August 8, 2022.....A Day That Will Live In Infamy

And the Right is horrible for turning a blind eye to their corruption and immorality for so long.
The problem is there are some Republicans that are in on it to, it will just take one of them to go down. Then the rest will follow, I have no problem for both parties going down to clean Washington up. But Democrats stick together, I can say that.
The Democrats already have a judge who allowed the warrant of this little panty raid, and I'm absolutely certain they already may have a nice, big fat check on the way to a numbered Swiss-like bank account. This whole thing just sucks.

He is a Republican judge.
FBI knows the stakes

They are not going to go after someone the stature of Trump without some evidence of a serious crime

Stay tuned Republicans….you are in for quite a ride
They did in two fake impeachments that were planned when it looked like Trump was winning the 2016 election, a House inquiry, a Senate inquiry, then a Special Counsel Mueller inquiry who found absolutely no mistakes on Trump's part, and so you are putting important Republicans in for quite a ride. You forgot one thing: you didn't take away guns from the people of the United States soon enough. We're not going to let you put FBI agents in harm's way over a few of your Democrat Deep State leaders who think nobody is paying attention. And that their calumnies will imprison lots of people for a couple of years on false charges, and charges you know are faked scenarios that never happened, and you're going to put innocent people in for "quite a ride." Don't think for an instant your instigators will not receive reciprocity for that, if not instantly, a bit later, perhaps. I pray that the Democrat Party is not quite that stupid.
Sleepy Joe must really be nervous about the possibility of being disposed of in 2024.

Only reason possible to try and take out the Republican candidate in advance of the election.

Other countries have done this kind of terrorism on the Loyal Opposition as well.

The Republican Party is the party of terrorism.
Typical Alphabet Pedo Groomer Sex Pervert Response.
Aren't you special coming out of the Hair Sniffing Closet like you just did there?

You two need to try to stop the childish back and forth. After a few rounds it starts detracting from the thread.
I know it's not easy when there's so much injustice and they have the audacity to claim it's the Right.

If you are a true believer then you can fall back on your faith and not let them drag you down.
You are the one that is in the closet. You are the pervert.
It's Joe's daughter that admitted Naked Joe took showers with his Sexually Mature Teenage Daughter and lathered up her sexually mature body with his bare hands and who knows what daddy did and taught his little girl to do in the showers every night, night after night.

Why does Joe's son, Hunter call dear old dad, Pedo Peter?

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