August 22, 2015 is a critical date for Rand Paul


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Rand Paul faces August vote on ballot status -

The CNN article really does explain it quite well. I recommend that you go to the link and read the entire article, it's worth it.

In a nutshell: Rand Paul is running for President AND he is also running to hold his Kentucky Senatorial seat.

This is not all that new and I have no problem with it, either. Joe Lieberman ran for VP with Al Gore in 2000 and also ran for his CT Senate seat, which he held. So, we have precedence for this from almost 16 years ago. Ditto for sitting Vice-President Joe Biden, who won his Senate seat in an easy re-election in 2008 at the same time as he was elected VP on the Obama/Biden ticket.

Only, Kentucky law prohibits any candidate's name from being on two ballots in the same election, whereas Connecticut and Delaware do not.

So, the Kentucky GOP is going to decide on August 22nd whether or not to move their May Presidential primary to a March caucus, but JUST for the Presidency and not for any other offices, so that Rand would be on the ballot for the presidential caucus in March and for the Senatorial in May.

At issue are the costs of holding a special caucus just for Rand's sake, and it is quite obvious that that would be the case. The KY GOP is confident that since this was already approved in committee back in March, that it will pass a vote to move KY's presidential primary (only on the Republican side, as I understand it) from May to a caucus in March.

I'll check back in 10 days and post the results.

Ron Paul did especially well in a number of caucus states in both 2008 and 2012 and so the conventional "wisdom", if you will, is that Rand Paul would do better in his home state with a caucus, anyway, the reasons for which are very obvious. Were we talking about John Kasich and his home state of Ohio, they would be the same reasons, so they are not specific to just Rand Paul, but rather, about strategema.

Discuss. What do you think of this?
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As promised, it is August 22nd, and I am back.

Rand Paul's Presidential Campaign May Have Just Been Saved

Indeed, the Republican Party of Kentucky is splitting the primary process into two dates and made the decision just hours ago:

The Kentucky Republican Presidential CAUCUSES will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Presidential caucuses.

The Kentucky PRIMARIES for everything else (including the Democratic Presidential Primary, to the best of my knowledge) will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Republican Senatorial primary.

There is more: the caucus will NOT be WTA:

But most committee members said their vote was motivated not by Paul's candidacy, but by a desire to make Kentucky a player in presidential politics. That's why Republicans crafted the caucus to appeal to as many of the 17 declared Republican candidates as possible. The plan calls for Kentucky's delegates to be split proportionally rather than "winner takes all," and candidates only need to get 5 percent of the vote to qualify for delegates. That's a threshold much lower than other primary states.

I think it's fair to say that the Kentucky GOP just threw Rand Paul a lifeline, which he gratefully took. I would also think that this definitely means that he will be in the race until at least this date, maybe to the end, who knows for sure...

And this is not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts, the KY GOP, for there is also: amendment that requires Paul to transfer $250,000 to the Republican Party of Kentucky by Sept. 18. If the money is not transferred by that date, the caucus will be canceled and revert back to the primary.

So, Paul is essentially paying, in part, to get a presidential caucus in his home-state.

I am researching this right now, but to my knowledge, this is the first time that this kind of thing has ever happened.

As promised, it is August 22nd, and I am back.

Rand Paul's Presidential Campaign May Have Just Been Saved

Indeed, the Republican Party of Kentucky is splitting the primary process into two dates and made the decision just hours ago:

The Kentucky Republican Presidential CAUCUSES will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Presidential caucuses.

The Kentucky PRIMARIES for everything else (including the Democratic Presidential Primary, to the best of my knowledge) will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Republican Senatorial primary.

There is more: the caucus will NOT be WTA:

But most committee members said their vote was motivated not by Paul's candidacy, but by a desire to make Kentucky a player in presidential politics. That's why Republicans crafted the caucus to appeal to as many of the 17 declared Republican candidates as possible. The plan calls for Kentucky's delegates to be split proportionally rather than "winner takes all," and candidates only need to get 5 percent of the vote to qualify for delegates. That's a threshold much lower than other primary states.

I think it's fair to say that the Kentucky GOP just threw Rand Paul a lifeline, which he gratefully took. I would also think that this definitely means that he will be in the race until at least this date, maybe to the end, who knows for sure...

