Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

In before he commits suicide before his term is up.

Seriously though, who thought this was a good idea? :cuckoo:

Given around 40% of trannies try to off themselves at some point you might be correct. But noooooo it's not a mental condition.
I repeat, bigots, like you, cause them to consider suicide.

That's a crutch you leftist assholes use. They're mental. Mental illness and suicide go hand in hand

Lol... Notice how they alway say its someone elese fault for their actions

They kill themselves because they can't live with what they did to their parents.... for one

Speaking of parents. Take a party or gathering for example, do they feel the need to brief those attending that their offspring is 'different', or a freak? Or do they not say anything since its absolutely normal then wait for all in attendance to whisper WTF?

In before he commits suicide before his term is up.

Seriously though, who thought this was a good idea? :cuckoo:

Given around 40% of trannies try to off themselves at some point you might be correct. But noooooo it's not a mental condition.
I repeat, bigots, like you, cause them to consider suicide.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- lots of sick people , sick criminals commit suicide , its normal PJ .
In before he commits suicide before his term is up.

Seriously though, who thought this was a good idea? :cuckoo:

Given around 40% of trannies try to off themselves at some point you might be correct. But noooooo it's not a mental condition.
I repeat, bigots, like you, cause them to consider suicide.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- lots of sick people , sick criminals commit suicide , its normal PJ .

Agreed. Suicide actually takes courage

and many the of sick people that don't commit suicide go on to be teachers or politicians spreading their evil ways throughout society PJ . ,
and many the of sick people that don't commit suicide go on to be teachers or politicians spreading their evil ways throughout society PJ . ,

I think Her Thighness Clinton tried after her hubby went off the reservation.

Assuming that people who disagree with you do it only out of spite and hate is stupid could you even argue the other side if you tried?
The irony is this post done out of spite and yet you call the other side the haters.
dean is and has been one of the biggest haters in this forum.....
Assuming that people who disagree with you do it only out of spite and hate is stupid could you even argue the other side if you tried?
The irony is this post done out of spite and yet you call the other side the haters.
It's OK. I always feel spite towards hate. When it comes to hatred, I feel spite. I always have. As far back as I can remember.
then you should feel spite for yourself......
Republicans are brainwashed into believing only their warped views are "normal".
you calling someone brainwashed?.....look at your biased one sided put anyone who has the gall and audacity to disagree with your shit in that big tent you threw up and label them right wingers...i mean what else can they be?...
The guy she beat referred to himself as "America's Chief Homophobe".

Can you call someone who is like most of those in the GOP "chief" as in biggest?

It's like, which one is bigger? Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum?

The2ndAmendment, post: 18544197
I'll repeat this again to the obvious sock puppet account of the OP (NotfooledbyW ) (easily determined by your style and sentence structure, vocabulary, and ideology), do you believe that it would be wise for an openly gay man to go to the Middle East?

We were discussing Muslims coming to the US. You lied. Deal with that.
The2ndAmendment, post: 18544197
I'll repeat this again to the obvious sock puppet account of the OP (NotfooledbyW ) (easily determined by your style and sentence structure, vocabulary, and ideology), do you believe that it would be wise for an openly gay man to go to the Middle East?

We were discussing Muslims coming to the US. You lied. Deal with that.

You said Muslims are great for LGBT rights, you lied.
Second transgender candidate wins spot on Minneapolis City Council
Politics Nov 8, 2017 7:56 PM EST

A second transgender candidate has won a spot on the Minneapolis City Council.

Phillipe Cunningham narrowly won a northwestern Minneapolis ward by defeating longtime incumbent and council president Barb Johnson. His victory wasn’t announced until Wednesday afternoon, due to the instant-runoff voting system Minneapolis uses.
Cunningham is a 29-year-old transgender man. His victory follows one by Andrea Jenkins, a transgender woman who easily won a seat on the City Council Tuesday night.

We're winning! All you haters can only bark! I'd like to see a congressman/women that is trans run for the house or senate in 2018.
Palm Springs City Council now entirely LGBT
the Palm Springs, Calif., City Council is entirely LGBT or queer after two new members were elected to the council Tuesday.

Lisa Middleton made history Tuesday as the first openly transgender candidate elected to a nonjudicial office in California.

Christy Holstege, who identifies as bisexual, won the second open seat on the city council.

They beat out four other candidates in Tuesday’s election, the Desert Sun reported.

Palm Springs City Council now entirely queer

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.

Yeah, they got a seriously disturbed and confused man in an office of power. What could happen?
One year ago today.


At least Trump knows what sex he is.

and we know he's an admitted sexual predator who liked watching 15 year old girls undress... because he could.

No, that only exists in your empty head.
The2ndAmendment, post: 18547205
You said Muslims are great for LGBT rights, you lied.

Now you lie about things written down here.

NotfooledbyW, post: 18541221
They are better for LBGT rights than the average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservative.

You are deplorable.

It will be great when bold faced lying is considered deplorable by RWNJs and those who seek their votes.
Given around 40% of trannies try to off themselves at some point you might be correct. But noooooo it's not a mental condition.

Did you get that 40% figure from LifeSiteNews or simply yank it from your butt? Or perhaps since Chelsea Manning attempted such, you used her as your broad brush.

Yes, transgender suicide rates are slightly higher - there are reasons for that. Please educate yourself.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide | HuffPost

My source.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Williams Institute

Correct me if i'm mistaken, but i didn't see links to either of those reputable organizations. While my link was something HuffPo reprinted, it was full of links to research, studies and white papers.

Your avatar would seem to indicate that your objections are primarily based on Christianity. Jesus said nothing on the subject and one must to to the Old Testament to find anything.

Just my 2 cents - thanks
The2ndAmendment, post: 18547205
You said Muslims are great for LGBT rights, you lied.

Now you lie about things written down here.


I have you're fucking post at #77, here's the perma link
Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

They are better for LBGT rights than the average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservative.

Last I checked there's no "average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservatives" beheading, stoning, burning, executing or torturing gays in America.
The2ndAmendment, post: 18547205
You said Muslims are great for LGBT rights, you lied.

Now you lie about things written down here.


I have you're fucking post at #77, here's the perma link
Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

They are better for LBGT rights than the average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservative.

Last I checked there's no "average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservatives" beheading, stoning, burning, executing or torturing gays in America.
Looks like many of them wouldn't object.

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