Audio proves who shot down plane

What evidence in terms of photos or video show a missile or a plane that is descending after a missile strike?

I have seen none, but this article indicates the videos show only a ground explosion. Was MH17 Shot Down? Why No Fireball Or Smoke Trail? Why No Missile Trail? | AUN-TV

It is strange, very strange. the videos and pics indicate a completely intact plane not on fire hitting the ground like the Bagram 747. How can the accounts of massive fireball and bodies raining out of the sky be true? below without the video is an exerpt of that article:

The below video shows at least 10 shoot downs via missiles and every missile left an exhaust trail and every hit created a fireball and black smoke. At 1:48 to 2:10 is a real combat shoot down of jet plane. This results in a huge fireball and the plane being blown into multiple large burning pieces, followed by black smoke, similar to what all witnesses saw happen to TWA800.


At 2:25 a large ground based missile similar to what we are being told was used on MH17 leaves a massive exhaust trail.

Forbes, normally a reliable source of news, said on 7-18 “The Malaysian Airliner Flight MH17 was brought down in eastern Ukraine. Local resident who witnessed the disaster described seeing a huge explosion and dead bodies falling from the sky. It appears the plane was “shot” by a surface to air missile.The Ukrainian government blames separatist fighters with circumstantial evidence.”

This is the standard report on the incidence, but lets examine the implications of it? A huge explosion and bodies falling from the sky is indeed what is likley in a large missile strike on an airliner. It would blow the fuselage apart into pieces, so the bodies escape the cabin and fall separately. It would also catch the thousands of gallons of fuel on fire (fuel capacity is 47,000 gallons).

But that completely contradicts the videos before and after the ground explosion. There is no detection of the plane or its parts in the air in the videos. There are no flames, no smoke trail. An intact, not on fire 777, plummeting in one piece to earth, matches the videos much better.

You live under a rock? There was one report that a kid saw the missile launched. The Putin thugs are going to suppress everything they can, even to the extent of plating false evidence. But one good thing can come from this. Adolph Putin might cut these amateurs lose. He doesn't like working with rookies.
The word i'm hearing now is that the KGB-funded "separatists" are carting away evidence and not being very friendly to investigators.

Whatcha hidin'?

Yes, and those rockets were not hidden under a sweater on their way to Ukraine.
Funny watching all the liberal pussyhawks and neocon warhawks here agitating for greater intervention into Ukraine and potentially war with Russia(run by Putin, the next Hitler or Osama Bin Laden that hates gays, puppies, children, and democracy). Not that these geriatric old cowards would actually go over and fight it.
That "audio proof" has already been debunked. It was prerecorded a day before the attacks.

That is just another strike against Ukraine committing this heinous act of terrorism for political gain.

And even if we are to accept this doctored video as proof, the video states it was an accident. Both the US and Soviet Union have shot down civilian aircraft in the past by mistake and no war or sanctions came of it.
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Many nations are convinced, Putin is down to very few friends; George W. Bush & Obama haters, Europe is sick of him:

"I was shocked at the pictures of utterly disrespectful behavior at this tragic spot. It's revolting," Mark Rutte said on Saturday, referring to allegations that the bodies of the passengers, including 193 of his countrymen, were being dragged about and allowed to rot at the scene.

"He has one last chance to show he means to help," Rutte said of Putin minutes after what he described as a "very intense" conversation with the Russian leader. He added that the leaders of Germany, Britain and Australia shared his view.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, who is in the Ukrainian capital Kiev with a team of Dutch forensics experts trying to secure safe access to the crash site, said access so far had been too limited to allow them to carry out their work of identifying the victims and repatriating them.

One Dutch newspaper this morning printed pictures of rebel commanders who it said had shot down the Boeing 777 aircraft under the front-page headline "Murderers". The daily De Telegraaf called on the Dutch government to rethink its policy of restraint towards Russia.

"The government must make clear to the world that we are beside ourselves with rage," the newspaper said.

