August 28, 1963


May 19, 2008
MLK's I have a dream speech was delivered on the mall in DC August 28, 1963.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled from Monday, August 25, through Thursday, August 28, 2008, where Obama is projected to be announced the Democratic Nominee.

This really shows how far America has come and where America is heading.

History is in the making!

How do you all think this will impact racial relations in this country?

IMO I think it will do wonders!
MLK's I have a dream speech was delivered on the mall in DC August 28, 1963.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled from Monday, August 25, through Thursday, August 28, 2008, where Obama is projected to be announced the Democratic Nominee.

This really shows how far America has come and where America is heading.

History is in the making!

How do you all think this will impact racial relations in this country?

IMO I think it will do wonders!

Sure thing.

If McCain wins, it will be blamed on racism.

Any accusation between now and November will be called racist.

Yeah, it's going to do wonders alright. We just got a preview with the Democrat primary.
MLK's I have a dream speech was delivered on the mall in DC August 28, 1963.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled from Monday, August 25, through Thursday, August 28, 2008, where Obama is projected to be announced the Democratic Nominee.

This really shows how far America has come and where America is heading.

History is in the making!

How do you all think this will impact racial relations in this country?

IMO I think it will do wonders!

Oh, and while you're trying to align the stars, did you know Kennedy's secretary's name was Lincoln and Lincoln's secretary's name was Kennedy?

GunnyL what are you talking about?? lol

What I am talking about is Historic; History is being made and A LOT OF PEOPLE are proud to be witnesses of it, regardless of the final outcome.
On April 4, 1968 James Earl Ray had a cure for that dream. I doubt Clinton will wait that long.

The only thing this concludes is that a sizable percentage of European Americans no longer want to be in control of their country and are willing to give control over to a muslim named, foreign sired, foreign raised, and foreign alligned politician so that they can "feel" like they aren't evil racists.

The third biggest conjob in the world -- right after women's shoes.
I won't even give you the response you deserve. However, I will say your attitude is unhealthy and perpetuates racism in this country. I pray that you really reflect, it's sad to see people with the same mindset as back in the day; grow and expand.

Oh and James Ray didn't have a "cure" for the dream, the dream is a live today, just look at the world around you, oh and look at the Democratic Nominee. :eusa_dance:
I won't even give you the response you deserve. However, I will say your attitude is unhealthy and perpetuates racism in this country. I pray that you really reflect, it's sad to see people with the same mindset as back in the day; grow and expand.

Oh and James Ray didn't have a "cure" for the dream, the dream is a live today, just look at the world around you, oh and look at the Democratic Nominee. :eusa_dance:

Between now and November there will likely be any number of group suicides by the more pathetic variety of white males, the ones that in spite of having had it their way for all these years, having had all the opportunities, and all the breaks just cannot handle or live with the reality: There are non-whites out here that are smarter, better educated, more accomplished, more talented, more politically adept, and richer than they are, and life will go on in spite of the cacaphony of whines.....

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
Between now and November there will likely be any number of group suicides by the more pathetic variety of white males, the ones that in spite of having had it their way for all these years, having had all the opportunities, and all the breaks just cannot handle or live with the reality: There are non-whites out here that are smarter, better educated, more accomplished, more talented, more politically adept, and richer than they are, and life will go on in spite of the cacaphony of whines.....

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Obama is not one of them, he is a swarmy politician that is concerned with one thing, personal power. He is a racist that has no problem making divisive decisions and policies. If he were white YOU would be screaming about his obvious racism. But because he and his wife are black they get a pass on making racist comments, writing racist papers and endorsing racist church leaders and churches.
GunnyL what are you talking about?? lol

What I am talking about is Historic; History is being made and A LOT OF PEOPLE are proud to be witnesses of it, regardless of the final outcome.

History is made every time the democratic process works. It was made when our country was set up in a manner that allows us to rectify injustice and inequality.

No matter how wonderful it is that Obama's a black man getting close to the presidency, he's still a scumbag socialist who hates the US, and if he were to be elected it would be the first step the US has taken backwards since we became a nation.
I won't even give you the response you deserve. <snip>
Oh and James Ray didn't have a "cure" for the dream
It was a miserable attempt at humor on my part. The rest of the post stands, including the comment on the Clintons.

However, I will say your attitude is unhealthy and perpetuates racism in this country.
What in it does? The only thing that might be incorrect in my statement is the diagnosis on the motivation.

