Austerity Pushes Europe Into Its Second Recession In Four Years

If not for re-election concerns and special interest money controlling Congress - I suspect they could quickly agree on what "reasonable" is...
On that we can agree. However, now isn't the right time to go all austerity crazy like radical teabaggers want.

So just when would be the right time to start cutting spending?

Reasonable tax increases and reasonable spending cuts could begin immediately (I would start with defense).

And that's where you'd end it.

Not that Pentagon spending couldn't use a chain saw and machete taken to it, but you frootloop loblerals shit your pants any time that the socialistic welfare state is even given a fleeting glance as a place to cut back.


Reasonable tax increases and reasonable spending cuts could begin immediately.

Stimulus vs. austerity: Getting it just right

The problem being no can agree on what reasonable is.

That's true, but it must be done with a scalpel - not a hatchet. There is no quick fix.

Personally, I'd like to see defense cut in half - but gradually.

I have no problem with defense cuts it like every other government agency has it's share of fat what other cuts would you want to see outside of defense just curious.
Can you name a single nation that is actually cutting spending rather than saying they will or merely cutting the rate of government growth?
By Travis Waldron

Continuing efforts to cut spending and reduce deficits have driven the Eurozone into its second recession in just four years, as its economy shrank for the second consecutive quarter. Struggling countries like Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Ireland are still pursuing deficit reduction to rein in their debt, cutting spending to the bone to do so. The spending cuts have driven unemployment to record levels and threatened the continent with a recession that became official during the last quarter, Bloomberg reports:

The euro-area economy was pushed into a recession for the second time in four years as trade slowed and government spending declined.

Gross domestic product in the 17-nation currency bloc slipped 0.1 percent in the third quarter from the previous three months, when it fell 0.2 percent, the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today, confirming an initial estimate published on Nov. 15.​

Eurozone unemployment reached 26 percent in September. The youth unemployment rate has topped 50 percent and resulted in a “lost generation” for the continent’s young adults. Still, the pursuit of austerity continues.

Austerity Pushes Europe Into Its Second Recession In Four Years | ThinkProgress

When you get yourself into the fucking MESS they have you are not going to get out of it with out some pain. What is your solution just keep spending?
Stimulus now. Austerity later.

Nothing makes for a bigger stimulus than building the infrastructure to support asteroid mining. Who ever that does it is going to be one rich mother fucker! Can you imagine humanity with limitless resources? Whatever you believe the truth is this planet is running low on some stuff. On top of this we don't want to fuck it up anymore.

Growing the economy at 10% a year for decades is what space offers our species! Everyone will be able to have American standards this way!

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