August jobs report - pretty static

Wage growth went from 2.7% to 2.9%, that's the number I've been watching.

We need to get above 3.0% and stay there a bit, so that was nice to see.

There's good wage growth and then there is growth that's just treading water. I see wage growth due to productivity as good, but the 2.9% increase reported is simply keeping up with inflation.

Overall U.S. inflation (CPI-U) is running at 2.9% as of June
Yes, we need it to beat inflation and then go beyond it to see the growth be sustained.

I'm hoping for the best.
Sorry folks...this was a LOUSY jobs report (except for wages, which were very good).

One - the 201,000 'new jobs' number? a) that is modified by the Birth/Death model. This is a model that the bls works out on it's own and just (arbitrarily, IMO) adds or subtracts from the base number strictly based on a mathematical model (which is nuts for employment - and I said this under Obama). This month, they added 104,000 jobs strictly from a model - not based on facts (not seasonally adjusted).

CES Net Birth/Death Model

This makes the Establishment Survey FAR less than reliable.

Two - the Household Survey (which the unemployment rate is based on). This showed that 423,000 LESS people were employed in August. 423,000!!! Yet the MSM does not even mention it. They will talk about the U-3...but than completely ignore the survey that it is based on...macroeconomic ignoramuses. And, btw, almost all of those employment losses were to full time (444,000 lost).
That's the seasonally adjusted number - the unadjusted number shows over 1.4 million less people employed in August over July.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

The only reason the U-3 did not rise was because a whopping 469,000 people left the labor force. Thus, the LFPR (labor force participation rate) dropped from 62.9% to 62.7%. It is now lower than when Trump took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

(no doubt, most Americans neither understand nor care what that means)

Three - the employment to population ratio - which is a (IMO) far, FAR better measure of employment than the joke U-3 (that even Trump rightly calls a 'hoax') dropped last month.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It is higher than it was when Trump took office (higher is good). But it has stalled and is now lower then it was last September.
In other words, the employment situation is not improving.
And before some use that silly excuse that America is at 'full employment'...guess again.


The ratio is NO WHERE NEAR where it was before the Great Recession. America is MILES from having full employment. What it has is tens of millions of people who have given up looking for work.
And those people do not count in the unemployment rate.

Four - finally, on Trump's tariffs? That were going to bring manufacturing back to America?
Manufacturing jobs DROPPED in August (by 3,000). Not much - but it completely flies in the face of the crap that Trumpbots are spewing that the tariffs are working and manufacturing jobs are 'coming home'. They were not in August...they were leaving.

Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

Overall...the headline numbers - which mean little - were decent. And wage growth - which IS important - was very good.
But overall, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs in August, the employment to population ratio went down and manufacturing lost ground.

To me - it was a bad month. Take away the very, good wage growth and it was terrible.

Geez people...ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES. NEVER blindly believe the MSM.
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Wage growth went from 2.7% to 2.9%, that's the number I've been watching.

We need to get above 3.0% and stay there a bit, so that was nice to see.
Sad that inflation is also at 2.9%.
What we need is more tax cuts for billionaires. That will help the country.
Wage growth went from 2.7% to 2.9%, that's the number I've been watching.

We need to get above 3.0% and stay there a bit, so that was nice to see.
Sad that inflation is also at 2.9%.
What we need is more tax cuts for billionaires. That will help the country.

Tax cuts? Yes...but why stop there?

If Trickle Down works...than it should work even better if we end ALL taxes for the rich.

Yeah...that is the ticket.

Note: does anyone whom is technically sane actually believe that?

I fear 'yes'.
Lowest UER in 49 years.

Okay, I will bite.

What the heck is UER?

It ain't unemployment rate...that is 'UR'.
Oooh. Semantics.

Semantics? You called the UR, UER. That is not semantics...that is 'you don't know what you are talking about on this'.
I am guessing you thought 'unemployment rate' was spelled 'un employment rate'. Why else would you call it UER?

BTW - you are wrong. The unemployment rate was lower than it is today in April 2000.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Whatever your source

Also, you do realize that Trump (rightly) called the UR a 'hoax' right?

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
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Lowest UER in 49 years.

Okay, I will bite.

What the heck is UER?

It ain't unemployment rate...that is 'UR'.
Oooh. Semantics.

Fair enough.

BTW, you do realize that Trump (rightly) called the UR a 'hoax' right?

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
The hoax is the lowest it's been in 49 years.

Blacks, browns, and women are benefiting the most. You know, those minorities the Dems care so much about.
Sorry folks...this was a LOUSY jobs report (except for wages, which were very good).

One - the 201,000 'new jobs' number? a) that is modified by the Birth/Death model. This is a model that the bls works out on it's own and just (arbitrarily, IMO) adds or subtracts from the base number strictly based on a mathematical model (which is nuts for employment - and I said this under Obama). This month, they added 104,000 jobs strictly from a model - not based on facts (not seasonally adjusted).

CES Net Birth/Death Model

This makes the Establishment Survey FAR less than reliable.

