Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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Oh STFU, you stupid "know-nothing" klunt. You have never discussed a topic with any type of intelligence at all. People like you that troll message boards for attention are the worst.

Go eat some toothpaste you nutty fruitcake.

Lame, Karla Klunt.......bring something better than that to the table, ya rotten crotch POS.
Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.

What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him?

What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"?

Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women?

Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws?

Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls?

Wait, did you just say Tommy is obsessed with Transgenders? Other than Muslim gang rape, that's all you ever post about. lol

You should look in the mirror. :)

Why is a 53 year-old man obsessed with Transgenders? Why does he post in EVERY thread that's about LGBT? Why is he obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls?

"You should look in the mirror."

Re. Mirror, the use of the word, you're showing that you're of the Lower Classes now darling.

You would be able to stare into your looking glass, but you have none, it cracked the last time you approached it.
Yeah, Soros is a real POS. He funds the BLM operation. He helped to fund the overthrow of the Ukraine. He funds hundreds of NGOs with the intent of erasing borders and thus sovereignty of nations...yeah, it's a big deal but you are too fucking STUPID to know. He is a globalist....get it, Karla Klunt????


Great job, Karla don't need me to expose your lack of do it for me. (snicker)

I'm no match for your 14,000 hours of researching conspiracy blogs. lol

You are no match for me on any front.

I cannot match your stupidity, you are correct.

Nobody can match your stupidity, you're in a league of your own.
You are being an idiot!!


The Conspiracy Theory thing that Toro mentions is bewildering to me, I've made posts saying that I don't go in for Conspiracy Theories though, except the one's I mention JFK and Dr. David Kelly, both considered Conspiracy Theories, but both are unsettling in their Official explanations.

You said that George Soros is the puppetmaster behind Merkel allowing all the Muslims into Europe.

That's pretty loony.

But don't worry. Gregtard will be white knighting for you.

Are you saying that George Soros hasn't funded Open Borders, he's even admitted it himself in interviews, I posted a ton of links to him stating this is one thread. So it's loony to only loonies or Tools.

Which are you, a loony or a Tool?

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

Funding an NGO =//= being a puppetmaster

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

This is my stock response to anymore George Soros comments you might make, the offer is open-ended therefore.
George Soros ... Why does everyone leave the umlauts out of his name? His name requires umlauts on both o, and its literal translation is beer-seller, in Hungarian, my GF translated it to me. By the way, how do you turn on umlauts on an iPad?
Who would these guys fight ?
There are a million different factions.
Its a nonsense.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.
If they fight Assad then Russia would bomb them,if they fight the opposition the US would bomb them. Its a nonsense that nobody in Europe would back.
It is not that simple. For example the Kurds fight both and rarely get bombed. Plus consider, that it is not your own people who you are doing this exercise with.
It is that simple. Why do they have to be "my people" for me to give a fuck. My advice to all young Syrians is to sit tight and wait for the west to agree to stop bombing the country.
Not good enough. The US will never bomb Syria. Israel may, but mostly Russia. Besides, it is important to know who is who's people in any military exercise.
The problem is ISIS, which is also sponsored by Israel.
Except this thread is not about Pussboy, granted he screws up everything he posts about, but it still is not about him.

I think he first became gay after screwing up his first wet dream.

The Skinhead has an inaccurate OP title though, this is why he deserves what he gets, he slurs a member of my party with this inaccurate name, the link he posts mentions no such slur that he used.

We have very serious laws about this sort of slur, The Skinhead is posting from within the EU, he should remember that.

Herr Hofer is not just some man in the street, he's one of the ELECTED Presidents of the Nationalrat.


We the FPÖ are already running the nation, now and since July 8th.

Norbert Hofer


Joint Acting President of Austria
Assumed office
8 July 2016

Read it, slurring an ELECTED politician and a Joint Acting President of our nation as as "Neo-Nazi" I repeat we have very serious EU laws about slurring our politicians with this tag.

Norbert Hofer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a comment that should be funnied, but the Idiot Trolls will, not having the intelligence to even understand what I've just posted.

