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Australian police charge two people with murder of India-born businessman

What is wrong with refusing to train the Indian XXXXXXwho is going to steal your job?

Is that how you feel about other races or just Indians? And we will continue to attack until you clean up your house before attacking ours.
I just watched the first episode of Dumb Drunk and Racist on Youtube. I am going to see if I can catch it on the Netflix. The first episode was pretty accurate.

Western media paints a very rosy picture of white countries like Australia. Indians believe hook line and sinker in western media; this sets them up for a shock of the life when they land in countries like Australia.

I am always amazed how the so-called American racism is somehow never applied to Indians and Pakistanis who are abundant in the US - in all professions, but especially in medicine.

Maybe it is NOT the color of the skin which matters? ;)
What is wrong with refusing to train the Indian XXXXX who is going to steal your job?

Is that how you feel about other races or just Indians? And we will continue to attack until you clean up your house before attacking ours.

oh, boy. aren't you surprised that if you scratch the libtard, you will find an ignorant racist ?
I just watched the first episode of Dumb Drunk and Racist on Youtube. I am going to see if I can catch it on the Netflix. The first episode was pretty accurate.

Western media paints a very rosy picture of white countries like Australia. Indians believe hook line and sinker in western media; this sets them up for a shock of the life when they land in countries like Australia.

I am always amazed how the so-called American racism is somehow never applied to Indians and Pakistanis who are abundant in the US - in all professions, but especially in medicine.

Maybe it is NOT the color of the skin which matters? ;)

I get thoroughly annoyed when I see ignorant people comparing great country like the U.S. with countries like Australia which are cited by U.N. for violation of human rights.

Let us put things in perspective for a minute. A human being on Australian soil does not have right to hearing in front of a judge. Police can indefinitely detain you if it chooses to and in the cases of colored folks, it does. This will sound bizarre to an American because police on the U.S. soil has to present an arrested person to a judge within certain amount of time.
Australia is routinely reprimanded by UN for human rights violations of native Australian population. Australians do not want to acknowledge it and think people of the world will forget about it. In addition to native Australians, human rights of other nonwhites in Australia has been violated time and time again. Australia does not accord its population the charter of rights. People do not have rights to hearing; it is considered privilege granted only to privileged (white) people. Obama was compelled to criticize Australia on its human rights violation during his first term when UN passed a reprimand against Australia.

Here is a the latest news on Australia's human rights violation:

Australia violated refugees' human rights, UN says
Australia violated refugees' human rights, UN says

We have many Aussies here and can't get a comment, other than the racial one.
^ Australian media is propaganda oriented media. It filters out stories that contain uncomfortable facts about Australia. As a result, the majority is not aware of the gravity of racial problems in Australia. Violence towards colored folks fueled by excessive drinking culture prevalent among white Australian population is a serious law and order problem for Australia.
What is wrong with refusing to train the Indian XXXXX who is going to steal your job?

That is not a very bright approach. You need to work hard to make your life better instead of whining and complaining about success of other people. Jealousy will get you no where.

Can't work, nowhere left to work, once the Indians and other immigrants have 'stolen' your job.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG3pwYWSP34]Anti-White Reverse racism in Australia - YouTube[/ame]
Anti-White Reverse racism in Australia .
There are around 70K Indian citizens who live in Australia. That is not a very large number in a country of 23 millions. Your entire hatred of Indians in Australia is way out of proportion.

As far as "stealing job" line is considered, that is a favorite line of all incompetent people who do not work hard enough to stay relevant and therefore become irrelevant in the new world order.
Australia is routinely reprimanded by UN for human rights violations of native Australian population. Australians do not want to acknowledge it and think people of the world will forget about it. In addition to native Australians, human rights of other nonwhites in Australia has been violated time and time again. Australia does not accord its population the charter of rights. People do not have rights to hearing; it is considered privilege granted only to privileged (white) people. Obama was compelled to criticize Australia on its human rights violation during his first term when UN passed a reprimand against Australia.

Here is a the latest news on Australia's human rights violation:

Australia violated refugees' human rights, UN says
Australia violated refugees' human rights, UN says

We have many Aussies here and can't get a comment, other than the racial one.

Give me time, while you're awake I'm asleep.
It's now 6.45am in Sydney.

Ah yes, ye olde ''refugees' human rights violations".

Firstly, let's call them their correct name "asylum-seekers/'economic immigrants' who've arrived on people-smuggling boats with no ID and no documents".

The relative parts of that articles being these;

x. The UN committee is considering a similar complaint from another five refugees with adverse ASIO assessments.

x. those considered security risks

x. These include a recommendation last October from one of the nation's most senior authorities on security, Dr Vivienne Thom, for ASIO and immigration officials to work on "risk mitigation strategies and conditions" that would enable asylum seekers to be released from indefinite detention.


What, release ID and document deficient people with adverse ASIO assessments into the community [where 'me and mine' live] on bridging visas while they're being investigated thoroughly?
No thanx !!!!
They could be Tamil Tiger terrorists, or criminals.
One leader/spokesman for one boatload of asylum-seekers from Sri Lanka [where's the war? even the Sri Lankan govt says they're 'economic asylum-seekers']...was on tv pleading their case.
It was discovered that he'd been booted out of Canada for being in some street gang and blowing stuff up.

And the rest of the People don't want them released either until they've been cleared 100% by ASIO.
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I think we scared off Noomi, we caught her in a racist rant and she knows it.she realizes her credibility and her honesty is severely damaged.
^ I lost respect for her as well. I used to think she was a progressive person but she turned out to be a bigot.

