Attention, gun control supporters:

How are you going to get criminals to obey the law?

I've never gotten a rational, workable answer to this question in all the years I've asked it on this and other boards.

We should establish a system where those who don't obey the law are punished in some way... perhaps it could be a financial penalty, or a loss of certain privileges. Maybe in extreme cases we could even place them in a punitive housing complex with other criminals, segregated from the rest of society and denied their freedom for a pre-determined period of time, which should be relative to the severity and motivation of their disobedience.
Unlike you I dont express feelings. I express truths. And the truth is that if we eliminate crimes committed by young black men between ages 15 and 25 our crime rate looks like France.

So what do you propose? How do you fix the problem as you see it?

Sad to say that until they fix the family dynamics where there is a father and a mother in the family to show what a real man is about, there won't be any progress in fixing the problem.

So divorce is the reason our country is so violent? First it was the "negroes", then it was drug addicts, now it's divorced people. Got it.
How are you going to get criminals to obey the law?

I've never gotten a rational, workable answer to this question in all the years I've asked it on this and other boards.

We should establish a system where those who don't obey the law are punished in some way... perhaps it could be a financial penalty, or a loss of certain privileges. Maybe in extreme cases we could even place them in a punitive housing complex with other criminals, segregated from the rest of society and denied their freedom for a pre-determined period of time, which should be relative to the severity and motivation of their disobedience.
The problem here is that, in the case of guns, useful-idiot liberals want laws that will prevent crime - they fail to recognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking anither law.

Criminal law exists as a means to punish people who violate the standards of behavior set by society, not prevent that behavior.
So what do you propose? How do you fix the problem as you see it?

Sad to say that until they fix the family dynamics where there is a father and a mother in the family to show what a real man is about, there won't be any progress in fixing the problem.

So divorce is the reason our country is so violent? First it was the "negroes", then it was drug addicts, now it's divorced people. Got it.

Don't be such a tool, RD.
There is no "one reason" that blankets any problem we have.
But, there is a high crime black crime rate in the inner cities and part of that problem is the one parent raising children. It has been proven over and over again. That IS NOT a racist statement, because it IS a fact.
How are you going to get criminals to obey the law?

I've never gotten a rational, workable answer to this question in all the years I've asked it on this and other boards.

We should establish a system where those who don't obey the law are punished in some way... perhaps it could be a financial penalty, or a loss of certain privileges. Maybe in extreme cases we could even place them in a punitive housing complex with other criminals, segregated from the rest of society and denied their freedom for a pre-determined period of time, which should be relative to the severity and motivation of their disobedience.
The problem here is that, in the case of guns, useful-idiot liberals want laws that will prevent crime - they fail to recognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking anither law.

Criminal law exists as a means to punish people who violate the standards of behavior set by society, not prevent that behavior.

Maybe if we had laws where if a known criminal gets caught with a gun....he goes back to prison
Or maybe laws that check to see if someone has a criminal record before he buys a gun
Or laws keeping machine guns out of their hands

But no, they are criminals and will break the law anyway. We should not have any gun laws
Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. Those mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor, even after a post-welfare-reform decline in child poverty. They are also more likely to pass that poverty on to their children. Sophisticates often try to dodge the implications of this bleak reality by shrugging that single motherhood is an inescapable fact of modern life, affecting everyone from the bobo Murphy Browns to the ghetto “baby mamas.” Not so; it is a largely low-income—and disproportionately black—phenomenon. The vast majority of higher-income women wait to have their children until they are married. The truth is that we are now a two-family nation, separate and unequal—one thriving and intact, and the other struggling, broken, and far too often African-American.
The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Summer 2005

The number of black families headed by a single mother more than doubled from 1.3 million in 1970 to 3 million in 1987. The percentage of black families headed by mothers who had never married increased from 16% to 37%. In Illinois, where Nash lives, four in every five children born to black mothers in their early 20s are illegitimate; so are practically all children born to black teen-age mothers.