I pray that you really reflect, it's sad to see people with the same mindset as back in the day; grow and expand.
Et tu.

An open door lets anyone track mud all through the house. You would CRY if you could look behind this door.

I suspect that you are just upset that I do not support your unhealthy attraction to aweful foot wear though.

Contessa_Sharra said:
bla bla bla~paraphrased by Gungnir
That the pathetic White American Male is not using what power remains to him to permenantly eliminate as much competition as possible says quite a bit about the goodness of him.

If the Chinese send us Antifreeze toothpaste now, imagine what they would be doing if the rolls were reversed. If that scares you, I speculate within a decade this country could deorbit asteroids.
What I'm afraid will happen (who knows) is if Obama wins the General, blacks will get all upity and say that they've finally achieved a white man's dream and that it was a big success for blacks....even when the majority of voters and population is white. If Obama wins, it will not simply be a black victory, there is a higher population of whites and white voters...but I'm afraid blacks will view this as a "black" victory.

This may not happen, but this is what I'm afraid of. I agree with Gunny that unfortunately, everything will be about race from here on out. It already started in the primary. If Obama wins, it'll be a black victory, and if Obama loses everyone will be racist.
GunnyL what are you talking about?? lol

What I am talking about is Historic; History is being made and A LOT OF PEOPLE are proud to be witnesses of it, regardless of the final outcome.

What you are talking about is coinicidence. MLK's speech being given on a day that the DNC just happens to have in it's schedule isn't making history, adnd there is no significance.

In case you've been missing it, Obama has been doing more to harm race relations than improve them. What is this? Your idea of affirmative action?
Did he really just say that!?!?! oy!

LOL...I'm just being sarcastic....I should have put the rolly eyes on That would be scary though.....

I was serious about agreeing with Gunny.....
LOL...I'm just being sarcastic....I should have put the rolly eyes on That would be scary though.....

I was serious about agreeing with Gunny.....

Hmmmmmmmm.... I think it will only be about race if the repubs run their southern strategy against Obama. The problem is,the repubs lose on every real issue.
Hmmmmmmmm.... I think it will only be about race if the repubs run their southern strategy against Obama. The problem is,the repubs lose on every real issue. I don't think it's southern republicans. I actually saw an interview with a southern governor a while ago and they were talking about race. They all agreed that most Americans could care less about the color of someone's skin when it comes to voting.

You may be correct in assuming that the actual repub. party itself, but I wouldn't generalize all southern republicans. Most people seem to believe that racism is just so rampant in this country and that we're still living in the 50s and 60s. I live in an area of the world where it's probably 40% hispanic, 30% white and 30% black....there's no racial tension and we live in the South. I mean sure, there are exceptions....Someone could take all of the murders in one year and draw a conclusion that Americans are murdering bastards.

I just feel like the media and civil rights activists make a bigger deal of race than it needs to be. Just my opinion. I don't think it's southern republicans. I actually saw an interview with a southern governor a while ago and they were talking about race. They all agreed that most Americans could care less about the color of someone's skin when it comes to voting.

You may be correct in assuming that the actual repub. party itself, but I wouldn't generalize all southern republicans. Most people seem to believe that racism is just so rampant in this country and that we're still living in the 50s and 60s. I live in an area of the world where it's probably 40% hispanic, 30% white and 30% black....there's no racial tension and we live in the South. I mean sure, there are exceptions....Someone could take all of the murders in one year and draw a conclusion that Americans are murdering bastards.

I just feel like the media and civil rights activists make a bigger deal of race than it needs to be. Just my opinion.

I wasn't referring specifically to southern republicans :)

I was referring to the use of race as a divisive strategy by the GOP as a whole. Personally, I don't think racism is 'rampant' but I think there's far too much of there's far too much homophobia... and far too much anti-semitism.

civil rights activists do their jobs... there are people who think it better to be race hustlers for their own benefit. there's a difference, IMO.
I wasn't referring specifically to southern republicans :)

I was referring to the use of race as a divisive strategy by the GOP as a whole. Personally, I don't think racism is 'rampant' but I think there's far too much of there's far too much homophobia... and far too much anti-semitism.

civil rights activists do their jobs... there are people who think it better to be race hustlers for their own benefit. there's a difference, IMO.

You can actually get paid to be an activist ?

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