Austrailian wind plant to power 225,000 homes


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
INDIAN wind-power company Suzlon Energy is planning a $1.3 billion project in regional South Australia to power 225,000 homes a year.
Outgoing Premier Mike Rann met with the company, the biggest wind-turbine supplier in India and the world's fifth-largest, during a trade trip earlier this month when he told Indian media that Suzlon had "really been helping us in generating wind power".

Mr Rann refused to discuss the major project with The Australian yesterday.

A spokesman for the Premier said there was a "media announcement strategy" in place with another news outlet.

However, following further inquiries, Suzlon Energy Australia chief executive Dan Hansen revealed the planned "Ceres Project" was initiated by farmers and developers on South Australia's Yorke Peninsula.

Mr Hansen said the state's largest wind farm would be built about 20km southwest of the Yorke Peninsula town of Ardrossan and incorporate up to 180 turbines with a generating capacity of up to 600MW.

$1.3bn Indian wind-power plan to feed 225,000 homes | The Australian
If it works and is reliable-- I surely don't have anything against it. What I have against wind power in general is the fact that the wind must blow at all times and that is not fully reliable and 2# the middle class and the poor are already on edge paying there energy bills. I don't like to see people giving up anymore to pay for higher energy prices. If we can do it cheaply and reliable then I can support it.
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If it works and is reliable-- I surely don't have anything against it. What I have against wind power in general is the fact that the wind must blow at all times and that is not fully reliable and 2# the middle class and the poor are already on edge paying there energy bills. I don't like to see people giving up anymore to pay for higher energy prices. If we can do it cheaply and reliable then I can support it.

The wind doesn't have to blow at all times.
Wind power in Australia is a proven and reliable technology that can be and is readily deployed.[1] As of October 2010, there were 52 wind farms in Australia, most of which had turbines of from 1.5 to 3 megawatts (MW). The total operating wind generating capacity at this time was 1,880 MW, with annual production of almost 5,000 GWh providing close to two percent of Australia's national electricity demand. However, despite having excellent conditions for wind power, Australia lags considerably behind leading nations both in terms of wind generation capacity and percentage of power production.

South Australia had close to half of the nation's wind power capacity,[1] accounting for almost twenty percent of that state's electricity needs of as October 2010. Victoria also had a substantial system, with about a quarter of the nation's capacity, and projects under construction forecast to more than double that capacity by the end of 2013.

Wind power in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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