Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

You need to read more, I discuss a whole range of issues, it's not my fault that you've not expanded your reading horizon.

As a side point, so you have no problem with Muslim rape, I mean rape's not nice, but it's okay if Muslim's are raping, right?

That's all you ever talk about. I did a quick search and found 17 pages of you talking about Muslim rape. It's disgusting...this obsession of yours. I don't think you are quite right in the head.

View attachment 81104

Good for Lucy, this needs to be pointed out and it cannot be exposed enough. You would welcome being mounted by a bunch of smelly muslim immigrants because in your little world, any attention is good attention.
Do you know why she's Carla_Danger?

Danger: Sh*t for brains! She wonders all over USMB and rates the posts she can't understand "funny" and "dumb". Yesterday I quoted Mark Twain and she rated it "dumb". She must still be still attending primary school.

Another thin skinned dummy. lol
The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

You need to read more, I discuss a whole range of issues, it's not my fault that you've not expanded your reading horizon.

As a side point, so you have no problem with Muslim rape, I mean rape's not nice, but it's okay if Muslim's are raping, right?

That's all you ever talk about. I did a quick search and found 17 pages of you talking about Muslim rape. It's disgusting...this obsession of yours. I don't think you are quite right in the head.

View attachment 81104

Good for Lucy, this needs to be pointed out and it cannot be exposed enough. You would welcome being mounted by a bunch of smelly muslim immigrants because in your little world, any attention is good attention.
Do you know why she's Carla_Danger?

Danger: Sh*t for brains! She wonders all over USMB and rates the posts she can't understand "funny" and "dumb". Yesterday I quoted Mark Twain and she rated it "dumb". She must still be still attending primary school.

I have exposed Karla Klunt's stupidity too many times to count.....dumb as the proverbial rock.
You said that George Soros is the puppetmaster behind Merkel allowing all the Muslims into Europe.

That's pretty loony.

But don't worry. Gregtard will be white knighting for you.

Are you saying that George Soros hasn't funded Open Borders, he's even admitted it himself in interviews, I posted a ton of links to him stating this is one thread. So it's loony to only loonies or Tools.

Which are you, a loony or a Tool?

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

Funding an NGO =//= being a puppetmaster

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

This is my stock response to anymore George Soros comments you might make, the offer is open-ended therefore.

I'm not concerned about George Soros.

You're the one conjuring up crazy conspiracy theories about him.

Off Topic, in case you didn't know, somehow Portugal have managed to win Euro 2016 with one goal in Extra Time.

WTF?! What a ridiculous result to finish the tournament with.
That was a plot to take over the West by the brown skinned underwritten by Obama who is going to fly planes into the wtc and retroactively kill jfk and 5 cops in Dallas to cover it up.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.
If they fight Assad then Russia would bomb them,if they fight the opposition the US would bomb them. Its a nonsense that nobody in Europe would back.
It is not that simple. For example the Kurds fight both and rarely get bombed. Plus consider, that it is not your own people who you are doing this exercise with.

Which is what I said, The Skinhead has no military experience, again he hasn't a clue about what he's babbling.
What is your military experience?


God you're pathetic. This shit is ALL you have isn't it you dumbo nutter.

Go and and inflate your blow-up girlfriend, or maybe it's your night to hang-out on the street corner to get some more money to fund your Crack habit.
I'm not concerned about George Soros.

You're the one conjuring up crazy conspiracy theories about him.

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

It'll include every available link to George Soros HIMSELF in HIS OWN WORDS, or are you then going to say that George Soros HIMSELF is a "Conspiracy Theory"?

Are you still prattling on about George Soros, you broken record? lol

Yeah, Soros is a real POS. He funds the BLM operation. He helped to fund the overthrow of the Ukraine. He funds hundreds of NGOs with the intent of erasing borders and thus sovereignty of nations...yeah, it's a big deal but you are too fucking STUPID to know. He is a globalist....get it, Karla Klunt????


Great job, Karla don't need me to expose your lack of do it for me. (snicker)

I'm no match for your 14,000 hours of researching conspiracy blogs. lol
You were name calling when I got to this thread, dingbat.

The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

Oh STFU, you stupid "know-nothing" klunt. You have never discussed a topic with any type of intelligence at all. People like you that troll message boards for attention are the worst.

Go eat some toothpaste you nutty fruitcake.

Lame, Karla Klunt.......bring something better than that to the table, ya rotten crotch POS.
Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.
Are you saying that George Soros hasn't funded Open Borders, he's even admitted it himself in interviews, I posted a ton of links to him stating this is one thread. So it's loony to only loonies or Tools.

Which are you, a loony or a Tool?

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

Funding an NGO =//= being a puppetmaster

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

This is my stock response to anymore George Soros comments you might make, the offer is open-ended therefore.

I'm not concerned about George Soros.

You're the one conjuring up crazy conspiracy theories about him.

Off Topic, in case you didn't know, somehow Portugal have managed to win Euro 2016 with one goal in Extra Time.

WTF?! What a ridiculous result to finish the tournament with.
That was a plot to take over the West by the brown skinned underwritten by Obama who is going to fly planes into the wtc and retroactively kill jfk and 5 cops in Dallas to cover it up.

Do you think this seems like Michelle Obama has a penis? That's an unfortunate bulge she has.

The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

You need to read more, I discuss a whole range of issues, it's not my fault that you've not expanded your reading horizon.