And this is not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts, the KY GOP, for there is also: amendment that requires Paul to transfer $250,000 to the Republican Party of Kentucky by Sept. 18. If the money is not transferred by that date, the caucus will be canceled and revert back to the primary.

So, Paul is essentially paying, in part, to get a presidential caucus in his home-state.

I am researching this right now, but to my knowledge, this is the first time that this kind of thing has ever happened.


I think Kentucky was pretty well aware that Rand Paul doesn't have a chance in hell to win the Presidential nomination and they didn't want to take a chance and leave the Senate space open for a Democrat to take it. It's going to be tough for him to campaign for President and let his Senatorial campaign go by the wayside, so they may still end up losing it.

Rand Paul bedeviled by Kentucky law
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.

With so many conservatives going gaga over Trump.....I think Rand Paul doesn't have much of a chance.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.

With so many conservatives going gaga over Trump.....I think Rand Paul doesn't have much of a chance.
Paul had no chance even if Trump weren't in the race.
Rand Paul faces August vote on ballot status -

The CNN article really does explain it quite well. I recommend that you go to the link and read the entire article, it's worth it.

In a nutshell: Rand Paul is running for President AND he is also running to hold his Kentucky Senatorial seat.

This is not all that new and I have no problem with it, either. Joe Lieberman ran for VP with Al Gore in 2000 and also ran for his CT Senate seat, which he held. So, we have precedence for this from almost 16 years ago. Ditto for sitting Vice-President Joe Biden, who won his Senate seat in an easy re-election in 2008 at the same time as he was elected VP on the Obama/Biden ticket.

Only, Kentucky law prohibits any candidate's name from being on two ballots in the same election, whereas Connecticut and Delaware do not.

So, the Kentucky GOP is going to decide on August 22nd whether or not to move their May Presidential primary to a March caucus, but JUST for the Presidency and not for any other offices, so that Rand would be on the ballot for the presidential caucus in March and for the Senatorial in May.

At issue are the costs of holding a special caucus just for Rand's sake, and it is quite obvious that that would be the case. The KY GOP is confident that since this was already approved in committee back in March, that it will pass a vote to move KY's presidential primary (only on the Republican side, as I understand it) from May to a caucus in March.

I'll check back in 10 days and post the results.

Ron Paul did especially well in a number of caucus states in both 2008 and 2012 and so the conventional "wisdom", if you will, is that Rand Paul would do better in his home state with a caucus, anyway, the reasons for which are very obvious. Were we talking about John Kasich and his home state of Ohio, they would be the same reasons, so they are not specific to just Rand Paul, but rather, about strategema.

Discuss. What do you think of this?
Although there was a precedent in two states, I believe Paul should decide just what position he wants or he thinks is probable to get the votes. The cost would be a deterrent. In all likelihood, this would too, set a precedent for others to run for two offices at the same time.
i wonder if Rand and Jeb are just going to wait to see who bows out first, no one want to suffer the embarrassment of being the first one to quit.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.

With so many conservatives going gaga over Trump.....I think Rand Paul doesn't have much of a chance.
Paul had no chance even if Trump weren't in the race.

He thinks he does.....:badgrin: Maybe he'd like to be Trump's nomination for VP?
His Libertarian roots are showing. Individual rights and all, as long as he's the individual getting those rights.

He's going to lose both elections.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
Obviously, but he literally wants to.. Well, look for yourself: Summary of S. 583 (113th): A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to ... -
If a candidate supports something that involves restricting someone's freedom to control their own bodies.. It's not a simple thing with "one issue"
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
Obviously, but he literally wants to.. Well, look for yourself: Summary of S. 583 (113th): A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to ... -
If a candidate supports something that involves restricting someone's freedom to control their own bodies.. It's not a simple thing with "one issue"
Except opposing abortion is about saving another person's body, namely the baby. Abortionists want to save the baby so Planned parenthood can dismember it for cash.
As for Paul, a non-issue thread about a non-event.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
Obviously, but he literally wants to.. Well, look for yourself: Summary of S. 583 (113th): A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to ... -
If a candidate supports something that involves restricting someone's freedom to control their own bodies.. It's not a simple thing with "one issue"