Although some analysts blame the welfare system or some kind of cultural failing among poor blacks, many sociologists believe that the cause of the disturbing phenomenon is more obvious: the shortage of marriageable males in the black underclass.

Few young men have good enough jobs to support a family; most are either out of work or in jail or at school. In sheer economic terms, analysts say, a typical young, underclass black male is usually worthless to a family. He cannot earn enough to support the family. If he marries the mother of his children anyway, analysts note, she will lose much of her welfare assistance.
Number of Inner-City Single Parents on Rise : Families: Experts see a shortage of 'marriageable' young black men. The situation fosters a cycle of poverty, they say. - Los Angeles Times

In every state, the portion of families where children have two parents, rather than one, has dropped significantly over the past decade. Even as the country added 160,000 families with children, the number of two-parent households decreased by 1.2 million. Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother. In 1960, just 11 percent of American children lived in homes without fathers.
America is awash in poverty, crime, drugs and other problems, but more than perhaps anything else, it all comes down to this, said Vincent DiCaro, vice president of the National Fatherhood Initiative: Deal with absent fathers, and the rest follows.

Read more: Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times
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Sad to say that until they fix the family dynamics where there is a father and a mother in the family to show what a real man is about, there won't be any progress in fixing the problem.

So divorce is the reason our country is so violent? First it was the "negroes", then it was drug addicts, now it's divorced people. Got it.

Don't be such a tool, RD.
There is no "one reason" that blankets any problem we have.
But, there is a high crime black crime rate in the inner cities and part of that problem is the one parent raising children. It has been proven over and over again. That IS NOT a racist statement, because it IS a fact.

It's just that you guys will bend over backwards to point to anything and everything to explain why we have so much gun violence while refusing to look at the obvious culprit.

We have a lot of gun violence because we have a lot of guns. Those other factors certainly contribute to our problem but to pretend like the easy access and plethora of guns available in this country isn't part of the problem is dishonest at best.
Maybe if we had laws where if a known criminal gets caught with a gun....he goes back to prison
Or maybe laws that check to see if someone has a criminal record before he buys a gun
Or laws keeping machine guns out of their hands

But no, they are criminals and will break the law anyway. We should not have any gun laws

Most states do require a criminal background check. If congress had proposed a bill with just this, it would have passed overwhelmingly.
Machine guns are illegal.

Federal law strictly regulates machine guns (firearms that fire many rounds of ammunition, without manual reloading, with a single pull of the trigger).
So divorce is the reason our country is so violent? First it was the "negroes", then it was drug addicts, now it's divorced people. Got it.

Don't be such a tool, RD.
There is no "one reason" that blankets any problem we have.
But, there is a high crime black crime rate in the inner cities and part of that problem is the one parent raising children. It has been proven over and over again. That IS NOT a racist statement, because it IS a fact.

It's just that you guys will bend over backwards to point to anything and everything to explain why we have so much gun violence while refusing to look at the obvious culprit.

We have a lot of gun violence because we have a lot of guns. Those other factors certainly contribute to our problem but to pretend like the easy access and plethora of guns available in this country isn't part of the problem is dishonest at best.
Yet, you look at the areas where there is gun restrictions, and the crime rate rises.
You do not look at how guns have protected citizens from the perps. I have twice provided you with evidence, and on both occassions you have willfully ignored those posts, RDD.
Maybe if we had laws where if a known criminal gets caught with a gun....he goes back to prison
Or maybe laws that check to see if someone has a criminal record before he buys a gun
Or laws keeping machine guns out of their hands

But no, they are criminals and will break the law anyway. We should not have any gun laws

Most states do require a criminal background check. If congress had proposed a bill with just this, it would have passed overwhelmingly.
Machine guns are illegal.

Federal law strictly regulates machine guns (firearms that fire many rounds of ammunition, without manual reloading, with a single pull of the trigger).

