Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds

Your link didn't work, and what you tried to replace it with had nothing to do with the thread title. Where is proof to back up your lie that there are requests for refunds? The link not working only proves your inept sources are screwed up.

There are plenty of articles about THE CLINTON FOUNDATION and AUSTRALIA.

Use this site called "GOOGLE.COM". It's a search engine.


The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?

There are many articles on this subject. The MSM will likely ignore it because it confirms the Clinton Foundation was a vehicle for foreign donors to get access to the Clintons.

OR they are holding off until they get legitimate confirmation

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
You are correct that link no longer works, which just proves that the Clinton retards still believe that they can deny the truth. Here is another link, you can also google it on your own No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds
Sputnik International? Really?;_yl...ation&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

Take your pick of links moron, seriously you are still lost in space claiming that Clinton won. The Clinton foundation will be defunct shortly, even before Trump can shut it down

You're right about taking your pick of links. You can find links to verify anything you want on the internet. I typed in "bassman007 is gay" and got 4774 hits in less than 0.50 seconds.

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?
Look simpleton google has over 5 million results on the topic.

You are a delusional fool, living your delusion to the fullest

It also has 215 million results on the topic of the wold being flat. You logic is pure RWNJ.
So, moving on from the stupid bullshit about whether this is a "REAL" story or not..

The current Prime Minister of Australia is the former head of Goldman Sachs Australia and Australia has donated almost $90 million over the past 10 years.

Australia is no longer donating.....along with an 87% drop in donations by Norway....that is what we call a trend.

2 weeks after Hillary loses POTUS, she has 2 big foreign donors drop out....WEIRD, huh?

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?
Look simpleton google has over 5 million results on the topic.

You are a delusional fool, living your delusion to the fullest

It also has 215 million results on the topic of the wold being flat. You logic is pure RWNJ.

Australia Cuts Clinton Foundation Donations To $0 | Zero Hedge

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?
There is no scam. Now that the Clintons have no influence to sell, everyone is cutting their donations.


There are even more articles than that about the moon being made of green cheese. Do you consider the number of articles to be a good judge of credibility?

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?

There are many articles on this subject. The MSM will likely ignore it because it confirms the Clinton Foundation was a vehicle for foreign donors to get access to the Clintons.


Many articles. See my remarks on the moon being made of green cheese.
This is why Trump won't need a special prosecutor. The corruption of the CLINTON FOUNDATION will be very public very soon.

Australia donates $90 million over 10 years, then 2 weeks after Hillary loses, they STOP donating. :badgrin:

Nothing to see here!!!

The Clinton Foundation is over and done.

2017 will have countries that donated asking for refunds, because they were promised a night in the Lincoln bedroom
Your link doesn't work.
Hmmmm. Wonder why the link is pulled. You don't suppose somebody already debunked the scam, do you?

There are many articles on this subject. The MSM will likely ignore it because it confirms the Clinton Foundation was a vehicle for foreign donors to get access to the Clintons.


Many articles. See my remarks on the moon being made of green cheese.

Australia is ceasing donations to THE CLINTON FOUNDATION because HILLARY can't sell political favors when she is not in office.
Good thing THE CLINTONS have made about $200 million through grifting and also flat out corruption. They are going to need it for their legal defense.
I love seeing the utterly corrupt Clinton's falling from grace. They have badly damaged the country,
Liberals hate to talk about specific issues, because they have no knowledge.

Once their, "FAKE NEWS" bullshit dries up, they have nothing.

The alt-left is so funny.

Liberals are so simple to debate....all you have to do is stick to facts and they lose their minds.
Where is proof to back up your lie that there are requests for refunds?
What is it your having trouble with..Reading or comprehension?
The only one who lied is you, cause that's not what the poster said.
Its right in front of your pie it again!

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