As a side point, so you have no problem with Muslim rape, I mean rape's not nice, but it's okay if Muslim's are raping, right?

That's all you ever talk about. I did a quick search and found 17 pages of you talking about Muslim rape. It's disgusting...this obsession of yours. I don't think you are quite right in the head.

View attachment 81104

You searched for Muslim rape, you found that stuff = that's ALL I discuss.

Really Carla, how silly of you, I could do a Skinhead search and find probably a 100 pages of him babbling about LGBT and praising Islam.

It's you and he who have the problem in the membrane.

Ravi at least gets a few points, because she has on occasion shown that she can discuss some things in a sensible way.

You are obsessed with Muslim rape. Weird.

No, people start threads, I condemn all rape, the pro-Islam apologists have a problem, they either condone Muslim rape or go as far as to say it's not even happening.

You have a problem with this, I don't care, take it up with with pro-Rape pro-Islam weirdos.
The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

Oh STFU, you stupid "know-nothing" klunt. You have never discussed a topic with any type of intelligence at all. People like you that troll message boards for attention are the worst.

Go eat some toothpaste you nutty fruitcake.

Lame, Karla Klunt.......bring something better than that to the table, ya rotten crotch POS.
Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.

Has Dale advocated violence toward women like your friend The Skinhead has? Has Dale said that some women deserve to be hit in the face with bricks like your friend The Skinhead has?

Has Dale belittled rape committed by Muslims like your friend The Skinhead has?
The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

Oh STFU, you stupid "know-nothing" klunt. You have never discussed a topic with any type of intelligence at all. People like you that troll message boards for attention are the worst.

Go eat some toothpaste you nutty fruitcake.

Lame, Karla Klunt.......bring something better than that to the table, ya rotten crotch POS.
Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.

I love a matter of fact I have loved quite a few in my life. What I do not like are stupid people regardless of gender and I do not discriminate when it comes to pointing out that stupidity....get it, Ravi-oli?
Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

It'll include every available link to George Soros HIMSELF in HIS OWN WORDS, or are you then going to say that George Soros HIMSELF is a "Conspiracy Theory"?

Are you still prattling on about George Soros, you broken record? lol

Yeah, Soros is a real POS. He funds the BLM operation. He helped to fund the overthrow of the Ukraine. He funds hundreds of NGOs with the intent of erasing borders and thus sovereignty of nations...yeah, it's a big deal but you are too fucking STUPID to know. He is a globalist....get it, Karla Klunt????


Great job, Karla don't need me to expose your lack of do it for me. (snicker)

I'm no match for your 14,000 hours of researching conspiracy blogs. lol

You are no match for me on any front.
The Skinhead deserves only name calling, he circles the drain.

You and Ravi on the other hand have a weird obsession with calling me a Nazi, without even knowing WTF you're babbling about, you just parrot the same inane stuff Ad nauseam.

It's becoming intensely boring.

Actually, skinhead describes you. You fit right in with the "white power" Neo-Nazi skinheads. The only topics you and your "crotch-sniffin" friends ever discuss are LGBT issues and Muslim rape.

You don't appear to be right in the head.

Oh STFU, you stupid "know-nothing" klunt. You have never discussed a topic with any type of intelligence at all. People like you that troll message boards for attention are the worst.

Go eat some toothpaste you nutty fruitcake.

Lame, Karla Klunt.......bring something better than that to the table, ya rotten crotch POS.
Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.

What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him?

What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"?

Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women?

Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws?

Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls?
The EU is coming to a slow painful end regardless of who supports it at this point. It is simple economics and self preservation.
The EU is coming to a slow painful end regardless of who supports it at this point. It is simple economics and self preservation.

The Skinhead is anti-Democracy, he thinks Leftists stealing elections is okay, he refuses to accept that his fellow Brits voted to Leave the EU and has referred to them as "the underclass", says a poorly educated, unsophisticated fat slob like The Skinhead.

The Skinhead is so stupid and so powerless ie. not knowing anyone either in a position of power or likely to ever be in a position of power, not only did he insist the Brits would all vote Remain, when they by a majority voted to Leave, he then said there was going to be another Second Referendum, he's consistently wrong and just pulls this garbage from his ass, which is what little people who are nobody's tend to do.

No Second Referendum. Period.

Except this thread is not about Pussboy, granted he screws up everything he posts about, but it still is not about him.

I think he became gay after screwing up his first wet dream.
Except this thread is not about Pussboy, granted he screws up everything he posts about, but it still is not about him.

I think he first became gay after screwing up his first wet dream.

The Skinhead has an inaccurate OP title though, this is why he deserves what he gets, he slurs a member of my party with this inaccurate name, the link he posts mentions no such slur that he used.

We have very serious laws about this sort of slur, The Skinhead is posting from within the EU, he should remember that.

Herr Hofer is not just some man in the street, he's one of the ELECTED Presidents of the Nationalrat.


We the FPÖ are already running the nation, now and since July 8th.

Norbert Hofer


Joint Acting President of Austria
Assumed office
8 July 2016

Read it, slurring an ELECTED politician and a Joint Acting President of our nation as as "Neo-Nazi" I repeat we have very serious EU laws about slurring our politicians with this tag.

Norbert Hofer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a comment that should be funnied, but the Idiot Trolls will, not having the intelligence to even understand what I've just posted.

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