Authoritarianism is now a real danger for the US


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I agree. Trump is an authority on many things, one of which is what it takes to be a good President.

But just who are you trying to convince here? I'm pretty sure most everyone has made up their minds by now.
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trump has been able to convince tens of millions of voters that he actually won in 2020. He is a master liar and a champion con man. Study Hitler's rise in NAZI Germany.
So, let me get this straight.

Trump, who had a Republican Congress and SCOTUS for 2 straight years in his first term and could not get them to do much of anything, like build a border wall, something those Congressmen ran on to get elected, and also had a general in the US army who told China he would disobey any orders that might threaten China, behind Trump's back, is going to single handedly take over the entire establishment alone.


Have you stopped taking your meds again?
All this confusion could have been prevented had the military had used it's power to stop the attempted insurrection.

Sooner or later the side with the greatest belief in its legitimacy, is going to have to act to bring the situation under control.

Foreign powers that work against America's interests are capitalizing on this confusion over which side is legitimate and which side is the fake.
Authoritarianism is the FIX for what ails this country. Not under Trump but under a truly Conservative leader.
Authoritarianism ONLY comes about through the DNC.

The reason those on the Left are all bent out of shape is because over the years these collectivists have centralized power more and more to the Executive Branch, so the thought of Trump taking over the Leviathan they have created makes them kind of crazy because they know this simply should not be. He has too much power that can easily be abused and will be abused because that is human nature. The President now has so much power that he or she has a say in everything from how your child will be educated in kindergarten to whether you need to find another doctor.

In addition, Biden and the DNC just ignores the laws and constitution we do have as well, such as immigration laws and defies SCOTUS on student loan debt as the media looks the other way as the GOP does nothing.

But the media will always be a bunch of hard Left-wing loons that will never educate the populace on these things and the GOP has never been a real opposition party to the Left either.

No, Trump winning will only mean a few dozen more impeachments and a lot of slinging poo, something that is better than 4 more years of unfettered Bidenomics and a Kamala border that is wider than Madonna in stirrups getting a pap smear.

trump has been able to convince tens of millions of voters that he actually won in 2020. He is a master liar and a champion con man. Study Hitler's rise in NAZI Germany.

Jesus H. tapdancing Christ, are you betwetters fucking pathetic.

America is in the middle of a process of destruction of her white-european national identity and a genocide by miscegenation targeting its main ethnic group and we have a totally clueless individual called James stating that authoritarianism, absence of elections is the most dangerous threat faced by the nation. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Consider this: After the election, both hopefuls for becoming the president, will consider the other to be a traitor. And the winner will be awarded the power to deal with it appropriately.

trump has been able to convince tens of millions of voters that he actually won in 2020. He is a master liar and a champion con man. Study Hitler's rise in NAZI Germany.
Can't wait till he uses his "authority" again and closes the border.
All this confusion could have been prevented had the military had used it's power to stop the attempted insurrection.

Sooner or later the side with the greatest belief in its legitimacy, is going to have to act to bring the situation under control.

Foreign powers that work against America's interests are capitalizing on this confusion over which side is legitimate and which side is the fake.
You're confused. The Revolutionary War was an insurrection. The Capitol police unlocked the doors on Jan 6th and let the people in. That's called a tour.
Pelosi set the whole Jan. 6th thing up. The Capitol police pretend arrest some of the FBI pretend protesters until they were out of sight then removed the cuffs and exclaimed, "Good job guys."

WEFTrudeau has warped your brain. You'll believe anything...
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