Edited to add comment.
Does Herr Hofer advocate chemical castration for all black people ?
Who would these guys fight ?
There are a million different factions.
Its a nonsense.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.
If they fight Assad then Russia would bomb them,if they fight the opposition the US would bomb them. Its a nonsense that nobody in Europe would back.
It is not that simple. For example the Kurds fight both and rarely get bombed. Plus consider, that it is not your own people who you are doing this exercise with.
It is that simple. Why do they have to be "my people" for me to give a fuck. My advice to all young Syrians is to sit tight and wait for the west to agree to stop bombing the country.
Not good enough. The US will never bomb Syria. Israel may, but mostly Russia. Besides, it is important to know who is who's people in any military exercise.
The problem is ISIS, which is also sponsored by Israel.

The problem is ISIS, which is also sponsored by Israel.

Now you were doing not too bad until that bit of stupidity!!!

Except this thread is not about Pussboy, granted he screws up everything he posts about, but it still is not about him.

I think he first became gay after screwing up his first wet dream.

The Skinhead has an inaccurate OP title though, this is why he deserves what he gets, he slurs a member of my party with this inaccurate name, the link he posts mentions no such slur that he used.

We have very serious laws about this sort of slur, The Skinhead is posting from within the EU, he should remember that.

Herr Hofer is not just some man in the street, he's one of the ELECTED Presidents of the Nationalrat.


We the FPÖ are already running the nation, now and since July 8th.

Norbert Hofer


Joint Acting President of Austria
Assumed office
8 July 2016

Read it, slurring an ELECTED politician and a Joint Acting President of our nation as as "Neo-Nazi" I repeat we have very serious EU laws about slurring our politicians with this tag.

Norbert Hofer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a comment that should be funnied, but the Idiot Trolls will, not having the intelligence to even understand what I've just posted.

Edited to add comment.
Does Herr Hofer advocate chemical castration for all black people ?

You boasted about beating up English fans, hooligan. You are conjoined with these assholes!!!

You pathetic excuse for a Welshman!!

Newsflash: THIS is soccer at its finest!!!

You are a hooligan asshole!!!

The Conspiracy Theory thing that Toro mentions is bewildering to me, I've made posts saying that I don't go in for Conspiracy Theories though, except the one's I mention JFK and Dr. David Kelly, both considered Conspiracy Theories, but both are unsettling in their Official explanations.

You said that George Soros is the puppetmaster behind Merkel allowing all the Muslims into Europe.

That's pretty loony.

But don't worry. Gregtard will be white knighting for you.

Are you saying that George Soros hasn't funded Open Borders, he's even admitted it himself in interviews, I posted a ton of links to him stating this is one thread. So it's loony to only loonies or Tools.

Which are you, a loony or a Tool?

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

Funding an NGO =//= being a puppetmaster

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

This is my stock response to anymore George Soros comments you might make, the offer is open-ended therefore.
George Soros ... Why does everyone leave the umlauts out of his name? His name requires umlauts on both o, and its literal translation is beer-seller, in Hungarian, my GF translated it to me. By the way, how do you turn on umlauts on an iPad?

I really, REALLY, care about putting umlauts in Soros's name ..... :biggrin:
The Conspiracy Theory thing that Toro mentions is bewildering to me, I've made posts saying that I don't go in for Conspiracy Theories though, except the one's I mention JFK and Dr. David Kelly, both considered Conspiracy Theories, but both are unsettling in their Official explanations.

You said that George Soros is the puppetmaster behind Merkel allowing all the Muslims into Europe.

That's pretty loony.

But don't worry. Gregtard will be white knighting for you.

Are you saying that George Soros hasn't funded Open Borders, he's even admitted it himself in interviews, I posted a ton of links to him stating this is one thread. So it's loony to only loonies or Tools.

Which are you, a loony or a Tool?

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

Funding an NGO =//= being a puppetmaster

Why are you so concerned with George Soros?

