AUDIO: Rush Limbaugh: Obamacare Is ‘The Law Of The Land’ And So Was ‘Slavery’ At One


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
YEP....Rush has this one fools who voted for ObamaCare just made yourselves SLAVES to him and the STATE...I feel bad for the young people who fell for this, wait until they get hit with REALITY from ObamaCare..
links and AUDIO at site

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Saturday, September 21, 2013, 8:11 AM

Guest Post by Mara Zebest

Rush Limbaugh explains that the Democrats want to constantly remind us that Obamacare is the “Law of the Land.” But wasn’t slavery once the law of the land too?

Considering Obamacare is a backdoor form of slavery, the analogy is perfect.

Hat Tip DailyRushbo for video and transcript or for a more expanded transcript:

all of it here
- See more at: The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

There is a clear and significant difference between "racial" and "racist".

dot com is on a self flagellation day

he is running around the board throwing out lame one liners
lol, so they can compare the Gop to slavery , Jim Crow, etc etc....but ObamaCare can't be compared to SLAVERY?

dear gawd the left and some people have went completely STUPID over Obama and his program to make SLAVE'S out of you people

wake up
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Just when you think that tub of lard can't say anything worse than the last time -

One day we will read that he has finally keeled over dead. Not a lot of people will be sorry to see him shut up for good.
Just when you think that tub of lard can't say anything worse than the last time -

One day we will read that he has finally keeled over dead. Not a lot of people will be sorry to see him shut up for good.


Reminds me of that Democrat operative in California who tweeted that they wished a Republican's kids would die a horrible death.

And this:

What is it with you people?

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The radical left has a short memory. Segregation was the law of the land and Al Gore's father and the rest of the democrat majority were segregationists. Segregation wasn't hard to figure out but nobody can understand the Hussein/care law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and almost as scary.
Just when you think that tub of lard can't say anything worse than the last time -

One day we will read that he has finally keeled over dead. Not a lot of people will be sorry to see him shut up for good.

and just the other day you were complaining about insults and how those who throw them are weak and have nothing to say

The radical left has a short memory. Segregation was the law of the land and Al Gore's father and the rest of the democrat majority were segregationists. Segregation wasn't hard to figure out but nobody can understand the Hussein/care law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and almost as scary.

I'm sure they will say this is RACIST too.

pathetic people have nothing else for their EXCUSE for Obama and his piece of crap ObamaCare..... so it's back to, lets PLAY THE RACE CARD
People wishing Rush Dies.
What would this place look like if a Republican wished death on a prominent Lib?
Wasn't there just a Democrat in California wishing a miserable death on someone's children?
Conservatives supported slavery and Segregation.

They should therefore LOVE ObamaCare.
Just when you think that tub of lard can't say anything worse than the last time -

One day we will read that he has finally keeled over dead. Not a lot of people will be sorry to see him shut up for good.


Reminds me of that Democrat operative in California who tweeted that they wished a Republican's kids would die a horrible death.

And this: University of Kansas suspends professor David Guth over vile tweets | Mail Online

What is it with you people?


Violent hatefull losers.
All of em !!!
Fanatics being fanatics.

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