Many nations are convinced, Putin is down to very few friends; George W. Bush & Obama haters, Europe is sick of him:

"I was shocked at the pictures of utterly disrespectful behavior at this tragic spot. It's revolting," Mark Rutte said on Saturday, referring to allegations that the bodies of the passengers, including 193 of his countrymen, were being dragged about and allowed to rot at the scene.

"He has one last chance to show he means to help," Rutte said of Putin minutes after what he described as a "very intense" conversation with the Russian leader. He added that the leaders of Germany, Britain and Australia shared his view.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, who is in the Ukrainian capital Kiev with a team of Dutch forensics experts trying to secure safe access to the crash site, said access so far had been too limited to allow them to carry out their work of identifying the victims and repatriating them.

One Dutch newspaper this morning printed pictures of rebel commanders who it said had shot down the Boeing 777 aircraft under the front-page headline "Murderers". The daily De Telegraaf called on the Dutch government to rethink its policy of restraint towards Russia.

"The government must make clear to the world that we are beside ourselves with rage," the newspaper said.

No way Putin makes a move like that without telling Obama first
Only if the tape isn't a fake.

Many nations are convinced, Putin is down to very few friends; George W. Bush & Obama haters, Europe is sick of him:

"I was shocked at the pictures of utterly disrespectful behavior at this tragic spot. It's revolting," Mark Rutte said on Saturday, referring to allegations that the bodies of the passengers, including 193 of his countrymen, were being dragged about and allowed to rot at the scene.

"He has one last chance to show he means to help," Rutte said of Putin minutes after what he described as a "very intense" conversation with the Russian leader. He added that the leaders of Germany, Britain and Australia shared his view.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, who is in the Ukrainian capital Kiev with a team of Dutch forensics experts trying to secure safe access to the crash site, said access so far had been too limited to allow them to carry out their work of identifying the victims and repatriating them.

One Dutch newspaper this morning printed pictures of rebel commanders who it said had shot down the Boeing 777 aircraft under the front-page headline "Murderers". The daily De Telegraaf called on the Dutch government to rethink its policy of restraint towards Russia.

"The government must make clear to the world that we are beside ourselves with rage," the newspaper said.

No way Putin makes a move like that without telling Obama first

The two are not close, it was Bush that KGB Putin snookered:

As president you met and dealt with many foreign write, "I've always been able to read people." Vladimir Putin, when you first met him you said you got a sense of his soul...

Bush: I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.
Many nations are convinced, Putin is down to very few friends; George W. Bush & Obama haters, Europe is sick of him:

"I was shocked at the pictures of utterly disrespectful behavior at this tragic spot. It's revolting," Mark Rutte said on Saturday, referring to allegations that the bodies of the passengers, including 193 of his countrymen, were being dragged about and allowed to rot at the scene.

"He has one last chance to show he means to help," Rutte said of Putin minutes after what he described as a "very intense" conversation with the Russian leader. He added that the leaders of Germany, Britain and Australia shared his view.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, who is in the Ukrainian capital Kiev with a team of Dutch forensics experts trying to secure safe access to the crash site, said access so far had been too limited to allow them to carry out their work of identifying the victims and repatriating them.

One Dutch newspaper this morning printed pictures of rebel commanders who it said had shot down the Boeing 777 aircraft under the front-page headline "Murderers". The daily De Telegraaf called on the Dutch government to rethink its policy of restraint towards Russia.

"The government must make clear to the world that we are beside ourselves with rage," the newspaper said.

No way Putin makes a move like that without telling Obama first

The two are not close, it was Bush that KGB Putin snookered:

As president you met and dealt with many foreign write, "I've always been able to read people." Vladimir Putin, when you first met him you said you got a sense of his soul...

Bush: I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.

do you get a nickel every time you mention KGB and Putin in the same post ? :lol:
Russians aren't the ones trying to undermine the second amendment, russians aren't the ones opening the borders, russians aren't the ones spying on us without warrants, it isn't the russians that our turning our country into a third world neo-feudal style kleptocracy.

All this demonization of Putin and Russia is a distraction from the tyranny here at home.
That "audio proof" has already been debunked. It was prerecorded a day before the attacks.

That is just another strike against Ukraine committing this heinous act of terrorism for political gain.