Would you like a separate thread JUST about George Soros? We could have it in Current Events or we could have it in a Zone 2 area where the little Trolls have to watch their mouths because it's Zone 2.

This is my stock response to anymore George Soros comments you might make, the offer is open-ended therefore.
George Soros ... Why does everyone leave the umlauts out of his name? His name requires umlauts on both o, and its literal translation is beer-seller, in Hungarian, my GF translated it to me. By the way, how do you turn on umlauts on an iPad?

I myself always prefer Latin and Greek words.

The word Soros is an Ancient Greek Second Declension Noun, in Greek it's σορός.

It's an apt name for the POS, because Soros (σορός) in Ancient Greek has two meanings, the first meaning is a corpse, a cadaver and the second meaning is a coffin, a cinerary urn.

So his changed surname is all about the Dead and Death.

George Soros, his birth name, that which is on his Birth Certificate is Schwartz György, this is the Hungarian Native Form Order of his name, the Western Native Form Order of his name is of course György Schwartz. His mother's name was Erzsébet, his father's name was Tivadar.

"By the way, how do you turn on umlauts on an iPad?"

The plural is Umlaute, the singular is Umlaut, I'm not sure how you turn on Umlaute on an iPad, nor how you turn on Eszett/scharfes S on an iPad.

If you Google this though I'm sure it'll instruct you somehow.

Grüß Gott, for you I give you an Umlaut and an Eszett/scharfes S contained in our Traditional greeting :smile:
Except this thread is not about Pussboy, granted he screws up everything he posts about, but it still is not about him.

I think he first became gay after screwing up his first wet dream.

The Skinhead has an inaccurate OP title though, this is why he deserves what he gets, he slurs a member of my party with this inaccurate name, the link he posts mentions no such slur that he used.

We have very serious laws about this sort of slur, The Skinhead is posting from within the EU, he should remember that.

Herr Hofer is not just some man in the street, he's one of the ELECTED Presidents of the Nationalrat.


We the FPÖ are already running the nation, now and since July 8th.

Norbert Hofer


Joint Acting President of Austria
Assumed office
8 July 2016

Read it, slurring an ELECTED politician and a Joint Acting President of our nation as as "Neo-Nazi" I repeat we have very serious EU laws about slurring our politicians with this tag.

Norbert Hofer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a comment that should be funnied, but the Idiot Trolls will, not having the intelligence to even understand what I've just posted.

Edited to add comment.
Does Herr Hofer advocate chemical castration for all black people ?

How many times do you have to be told moron that nobody gives a fuck what you think or comment, you sick freak.

You have NO moral ground to stand on, you're a sick, degenerate circling the drain. Just be grateful and grovel that I'm even responding to a weirdo like you.

How old is the white one? Looks underage to me, under 18 years-old, do you have DVDs of this sort of thing, I bet you do.

Dale doesn't like women. Is anyone surprised.

What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him?

What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"?

Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women?

Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws?

Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls?
It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no. Is there any way you can get some therapy?

After just a few hours sleep and at 6.20am, I give you a brief response, I was invited on Thursday to give a speech about Political Strategy, this I agreed to and must deliver at 10am, I just have notes, as I have the intelligence to work just off my notes.

As you've spent months illustrating that you're obsessed with me, the rest of my day, at 12.15pm I must attend a luncheon that our party are giving for some of our friends in law enforcement.

I hope to be home for 2pm, I'll spend time with my children, until I have to attend a political meeting at 6pm, I hope this isn't a long affair, I hope to be home for 7.30pm.

That's roughly today's schedule for me, I've indulged your obsession with me thus.

"It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no."

Is it normal for you to be obsessed about me, no.

"Is there any way you can get some therapy?"

Is there any way for you to get some therapy? I hope so for your sake.

Now, you don't answer a question with a question, which is what you did. So, let's begin again, the questions I asked you, I'll number them and bold them to help you, you have reading comprehension problems, so I do this for your benefit, be grateful of my generosity. I'll make no other response to you on any other thing you comment.

