Autoimmune disorders following Pfiezer shots.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Lucky for me I have been getting yearly comprehensive blood tests for over a decade. Everything was normal until 2021 when I got two Pfiezer shots. After that I began getting elevated TSH levels with normal T4 levels in my thyroid. This is known as subclinical hypothyroidism. I just had my first doctor's appointment with a new doctor a few days ago and everything was fine except for elevated TSH levels. Going back to pre Pfiezer blood tests TSH levels were normal. I have not heard back from the new doctor about those TSH levels. What do you think?

Lucky for me I have been getting yearly comprehensive blood tests for over a decade. Everything was normal until 2021 when I got two Pfiezer shots. After that I began getting elevated TSH levels with normal T4 levels in my thyroid. This is known as subclinical hypothyroidism. I just had my first doctor's appointment with a new doctor a few days ago and everything was fine except for elevated TSH levels. Going back to pre Pfiezer blood tests TSH levels were normal. I have not heard back from the new doctor about those TSH levels. What do you think?

I think this document doesn't mention the Pfizer shot anywhere in its text. Does this condition run in your family?
Thyroid issues can crop up just like that (as my wife knows).
Parkinson's disease is being looked at as a link to covid and or the vaccine itself....
I think this document doesn't mention the Pfizer shot anywhere in its text. Does this condition run in your family?
Thyroid issues can crop up just like that (as my wife knows).

maybe antifa terrorists took the iodine from our salt?
The risk you ran is that the Spike Proteins went everywhere in your body , and as they are highly toxic, every part of you was put at some risk . Short , medium and long term .
And that is forgetting the effects of the gel used for spike distribution ( another poison) and any amount of heavy metal nano- particles that are floating around .
There are protocols for cleaning out the body and they are risk free .
BTW the spike proteins also went through the blood brain barrier and already there is evidence of damage and even personality changes among some victims .

If that sounds dramatically serious , it is because it is .
The risk you ran is that the Spike Proteins went everywhere in your body , and as they are highly toxic, every part of you was put at some risk . Short , medium and long term .
And that is forgetting the effects of the gel used for spike distribution ( another poison) and any amount of heavy metal nano- particles that are floating around .
There are protocols for cleaning out the body and they are risk free .
BTW the spike proteins also went through the blood brain barrier and already there is evidence of damage and even personality changes among some victims .

If that sounds dramatically serious , it is because it is .
I'm nearly 80 years old so my risk is minimal compared to younger people who got the vaccines. I'm in very good shape and active so if I get another 10 years I will have beat the system. Following generations are going to be the guinea pigs with women's eggs and men's sperm possibly contaminated with trillions of spike proteins. I'm a lot less concerned for myself than for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
I'm nearly 80 years old so my risk is minimal compared to younger people who got the vaccines. I'm in very good shape and active so if I get another 10 years I will have beat the system. Following generations are going to be the guinea pigs with women's eggs and men's sperm possibly contaminated with trillions of spike proteins. I'm a lot less concerned for myself than for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
Young folks should NOT get the Vax. COVID does not hurt the Young and healthy. The original COVID 19 was not dangerous to anyone except the elderly and those with Pre-Existing conditions. Such as Diabetis ,Cancer (Taking Chemo) and HIV .
Lucky for me I have been getting yearly comprehensive blood tests for over a decade. Everything was normal until 2021 when I got two Pfiezer shots. After that I began getting elevated TSH levels with normal T4 levels in my thyroid. This is known as subclinical hypothyroidism. I just had my first doctor's appointment with a new doctor a few days ago and everything was fine except for elevated TSH levels. Going back to pre Pfiezer blood tests TSH levels were normal. I have not heard back from the new doctor about those TSH levels. What do you think?

I received two shots and nothing changed in my annual blood tests.
Lucky for me I have been getting yearly comprehensive blood tests for over a decade. Everything was normal until 2021 when I got two Pfiezer shots. After that I began getting elevated TSH levels with normal T4 levels in my thyroid. This is known as subclinical hypothyroidism. I just had my first doctor's appointment with a new doctor a few days ago and everything was fine except for elevated TSH levels. Going back to pre Pfiezer blood tests TSH levels were normal. I have not heard back from the new doctor about those TSH levels. What do you think?

not uncommon----I got it too ---long before I had a covid shot......uhm ...
age. If such a connection exists----it will come up in the medical
Literature----INDEX MEDICUS
What vax? I feel fine!
Lucky for me I have been getting yearly comprehensive blood tests for over a decade. Everything was normal until 2021 when I got two Pfiezer shots. After that I began getting elevated TSH levels with normal T4 levels in my thyroid. This is known as subclinical hypothyroidism. I just had my first doctor's appointment with a new doctor a few days ago and everything was fine except for elevated TSH levels. Going back to pre Pfiezer blood tests TSH levels were normal. I have not heard back from the new doctor about those TSH levels. What do you think?

yeah rather than genetics and something running in the family everyone has to blame it on COVID vaccination. They find very questionable research studies that have little credibility and are not peer reviewed. Anyone can make a research study to suggest just about anything it really isn't' that hard to do.

After the COVID vaccination I noticed I started having a lot more sex with my wife, viewing porn, and going to strip clubs much more frequently.

I think COVID vaccination causes a sex addiction. I am sure some research studies will prove that I am right.
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