Audio proves who shot down plane

If McCain had been elected, we would be in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Did I forget anyone?

Staying out of Egypt cost us a hard line but pro western leader gave us the Muslim Brotherhood which has been tossed by a military coup, Muammar got popped in Libya and staying out there gave us a weak government that led to Benghazi, We told Assad he had to go stayed out and he is still there and part of Syria and Iraq is now controlled by ISIS stayed out in Ukraine and now Crimea is again part of Russia there is continued fighting in Ukraine which led to the flight 17 disaster. Did I miss anything?
If McCain had been elected, we would be in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Did I forget anyone?

The Putin butt kissers would give him anything he wanted. We would fighting Ukraine if the Putin groupies had their way. McCain is angry, and has the sense to place blame on Russia. The Puntanistas can't get in their favored nation, Putin has too much opposition to allow too many US eyes around. The young Russians despise him, and the older Rusians remember his past with the Party.
That is not proof, creating a false audio is child's play. Maybe it is true. But events like this are so helpful in times of war, they can be ginned up. Hearst said as he created the Spanish American War, just print the headlines I give you and there will be war.

Remember the Maine. Most believe today it was an coal dust accident.

I agree. Propaganda is a weapon, a very powerful weapon. Organizations like BBC, CNN, etc. have blood on their hands.
That is not proof, creating a false audio is child's play. Maybe it is true. But events like this are so helpful in times of war, they can be ginned up. Hearst said as he created the Spanish American War, just print the headlines I give you and there will be war.

Remember the Maine. Most believe today it was an coal dust accident.

I agree. Propaganda is a weapon, a very powerful weapon. Organizations like BBC, CNN, etc. have blood on their hands.

Vikrant, I take you are Indian or Indian American, sorry if I am mistaken. What kind of reports are you hearing from Indian Media? Are they giving more fair, honest and unbiased coverage than "western" media sources at this point?
If McCain had been elected, we would be in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Did I forget anyone?

The Putin butt kissers would give him anything he wanted. We would fighting Ukraine if the Putin groupies had their way. McCain is angry, and has the sense to place blame on Russia. The Puntanistas can't get in their favored nation, Putin has too much opposition to allow too many US eyes around. The young Russians despise him, and the older Rusians remember his past with the Party.

Hell the US was involved up to our eyeballs in arranging the Ukraine coup in the first place
That is not proof, creating a false audio is child's play. Maybe it is true. But events like this are so helpful in times of war, they can be ginned up. Hearst said as he created the Spanish American War, just print the headlines I give you and there will be war.

Remember the Maine. Most believe today it was an coal dust accident.

I agree. Propaganda is a weapon, a very powerful weapon. Organizations like BBC, CNN, etc. have blood on their hands.

Vikrant, I take you are Indian or Indian American, sorry if I am mistaken. What kind of reports are you hearing from Indian Media? Are they giving more fair, honest and unbiased coverage than "western" media sources at this point?

Indian media is a bit dorky but it is not as propaganda centric as western media is. As far as I am concerned, I examine an issue from various angles. I read news from various different sources and then compare them against what I know to be established facts. Anytime I come across a report which goes against established facts and common sense, it throws a red flag and credibility of the source goes down in my mind.
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What are you suggesting? That the report is a lie, or that the Interior Ministry of Ukraine is lying when they say none of their missile systems were stolen by Separatists?

If so, what is your proof?

Sorry, that unverifiable video just doesn't cut it.
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Ukraine Interior Minister Gerashchenko already admitted Separatists did not steal any of their BUK systems.

ITAR-TASS: World - Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system ? Ukraine general prosecutor

Admitted or claimed ?

What are you suggesting? That the report is a lie, or that the Interior Ministry of Ukraine is lying when they say none of their missile systems were stolen by Separatists?

If so, what is your proof?

Sorry, that unverifiable video just doesn't cut it.

Neither does the claim by the Interior Ministry-----we literally have no way of knowing the truth considering both sides are actively accusing each other of the shoot down. Ultimately it's collateral damage in a war zone and trying to pin this soley on Putin is bogus propaganda. The US supported the coup that caused all the uproar in the first place.
Admitted or claimed ?