There is not much any Aussie can counter on what I have posted. Those are the facts about Australia. I will summarize them again.

1. Native Australians have been marginalized in their own land. Their condition has not even figured in the national debate.
2. Australian government violates human rights laws in dealing with refugees.
3. There is a culture of insensitivity towards women. Women get groped in the broad day light in Australia in public places.
4. There is a culture of excessive drinking which fuels violence.
5. The rate of violence against colored folks is disproportionately high.

Australian political parties ‘nastier than Taliban’ on refugees: Human Rights lawyer

Australian political parties 'nastier than Taliban' on refugees: Human Rights lawyer | TruthDiveTruthDive

What a load of hogwash!

First of all, they're not 'refugees'.
Well a few of them might be.

Most though are 'queue-jumping illegals'/'asylum-seekers'...who are coming from Iran, and the rest of the Middle East mainly...via Indonesia from where the people-smuggling boats [small fishing boats I wouldn't sail around Sydney harbour in let alone the open ocean] are departing.
How does ''corruption in Indonesia" grab you?

About 1000 of these asylum-seekers have drowned at sea en route from Indonesia since Rudd was elected PM in 2007 on 'false' promises.
.....tempted by the free homes, free $10,000 start up packs of whitegoods, furniture, computers, beds etc and free welfare cash of hundreds of dollars per fortnight for life doled out to them by the Left/Far left Labor govt.

That nice former Conservative Prime Minister Mr John Howard stopped the people smuggling boats back in about 2002.
He introduced temporary protection visas only [no family reunions], sent the 'boat people' home when they failed the 'genuine refugee' test, turned some of the boats back to Indonesia when it was safe to do so, removed Christmas Island etc from Australia's immigration zone, and introduced offshore processing on Nauru in the South Pacific.
The people-smuggling boats stopped coming...nil, zero, zilch.

The Left Labor govt said something like 'racist and too harsh', and dismantled Howard's scheme...so the people-smugglers were back in business.

Not to be confused with Australia's refugee intake program...20,000 pa genuine refugees from UN refugee camps around the globe.

Every 'queue jumper' who pays people-smugglers and is allowed to stay takes the spot that a genuine refugee from the UN camps would've had.

The Greens signed a partnership with the Labor govt.

The people-smugglers and Indonesia are treating us like suckers...and the Left Labor govt is just allowing them to.
We the right wing People have had enough of it.
If the Conservatives [Liberal party] win the election the people-smuggling trade will be stopped again.

"Me too" Rudd the Labor party PM is trying to act like a tough guy on "refugees" before the election.
Labor Party had asylum seeker families living in shipping containers on Manus Island PNG until recently.
"Barack Obama's attack dog" and his buddies have signed up with the Left/Far Left Labor party and are here trying to get them reelected.
Look at all the lies and dirty tricks Labor is employing.
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Also, not too long ago some Chinese students were beaten to death in some public transportation in Australia by bunch of white supremacists. Australia is a pretty dangerous place if you are not white.

Do people get gang raped there?

The 2012 Delhi gang rape case involves a rape and murder that occurred on 16 December 2012 in Munirka, a neighbourhood located in the southern part of New Delhi, when a 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern[2] was beaten and gang raped in a bus in which she was travelling with her male companion. There were six others in the bus, including the driver, all of whom raped the woman. The woman died from her injuries thirteen days later while undergoing emergency treatment in Singapore.


An Indian court has sentenced six men to life in prison in connection with the gang rape of a Swiss tourist in March.

The 39-year-old woman was raped as she and her husband were camping in India's central state of Madhya Pradesh.

, police say the attackers tied up the man and raped the woman in his presence. The men then robbed the couple of cash, a laptop and cell phone.

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3. There is a culture of insensitivity towards women. Women get groped in the broad day light in Australia in public places.

This would never happen in India.

Except that it has happened twice this week....

Police in India have summoned controversial spiritual guru Asaram Bapu after a 16-year-old girl accused him of sexual assault.

He has been given four days to appear for questioning, police said.

Asaram Bapu has denied the charge and says he is innocent.

Earlier this year, he was criticised for saying that the victim of the Delhi gang rape would have been let off had she called her attackers brothers and pleaded for mercy.

BBC News - Asaram Bapu: India guru summoned over 'sex assault'

The trial in last Thursday's gang rape of a 22-year-old photojournalist in the Indian city of Mumbai will be fast-tracked, Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has pledged.

Mr Chavan said "stringent action will be taken against the culprits". Five men have been arrested for the crime.

The woman was attacked at an abandoned textile mill in the city. She was on assignment with a male colleague.

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Also, not too long ago some Chinese students were beaten to death in some public transportation in Australia by bunch of white supremacists. Australia is a pretty dangerous place if you are not white.

Do people get gang raped there?


Sydney gang rapes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sydney gang rapes were a series of gang rape attacks committed by a group of up to fourteen Lebanese Australian Muslims led by Bilal Skaf against Australian women and teenage girls, as young as 14, in Sydney Australia in 2000.
The crimes— described as ethnically motivated hate crimes by officials and commentators[1][2][3]— were covered extensively by the news media, and prompted the passing of new laws.
The nine men convicted of the gang rapes were sentenced to a total of more than 240 years in jail. According to court transcripts Judge Michael Finnane described the rapes as events "you hear about or read about only in the context of wartime atrocities".[4]

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