Until you answer all these questions to peoples' satisfaction, I'll just keep re-posting them to you until you either answer them all or alternatively give up and abandon the thread. Many people are getting tired of the hypocritical double standards that your type exhibit, this refers to questions I-III below, questions IV and V should be easy to answer for anyone with even half a brain.

Should you post a one or two sentence response and/or just funny this post, then you just reinforce the existing opinion that you are an idiot and just a Troll.

I. What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him? :popcorn:

II. What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"? :popcorn:
III. Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women? :popcorn:

IV. Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws? :popcorn:

V. Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls? :popcorn:


Thank you for yet more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41: remind me who stalks whom?

That's right it's you and Ravi that do the stalking. Hint, both of you seek professional psychological help, you're rapidly descending into borderline insanity.

Again, thank you for more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41:

The only stalker here is you, and the person you stalk is Tommy. You know darn good and well that I don't participate in your Muslim gang rape threads, crazy girl.
What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him?

What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"?

Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women?

Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws?

Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls?
It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no. Is there any way you can get some therapy?

After just a few hours sleep and at 6.20am, I give you a brief response, I was invited on Thursday to give a speech about Political Strategy, this I agreed to and must deliver at 10am, I just have notes, as I have the intelligence to work just off my notes.

As you've spent months illustrating that you're obsessed with me, the rest of my day, at 12.15pm I must attend a luncheon that our party are giving for some of our friends in law enforcement.

I hope to be home for 2pm, I'll spend time with my children, until I have to attend a political meeting at 6pm, I hope this isn't a long affair, I hope to be home for 7.30pm.

That's roughly today's schedule for me, I've indulged your obsession with me thus.

"It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no."

Is it normal for you to be obsessed about me, no.

"Is there any way you can get some therapy?"

Is there any way for you to get some therapy? I hope so for your sake.

Now, you don't answer a question with a question, which is what you did. So, let's begin again, the questions I asked you, I'll number them and bold them to help you, you have reading comprehension problems, so I do this for your benefit, be grateful of my generosity. I'll make no other response to you on any other thing you comment.

Until you answer all these questions to peoples' satisfaction, I'll just keep re-posting them to you until you either answer them all or alternatively give up and abandon the thread. Many people are getting tired of the hypocritical double standards that your type exhibit, this refers to questions I-III below, questions IV and V should be easy to answer for anyone with even half a brain.

Should you post a one or two sentence response and/or just funny this post, then you just reinforce the existing opinion that you are an idiot and just a Troll.

I. What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him? :popcorn:

II. What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"? :popcorn:
III. Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women? :popcorn:

IV. Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws? :popcorn:

V. Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls? :popcorn:


Thank you for yet more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41: remind me who stalks whom?

That's right it's you and Ravi that do the stalking. Hint, both of you seek professional psychological help, you're rapidly descending into borderline insanity.

Again, thank you for more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41:

The only stalker here is you, and the person you stalk is Tommy. You know darn good and well that I don't participate in your Muslim gang rape threads, crazy girl.

STFU idiot, I was stalked for months by your weird Trolls including you, that was before I was invisible, when you could click on my avatar and look at what threads I'd recently posted in, you can't do that now, you must rely on your other few Trolls PMing you telling you I'm in some thread that one of them has posted it.

Go and boil your head you screwball, you're also now being put back on ignore, so anymore responses from you you're just wasting your time you stupid black Fascist lesbian weirdo.
I like watching scum rally around the other scum as they near the drain....

I agree. You showed up just in time.

Shaddup nutter. Welcome to ignore again you psycho, get professional help you're a mega screwball and also you're so stupid you qualify as a sub-species.

Actually you're all now back on ignore, I've had a nice laugh showing how stupid you three weird perverts and freaks of nature are, now I'm bored with you, you bore me so easily and insult peoples' intelligence, so there's no more responses to any of you.

You all have serious issues, most here would agree, none of you are remotely normal, you're all stewing in your own filth and degeneracy.

Edited to add comment.
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It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no. Is there any way you can get some therapy?