And even if we are to accept this doctored video as proof, the video states it was an accident. Both the US and Soviet Union have shot down civilian aircraft in the past by mistake and no war or sanctions came of it.

You are a liar. That sounds like it was recorded in some kids basement. You and Putin are going down hard. And he knows it. He would be better off making the guilty thugs admit what they did and cut his ties with a bunch of terrorists. If he doesn't Russia may suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union.
No way Putin makes a move like that without telling Obama first

The two are not close, it was Bush that KGB Putin snookered:

As president you met and dealt with many foreign write, "I've always been able to read people." Vladimir Putin, when you first met him you said you got a sense of his soul...

Bush: I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.

do you get a nickel every time you mention KGB and Putin in the same post ? :lol:

No, but my hatred of totalitarians makes it worth the time to type "KGB Putin".:D
That "audio proof" has already been debunked. It was prerecorded a day before the attacks.

That is just another strike against Ukraine committing this heinous act of terrorism for political gain.

And even if we are to accept this doctored video as proof, the video states it was an accident. Both the US and Soviet Union have shot down civilian aircraft in the past by mistake and no war or sanctions came of it.

You are a liar. That sounds like it was recorded in some kids basement. You and Putin are going down hard. And he knows it. He would be better off making the guilty thugs admit what they did and cut his ties with a bunch of terrorists. If he doesn't Russia may suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union.

Not only are they using prerecorded tapes, Ukraine Secret Service has received all Air Traffic Control Communications. This on top of them redirecting the flight into a war zone area that had been redflagged by the FAA, European Civil Aviation and multiple Airlines is another very suspicious act on their part.
Was Flight MH-17 Diverted Over Restricted Airspace? | Zero Hedge

The first thing to ask in these situations is cui bono, who benefits? Ukraine and NATO clearly, Russia has no benefit in taking down a civilian airliner, but now the US and EU can get more sanctions, up aid to Kiev, and potentially militarily intervene in the East.
Yeah that was not really hard to figure out the missiles were fired from separatists controlled terrorority from a weapons system most experts say it takes a couple of years training to become skilled at using.
Yeah that was not really hard to figure out the missiles were fired from separatists controlled terrorority from a weapons system most experts say it takes a couple of years training to become skilled at using.

If not the Russian terrorists, then who? The US believes that last few attacks were the separatists, who claimed credit; no one has for this nightmare. Putin appears to want to rebuild the former USSR, thus the trouble in Ukraine.
Yeah that was not really hard to figure out the missiles were fired from separatists controlled terrorority from a weapons system most experts say it takes a couple of years training to become skilled at using.

If not the Russian terrorists, then who? The US believes that last few attacks were the separatists, who claimed credit; no one has for this nightmare. Putin appears to want to rebuild the former USSR, thus the trouble in Ukraine.

Appears to want to rebuild he has stated the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. There is no doubt he wants to bring back if not all as much of the old Soviet Empire as he can.
Yeah that was not really hard to figure out the missiles were fired from separatists controlled terrorority from a weapons system most experts say it takes a couple of years training to become skilled at using.

If not the Russian terrorists, then who? The US believes that last few attacks were the separatists, who claimed credit; no one has for this nightmare. Putin appears to want to rebuild the former USSR, thus the trouble in Ukraine.

Appears to want to rebuild he has stated the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. There is no doubt he wants to bring back if not all as much of the old Soviet Empire as he can.

Thus, he is a threat to the US(.) His claims of childhood Christianity conflict with later actions as an ambitious Communist mid level suck up.
If not the Russian terrorists, then who? The US believes that last few attacks were the separatists, who claimed credit; no one has for this nightmare. Putin appears to want to rebuild the former USSR, thus the trouble in Ukraine.

Appears to want to rebuild he has stated the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. There is no doubt he wants to bring back if not all as much of the old Soviet Empire as he can.

Thus, he is a threat to the US(.) His claims of childhood Christianity conflict with later actions as an ambitious Communist mid level suck up.

Hell ya---is Obama gonna let us go kill Ruskies ??
If McCain had been elected, we would be in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Did I forget anyone?

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