Authorities Notified 3 Weeks Before Pulse Attack By WPB Gun Shop

Israel just eased their gun laws due to their recent attacks. They have 78 enforcement personnel per 1000 residents and they basically profile. In the US we have 3 law enforcement personnel for every 1000 residents...

So the FBI had him on their watch list and a gun shop reported him. Clearly there was a lot of human error involved. Yet Liberals want to take our guns away.

there is ALWAYS retrospective error

And instead of learning from it the knee jerk reaction is take the guns away.

the FBI did not take his guns away

You misunderstand.

yes----I do
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I' m not going to even speculate whether he is or isn't, but you have never seen his tantrums???
I saw a TV interview when Obama was first running. The reporter asked a girl if she remembered Obama. She said no. Another guy said, "Sure you do. He was the gay guy who smoked a lot of pot, remember?" She said, "Oh yeah, I remember him now."

I had a few video clips like that. His grandmother's statement, his mailman's statement and the one about pot. All have been removed and when I click on those saved links, they either "Can't be found" or "Removed by owner." Coincidence.
It is not my intention to defend Obama, whom I regard as a major disappointment. I think it's important to keep in step with the facts in all matters and regarding the above comment there is no question that Obama used marijuana on a regular basis. He openly and brazenly admitted that during an interview as a candidate. He said he smoked pot "frequently," thereby conveying the clear impression that he was friendly toward the pro-legalization movement. But after being elected President the artfully deceitful faker consistently refused to even discuss the issue, which is what initially turned me (and many others) against him.

As for occasionally arising suspicions about his sexuality; while it is remotely possible he (or any other man) might be secretly bi-sexual Obama's apparently successful marriage tends to dilute that possibility. My guess is the suggestion that he might be gay could derive from the fact that his general persona is a clear departure from that of the typical Black male political activist, which is aggressively assertive. Instead, Obama is and always has been diplomatic and non-confrontational.
Sitting here pondering this somehow reminded me of fast and furious and the lack of concern for human life. It ,did not appear to matter the lives that could be taken by not following the guns and many innocents lost their lives.
And here, 4 times this guy was on their radar, the last just a few weeks ago to try to purchase the body armor, guns and ammunition all at one shop when he had already previously had files opened on him for suspected terrorist ties, yet nothing was done. Nothing.
And this time 49 innocents senselessly murdered and 53 injured...
And immediately they pounce on gun control bills, again.
I' m not going to even speculate whether he is or isn't, but you have never seen his tantrums???
No. I've never seen an Obama tantrum. If you have, please tell me where and describe the behavior as well as you can. I'm curious.

With regard to my comments on random speculation about Obama's sexuality, I don't believe tantrums are any indication of that aspect of one's personality.
For some reason congress people are reluctant to criticize federal law enforcement even when they engage in criminal acts like "Operation Fast/Furious" or they are criminally negligent as in the Boston Marathon. Why the hell did the FBI cancel the investigation of the Orlando shooter and why did the feds take him off the no fly list? My own theory is that rookie FBI agents thought they would use him as an informant but that's admittedly an educated guess. It's obvious that the liberal media doesn't want to blame anyone but the NRA but somebody needs to ask the FBI what the hell is going on.
I wasn't connecting the tantrum to his sexual behaviors.
I do question your thinking that he is so diplomatic and non-confrontational. Though you might be right about non-confrontational, as he is not known for compromise and never confronts it where it is needed.
I' m not going to even speculate whether he is or isn't, but you have never seen his tantrums???
No. I've never seen an Obama tantrum. If you have, please tell me where and describe the behavior as well as you can.

With regard to my comments on random speculation about Obama's sexuality, I don't believe tantrums are any indication of that aspect of one's personality.
I heard about this. The guy was reported and the FBI did nothing. To me they should be sued if they can't be busted for their laziness.

God bless you always!!!


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