After just a few hours sleep and at 6.20am, I give you a brief response, I was invited on Thursday to give a speech about Political Strategy, this I agreed to and must deliver at 10am, I just have notes, as I have the intelligence to work just off my notes.

As you've spent months illustrating that you're obsessed with me, the rest of my day, at 12.15pm I must attend a luncheon that our party are giving for some of our friends in law enforcement.

I hope to be home for 2pm, I'll spend time with my children, until I have to attend a political meeting at 6pm, I hope this isn't a long affair, I hope to be home for 7.30pm.

That's roughly today's schedule for me, I've indulged your obsession with me thus.

"It's not normal for you to be obsessed about it, no."

Is it normal for you to be obsessed about me, no.

"Is there any way you can get some therapy?"

Is there any way for you to get some therapy? I hope so for your sake.

Now, you don't answer a question with a question, which is what you did. So, let's begin again, the questions I asked you, I'll number them and bold them to help you, you have reading comprehension problems, so I do this for your benefit, be grateful of my generosity. I'll make no other response to you on any other thing you comment.

Until you answer all these questions to peoples' satisfaction, I'll just keep re-posting them to you until you either answer them all or alternatively give up and abandon the thread. Many people are getting tired of the hypocritical double standards that your type exhibit, this refers to questions I-III below, questions IV and V should be easy to answer for anyone with even half a brain.

Should you post a one or two sentence response and/or just funny this post, then you just reinforce the existing opinion that you are an idiot and just a Troll.

I. What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him? :popcorn:

II. What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"? :popcorn:
III. Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women? :popcorn:

IV. Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws? :popcorn:

V. Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls? :popcorn:


Thank you for yet more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41: remind me who stalks whom?

That's right it's you and Ravi that do the stalking. Hint, both of you seek professional psychological help, you're rapidly descending into borderline insanity.

Again, thank you for more intellectual discussion from you :rolleyes-41:

The only stalker here is you, and the person you stalk is Tommy. You know darn good and well that I don't participate in your Muslim gang rape threads, crazy girl.

STFU idiot, I was stalked for months by your weird Trolls including you, that was before I was invisible, when you could click on my avatar and look at what threads I'd recently posted in, you can't do that now, you must rely on your other few Trolls PMing you telling you I'm in some thread that one of them has posted it.

Go and boil your head you screwball, you're also now being put back on ignore, so anymore responses from you you're just wasting your time you stupid black Fascist lesbian weirdo.

I can still click on your avatar and see where you've been posting, you idiot.

Look, here you are on the Transgender threads you love so much. I think you need serious help with your mental problems. If you're not posting about Muslim gang rape, you and your crotch sniffin brigade are posting on transgender/LBGT issues.

There's something seriously wrong with you.

Loosey thinks that if she closes her eyes she's invisible. :lmao:

Just in time to tell you you're imminently back on ignore, that wasn't what I meant by invisible. Big deal you and your Troll friend Carla Shit For Brains have enough brain cell to use a forum Search Posts Function.

You don't possess the intellect though to discuss Latin and Ancient Greek though do? No.

Now fuck off back to your Cesspit the FZ you piece of sewer filth Trailer Trash and take the black Trailer Trash Lesbo with you. You get no more responses from me, so don't bother even wasting your time.

What you are is Professional Trolls and the stupidest sort.

Being the cowardly slug that you are, you're unable to answer these questions you sad sack of crap.

I. What do you think about The Skinhead calling Mindful a "Nazi slag" because like MOST people she doesn't agree with him? :popcorn:

II. What do you think about The Skinhead in general calling ALL and ANY female who doesn't agree with him a "slag"? :popcorn:
III. Does this illustrate ANY sort of respect for women? Or does it illustrate a hatred of women? :popcorn:

IV. Why is a man in his mid-50s so OBSESSED with Transgenders? To the point that he's posted threads trashing the state of North Carolina and others because of it's laws? :popcorn:

V. Is it normal for men in their mid-50s to be OBSESSED with Transgenders, is it NORMAL for ANY man to be obsessed with little boys being "made" into little girls? :popcorn:
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