Authentic Caring


Calm as a Hindu cow
Nov 28, 2008
I decided to start this as a new thread instead of derailing the compelling discussion going on in the other AZ school thread(s), to focus on this 1 aspect of the controversy.

What is "authentic caring"?

To me it sounds like kids are being taught to care about the right things according to a particular perspective. Which in turn sounds more like political indoctrination than education. I don't think it's the job of public schools to tell us what is right or how to think about a particular subject.

If for example we are talking about a political science class the kids should learn what ideas and values go with various ideologies, not why 1 is more correct than another. If the class is about religion then kids should be taught about the history, rituals, etc of various belief systems, not which 1 you should believe in.

What do you think authentic caring is? Should we be doing it in a public school?
Back when my two kids were in school, I was happy that the school system at the time taught them the 3R's. I taught them everything else at home that they needed to know about morality and ethics. hahahahaha...two hahahahaha...three hahahahaha...

I decided to start this as a new thread instead of derailing the compelling discussion going on in the other AZ school thread(s), to focus on this 1 aspect of the controversy.

What is "authentic caring"?

To me it sounds like kids are being taught to care about the right things according to a particular perspective. Which in turn sounds more like political indoctrination than education. I don't think it's the job of public schools to tell us what is right or how to think about a particular subject.

If for example we are talking about a political science class the kids should learn what ideas and values go with various ideologies, not why 1 is more correct than another. If the class is about religion then kids should be taught about the history, rituals, etc of various belief systems, not which 1 you should believe in.

What do you think authentic caring is? Should we be doing it in a public school?
It is a philosophy of teaching. Sounds rather silly to me but it isn't seditious or has nothing to do with what you are saying.

authentic caring education philosopher
Thanks for making me smile Amanda. I'll be sure to discuss this method of teaching with my colleagues tomorrow. I took a course on "Authentic Assessment" in grad school and what I learned was that it was a course on Assessment with the word "authentic" in front of it. Lol
I decided to start this as a new thread instead of derailing the compelling discussion going on in the other AZ school thread(s), to focus on this 1 aspect of the controversy.

What is "authentic caring"?

To me it sounds like kids are being taught to care about the right things according to a particular perspective. Which in turn sounds more like political indoctrination than education. I don't think it's the job of public schools to tell us what is right or how to think about a particular subject.

If for example we are talking about a political science class the kids should learn what ideas and values go with various ideologies, not why 1 is more correct than another. If the class is about religion then kids should be taught about the history, rituals, etc of various belief systems, not which 1 you should believe in.

What do you think authentic caring is? Should we be doing it in a public school?

WTH? Authentic Caring? :lol: I had to google it, of course. This was the first link that popped up:

Helping Latino students feel comfortable in your classroom

And this:

It is common for Latino students to prefer a model of schooling that considers respectful caring relationships with teachers to be the foundation for learning, while American expectations ask that the student possesses an aesthetic caring, which entails caring about the course material, rules, and assignments. The authentic caring that students expect is typical of teacher/student interaction in Mexico, and includes genuine concern for the student’s general welfare, emotional wellbeing, and personal growth.

Doesn't that sound just super? I recommend that if Latinos want "authentic caring" like they get in Mexico, they either find a private school composed of Latinos or go back to Mexico.

(Do my tax dollars really pay for this crap??? Wow.)
Authentic caring? Can I care un-authentically? No wonder people are scoffing at public schools. If my kids were still in school i would home school tham because of shit like this.

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