August 8, 2022.....A Day That Will Live In Infamy

They did in two fake impeachments that were planned when it looked like Trump was winning the 2016 election, a House inquiry, a Senate inquiry, then a Special Counsel Mueller inquiry who found absolutely no mistakes on Trump's part, and so you are putting important Republicans in for quite a ride. You forgot one thing: you didn't take away guns from the people of the United States soon enough. We're not going to let you put FBI agents in harm's way over a few of your Democrat Deep State leaders who think nobody is paying attention. And that their calumnies will imprison lots of people for a couple of years on false charges, and charges you know are faked scenarios that never happened, and you're going to put innocent people in for "quite a ride." Don't think for an instant your instigators will not receive reciprocity for that, if not instantly, a bit later, perhaps. I pray that the Democrat Party is not quite that stupid.

Mueller did not exonerate Trump. Mueller made that very clear in his testimony to Congress. He could only go so far as DOJ guidelines forbid the indictment of a sitting president. He detailed a meeting the Trump campaign had with a Russian agent where internal campaign information was turned over. There is no deep state. Only your right wing looney idiots believe that. No one has been imprisoned on false charges or are faked.
Figure the odds on that.
I'd be satisfied to see Susan Rice sent to prison for the rest of her life over this.
She's running this operation at the White House.

So you want to arrest your political enemies with phony charges.
Jews were sent to nazi concentration camps based on warrants legally signed by german judges
Hyperbole much?
There are 2 documents in history that lay out the freedoms of the people first was Magna Carta next was our Bill of Rights. Democrats have sent us back to days of tyrannical oligarchy and King Brandon can go fuck himself. You can go fuck yourself too leftist stooge
Excellent example the Magna Carta. Wasn't that the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.

But why would you skip the DOI?

Before I forget.

Mueller did not exonerate Trump. Mueller made that very clear in his testimony to Congress. He could only go so far as DOJ guidelines forbid the indictment of a sitting president. He detailed a meeting the Trump campaign had with a Russian agent where internal campaign information was turned over. There is no deep state. Only your right wing looney idiots believe that. No one has been imprisoned on false charges or are faked.
It was never the place of Mueller to “exonerate” anyone. So the claim that he wasn’t doing so was gratuitous political commentary.

Mueller also could not recall most of the information in his “own” report. Don’t you remember how fucking retarded he came across as when he testi-lied before Congress?
No shit. Hillary actually broke the law, the director of the FBI said so and let her off scott free. And 10% for the big guy, all of Biden's ill gotten wealth? His son's known crimes. A laptop of evidence swept under the rug. This is the Dem party. :oops:

Hillary did not break any laws as she was Secretary of State. She was not a employee of the State Department. There was no 10% for anyone. These are more right wing fantasies. His son has not been charged with anything at this point. This is the Republican Party that lives in la-la land.
Mueller did not exonerate Trump. Mueller made that very clear in his testimony to Congress. He could only go so far as DOJ guidelines forbid the indictment of a sitting president. He detailed a meeting the Trump campaign had with a Russian agent where internal campaign information was turned over. There is no deep state. Only your right wing looney idiots believe that. No one has been imprisoned on false charges or are faked.
Madam, you are grossly mistaken.
The Republican Party is the party of terrorism.
If it weretrue, you wouldn't be here. You're living proof that you are lying.

Schumer's threat against the Supreme court ending with "You won't know what hit you," is one of the few motormouth incidents that could result in terrorism, but the Democrat party is not going to defeat honest people it smears and threatenes for being Republican supporters.
It was never the place of Mueller to “exonerate” anyone. So the claim that he wasn’t doing so was gratuitous political commentary.

Mueller also could not recall most of the information in his “own” report. Don’t you remember how fucking retarded he came across as when he testi-lied before Congress?

Mueller was investigating Russian interference in our elections. That investigation led to the Trump campaign so his part in this became a part of the investigation. Mueller clearly did not want to get into specifics and he treated Republicans and Democrats the same way.
Mueller was investigating Russian interference in our elections. That investigation led to the Trump campaign so his part in this became a part of the investigation. Mueller clearly did not want to get into specifics and he treated Republicans and Democrats the same way.
What response? You know what they'll do? Absolutely nothing.

They will probably attack law enforcement and defund the federal police because they are more concerned about protecting Trump. Tim Scott seems to be the only sane Republican right now.
Thanks. I am sure you are cute too.

I doubt this raid was over a parking ticket. And if the FBI had proper warrants, it was not an unconstitutional search.

IMHO, the best way to avoid this sort of crazed party politics is to remove the political party system. People are welcome to gather as they choose, but no more separate primaries or elections.
Proper warrants from the same outfit that manufactured evidence to get their last warrant against Trump?
If it weretrue, you wouldn't be here. You're living proof that you are lying.

Schumer's threat against the Supreme court ending with "You won't know what hit you," is one of the few motormouth incidents that could result in terrorism, but the Democrat party is not going to defeat honest people it smears and threatenes for being Republican supporters.

The fact is that many of these mass shooters sound exactly like Republicans. Right wing terrorists who vote Republican have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump took office in 2016. It is you jerks who are dishonest.
The fact is that many of these mass shooters sound exactly like Republicans. Right wing terrorists who vote Republican have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump took office in 2016. It is you jerks who are dishonest.
But all of the Mass Shooters have been psychosocially profiled to have been very left leaning.

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