The odds of abortion being outlawed in my lifetime are barely passed 0%
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
Obviously, but he literally wants to.. Well, look for yourself: Summary of S. 583 (113th): A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to ... -
If a candidate supports something that involves restricting someone's freedom to control their own bodies.. It's not a simple thing with "one issue"

The odds of abortion being outlawed in my lifetime are barely passed 0%
I just can't bring myself to support someone who claims to defend liberty and wants to essentially ban morning after pills.
I like Rand Paul and he is my choice for president, but being realistic, it looks like his momentum is gone. He should probably just stick to his Senate reelection.
You've stated you support a women's right to have an abortion, so why the heck would you support Paul? -.-

Because I am not a one issue voter
Obviously, but he literally wants to.. Well, look for yourself: Summary of S. 583 (113th): A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to ... -
If a candidate supports something that involves restricting someone's freedom to control their own bodies.. It's not a simple thing with "one issue"

The odds of abortion being outlawed in my lifetime are barely passed 0%
I just can't bring myself to support someone who claims to defend liberty and wants to essentially ban morning after pills.

Prolife Rand Paul to college students: ‘I am not opposed to the morning-after pill’ - The College Fix
As promised, it is August 22nd, and I am back.

Rand Paul's Presidential Campaign May Have Just Been Saved

Indeed, the Republican Party of Kentucky is splitting the primary process into two dates and made the decision just hours ago:

The Kentucky Republican Presidential CAUCUSES will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Presidential caucuses.

The Kentucky PRIMARIES for everything else (including the Democratic Presidential Primary, to the best of my knowledge) will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Republican Senatorial primary.

There is more: the caucus will NOT be WTA:

But most committee members said their vote was motivated not by Paul's candidacy, but by a desire to make Kentucky a player in presidential politics. That's why Republicans crafted the caucus to appeal to as many of the 17 declared Republican candidates as possible. The plan calls for Kentucky's delegates to be split proportionally rather than "winner takes all," and candidates only need to get 5 percent of the vote to qualify for delegates. That's a threshold much lower than other primary states.

I think it's fair to say that the Kentucky GOP just threw Rand Paul a lifeline, which he gratefully took. I would also think that this definitely means that he will be in the race until at least this date, maybe to the end, who knows for sure...

And this is not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts, the KY GOP, for there is also: amendment that requires Paul to transfer $250,000 to the Republican Party of Kentucky by Sept. 18. If the money is not transferred by that date, the caucus will be canceled and revert back to the primary.

So, Paul is essentially paying, in part, to get a presidential caucus in his home-state.

I am researching this right now, but to my knowledge, this is the first time that this kind of thing has ever happened.


CCR says it better than I can!

Rand can always pull an Obama and find a judge to order his opponents divorce records unselaed
As promised, it is August 22nd, and I am back.

Rand Paul's Presidential Campaign May Have Just Been Saved

Indeed, the Republican Party of Kentucky is splitting the primary process into two dates and made the decision just hours ago:

The Kentucky Republican Presidential CAUCUSES will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Presidential caucuses.

The Kentucky PRIMARIES for everything else (including the Democratic Presidential Primary, to the best of my knowledge) will be on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016. On this date, Rand Paul's name will be on the ballot for the Republican Senatorial primary.

There is more: the caucus will NOT be WTA:

But most committee members said their vote was motivated not by Paul's candidacy, but by a desire to make Kentucky a player in presidential politics. That's why Republicans crafted the caucus to appeal to as many of the 17 declared Republican candidates as possible. The plan calls for Kentucky's delegates to be split proportionally rather than "winner takes all," and candidates only need to get 5 percent of the vote to qualify for delegates. That's a threshold much lower than other primary states.

I think it's fair to say that the Kentucky GOP just threw Rand Paul a lifeline, which he gratefully took. I would also think that this definitely means that he will be in the race until at least this date, maybe to the end, who knows for sure...

And this is not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts, the KY GOP, for there is also: amendment that requires Paul to transfer $250,000 to the Republican Party of Kentucky by Sept. 18. If the money is not transferred by that date, the caucus will be canceled and revert back to the primary.

So, Paul is essentially paying, in part, to get a presidential caucus in his home-state.

I am researching this right now, but to my knowledge, this is the first time that this kind of thing has ever happened.


CCR says it better than I can!

^ Song about Al Gore

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