Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Now that the Clinton's have no influence to sell, everyone is cutting their donations.

"The Norwegian government’s planned contribution to the Clinton Foundation next year will be nearly 90 percent off its peak, news outlets in Norway are reporting.

Norway will donate 35.9 million kroner this year — or around $5.1 million — to the Clinton Health Access Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation, according to the Norwegian news outlet, Hegnar.

The Scandinavian nation will slash its donations by 36 percent next year to 23 million kroner. That marks a 87 percent decline from the 2015 peak.

The drastic cut could be a signal that other longtime Clinton Foundation donors will reduce donations in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss."

Norway Donations To Clinton Foundation To Fall Nearly 90% Off Peak

How will Chelsea manage?

"Chelsea Clinton used her family foundation’s cash to pay for her wedding, living expenses and taxes on gifts of cash from her parents, according to a bombshell email made public Sunday.

Doug Band, formerly a top aide to President Bill Clinton, griped about the former first daughter’s spending in a Jan. 4, 2012, email released by WikiLeaks.

“The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents…,” Band wrote to John Podesta, now Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

“I hope that you will speak to her and end this. Once we go down this road…”

Band’s message is contained in a chain of emails that were hacked from Podesta’s Gmail account. WikiLeaks has released more than 50,000 of the stolen emails over the past 32 days."

When they can't sell political favors, the donations DROP?


I guess THE CLINTON FOUNDATION has solved all of the problems in the world and there is no longer a need to donate.
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The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
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Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0 | Zero Hedge

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Try this one:

Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0 | Zero Hedge

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds
Sputnik International? Really?

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?
Look simpleton google has over 5 million results on the topic.

You are a delusional fool, living your delusion to the fullest

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?
There is no scam. Now that the Clintons have no influence to sell, everyone is cutting their donations.


The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds
Sputnik International? Really?;_yl...ation&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

Take your pick of links moron, seriously you are still lost in space claiming that Clinton won. The Clinton foundation will be defunct shortly, even before Trump can shut it down
The drop in donations is yet more proof that the Clinton Foundation was peddling government favors...and is a Big Corrupt Fraud.

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?

There are many articles on this subject. The MSM will likely ignore it because it confirms the Clinton Foundation was a vehicle for foreign donors to get access to the Clintons.


The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds

Your link didn't work, and what you tried to replace it with had nothing to do with the thread title. Where is proof to back up your lie that there are requests for refunds? The link not working only proves your inept sources are screwed up.

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