Attorney General will not press chrages against 5 Democrats caught in Sting


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvania’s recently elected Attorney General, has decided to not file charges against 5 individuals accused of taking bribes in a sting operation begun in 2011. Tyron B. Ali, a lobyist, confidential informant, and criminal himself agreed in a plea deal to wear a wire as he offered money to members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. By the time the sting had ended, 4 Philadelphia politicians and former Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes had taken up to $7,000 each for the sale of their political services, for example, by “voting against a bill that would require voters to show identification at the polls.” Some 400 hours of audio and videotape had been obtained by the time Kane began shutting down the operation.

Imagine That: Democrat AG Won't Prosecute Dems Guilty Of Bribery
Holder is a criminal in attorney general clothing! This whole administration thinks they are above the law, and beyond reproach - they are replete with disrespect, and arrogance :evil:

Did you read the post?

"Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvania’s recently elected Attorney General, has decided to not file charges against 5 individuals accused of taking bribes in a sting operation begun in 2011."

Yes the first woman, DEMOCRAT AG is going to arrest 5 BLACK DEMOCRATS in PA

That would have about as much chance happening as Eric Holder prosecuting black panthers for voter intimidation, even with the video!
It's not like there isn't any evidence. There is no excuse for dismissing this and it's all a matter of protecting their own.
Kane: Targets committed crimes but sting flawed -

"There is nothing we can do to salvage this case," she said.

Yet the state's top state prosecutor acknowledged that the tapes made during the course of the investigation had captured criminal activity.

"I believe that we have evidence that certain legislators were taking money, and that's a crime," Kane told reporters at a late-morning news conference in Harrisburg.

She said that eight people in all were captured on tape, but she did not say who they were.

Kane, a Democrat, has maintained that the undercover investigation was poorly managed and badly executed, and relied on an undercover operative whose credibility had been compromised.

Prosecutors in the Attorney General's Office who launched the case in 2010 have countered that the sting operation was solid, and say Kane shut it down for political reasons.

They also say that she faced a conflict in the case, as two people who supported her 2012 campaign for attorney general had previous dealings with the sting operation's undercover agent, a little-known Philadelphia lobbyist named Tyron B. Ali.

Given the dispute, the nonpartisan Committee of Seventy in Philadelphia on Monday urged the legislature to allow for the creation of an independent counsel to conduct "a fair and nonpartisan" investigation into why the sting case was closed.

"This is a highly unusual matter where traditional investigative authorities who might review the integrity of the sting operation and its dismissal - both of which are under attack - are compromised," Zack Stalberg, the committee president, said in a statement.

Kane vigorously defended her office's record of pursuing public corruption cases.

"It is loud and clear," she said. "We made no decisions based on political parties."

Oh, it's loud and clear alright.
Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvania’s recently elected Attorney General, has decided to not file charges against 5 individuals accused of taking bribes in a sting operation begun in 2011. Tyron B. Ali, a lobyist, confidential informant, and criminal himself agreed in a plea deal to wear a wire as he offered money to members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. By the time the sting had ended, 4 Philadelphia politicians and former Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes had taken up to $7,000 each for the sale of their political services, for example, by “voting against a bill that would require voters to show identification at the polls.” Some 400 hours of audio and videotape had been obtained by the time Kane began shutting down the operation.

Imagine That: Democrat AG Won't Prosecute Dems Guilty Of Bribery

Well that was expected but do not worry. This is exactly how a political party ruins itself from within. If no one is punished properly then others will do bad things and eventually the party rots from the inside out. We're watching the beginning stages of that very thing happening right now. And the American people are waking up to it and do not like it one bit. There will be hell to pay in November. It's not as easy to cheat in primary's as well. Yep they are truly done... and it will be fun to watch. :D

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