Two - the Household Survey (which the unemployment rate is based on). This showed that 423,000 LESS people were employed in August. 423,000!!! Yet the MSM does not even mention it. They will talk about the U-3...but than completely ignore the survey that it is based on...macroeconomic ignoramuses. And, btw, almost all of those employment losses were to full time (444,000 lost).
That's the seasonally adjusted number - the unadjusted number shows over 1.4 million less people employed in August over July.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

The only reason the U-3 did not rise was because a whopping 469,000 people left the labor force. Thus, the LFPR (labor force participation rate) dropped from 62.9% to 62.7%. It is now lower than when Trump took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

(no doubt, most Americans neither understand nor care what that means)

Three - the employment to population ratio - which is a (IMO) far, FAR better measure of employment than the joke U-3 (that even Trump rightly calls a 'hoax') dropped last month.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It is higher than it was when Trump took office (higher is good). But it has stalled and is now lower then it was last September.
In other words, the employment situation is not improving.
And before some use that silly excuse that America is at 'full employment'...guess again.


The ratio is NO WHERE NEAR where it was before the Great Recession. America is MILES from having full employment. What it has is tens of millions of people who have given up looking for work.
And those people do not count in the unemployment rate.

Four - finally, on Trump's tariffs? That were going to bring manufacturing back to America?
Manufacturing jobs DROPPED in August (by 3,000). Not much - but it completely flies in the face of the crap that Trumpbots are spewing that the tariffs are working and manufacturing jobs are 'coming home'. They were not in August...they were leaving.

Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

Overall...the headline numbers - which mean little - were decent. And wage growth - which IS important - was very good.
But overall, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs in August, the employment to population ratio went down and manufacturing lost ground.

To me - it was a bad month. Take away the very, good wage growth and it was terrible.

Geez people...ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES. NEVER blindly believe the MSM.

All those links and you still failed to tell the basic truth:

U.S. Employment Jumps More Than Expected, Wage Growth Accelerates
September 07, 2018, 09:13:00

annual rate of average hourly employee earnings growth subsequently accelerated to 2.9 percent in August from 2.7 percent in July. Wage growth had been expected to remain unchanged.

"This report is strong throughout and with the economy likely to grow more than 3% again in 3Q18 it will keep the Fed hiking interest rates with another move in September with a further increase in December," said James Knightley, Chief International Economist at ING.
Lowest UER in 49 years.

Okay, I will bite.

What the heck is UER?

It ain't unemployment rate...that is 'UR'.
Oooh. Semantics.

Fair enough.

BTW, you do realize that Trump (rightly) called the UR a 'hoax' right?

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
The hoax is the lowest it's been in 49 years.

Blacks, browns, and women are benefiting the most. You know, those minorities the Dems care so much about. is not.

It was lower in April of 2000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Where the heck are you getting your stats from?
Lowest UER in 49 years.

Okay, I will bite.

What the heck is UER?

It ain't unemployment rate...that is 'UR'.
Oooh. Semantics.

Fair enough.

BTW, you do realize that Trump (rightly) called the UR a 'hoax' right?

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
The hoax is the lowest it's been in 49 years.

Blacks, browns, and women are benefiting the most. You know, those minorities the Dems care so much about. is not.

It was lower in April of 2000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Where the heck are you getting your stats from?
It's all over the news. You woke?

U.S. weekly jobless claims drop to near 49-year low
US wages growing at fastest rate in 9 years as unemployment stays at 3.9% - News - - Worcester, MA
Unemployment claims fall to 49-year low under Trump
U.S. unemployment claims fall to 222,000, lowest in 44 years
Sorry folks...this was a LOUSY jobs report (except for wages, which were very good).

One - the 201,000 'new jobs' number? a) that is modified by the Birth/Death model. This is a model that the bls works out on it's own and just (arbitrarily, IMO) adds or subtracts from the base number strictly based on a mathematical model (which is nuts for employment - and I said this under Obama). This month, they added 104,000 jobs strictly from a model - not based on facts (not seasonally adjusted).

CES Net Birth/Death Model

This makes the Establishment Survey FAR less than reliable.

Two - the Household Survey (which the unemployment rate is based on). This showed that 423,000 LESS people were employed in August. 423,000!!! Yet the MSM does not even mention it. They will talk about the U-3...but than completely ignore the survey that it is based on...macroeconomic ignoramuses. And, btw, almost all of those employment losses were to full time (444,000 lost).
That's the seasonally adjusted number - the unadjusted number shows over 1.4 million less people employed in August over July.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

The only reason the U-3 did not rise was because a whopping 469,000 people left the labor force. Thus, the LFPR (labor force participation rate) dropped from 62.9% to 62.7%. It is now lower than when Trump took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

(no doubt, most Americans neither understand nor care what that means)

Three - the employment to population ratio - which is a (IMO) far, FAR better measure of employment than the joke U-3 (that even Trump rightly calls a 'hoax') dropped last month.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It is higher than it was when Trump took office (higher is good). But it has stalled and is now lower then it was last September.
In other words, the employment situation is not improving.
And before some use that silly excuse that America is at 'full employment'...guess again.