What are you suggesting? That the report is a lie, or that the Interior Ministry of Ukraine is lying when they say none of their missile systems were stolen by Separatists?

If so, what is your proof?

Sorry, that unverifiable video just doesn't cut it.

Neither does the claim by the Interior Ministry

Why would they lie? Wouldn't it serve the Ukraine interior ministry to say that separatists stole their BUK systems and used them to shot down MH17.

In fact, that is what they were saying as your video showed until the Interior Ministry clarified the situation. Its kind of funny they decided to admit it though. Because it undermines their claim entirely that the separatists used BUK systems to shot down the airliner. How would they do it if they didn't have any BUK?

Come on, your going to have to better than that to claim the Separatists shot down the plane. You simply don't have proof.
There should be no doubt what brought Malaysian Airline MH17 to the ground.

The brightest star - Krystal Ball - on the most honest cable networks - MSNBC - received a phone call from Kiev by a sergeant who could see the plane hit by gas coming from Howard Stern's ass.

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That is not proof, creating a false audio is child's play. Maybe it is true. But events like this are so helpful in times of war, they can be ginned up. Hearst said as he created the Spanish American War, just print the headlines I give you and there will be war.

Remember the Maine. Most believe today it was an coal dust accident.

I agree. Propaganda is a weapon, a very powerful weapon. Organizations like BBC, CNN, etc. have blood on their hands.

As does FOX then:

US believes Russia provided separatists with missile that shot down airliner | Fox News
Appears to want to rebuild he has stated the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. There is no doubt he wants to bring back if not all as much of the old Soviet Empire as he can.

Thus, he is a threat to the US(.) His claims of childhood Christianity conflict with later actions as an ambitious Communist mid level suck up.

Hell ya---is Obama gonna let us go kill Ruskies ??

As Europe is standing with US, some economic pressure is warranted, Russia isn't the paradise Commie lovers today believe it is.
More, from the above article:

"In a blistering article for the Sunday Times, British Prime Minister David Cameron called the attack a "direct result of Russia destabilizing a sovereign state, violating its territorial integrity, backing thuggish militias and training and arming them." "We must turn this moment of outrage into a moment of action," he wrote.

In a coded rebuke of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders who have blocked efforts to impose tougher sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin for Russia's actions in Ukraine, Cameron said Europe must now "respond robustly."

"For too long, there has been a reluctance on the part of too many European countries to face up to the implications of what is happening in eastern Ukraine," Cameron wrote.

Despite calls by world leaders for an independent, international investigation into the plane's downing, armed separatists limited observers' access to the crash site for the first few days.

The U.S. State Department described the rebels' refusal to give monitors a full access to the site "an affront to all those who lost loved ones and to the dignity the victims deserve."

Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans told the Ukrainian president in Kiev on Saturday that people in his country were shocked by reports of the bodies being dragged around the crash site.
More, from the above article:

"In a blistering article for the Sunday Times, British Prime Minister David Cameron called the attack a "direct result of Russia destabilizing a sovereign state, violating its territorial integrity, backing thuggish militias and training and arming them." "We must turn this moment of outrage into a moment of action," he wrote.

In a coded rebuke of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders who have blocked efforts to impose tougher sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin for Russia's actions in Ukraine, Cameron said Europe must now "respond robustly."

"For too long, there has been a reluctance on the part of too many European countries to face up to the implications of what is happening in eastern Ukraine," Cameron wrote.

Despite calls by world leaders for an independent, international investigation into the plane's downing, armed separatists limited observers' access to the crash site for the first few days.

The U.S. State Department described the rebels' refusal to give monitors a full access to the site "an affront to all those who lost loved ones and to the dignity the victims deserve."

Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans told the Ukrainian president in Kiev on Saturday that people in his country were shocked by reports of the bodies being dragged around the crash site.

Europe is with the US, the Putin lovers in the US will not accept any criticism of their hero however. So Bush's buddy takes what he wants.

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