Why bother? Criminals break laws

It demonstrates that any law is useless against them
I'm also talking per capita, as per my link. We have FAR more gun ownership per capita than any other nation on the planet. Why are we not FAR safer?

Because increased gun ownership does not equal increased safety.

Except you are making the wrong comparison.. not safer compared to some place like Switzerland or Prance... Safer compared to what we would be without the right to own firearms for our own protection, etc...

We are a violent culture.. our country was born and raised in violence.. but taking the weaponry away from the law abiding who would use it for sport, protection, etc WILL NOT MAKE IT SAFER

Good thing no one is seriously proposing taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Next strawman.

Except that is the goal...

Limit the magazine size for law abiding citizens, while criminals ignore this law
Ban weapons by using the scary term 'assault rifle' or 'assault weapon'. while criminals ignore this law
Maybe if we had laws where if a known criminal gets caught with a gun....he goes back to prison
Or maybe laws that check to see if someone has a criminal record before he buys a gun
Or laws keeping machine guns out of their hands

But no, they are criminals and will break the law anyway. We should not have any gun laws

Most states do require a criminal background check. If congress had proposed a bill with just this, it would have passed overwhelmingly.
Machine guns are illegal.

Federal law strictly regulates machine guns (firearms that fire many rounds of ammunition, without manual reloading, with a single pull of the trigger).

Why bother? Criminals break laws

It demonstrates that any law is useless against them

But, with these laws in place and the courts actually do their jobs, the perps will be found guilty and punishment will be handed to them.
Except you are making the wrong comparison.. not safer compared to some place like Switzerland or Prance... Safer compared to what we would be without the right to own firearms for our own protection, etc...

We are a violent culture.. our country was born and raised in violence.. but taking the weaponry away from the law abiding who would use it for sport, protection, etc WILL NOT MAKE IT SAFER
Good thing no one is seriously proposing taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Next strawman.
Except that is the goal...
Limit the magazine size for law abiding citizens, while criminals ignore this law
Ban weapons by using the scary term 'assault rifle' or 'assault weapon'. while criminals ignore this law
Bloomberg's MAIG group seeks confiscation from the law abiding.
Don't be such a tool, RD.
There is no "one reason" that blankets any problem we have.
But, there is a high crime black crime rate in the inner cities and part of that problem is the one parent raising children. It has been proven over and over again. That IS NOT a racist statement, because it IS a fact.

It's just that you guys will bend over backwards to point to anything and everything to explain why we have so much gun violence while refusing to look at the obvious culprit.

We have a lot of gun violence because we have a lot of guns. Those other factors certainly contribute to our problem but to pretend like the easy access and plethora of guns available in this country isn't part of the problem is dishonest at best.
Yet, you look at the areas where there is gun restrictions, and the crime rate rises.
You do not look at how guns have protected citizens from the perps. I have twice provided you with evidence, and on both occassions you have willfully ignored those posts, RDD.

It's all he can do. Brain dead leftists (like there's any other kind) instinctively go for the restrictions. So we have lots of obese people. Let's restrict sodas. We have crimes involving guns. Let's restrict guns. We have lots of criticism of Obama. Let's restrict free speech. It's what they do.
Except you are making the wrong comparison.. not safer compared to some place like Switzerland or Prance... Safer compared to what we would be without the right to own firearms for our own protection, etc...

We are a violent culture.. our country was born and raised in violence.. but taking the weaponry away from the law abiding who would use it for sport, protection, etc WILL NOT MAKE IT SAFER

Good thing no one is seriously proposing taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Next strawman.

Except that is the goal...

Limit the magazine size for law abiding citizens, while criminals ignore this law
Ban weapons by using the scary term 'assault rifle' or 'assault weapon'. while criminals ignore this law

Citizens should be allowed to own hand grenades, RPG's and their own tanks then, right? I mean, the criminals will just get them if they want them, so everyone should be able to get them right?

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