The ratio is NO WHERE NEAR where it was before the Great Recession. America is MILES from having full employment. What it has is tens of millions of people who have given up looking for work.
And those people do not count in the unemployment rate.

Four - finally, on Trump's tariffs? That were going to bring manufacturing back to America?
Manufacturing jobs DROPPED in August (by 3,000). Not much - but it completely flies in the face of the crap that Trumpbots are spewing that the tariffs are working and manufacturing jobs are 'coming home'. They were not in August...they were leaving.

Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

Overall...the headline numbers - which mean little - were decent. And wage growth - which IS important - was very good.
But overall, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs in August, the employment to population ratio went down and manufacturing lost ground.

To me - it was a bad month. Take away the very, good wage growth and it was terrible.

Geez people...ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES. NEVER blindly believe the MSM.

All those links and you still failed to tell the basic truth:

U.S. Employment Jumps More Than Expected, Wage Growth Accelerates
September 07, 2018, 09:13:00

annual rate of average hourly employee earnings growth subsequently accelerated to 2.9 percent in August from 2.7 percent in July. Wage growth had been expected to remain unchanged.

"This report is strong throughout and with the economy likely to grow more than 3% again in 3Q18 it will keep the Fed hiking interest rates with another move in September with a further increase in December," said James Knightley, Chief International Economist at ING.

Another (apparent) Trumpbot who is clueless about macroeconomics and believes whatever he reads.


And EXACTLY which stat that I posted was not true (this should be good considering they ALL came from the government)

True or False - 423,000 jobs were lost in the Household Survey number (which the U-3 is based on)?
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Sorry folks...this was a LOUSY jobs report (except for wages, which were very good).

One - the 201,000 'new jobs' number? a) that is modified by the Birth/Death model. This is a model that the bls works out on it's own and just (arbitrarily, IMO) adds or subtracts from the base number strictly based on a mathematical model (which is nuts for employment - and I said this under Obama). This month, they added 104,000 jobs strictly from a model - not based on facts (not seasonally adjusted).

CES Net Birth/Death Model

This makes the Establishment Survey FAR less than reliable.

Two - the Household Survey (which the unemployment rate is based on). This showed that 423,000 LESS people were employed in August. 423,000!!! Yet the MSM does not even mention it. They will talk about the U-3...but than completely ignore the survey that it is based on...macroeconomic ignoramuses. And, btw, almost all of those employment losses were to full time (444,000 lost).
That's the seasonally adjusted number - the unadjusted number shows over 1.4 million less people employed in August over July.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

The only reason the U-3 did not rise was because a whopping 469,000 people left the labor force. Thus, the LFPR (labor force participation rate) dropped from 62.9% to 62.7%. It is now lower than when Trump took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

(no doubt, most Americans neither understand nor care what that means)

Three - the employment to population ratio - which is a (IMO) far, FAR better measure of employment than the joke U-3 (that even Trump rightly calls a 'hoax') dropped last month.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It is higher than it was when Trump took office (higher is good). But it has stalled and is now lower then it was last September.
In other words, the employment situation is not improving.
And before some use that silly excuse that America is at 'full employment'...guess again.


The ratio is NO WHERE NEAR where it was before the Great Recession. America is MILES from having full employment. What it has is tens of millions of people who have given up looking for work.
And those people do not count in the unemployment rate.

Four - finally, on Trump's tariffs? That were going to bring manufacturing back to America?
Manufacturing jobs DROPPED in August (by 3,000). Not much - but it completely flies in the face of the crap that Trumpbots are spewing that the tariffs are working and manufacturing jobs are 'coming home'. They were not in August...they were leaving.

Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

Overall...the headline numbers - which mean little - were decent. And wage growth - which IS important - was very good.
But overall, hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs in August, the employment to population ratio went down and manufacturing lost ground.

To me - it was a bad month. Take away the very, good wage growth and it was terrible.

Geez people...ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES. NEVER blindly believe the MSM.

Did I miss a meeting or something?

During the Obama years, anything above 200,000 was considered, "strong numbers". Now its "lousy".

Okay, I will bite.

What the heck is UER?

It ain't unemployment rate...that is 'UR'.
Oooh. Semantics.

Fair enough.

BTW, you do realize that Trump (rightly) called the UR a 'hoax' right?

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
The hoax is the lowest it's been in 49 years.

Blacks, browns, and women are benefiting the most. You know, those minorities the Dems care so much about. is not.

It was lower in April of 2000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Where the heck are you getting your stats from?
It's all over the news. You woke?

U.S. weekly jobless claims drop to near 49-year low
US wages growing at fastest rate in 9 years as unemployment stays at 3.9% - News - - Worcester, MA
Unemployment claims fall to 49-year low under Trump
U.S. unemployment claims fall to 222,000, lowest in 44 years

Jeez...NONE of those headlines even say what you claimed. Your reading comprehension (on this at least) is for shit.

You are hopeless at this and a complete waste of time.

We are done here...good day.
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