/her firearm illegally.
What an illogical question. Using your logic, drunk driving shouldn't be illegal since drunks are going to drive drunk anyway. You're suggesting that we shouldn't pass laws because criminals are going to break them, and that makes no sense.
Actually, he's suggesting that limiting the rights of the law abiding with something that will have no effect on the actions of criminals is, at best, nonsensical.
Why must we have a mini arms race to survive?

Why do you want the criminals to be the only survivors?

NosmoQueer is typical of people who cannot accept reality. He thinks we can legislate all guns away by banning them or restricting them or whatever. It is total fantasy, the stock in trade of leftists. Same people believe extending unemployment benefits helps people and taxing corporations creates jobs.
Why must we have a mini arms race to survive?

1. 1.5 million well armed gang member in the US, who will NOT be surrendering any firerms regardless of any laws society enacts.

2. God knows how many non-gang member scumbags, also well armed and also who will NOT be surrendering any firearms regardless of any laws society passed.

3. Armed politicians like Dianne Fienstien and Chuck Shumer who wish to disarm us, but who both have firearms permits. Meaning they see some benefit to arming themselves while disarming their "subjects".

4. A knowledge of what has happened in the past, and what is happening right now, all over the world to popualtions that didn't have the means to defend itself from an oppressive govt.

5. A knowledge of history which shows that a defenseless people WILL BE preyed upon.

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